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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:
"Sounds good!" he answered with enthusiasm. The only cheese cake he had was new york style.
"Alright, I'll ask mom the next time I see her, since my phone was destroyed a few weeks ago...I haven't been able to get a new one yet...Can't find a phone store either so...yeah..." she said, she's been planning on going to the mall, but hasn't had the time to do it.
"Maybe you should go to the mall. They might have a phone store there".

Jack's phone starts to ring. "Phone call from Kagami". He picked up his phone answered "What now? ".

"Some dog beast hit me. I want some ice cream to make me feel better".

"Fine ,fine. Don't eat the whole tube in one day he said. Kagami responded with an okay and hung the phone up.

"I guess I have to go, but here's a gift for getting a cake". He leaned in and kissed Serena's cheek.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Alright, I'll ask mom the next time I see her, since my phone was destroyed a few weeks ago...I haven't been able to get a new one yet...Can't find a phone store either so...yeah..." she said, she's been planning on going to the mall, but hasn't had the time to do it.
Kisaki said:
"Maybe you should go to the mall. They might have a phone store there".
Jack's phone starts to ring. "Phone call from Kagami". He picked up his phone answered "What now? ".

"Some dog beast hit me. I want some ice cream to make me feel better".

"Fine ,fine. Don't eat the whole tube in one day he said. Kagami responded with an okay and hung the phone up.

"I guess I have to go, but here's a gift for getting a cake". He leaned in and kissed Serena's cheek.
Serena's face lit up red, almost like a tomato when he kissed her. She calmed a bit, and smiled, "Y-Your welcome J-Jack! Thank's f-for hanging out with me by the way." she said, 'Should I return the favor?!' she thought to herself, she couldn't decide, "Maybe we can go to the mall next time we hang out? E-Even if I get my phone fixed, I still need to ix my board..." she said looking at him.

(Unless Jack already walked away...)








...Haruo looked around at the duplicates of Lance, his purple irises constantly shifting between the combatants. He grinned just after Lance spoke, his powers soon exploding outwards into a violent whirlwind which sent the duplicates spiralling away from him and into multiple nearby trees. His grin remained as he replied to Lance, the whirlwind continuing to spin around him≭...

Let's step it up a notch.

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Lumina had gone into the attack with the intent to hit Kenji, but with the expectation that it wouldn't actually happen. He was too good of a warrior for that, right? Well, to Lumina's surprise, the attack actually managed to land a hit. Kenji's move to lessen the damage seemed practiced, as if it were a knee-jerk reaction. Well, that was to be expected of course. Even still, the phoenix stopped her movements, looking at Kenji with slight surprise. Perhaps even some pride in herself. Either way, it didn't last long, concealed by her focus on the spar. She needed to keep focus, or else there was no point to the training at all. In the heat of battle, a lapse in judgement could mean your end. Even though this was training, the idea still applied.

Lumina adjusted her stance, her sword clutched tightly in her hand. Kenji gave some good advice, that she hadn't really thought about. Compressed heat did create an increase in pressure, which could definitely be used like thrusters as he said. Thinking about it, she could probably use them under her wings or on their tips, as well as beneath her feet, both of which were the points on her body that she used to push off from to gain speed.
"Right. Got it." Lumina nodded, before getting an idea. She raised her sword into an offensive stance before teleporting a few feet behind Kenji, using her fire just as Kenji had instructed to add even more speed as she closed the distance between them. She hoped to catch him at least somewhat off guard as she slashed at him again, using the speed to give the slash a bit of power.

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He nodded"Sure, just tell me what day you want to go on". H

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena's face lit up red, almost like a tomato when he kissed her. She calmed a bit, and smiled, "Y-Your welcome J-Jack! Thank's f-for hanging out with me by the way." she said, 'Should I return the favor?!' she thought to herself, she couldn't decide, "Maybe we can go to the mall next time we hang out? E-Even if I get my phone fixed, I still need to ix my board..." she said looking at him.
(Unless Jack already walked away...)
"I can probably due it tomorrow. Well, see ya later". He waved gave goodbye as he walked away. He had to go to the store to buy some ice cream for his sister. She sounded pisswd on the phone.

CERBERUS177 said:
"Whenever you're free, just come and knock on my dorm room, and we'll head over." she said with a smile.
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Still in his mind lingered the thoughts of how good of a team his sisters was. This led him to believe he could make a team as good as them with Red... If they were here, they'd be able to tell he sort of looked up to them now. Keeping this in mind, he remembered how they helped one another throughout the battle, keeping each other spirits up and healing one another. Alejandro had put what he saw from them to the test, making his way over to his partner.

