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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:
He nodded "Si, what type of phone are you getting" he asked. He was thinking of getting an computer instead of upgrading his phone.
"Maybe the new one, I don't really know what it is, but it's a Android. " she said looking around the mall, it was really nice, she's never seen anything like it.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Wylie shrugged, "My tribe is a bit different from how Native Americans lived. Sure, we hunted deer and such, but we also had fridges for some god damned reason." He pauses, thinking, and during that time, he inspects an apple and drops it into the basket, " Everyday life there is kinda strange. We have running water, but the ground at where we live contains some minerals that gets underground water healthier than running water, so we use pumps to get our daily water. The tribe hunts for food. We stalk our prey, sometimes we use horses, but often not. At the age of 13, we have to test our strength and bravery by living alone in the wilderness. It's complicated." Wylie says this, attempting to put an end to the conversation since it was very complicated: It wasn't even on this planet. To change the subject, he asked, "What was your life like?"
"I'm guessing this your first time here in a mall " he said. He hasn't been to much malls , but he will visit them once a month.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Maybe the new one, I don't really know what it is, but it's a Android. " she said looking around the mall, it was really nice, she's never seen anything like it.
(I can do it)

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian](( Anybody have characters that are open for roleplay? Salvador needs a buddy))

Mei Junchi[/URL]



Wylie, who didn't notice Junchi's suprised expression since he was turned away, nodded, "Thats cool." He picked out a bunch more of stuff, including a frozen pizza. "That guy with the donkey kick... nothing going on with him yet, right?"
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Hisaki sat below a tree while he watched Kagami terrorize the people walking by.

"Hehe, humans are so easily scared." she walked over to the tree jumping on the branch. She hanged upside down and smiled at Hisaki.

"My little brother is on a date. Maybe we should spy on him".

"No, thanks responded Hisaki

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((Where should I send Salvador?))

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Klepto smirked as he read upside down what she wrote. Self brainwashing was one way to do it but likely one of the worst methods. Laughing when she asked if he was a teacher he shook his head, "No, my craft is not some thing I can teach, its one that you can only learn through attempting and failing repeatedly. I can only watch over the practitioners of my art. I only come here because I'm bored and there is always something interesting going on. I can feel that something big is coming, I just dont know what."
Mei Junchi[/URL]



"The guy who attacked Cody." Wylie gently reminded Junchi, "You know, the thief, whatever his name is." Wylie picked out some canned soups and foods, also needing to get new foods other than ramen. He reflects that the fight Roy had was probably over
Kisaki said:
Hisaki sat below a tree while he watched Kagami terrorize the people walking by.

"Hehe, humans are so easily scared." she walked over to the tree jumping on the branch. She hanged upside down and smiled at Hisaki.

"My little brother is on a date. Maybe we should spy on him".

"No, thanks responded Hisaki
Salvador, who had been wandering around the school grounds ever since the fight between Kagami and Roy ended, decided to leave the school grounds and head to the park. He goes off the school grounds, walking at a brisk pace, the fact that his lungs were kinda messed up not bothering him at all. He ignores the curious side glances of people who notice Salvador's gas mask.

Upon arriving the park, he quickly sees someone--Kagami, actually, hanging upsidedown on a branch, talking to Hisaki, who seemed to be sitting under the tree. A safety hazard for Hisaki to have Kagami be above him. He heads over, waving. They were the two he didn't expect to see. He expected that Kagami was still recovering from the fight, but it seems he was wrong.
"Oh, Hey Salvador! ". she smiled.

Hisaki moved away from under Kagami. "It's good to see you " he said as he looked over to him.

Kagami was swinging back forth. She jumped off and twirled in the air, landing on the ground with her feet.

"Thanks to my vampire genes , I healed quickly from my battle".

