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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:
Kaori had been resting in Roman's room, still fairly worn out from the morning sickness completely wrecking her body. All she wanted to do was relax with Roman, but it seemed that life wouldn't allow for her to do such a thing. The knock on the door had interrupted something really important between the two of them, so that issue was just left hanging out in nowhere, and now something else was coming to wreck everything. She was hesitant to let Roman even go toward the door, based on how protective he seemed to get when he heard the knock... and then there was San flipping out on her... all the signs pointed to it being a bad idea of seeing who it was at the door.
As soon as Roman opened the door, she immediately recognized the voice of who it was. Her body froze, her mind immediately reeling through all the memories of Masahi when he returned. Everything was starting to get dizzy and her breathing grew slowly erratic, and the fact that tears from the shock and hurt and upset over everything he did coming to her eyes didn't help either. Her vision was starting to get fuzzy, and she felt even more sick than before. This was probably the first panic attack she had since waking up at the Home.
"R-Roman..." she softly called out, not even sure if he could hear her, but still obviously desperate to have him near. Kaori really wasn't feeling like she would be able to handle things if he wasn't by her side, at least not at this moment. How could she face him? Did she want to? Speaking of, did he even know she was pregnant? More questions buzzed through her mind, only making her panic attack worsen. What a day this was turning out to be.
Roman said:
"There wasn't a joke in my statement, Masahi. Kaori is a master medical ninja, and she is perfectly fine. If anything wasn't right, she would have told me the night I had took her home." Roman said, looking directly at Masahi, before he could hear the faint sound of his name. He looked at the area that was behind him, quickly turning around and walking towards his room. "You stay Masahi." He ordered, knowing he'd probably follow him anyways. Roman opened the door and seen Kaori in a panic, and it quickly worried him. In mere mere seconds, Roman was holding Kaori's hand, and hugging her, "Don't worry. Don't worry at all, Kaori. I'm here..."
Masahi shook his head. It wasn't the medical knowledge that Masahi was questioning. He knew that Kaori had taken contraceptives, and he had used protection. She couldn't be pregnant, right? Roman had said something and walked off, but Masahi wasn't done yet. So of course he followed. Though only after Masahi had gotten to the doorway did he regret it. He hadn't prepared himself to stand before Kaori yet. Why was she crying? Was it because of him? More than likely. Momentarily Masahi was frozen, only having the one thought rolling through his head: She might be pregnant...

Before he could do anything else, Masahi heard the last person he wanted to hear right now "Hey! You guys never closed the door, so I let myself in!" Guru announced.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Masahi shook his head. It wasn't the medical knowledge that Masahi was questioning. He knew that Kaori had taken contraceptives, and he had used protection. She couldn't be pregnant, right? Roman had said something and walked off, but Masahi wasn't done yet. So of course he followed. Though only after Masahi had gotten to the doorway did he regret it. He hadn't prepared himself to stand before Kaori yet. Why was she crying? Was it because of him? More than likely. Momentarily Masahi was frozen, only having the one thought rolling through his head: She might be pregnant...
Before he could do anything else, Masahi heard the last person he wanted to hear right now "Hey! You guys never closed the door, so I let myself in!" Guru announced.

(((( I'll wait for Lumina ))))
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]((Okay, just no dying without me.))

(((( NO PROMISES! ))))
Jennete said:
Nissa:She frowns, looking down and munching on her chips as she pushes at the floor with her foot. "I do eat more than a normal girl would... or who you should have for a wife... I am sorry my habits have not yet become in tune with earth female habits."
Aiden frowned a bit and now was a bit sad. "B-But... I wouldn't accept any other girl as my wife. Did you forget were now physically and spiritually bonded?" He asked, now sounding a bit upset that he would even think about liking other girls other than her. "If I die, you die. If you die, I die." He said.
Roman said:
Han saw the ride Mari wanted and he nodded to her request. "First ride is the wave crasher." He said with a smile before looking at Celia, seeing that she shuddered a little. "You can stay back for this one. Mari and I can get on together if you don't want to come." He told her, smiling a little.
Celia's hair was also pretty long so she nodded in agreement. Her hair could get caught on something. Mari then tugged Han towards ride. "Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncomeonnnnnn!" She pleaded, her physical body not even strong enough to pull him ever a little bit.
JJKab said:
Lena eeked, giggling, as she hugged Shuu back.
"Good... Y'know that our baby began kicking me?" She said half jokingly, purring when she felt his lips on her forehead . She rested her head on Shuu's chest.
Shuu blushed a little and chuckled as he brushed Lena's hair. "Oh is it now?" He asked. "Did you find out if it was a boy or a girl?"
Mayyflower said:
Harper kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him, holding hand.
Hiro never let her go as he slipped his tongue in past her teeth, making the kiss more passionate. It felt like they hadn't done this in a long time so it made him very happy.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu blushed a little and chuckled as he brushed Lena's hair. "Oh is it now?" He asked. "Did you find out if it was a boy or a girl?"
Lena shook her head.