He was moving at his regular limping and slowed pace, only to realize he was almost too late when Astrid almost fell to the ground. Alejandro was about to fall himself but she had caught herself, and he stopped himself also. He was planning to dive on the ground and attemp at catching her, but it seems it wasn't needed. "Red?" He asked as he took the last few painful steps toward her. "Let me help you. I was on my way to the nurse so you can join me to." He told her, holding out his free hand to Astrid as a offer of help, a smile going along with it.

More Info

Location:Outside the maim building

Mood: Calm

Status: Offering help to Astrid

Objective: Help Astrid

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina



Astrid leaned against her gun, which was digging into the ground attempting to support her. Thankfully the gun was taller than herself, so with it leveraged how it was it was able to hold her... for now. It was a sturdy gun, but it wasn't necessarily meant to hold her how it was. It was wobbling slightly as she caught her breath, trying to keep the world from spinning and becoming dark. Astrid cursed herself, for letting Alejandro see her like this. It was a slight blow to her pride... but in her current state, pride was the last thing that was should have been on her mind.

Truthfully, Astrid hated asking for or receiving help. In her mind, it was a show of weakness. She never had to lean on others for help growing up, so it was ingrained in her personality to always do things on her own. So when Alejandro came over and offered to help her, even with how bad of a shape he was in, it took her by surprise. At first, she thought it was probably just him acting how their teacher would want them to for their assignment, but there was something about his smile that said something different. Astrid could feel her grip on her rifle starting to waver, and the gun was shaking slightly, so after a while, she lowered her gaze to the ground as she extended a hand to grasp his. She knew that if she didn't, she'd probably end up in a worse shape than she already was, and that wouldn't be good. What use was she if she was injured? Her lowered gaze made her bangs fall around her face, hiding the hints of a blush on her cheeks and the slight bit of gratitude in her face.
"...you should be thinking about yourself first, dummy." It was the best thank you she could manage at the moment.

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Nona said:







Walking to the vending machine


Grab a snack

Interacting with:



@Jofune Tsurabisu

~Rini Yelil~

Rini smiled softly "If that's the case I'm even more excited to see what it is~" she answered before looking to the arm that was now being held out for her. Tilting her head slightly she walked forward, taking the arm that was offered to her, walking along with Misafune to the vending machine that was outside the library.

Misafune Seimei

The Onmyouji


Misafune smiled as he walked with Rini. "Well here, let me add to the mystery. How would you like to be able to find something, anything at all, without having to spend hours doing it." he said as he bought her a drink and then bought himself one.

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Lumina said:


Lumina had gone into the attack with the intent to hit Kenji, but with the expectation that it wouldn't actually happen. He was too good of a warrior for that, right? Well, to Lumina's surprise, the attack actually managed to land a hit. Kenji's move to lessen the damage seemed practiced, as if it were a knee-jerk reaction. Well, that was to be expected of course. Even still, the phoenix stopped her movements, looking at Kenji with slight surprise. Perhaps even some pride in herself. Either way, it didn't last long, concealed by her focus on the spar. She needed to keep focus, or else there was no point to the training at all. In the heat of battle, a lapse in judgement could mean your end. Even though this was training, the idea still applied.

Lumina adjusted her stance, her sword clutched tightly in her hand. Kenji gave some good advice, that she hadn't really thought about. Compressed heat did create an increase in pressure, which could definitely be used like thrusters as he said. Thinking about it, she could probably use them under her wings or on their tips, as well as beneath her feet, both of which were the points on her body that she used to push off from to gain speed.
"Right. Got it." Lumina nodded, before getting an idea. She raised her sword into an offensive stance before teleporting a few feet behind Kenji, using her fire just as Kenji had instructed to add even more speed as she closed the distance between them. She hoped to catch him at least somewhat off guard as she slashed at him again, using the speed to give the slash a bit of power.

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...ΨKenji closed his eyes when Lumina vanished, and began using his hearing to pinpoint her location. Soon enough, he heard her manifesting behind him and trigger her thrusters. He turned towards the direction where Lumina was rapidly approaching from, and opened his eyes. He grinned and ignited a new red fire that he'd never used before. The red fire surrounded him in a circle, and continued to expand outwards. He looked around him to make sure that the nearby students weren't close to his fire, and shortly returned his focus to Lumina, who was now a short distance away from the fire. With a grin, Kenji made his red fire spiral upwards and form into a wall, shortly before returning to their resting height. When the fire returned to it's previous size, Kenji was gone from his former position, and was now positioned beside Lumina. He quickly wrapped one of his arms around her two shoulders and slowed both of them down through the use of making a torrent of fire explode outwards from his free hand, and into the opposite direction in which they were travelling. When both he and Lumina had slowed to a stop, Kenji placed one of his hands at the base of Lumina's wings and gently began rubbing the smooth area. As he did so, he spoke to her, slowly moving the hand that was caressing the base of Lumina's wings to a position where he'd be able to gently pull the wings closer to her back. Of course, Kenji knew that this area was an erogenous zone for his pair, however it was the best place to make her feel comfortable, and he found it to be fun, given that he knew what her reaction would beΨ...

