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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

XxXJayXxX said:
(Doesn't matter you wanna start?)


Moonstone walked around the school grounds after their tour with Gregory. They were just looking through the different types of classes there apparently were in Fantasy High, and a lot of them surprised them, such as drawing class in a school like this. Soon after their personal tour though, boredom began to creep up on Moonstone. They tried to shove it off by sitting down near the school entrance and draw, read, and write for a bit. They tried to avoid reading or writing though, since at times they would bring what they were reading or writing into reality. At least with art they could control what they were focusing on, and at the very least be sure to not think up things they don't want happening in real life.

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Fantasy High School


Happy, Slightly bored


Drawing near the entrance of the school


Cure their boredom

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Jay walks along side the side walk head lowered under his hoodie he purchased yesterday head bopping, feet moving , arms grooving. Though he seem to be happy or excited Jay very much hated school he never didn't hate school so going to school today for him was like hell. As Jay continue with his little movements down the sidewalk he didn't notice the person in front of him until it was way to late. He bumps into the person and fall backwards not having enough balance to keep himself up right." Shit" Jay mumbles.

@The Royal Keen

(( Sorry i just made something up))
XxXJayXxX said:
Jay walks along side the side walk head lowered under his hoodie he purchased yesterday head bopping, feet moving , arms grooving. Though he seem to be happy or excited Jay very much hated school he never didn't hate school so going to school today for him was like hell. As Jay continue with his little movements down the sidewalk he didn't notice the person in front of him until it was way to late. He bumps into the person and fall backwards not having enough balance to keep himself up right." Shit" Jay mumbles.
@The Royal Keen

(( Sorry i just made something up))


Moonstone wasn't much affected by the boy who bumped into them, but they did drop their art supplies. "Are you okay?" they asked as they picked up their supplies. They were quite annoyed with what happened, but tried not to show too much annoyance or rudeness to the boy.

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Fantasy High School




Talking to Jay


Cure their boredom

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Character Sheet:


Roman said:
Alejandro had went falling to the ground as his wings gave out when Assana got loose. He had his the ground with tremendous force, only tonfind out that a vortex of water was headed his way. He quickly took out his sword and it started to storm, the vortex quickly becoming ice before it exploded into tiny ice shards sent in their direction.
Assana: Standing, the ice turns to water as it hits Miyuki hard right in the chest sending her flying into a tree. Assana could have softened the blow more... but she was still a little annoyed.

Miyuki: Absorbing the water, she pants a little from the energy in her soul she has drained from using so much of her life force in the water. It will return once she goes to her lake but not during the battle. With her hands out a giant rush of water head straight for him, coming out into dangerous bone cutting sharp blades of water, jagged and layed out in a pattern where no one can dodge, they would have to freeze them in place.

Assana: As he deals with the water blades that will soon hit him from in front, she closes her eyes and a dragon like the one her sister had summoned before formed of water, turning into ice though and flying straight at him, unable to be frozen in place since it is already frozen.

Jay grabbed his things and got up quickly " Yea I'm sorry about that i wasn't paying attention" Jay reassures nervously shifting from foot to foot. Jay then noticed he knocked out the other person art supplies and he panics slightly" I"m so sorry did i break anything. If i did i'll pay it back i swear. Again i"m so sorry about this i didn't mean to do it" Jay rambles on as he breathes in deep breaths really trying not to have a panic attack.

@The Royal Keen
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XxXJayXxX said:
Jay grabbed his things and got up quickly " Yea I'm sorry about that i was paying attention" Jay reassures nervously shifting from foot to foot. Jay then noticed he knocked out the other person art supplies and he panics slightly" I"m so sorry did i break anything. If i did i'll pay it back i swear. Again i"m so sorry about this i didn't mean to do it" Jay rambles on as he breathes in deep breaths really trying not to have a panic attack.
@The Royal Keen


Noticing that the boy was beginning to panic, Moonstone also began to get extremely uncomfortable. "Uh, it's fine. Anything that was broken I could easily repair. You don't have to, uh, so scared."

They wondered if they did something wrong to scare the boy. Maybe it was their appearance, or how they came off cold at times, or how they didn't seem that affected by the fall. Moonstone couldn't quite pin down what they did wrong, and began to get even more anxious

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Fantasy High School




Talking to Jay


Calm themself now

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Character Sheet:


Jay stopped for a second and look at the person and he sniffed the air slightly. " Am i making you nervous you smell of anxiety " Jay asks as he looks at the person . He then registered that the person actually spoken " Oh sorry i'm a wreck if you are sure about you repairing anything broken OK then" Jay says in a rushed matter as he looks down at the ground the scent of nervousness still thick in the air.

@The Royal Keen
XxXJayXxX said:
Jay stopped for a second and look at the person and he sniffed the air slightly. " Am i making you nervous you smell of anxiety " Jay asks as he looks at the person . He then registered that the person actually spoken " Oh sorry i'm a wreck if you are sure about you repairing anything broken OK then" Jay says in a rushed matter as he looks down at the ground the scent of nervousness still thick in the air.
@The Royal Keen


"I'm always a bit nervous." they laughed uncomfortably. "Anyways, you seem to be the one more anxious. Is there something wrong? I really don't mind you bumping into me, since that's a pretty common thing in my life." they explained.

They wanted to try and calm this boy down and make him feel a bit better, and though they weren't completely sure how to do it, they wanted to at least try. It also gave them something to focus their attention on, since their plan on drawing to not create things from their imagination didn't completely work. Instead of Moonstone focusing their attention on something to not bring it into reality, they instead created stuff like butterflies flying around them or food whenever they drew them. They considered this better than thinking up something worse, but at times that power was annoying to deal with when they couldn't really turn it off.