"No. I didn't. After I make you relaxed as ever, we can go" Lena said softly, leading Shuu to their bedroom

"I assume you must be so tired. I'm going to make you a massage. How does that sound?" She asked softly, looking into his eyes caringly

no slide
no slide
Calm, Flirty, Caring
Lead Shuu to their bedroom
Interracting with
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TheDragoon said:
Aiden frowned a bit and now was a bit sad. "B-But... I wouldn't accept any other girl as my wife. Did you forget were now physically and spiritually bonded?" He asked, now sounding a bit upset that he would even think about liking other girls other than her. "If I die, you die. If you die, I die." He said.
Nissa: She looks up at him and slowly she leans up and takes his hands, blinking with her big usually expressionless eyes now filled with an emotion and she says slowly, trying to think her words through. "I did not forget. I just see other couples that we have known... our friends. And they all seem to be... what is the phrase. They seem to be the picturesque families. I question if I am normal enough, a normal girl, to have a family with you... Do you comprehend my word choice? Or is my meaning still unclear?"
TheDragoon said:
Hiro never let her go as he slipped his tongue in past her teeth, making the kiss more passionate. It felt like they hadn't done this in a long time so it made him very happy.
Harper slid her tongue into his mouth and tilted her head to deepen the kiss
JJKab said:
Lena shook her head.
"No. I didn't. After I make you relaxed as ever, we can go" Lena said softly, leading Shuu to their bedroom

"I assume you must be so tired. I'm going to make you a massage. How does that sound?" She asked softly, looking into his eyes caringly

no slide
no slide
Calm, Flirty, Caring
Lead Shuu to their bedroom
Interracting with
Shuu blushed badly and started to get a bit shy. "T-That sounds alright with me." He said before following her into the bedroom. The then quickly shook the blush off before giving a playful wink. "Just make sure your gentle~"
Jennete said:
Nissa: She looks up at him and slowly she leans up and takes his hands, blinking with her big usually expressionless eyes now filled with an emotion and she says slowly, trying to think her words through. "I did not forget. I just see other couples that we have known... our friends. And they all seem to be... what is the phrase. They seem to be the picturesque families. I question if I am normal enough, a normal girl, to have a family with you... Do you comprehend my word choice? Or is my meaning still unclear?"
Aiden looked at her pleadingly and didn't full understand, but he thought he understood a bit. "A-Are you saying... We should have a family...?" He asked. "How does... One have a family anyway?" He questioned her, not knowing how babies and stuff were made.
Mayyflower said:
Harper slid her tongue into his mouth and tilted her head to deepen the kiss
Hiro then pulled back and picked her up, carrying her over to the bed before kissing her again.
TheDragoon said:
Aiden looked at her pleadingly and didn't full understand, but he thought he understood a bit. "A-Are you saying... We should have a family...?" He asked. "How does... One have a family anyway?" He questioned her, not knowing how babies and stuff were made.
Nissa: "I do not know. I only had Snow and Rain as examples when I was freed from my servitude as their possession. They just... had lakes give them children. I do not know what I would do as a Feeder... the last of my kind free and not under contract or sold to other fey. But I do want one... I just do not know if I am capable of having one or if I still am too... abnormal."
TheDragoon said:
Shuu blushed badly and started to get a bit shy. "T-That sounds alright with me." He said before following her into the bedroom. The then quickly shook the blush off before giving a playful wink. "Just make sure your gentle~"
"Oh I sure will... my sweet little husband" Lena said caringly, as she slowly sat down on the bedm gesturing for Shuu to lie down