Still a bit slow, and it exposes the vital parts of your body, such as your wings. Because of the size of them, they'll be causing drag, which will decrease your speed. While using the thrusters, fold your wings closer to your back, and only use them if you need to change direction quickly, otherwise you'll end up in this position, not that I mind~

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JJKab said:
Lena shrieked, standing up, and backing away a bit, looking frightened at Shuu
"Shuu, what the hell?! What is going on?!" She asked, clearly terrified
Shuu didn't answer her as he kept trying to shoot at Rufaro. "What the hell are ya doin' kid?! Run!" He told Lena. "I think he's possessed by one of Ineur's kinsman! Because this isn't the only time this has ever happened."
TheDragoon said:
Shuu didn't answer her as he kept trying to shoot at Rufaro. "What the hell are ya doin' kid?! Run!" He told Lena. "I think he's possessed by one of Ineur's kinsman! Because this isn't the only time this has ever happened."
Lena slowly turned around, ane began running away from the base, tears dwelling in her eyes. Her wedding... Ruined.
JJKab said:
Lena slowly turned around, ane began running away from the base, tears dwelling in her eyes. Her wedding... Ruined.
A man with black hair and half a mask began walking up. He was wearing the Kings mask. This means... It was Ineur. "I heard Shuu was going to get married to someone who isn't one of us..." The man muttered as he ignited a flame in his hand. "He didn't even come to me for my consent!" He roared as he charged the bride... But was soon blocked off by Vis, a man in a deer helmet, and Cielo. "Father... You are not welcome here..." Cielo muttered. Ineur laughed lightly. "Says the traitor." He said which made Cielo grit his teeth. "Run Lena! We can handle this!" He called to her. "Just get away with Vis!" He finished as Vis used her marble abilities, leaving the back open for Lena to get in.
Nona said:







Trying to seem calm


Trying not to worry Nexus

Interacting with:




~Ilaani Atlas~

Tensing and quickly sitting up as the image flashed in her eyes, she recognised the wicked smile before her. No. Just as she thought things were okay again this freak is back again. She looked around the blood splattered cabin in a panic, her eyes soon settling on the couch viewing the lifeless bodies settled on it causing her to gasp. She watched Akuma as he spoke, her body frozen at the horrible scene she was being shown, her powers causing her skin to turn to steel, starting from her hand in a subconscious act of defense. It was then that Akuma disappeared along with the bloodied scene... Looking straight ahead with her face drained of all colour it took her a moment to register Nexus' words. She took a breath and then quickly turned in his direction to answer his question, forcing a smile because she didn't want to worry him right this second. "O-Of course! That sounds fun!" she answered her eyes glancing to her hand which had turned to metal, she quickly shook it and turned it back to normal.

Nexus then remembered something important. "Wait, we should check on Axel before going. He decided to rest remember?" He asked her. Akuma flashed in her eyes again and vanished... As if she couldn't stop seeing her, but it was really Akuma tormenting her. She could feel a burning sensation on her hand. He was writing his demon signature on her.
Mayyflower said:
Harper smiled back and walked next to Hiro, she held his hand as they walked out the house.
Lillith smiled happily. "WOOO were gonna go play! At a park" she giggled
Hiro held her hand a little tighter as if letting her know he loved her before heading to the amusement park to with Lillith and Harper. It was like they were taking their child to the amusement park. It was such a pleasant thought, it gave him more hope for the future.
TheDragoon said:
A man with black hair and half a mask began walking up. He was wearing the Kings mask. This means... It was Ineur. "I heard Shuu was going to get married to someone who isn't one of us..." The man muttered as he ignited a flame in his hand. "He didn't even come to me for my consent!" He roared as he charged the bride... But was soon blocked off by Vis, a man in a deer helmet, and Cielo. "Father... You are not welcome here..." Cielo muttered. Ineur laughed lightly. "Says the traitor." He said which made Cielo grit his teeth. "Run Lena! We can handle this!" He called to her. "Just get away with Vis!" He finished as Vis used her marble abilities, leaving the back open for Lena to get in.
Lena noticed the marble thing they went through last time, and saw that the back of it was open. Panting, she ran into it, and immidietely ducked, avoiding any shots fired at her.
JJKab said:
Lena noticed the marble thing they went through last time, and saw that the back of it was open. Panting, she ran into it, and immidietely ducked, avoiding any shots fired at her.
With that Vis super speeded her home. She then let her out gently. She was frowning. "I can't believe what just happened..." She muttered. "To have your wedding ruined by our true leader... I'm sorry." She said softly as she looked up at Lena. "This wasn't supposed to happen..."
TheDragoon said:
Hiro held her hand a little tighter as if letting her know he loved her before heading to the amusement park to with Lillith and Harper. It was like they were taking their child to the amusement park. It was such a pleasant thought, it gave him more hope for the future.
Since they lived very close to the amusement park, she knew they wouldn't have to walk far. "It's not that far from here" she says

