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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Jennete said:
Assana: Standing, the ice turns to water as it hits Miyuki hard right in the chest sending her flying into a tree. Assana could have softened the blow more... but she was still a little annoyed.
Miyuki: Absorbing the water, she pants a little from the energy in her soul she has drained from using so much of her life force in the water. It will return once she goes to her lake but not during the battle. With her hands out a giant rush of water head straight for him, coming out into dangerous bone cutting sharp blades of water, jagged and layed out in a pattern where no one can dodge, they would have to freeze them in place.

Assana: As he deals with the water blades that will soon hit him from in front, she closes her eyes and a dragon like the one her sister had summoned before formed of water, turning into ice though and flying straight at him, unable to be frozen in place since it is already frozen.
Alejandro used his sword to prop himself up. After freezing a vortex of that size and taking a full on explosion from his own attack, he was pretty worn out. That's when he saw an ice dragon coming in his direction. "Sorry... I love you already sis, but I can't be beaten by you." He muttered before he jumped into the air, Alejandro slashed and cut down the ice that was in his trajectory, and he set his new destination behind Miyuki. He landed behind her, and kicked her in the back, before running towards the tail end of the dragon.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu shivered with delight, his back being his most sensitive part due to the sun being the Zodiac counterpart of the Leo, and most Leos being pleasured by touching of the back. He wondered how long he would last before he would lose himself in the moment.
Lena lightly squeezed the back of Shuu's neck, as her finger went down his spine. After it went half way, she gently moved her hands away from his neck, and kissed him slowly there, leaving a love mark on there. Her hands soon found themselves on his waist, as she caressed it softly

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no slide
Flirty, Seductive
Massage, maybe a lil more
Interracting with
TheDragoon said:
Aiden began to lose hope before he finally remember who to talk to when it came to learning about lovers. His light counterpart Tyler. "We could call for Tyler. That man who taught us how to be lovers." He told her.
Nissa: "Oh yes! Tyler, I haven't seen him in ages. He was so nice to help us last time." She smiles and kisses Aiden's cheek softly. "You are so smart."
Roman said:
Alejandro used his sword to prop himself up. After freezing a vortex of that size and taking a full on explosion from his own attack, he was pretty worn out. That's when he saw an ice dragon coming in his direction. "Sorry... I love you already sis, but I can't be beaten by you." He muttered before he jumped into the air, Alejandro slashed and cut down the ice that was in his trajectory, and he set his new destination behind Miyuki. He landed behind her, and kicked her in the back, before running towards the tail end of the dragon.
Assana: A gasp rings out as she realizes Miyuki is out. She used too much power, and now she was here alone. She breathed out slowly and raised her hand up as the other stayed in the pond, her body crouched to feel connected with the water. Her only chance was to draw this out, to make his energy levels go down because physically she was not a match for him. Her mind focused as her eyes counted every running step he took, coming straight at her on top of her dragon that twisted and turned, trying to claw at him. Her body slowly turning transparent as she turned into clear water. Miyuki could do this with ease but for her it was not her strong suit and she had done it so many times before.
TheDragoon said:
Mari took her father onto the ride and bounced up and down with a joy as they sat down, buckling up and looking at her dad. "Are you ready dad!? It's gonna be intense!" She laughed.
Han smiled at Mari, "I'm ready. This should be a piece of cake for me." He said, laughing lightly. "Especially since I have you on the ride with me. Though I have to know, since you know I'm ready. Are you?"
Jennete said:
Nissa: "Oh yes! Tyler, I haven't seen him in ages. He was so nice to help us last time." She smiles and kisses Aiden's cheek softly. "You are so smart."
Aiden blushed a little. "Right, let's call him." He said before letting out a loud yell. "TYYYYYYYYYYYLLEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled, thinking that's how you call for someone. Suddenly an angel with gentle white wings appeared next to them. "You don't have to yell..." Tyler's clone said, sounding a bit irritated because the real Tyler couldn't be there for the reason that was he wasn't aloud to leave his wife Liara alone. "What is it?" Tyler's clone asked. "How do most lovers mate?" He asked Tyler. Tyler then blushed a lot before shaking his head and sighing. "So your on that stage huh?" He asked before he whispered instructions to Aiden, then Nissa. "Do you understand?" Tyler's clone asked once he finished explaining.
Mayyflower said:
Origami nodded. "There's a lot of boring movies on Netflix" she says laying her head down on the arm of the couch
Paris was enjoying this. He liked her couch, the strange magic box and just spending time with her. He hoped she liked his company too. "Still too pretty." he said to her as he watched the show.