"Now... I need you to take off your shirt, okay? I'll make sure you'll remember this moment" She said seductively, biting her lower lip.

no slide
no slide
Massage her husband
Interracting with

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TheDragoon said:
Celia's hair was also pretty long so she nodded in agreement. Her hair could get caught on something. Mari then tugged Han towards ride. "Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncomeonnnnnn!" She pleaded, her physical body not even strong enough to pull him ever a little bit.
Han looked at Celia and smiled, "We'll be b-" he stopped and blinked, feeling something tugging on him before he saw Mari was the one who was doing it. He then looked at Celia and smiled again. "We'll be back honey." He told her before he pretended to be pulled towards the ride by Mari, "Okay, Pumpkin~" he said happily.
Jennete said:
Nissa: "I do not know. I only had Snow and Rain as examples when I was freed from my servitude as their possession. They just... had lakes give them children. I do not know what I would do as a Feeder... the last of my kind free and not under contract or sold to other fey. But I do want one... I just do not know if I am capable of having one or if I still am too... abnormal."
Aiden now finally understood how she felt fully. "I'm... Not sure either." He said. "I want to have children too, but we don't know how your kind has children... So I dunno what to do."
JJKab said:
"Oh I sure will... my sweet little husband" Lena said caringly, as she slowly sat down on the bedm gesturing for Shuu to lie down
"Now... I need you to take off your shirt, okay? I'll make sure you'll remember this moment" She said seductively, biting her lower lip.



{slide=Objective|center}Massage her husband{/slide}

{slide=Interracting with|center}Shuu{/slide}

{slide=Tags|center}@TheDragoon {/slide}

Shuu's entire body almost went red. That was so seductive he wasn't sure he heard anything more seductive in his whole entire lifetime as a god. "Y-Yes ma'am." He said, his shy side now taking over as he took of his t-shirt and throwing on the ground to be picked up later before laying down on the bed, preparing his body.
TheDragoon said:
Aiden now finally understood how she felt fully. "I'm... Not sure either." He said. "I want to have children too, but we don't know how your kind has children... So I dunno what to do."
Nissa: "I feel awful that we both are so clueless in matters like these..." She looks down and pouts a bit, her hand squeezing his. "Is there someone we could ask?"
TheDragoon said:
Shuu's entire body almost went red. That was so seductive he wasn't sure he heard anything more seductive in his whole entire lifetime as a god. "Y-Yes ma'am." He said, his shy side now taking over as he took of his t-shirt and throwing on the ground to be picked up later before laying down on the bed, preparing his body.
Lena slowly sat on Shuu's waist gently, before beginning to run her fingers across his back, caressing it a little, before she leaned in softly, sharing a soft kiss on his right shoulder blade. Her hands then began gently rubbing his shoulders.

Flirty, Happy
Please her lover
Interracting with
Jennete said:
Nissa: "I feel awful that we both are so clueless in matters like these..." She looks down and pouts a bit, her hand squeezing his. "Is there someone we could ask?"
Aiden began to lose hope before he finally remember who to talk to when it came to learning about lovers. His light counterpart Tyler. "We could call for Tyler. That man who taught us how to be lovers." He told her.
Roman said:
Han looked at Celia and smiled, "We'll be b-" he stopped and blinked, feeling something tugging on him before he saw Mari was the one who was doing it. He then looked at Celia and smiled again. "We'll be back honey." He told her before he pretended to be pulled towards the ride by Mari, "Okay, Pumpkin~" he said happily.
Mari took her father onto the ride and bounced up and down with a joy as they sat down, buckling up and looking at her dad. "Are you ready dad!? It's gonna be intense!" She laughed.
JJKab said:
Lena slowly sat on Shuu's waist gently, before beginning to run her fingers across his back, caressing it a little, before she leaned in softly, sharing a soft kiss on his right shoulder blade. Her hands then began gently rubbing his shoulders.
Flirty, Happy
Please her lover
Interracting with
Shuu shivered with delight, his back being his most sensitive part due to the sun being the Zodiac counterpart of the Leo, and most Leos being pleasured by touching of the back. He wondered how long he would last before he would lose himself in the moment.

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