Lillith began walking faster, leaving a big distance between them, the excitement made her start walking ahead
Nona said:







Wondering where to go next



Interacting with:



@Wicked Jester

~Yuna Yelil~

Yuna smiled "Well, if you say so, I'll stay" she said in response, she was happy to hear that really, she didn't know if it was coincidence or not but nearly every person she had met and she thought she'd make friends with them they seemed to just leave as soon as they got the chance to and never hang out with her again, she never knew why, maybe she was boring or something? She didn't really try to find out either. She tilted her head some as he glanced away, curious about his action. It was then that she had noticed his face colouring up as he explained himself, his words causing a giggle to escape her lips. "Ah, yeah, I had forgotten all about that actually" she admitted as she patted her ears back down into hiding. "Any Idea where you want to go now?" she asked with a smile "After all, Its your day off, you should get to choose" she said with a nod.

C4 blinked, "I don't actually know where to go.... I don't know many places around here like i said earlier... So I guess we can go where ever you want..." C4 honestly didn't have any plans. earlier he had just been going to grab some food then find a nice quiet park or some place where he could sleep, so going with Yuna wouldn't disrupt his plans at all.
Lumina said:



Astrid leaned against her gun, which was digging into the ground attempting to support her. Thankfully the gun was taller than herself, so with it leveraged how it was it was able to hold her... for now. It was a sturdy gun, but it wasn't necessarily meant to hold her how it was. It was wobbling slightly as she caught her breath, trying to keep the world from spinning and becoming dark. Astrid cursed herself, for letting Alejandro see her like this. It was a slight blow to her pride... but in her current state, pride was the last thing that was should have been on her mind.

Truthfully, Astrid hated asking for or receiving help. In her mind, it was a show of weakness. She never had to lean on others for help growing up, so it was ingrained in her personality to always do things on her own. So when Alejandro came over and offered to help her, even with how bad of a shape he was in, it took her by surprise. At first, she thought it was probably just him acting how their teacher would want them to for their assignment, but there was something about his smile that said something different. Astrid could feel her grip on her rifle starting to waver, and the gun was shaking slightly, so after a while, she lowered her gaze to the ground as she extended a hand to grasp his. She knew that if she didn't, she'd probably end up in a worse shape than she already was, and that wouldn't be good. What use was she if she was injured? Her lowered gaze made her bangs fall around her face, hiding the hints of a blush on her cheeks and the slight bit of gratitude in her face.
"...you should be thinking about yourself first, dummy." It was the best thank you she could manage at the moment.

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Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro sighed lightly when Astrid tried to stand using the rifle. Her attempt wad successful as she was able to stand, but at the same time it wasn't easy for her to do so abd he could tell. She had probably noticed his limp by now too. When she had took hold of his hand, he could tell she grateful for his help, even through her comment about him. "I'm fine. Just a bad ankle. You on the other hand are in need of help. I've learned the hard way that it's best to help your partner when they're in need..." He stated as he slowly began towards the school once again.

"And I don't want to see you like this. It's... Out of character to me... Seeing you like this." He told Astrid. He had stopped walking as they made it to the doors, his eyes closed as he took a quiet breath. "Weird... That has to be what you're thinking. I came to a realization about a lot of things, so... Don't worry about it. You will understand later." Alejandro said quietly as he used his free hand to push open the door. "C'mon." He said as he gave her a gentle nudge as if notifying her.