Roman said:
Han smiled at Mari, "I'm ready. This should be a piece of cake for me." He said, laughing lightly. "Especially since I have you on the ride with me. Though I have to know, since you know I'm ready. Are you?"
Mari pouted and puffed her cheeks. "Of course I am! If I wasn't then I'd be-" She said before the ride started and stared moving back and forth. It caused Mari to shake with surprise. "W-Whoa." Was all she said as it kept going.
TheDragoon said:
Aiden blushed a little. "Right, let's call him." He said before letting out a loud yell. "TYYYYYYYYYYYLLEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled, thinking that's how you call for someone. Suddenly an angel with gentle white wings appeared next to them. "You don't have to yell..." Tyler's clone said, sounding a bit irritated because the real Tyler couldn't be there for the reason that was he wasn't aloud to leave his wife Liara alone. "What is it?" Tyler's clone asked. "How do most lovers mate?" He asked Tyler. Tyler then blushed a lot before shaking his head and sighing. "So your on that stage huh?" He asked before he whispered instructions to Aiden, then Nissa. "Do you understand?" Tyler's clone asked once he finished explaining.
Nissa: "Oh... that's how. Huh, why didn't we think of that Aiden?" Confused as she turns toward her husband.
Jennete said:
Assana: A gasp rings out as she realizes Miyuki is out. She used too much power, and now she was here alone. She breathed out slowly and raised her hand up as the other stayed in the pond, her body crouched to feel connected with the water. Her only chance was to draw this out, to make his energy levels go down because physically she was not a match for him. Her mind focused as her eyes counted every running step he took, coming straight at her on top of her dragon that twisted and turned, trying to claw at him. Her body slowly turning transparent as she turned into clear water. Miyuki could do this with ease but for her it was not her strong suit and she had done it so many times before.
Alejandro couldn't see Assana at all, so he actively searched for her energy. Once he found it, he slowly came to the ground and switched his form, ready to attack her, planning on hitting specific spots to knock her out just like he did Miyuki. His eyes had a direct lock on her, but if she countered this attack, he was done for.

Roman said:
Alejandro couldn't see Assana at all, so he actively searched for her energy. Once he found it, he slowly came to the ground and switched his form, ready to attack her, planning on hitting specific spots to knock her out just like he did Miyuki. His eyes had a direct lock on her, but if she countered this attack, he was done for.
Assana: Her body, completely water now, spread out as she melted away and became the lake, became the water, felt every creatures mind inside of it and its currents and hidden crevasses lost in the deep depths. She waited, soaking in the energy of the water. She waited, feeling the refreshing calm of its power flow inside of her. She waited, for all she could do was wait.
Mei Junchi[/URL]



Salvador walks back to the boy's dorm, "I'm glad you aren't here to kill me then." he turns around and looks at Junchi "My only problem is I don't regret anything that has happened, to be honest to the fullest."

Jennete said:
Nissa: "Oh... that's how. Huh, why didn't we think of that Aiden?" Confused as she turns toward her husband.
Aiden scratched the back of his head shyly. "Well... If were doing this maybe we should go somewhere more private. Sound good?" He asked her before Tyler teleported away.
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((Roy and Wylie are open for interactions... anyone?))

((I would... but my character hasn't been accepted yet))
Mayyflower said:
Harper blushed and chuckled and kissed him again.
((You start or me...? WAIT! I just figure out how Lilith can learn about couples and love... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)))
(I'm up. I'm using my new o.c Kagami)

[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]((Roy and Wylie are open for interactions... anyone?))

JJKab said:
Lena lightly squeezed the back of Shuu's neck, as her finger went down his spine. After it went half way, she gently moved her hands away from his neck, and kissed him slowly there, leaving a love mark on there. Her hands soon found themselves on his waist, as she caressed it softly
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Flirty, Seductive
Massage, maybe a lil more
Interracting with
Shuu could already feel himself slipping away. Lena was the only person who could make him feel this good, it was like she knew ALL of his weakpoints. He was giving in to the sensation, about to the point where he would let her do as she pleased.
"So... this is the school grampdad sent me... looks so beautiful, and shiny." Sophia thought. She walks through the school gates, and looks around seeing a lot of students up and about. But that didn't make her nervous in the slightest. She digs into her left pocket, and took out a paper with a number on it, 347, that was the number. It was the number of which the dorm she has been assign to. "Now here lies the question... where the hell am I going to find the dorms at? I mean, this place looks huge!"

She starts walk around the school grounds, passing by students and occasionally checking her back. The crystal of winds was moving about in her right pocket.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu could already feel himself slipping away. Lena was the only person who could make him feel this good, it was like she knew ALL of his weakpoints. He was giving in to the sensation, about to the point where he would let her do as she pleased.
Lena kissed Shuu's neck softly, repeadetely, as she hugged him, wrapping her hands around his waist. She was now lightly pressed against his back, her lips fully concentrated on kissing his neck. Lena appeared to be in a sort of passion.

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Massage/Please Shuu
Interracting with
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