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]
Salvador, who had been wandering around the school grounds ever since the fight between Kagami and Roy ended, decided to leave the school grounds and head to the park. He goes off the school grounds, walking at a brisk pace, the fact that his lungs were kinda messed up not bothering him at all. He ignores the curious side glances of people who notice Salvador's gas mask.
Upon arriving the park, he quickly sees someone--Kagami, actually, hanging upsidedown on a branch, talking to Hisaki, who seemed to be sitting under the tree. A safety hazard for Hisaki to have Kagami be above him. He heads over, waving. They were the two he didn't expect to see. He expected that Kagami was still recovering from the fight, but it seems he was wrong.

Kisaki said:
"Oh, Hey Salvador! ". she smiled.
Hisaki moved away from under Kagami. "It's good to see you " he said as he looked over to him.

Kagami was swinging back forth. She jumped off and twirled in the air, landing on the ground with her feet.

"Thanks to my vampire genes , I healed quickly from my battle".
"I can see." Salvador said to Kagami "That wolf guy... he looked beat up."

He turns to Hisaki, "Anything new happen?" His impression on this duo is that Kagami was like the little sister, getting into trouble all the time, and Hisaki is the older brother, trying to take care of his sister.
"That bastard seems fine to me" she pouted. The next time she meets that guy , she will use her true powers.

She walked over to Hisaki and sat down next to him. "Nothing has happened. It's been so boring ".

"Kagami-San , your always bored. Maybe we should go to the mall and buy some new clothes " he looked at her then turned around. "Would you like to come ?" he asked.

"Yeah! you should go with us" Kagami piped in.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"I can see." Salvador said to Kagami "That wolf guy... he looked beat up."
He turns to Hisaki, "Anything new happen?" His impression on this duo is that Kagami was like the little sister, getting into trouble all the time, and Hisaki is the older brother, trying to take care of his sister.

Kisaki said:
"I'm guessing this your first time here in a mall " he said. He hasn't been to much malls , but he will visit them once a month.
(Sorry I'm bbqing at the moment)

"Kinda..." she said uneasily, "Now... Where's the phone store... " she said with a determined type face.

Jack looked at the mall map.

"One floor up , and it's on the right side of the mall ". He looked around for an elevator. "There's an elevator right there". He would of took an esclator than a elevator. He was kind of cautious of being stuck in one.

CERBERUS177 said:
(Sorry I'm bbqing at the moment)
"Kinda..." she said uneasily, "Now... Where's the phone store... " she said with a determined type face.
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Mei Junchi[/URL]



((Sorry, didn't see your post))

Wylie nodded, "I personally don't really need the handgun back, it's just I kinda need Salvador to admit that he's caught red-handed for stealing." He looks at a bunch of Hi-Chews, trying to resist the temptation to buy it, and fails, picking up the large Hi-Chew bag and also putting it into the basket. He looks at Junchi, "I'm all done. Now just waiting on you."
Kisaki said:
"That bastard seems fine to me" she pouted. The next time she meets that guy , she will use her true powers.
She walked over to Hisaki and sat down next to him. "Nothing has happened. It's been so boring ".

"Kagami-San , your always bored. Maybe we should go to the mall and buy some new clothes " he looked at her then turned around. "Would you like to come ?" he asked.

"Yeah! you should go with us" Kagami piped in.
Salvador grinned from ear to ear, excited for once to have a friend, even if they were the unlawful type, "I'd be willing to come. I'll call in a cabi." He takes out his phone, speed dialing the taxi service number.
Kagami smiled. "Thanks". She was shaking Hisaki back and forth.

"Are you happy! Finally we can hang out with another person".

"Kagami-San p-please stop". Hisaki took ahold of Kagami's arms to stop her from shaking him.

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Salvador grinned from ear to ear, excited for once to have a friend, even if they were the unlawful type, "I'd be willing to come. I'll call in a cabi." He takes out his phone, speed dialing the taxi service number.

Kisaki said:
Jack looked at the mall map.

"One floor up , and it's on the right side of the mall ". He looked around for an elevator. "There's an elevator right there". He would of took an esclator than a elevator. He was kind of cautious of being stuck in one.
"Why the elevator? " she asked, since the elevator is kind of a strange way to get up there. "I mean if that's what will get us closer than we might as well... " she said looking up to him a bit.

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