More Info

Location: Main building

Mood: Injured, calm

Status: Helping Astrid to the nurse, despite his own injuries

Objective: Get Astrid to the nurse's office

Interacting with: Astrid

Tags: @Lumina

@Wicked Jester[/URL].[/Column]








...♅Akira had been spectating the students' battles when he felt a build up of power. His irises trailed over to where the origin was and noticed that it was in Haruo's fight against Lance. With an interested expression, Akira began to notice the faint signs of spatial distortion, and saw that there was an illusion of Lance standing infront of him. It was at that moment that the illusion vanished and Haruo appeared infront of him. With an over-exaggerated surprised expression, Akira leaned back and shouted, shortly before he leaped out of the way♅...


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...Haruo sped passed Akira and slammed his fist into a tree, causing a medium sized explosion to occur from the impact. That wasn't the only thing that happened, as the air suddenly exploded out from the impact area. Smoke slowly poured from the demolished tree as Haruo came into view. He slowly walked forward until he walked passed Akira and Ayen, and stopped just before he got to Lance. He spoke as his form changed. His hair turned black and featured two bangs framing his face. The Euphorian Academy's crest was present on the back of his navy blue, short-sleeved shirt, which also featured a high collar. His trousers had been replaced by white shorts, and he now wore white arm warmers. He also wore a Euphorian-steeled forehead protector, which feature the capital city's insignia engraved into said steel. Haruo closed his eyes for a short moment, and began gathering his power. He slowly reopened his eyes, and revealed an incomplete Tengan, one that had two tomoe instead of the three that Akira had. The version of the immature Tengan that Haruo had awakened provided him incredible clarity of perception, enabling him to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. In combat, this allows him to see fast-moving objects and act accordingly. He took his fighting stance and spoke to Lance, his Tengan remaining fixed on the real body of his opponent≭...

That was cheap.. Now I'll show you my powers.

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...♅Akira observed as Haruo awakened his Tengan, and with an interested expression, he spoke, shortly before a smile formed on his face♅...

So Haruo's been able to awaken the Tengan, albeit in it's premature state.. This just got interesting..

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I commend your effort on attempting that, however you must also realise something. That's the only way to beat a fully grown Sanctum. Haruo isn't fully grown, and as a result, doesn't have all of the perks a full grown Sanctum would. As for using Akira against Haruo, there are multiple problems with that. 1) Haruo is Akira's son, so Akira would never intentionally harm him, even when attacked, be it intentional or unintentional. 2) You made Haruo, who is still in training, go up against someone with literally thousands of millennia of combat training and experience. It wouldn't make sense for Akira to be hit by Haruo.

((well what else was I supposed to try? I dont have very many other options XDDD))

As Lance dived to the side and watched as Haruo flew past he mentaly did an air pump but was quickly subdued when he saw the instructor dodge the punch and muttered under his breath,

"You've got to be shitting me..."

Slowly standing up and brushing himself off as Haruo spoke before tossing aside his rifle,

"Of course it was cheap. You think fighting in real life is clean and no one's ever going to screw you over?"

A trio of Lance's appeared besides the original and all four sprung into motion. The first Lance sweeping down and grabbing a handful of dirt, manipulating distance he launched it point blank into Haruo's eyes. The second Lance did a straight kick out, spartan style, high up on Haruo's chest, the tips of his toes striking just below Haruo's adam's apple. The third and fourth Lance both moved as if they were stepping around something and did low hard kicks, manipulating space the struck the backs of Haruo's left and right legs at the same time. All four attacks occurred in a simultaneous and coordinated manner striking Haruo instantly.
Lumina said:
Ai couldn't help but smirk at his reaction. Bet he wasn't expecting to see her real in the flesh. To emphasize it, she wrapped her arms around the arm that held the phone, making sure to squeeze them tightly, just because she knew she could. As much as her 3D form was limiting, she was well aware of the things it offered her that her digital form couldn't. She only smiled up at him as he listed his request, thinking it over. Once she had thought about it, she gave him a thumbs up, her gaze showing her excitement and enthusiasm. "Hm, seems reasonable enough. What rank would you like? Any specific people you want credentials from? Oh, I'll need to access a printer once I know what you need." Ai laughed softly before letting go of his arm, walking around a bit, her body remembering what the ground actually felt like. The physical world was strange for sure. "And you're gonna buy me ice cream after this, Jackie~"

Jack laughed as Ai wrapped her arms around his and he pulled her closer enjoying the feeling on his arms. He knew she was forcing it, but that didn't mean he couldn't play along. Grinning he continued to stride towards the embassy before speaking semi quietly to Ai,

"Ice cream? Sure. Also you know you're going to need to disappear into the phone when we get inside right? I need clearance to access the "Relics" "Heaven and Hell". Top secret clearance should do it with credentials from one or two divisions leading in the supernatural. Also dont worry about the paper versions, let me handle that... and dont get attached to this persona. He needs to disappear as soon as we leave."

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