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Fantasy High School




Talking to Jay


Trying to calm down Jay

Interacting With:


Character Sheet:


Roman said:
Nai frowned, "It's not like that. I just was trying to get some peace a quiet so I can think straight." Nai told her. "Im no emo or anything of the sort. I dont want friends because I dont want anyone to worry about me at the moment." Nai corrected her before looking away at the mention of a drink. He had never drunk any alcohol if thats what the was talking about, but he went along with it anyway. "I guess we can talk... Though Im not very fond of strangers."
She quickly darted from the room, then returned just as fast. Helen handed the boy a bottle of juice. "I am not here to worry about you, so speak. Just dont try to hit on me, and we will be fine." she warned. She has had enough of that to last her twenty lifetimes.

" Oh sorry i never really had friends or anyone who liked me at all. I know why but it doesn't make me any less nervous that the next person i meet is gonna what to beat me for who i am" Jay says sadly looking at the ground more often avoiding the person gaze. Jay looks up at the person slightly trying to decipher the person emotions towards him.

@The Royal Keen
Mayyflower said:
Origami shook her head. "Oh no you didn't make me uncomfortable.. It's just I didn't expect you to ask that" she says with a chuckle. "And People usually put on a boring movie just so they can have sex" She says
"Is there such a thing as a boring movie?" he asked. "Well I have learned something today." He said watching the movie.

Jofune Tsurabisu]"Is there such a thing as a boring movie?" he asked. "Well I have learned something today." He said watching the movie. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:
Origami nodded. "There's a lot of boring movies on Netflix" she says laying her head down on the arm of the couch
XxXJayXxX said:
" Oh sorry i never really had friends or anyone who liked me at all. I know why but it doesn't make me any less nervous that the next person i meet is gonna what to beat me for who i am" Jay says sadly looking at the ground more often avoiding the person gaze. Jay looks up at the person slightly trying to decipher the person emotions towards him.
@The Royal Keen


"Why would someone beat you up for who you are?" Moonstone asked. They had a sickening feeling of familiarity of that, but tried to push it down enough to just focus on Jay. "What happened?"

They listened to Jay and tried to keep attention on him as they went back to drawing small things. Moonstone did this just to calm themself a bit, and draw stuff like dolls, insects, and small animals did improve their mood. They tried to keep them small and harmless, since while drawing these things they would suddenly appear at random. A butterfly they were drawing flew past both them and Jay, and a weirdly colored squirrel was running around. Moonstone hoped they could pass it off as them just drawing what they saw, and not what they saw materializing from their drawings.

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Fantasy High School


Slightly anxious


Talking to Jay


Understand what Jay is saying, Calm themself down

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Character Sheet:


Jay look at the person and decides to tell him. " Well i'm a hybrid of a demon and werewolf. People bullied me because i wasn't like my brothers. One took it to far and set my home on fire which killed my mother and sent my father into rage which he brutally murdered the kid and his family. Afterwards he was killed but the bullying didn't stopped it amplified and got so much worse. So from then i always kept to myself so no one can find out about me and hurt me more." Jay all but chews out as his emotions rage inside.

@The Royal Keen
XxXJayXxX said:
Jay look at the person and decides to tell him. " Well i'm a hybrid of a demon and werewolf. People bullied me because i wasn't like my brothers. One took it to far and set my home on fire which killed my mother and sent my father into rage which he brutally murdered the kid and his family. Afterwards he was killed but the bullying didn't stopped it amplified and got so much worse. So from then i always kept to myself so no one can find out about me and hurt me more." Jay all but chews out as his emotions rage inside.
@The Royal Keen


Surprised and disgusted at the same time, the only thing Moonstone could get out was a simple, "Oh..." They weren't sure what else to say, and kept on drawing until they could find words.

After a few seconds they considered horribly awkward they asked, "That's horrible... but... things are better for you now, right?" They tried to continue drawing as they asked that question, but they stopped feeling in the mood for it and had their art supplies scatter away like dust until they were ready to use them again. While doing this, they did find it sort of funny how he says he doesn't want anyone to know and keeps it to himself, yet easily let go that personal information.

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Fantasy High School




Talking to Jay


Calm themself

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Character Sheet:


[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]((Junchi is still taken and I'm waiting for my partner to respond. I do have another character available but at the moment I'm multitasking rping and other things.))

(Oh... Ohkay)
Jay nods slightly at the person response" Yea it got better way better but i still have that fear that those people might find me again". Jay noticed that the person been drawing and wondered if they any good. Jay then suddenly decides to head to town school being an abandoned thought" You wanna come into town with me. You don't have to if you are busy are something" Jay asks looking over his shoulder at the person.

@The Royal Keen
XxXJayXxX said:
Jay nods slightly at the person response" Yea it got better way better but i still have that fear that those people might find me again". Jay noticed that the person been drawing and wondered if they any good. Jay then suddenly decides to head to town school being an abandoned thought" You wanna come into town with me. You don't have to if you are busy are something" Jay asks looking over his shoulder at the person.
@The Royal Keen


Moonstone stood up and almost shrugged, but stopped themself. "Well that's good, and yes, I don't mind going to town with you. I don't really have much else to do." they admitted as they began to follow Jay. They wondered what they would do in town, and the only place outside they knew was that dollar store Nico showed them. Anywhere else they haven't visited yet, and it almost made them feel anxious again with their new surroundings.

"Oh, uh, my name is Moonstone by the way." they said, feeling almost embarrassed for not introducing themself at first.

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Fantasy High School


Slightly anxious, Slightly embarrassed


Talking to Jay


Go to town with Jay

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