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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:

Serena was enjoying nature for once, her board was still broken and her phone wasn't able to play music, so she was just outside in the secondary courtyard, listening to the birds and the swishing of grass and trees...
charleen said:
"Uhh I'm kinda scared.."
She said, biting her lower lip. Nico looked over her floaty to see how deep the water is.

"Yup, that's still deep,"

She sighed bitterly.
"Are you sure...?" he swam to the deep end and just floated there, "I can teach you how to do this..." he said and laid back and just floated on his back, "This is the last thing to learn if you want to swim, since you have to trust yourself with this one, but I can teach you the rest." he said.
TheDragoon said:
Hiro hesitated, then nodded slowly before pulling her close and kissing her deeply, pushing gently onto the floor as he intertwined his fingers with hers.
Harper kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him, holding hand.
CERBERUS177 said:
Serena was enjoying nature for once, her board was still broken and her phone wasn't able to play music, so she was just outside in the secondary courtyard, listening to the birds and the swishing of grass and trees...
Jack usually likes to practice his magic in the courtyard. There was a small Lake where he used to do his water bending . He mostly liked the area because it was quite and very peaceful place.

Jack stood in the edge of the water.

"Okay, water bending time".
Kisaki said:
Jack usually likes to practice his magic in the courtyard. There was a small Lake where he used to do his water bending . He mostly liked the area because it was quite and very peaceful place.
Jack stood in the edge of the water.

"Okay, water bending time".
(Bruh, plot point for a meeting:Mess up a water bend and drop it on Serena! LOL Perfect!)
CERBERUS177 said:
"Are you sure...?" he swam to the deep end and just floated there, "I can teach you how to do this..." he said and laid back and just floated on his back, "This is the last thing to learn if you want to swim, since you have to trust yourself with this one, but I can teach you the rest." he said.

She sighed softly.

"Just don't let me drown,"

Nico laughed nervously at herself. She swam to the edge of the pool. She took off her donut floaty. Nico was completely vunerable to the water now. She grabbed onto the cement as she can.

"So uhh how do you swim??"

She said, sounding nervous
charleen said:
She sighed softly.

"Just don't let me drown,"

Nico laughed nervously at herself. She swam to the edge of the pool. She took off her donut floaty. Nico was completely vunerable to the water now. She grabbed onto the cement as she can.

"So uhh how do you swim??"

She said, sounding nervous
(Bear with me here, because trying to explain, would make this whole post, a book. With parts!)

Cody swam over to her and held her, then began to explain how to swim, first the basic swimming in place, "Alright, I'm going to position you straight up, when I let go, kick your feet below you, and flap your arms at a medium pace." he said, he was right next to her if she started to panic.
CERBERUS177 said:
(Bear with me here, because trying to explain, would make this whole post, a book. With parts!)
Cody swam over to her and held her, then began to explain how to swim, first the basic swimming in place, "Alright, I'm going to position you straight up, when I let go, kick your feet below you, and flap your arms at a medium pace." he said, he was right next to her if she started to panic.
(Will there be a sequel?? lol)

"Ok ok,"

She said, nodding. Nico let go of the edge. She tried flapping her arms like a bird which only caused to splash Cody in the process. Nico was slipping away to the water.


She yelled, trying to swim up to the surface.
Mayyflower said:
Origami turned on a movie, from the comedy genre, she looked over at him and chuckled
Paris was enjoying the comedy that was on the screen. This age made it possible not to sit out in the heat or cold to see a show, but in the comfort of ones own home. "This is wonderful, it truly is. Is this the chill part of what they call netflix and chill? I have heard others in our school speak of it, and if this is it, then it is marvelous!" he said as he sipped his water.

charleen said:
(Will there be a sequel?? lol)
"Ok ok,"

She said, nodding. Nico let go of the edge. She tried flapping her arms like a bird which only caused to splash Cody in the process. Nico was slipping away to the water.


She yelled, trying to swim up to the surface.

Cody grabbed Nico and brought her up, "Not like that silly!" he said and laughed a bit, "Medium pace, under the water, keep your arms under the water, and move them up and down. You can either do that slowly, or go insane and flap like a bird stuck in the water. But I'll be here to catch you if youfall under again." he said and let her go again, and stood by her side.
CERBERUS177 said:
(*Facepalm* Yes, you're the one who has water powers dude lol, same plan, drop some on Serena)
(Sorry , let me get started :3)

Jack started to water bend. The water floated in the air. The swong to the right and accidentally hits a girl walking on the path.

Jack realizes that he hit Serena.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry".
Kisaki said:
(Sorry , let me get started :3)
Jack started to water bend. The water floated in the air. The swong to the right and accidentally hits a girl walking on the path.

Jack realizes that he hit Serena.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry".
(Lying on the ground but that works too)

Serena was about to kill someone, when she saw Jack, that(You got your ears back right?) funny rabbit man, "Oh...It's you...Thank's by the way...refreshing!" she said, she was actually happy, since it was pretty hot out and she was starting to get hot, the thought of just jumping into the lake crossed her mind when she was lying(Or walking, what ever fits here), since the water was kind of cold.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Klepto sighed boredly, "I doubt you could afford me. I'm the best at what I do, but whatever." Tossing back Kieran's phone to him with Klepto's information put in as a newly added contact, and sighed yet again before giggling slightly. "ya know what? Me and sighing is like you and social skills"

[/QUOTE] "You might be right about that..."
Kieran then checked and made sure the contact info was all there and that nothing was missing. "Anyways, nice talk. I'll notify you if I need you for anything. Do you know of anything interesting that's going on around the campus? I really need something to do."
CERBERUS177 said:
(Lying on the ground but that works too)
Serena was about to kill someone, when she saw Jack, that(You got your ears back right?) funny rabbit man, "Oh...It's you...Thank's by the way...refreshing!" she said, she was actually happy, since it was pretty hot out and she was starting to get hot, the thought of just jumping into the lake crossed her mind when she was lying(Or walking, what ever fits here), since the water was kind of cold.
'\(._. )/' my bad

"I'm suprised that you are not trying to kill me right now".

Jack bunny ears slightly twitch.
Kisaki said:
'\(._. )/' my bad
"I'm suprised that you are not trying to kill me right now".

Jack bunny ears slightly twitch.
Serena giggled when his ear twitched, "That was cute!" she said and walked over to him, "So...water powers huh?" she said, completely drenched.
CERBERUS177 said:
Serena giggled when his ear twitched, "That was cute!" she said and walked over to him, "So...water powers huh?" she said, completely drenched.
A slight blush appeared on Jack's face when he was called cute.

"Yeah... I control water . "he said.

"I think you should go and change. You could get sick". Jack pointed at her drenched clothing.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody grabbed Nico and brought her up, "Not like that silly!" he said and laughed a bit, "Medium pace, under the water, keep your arms under the water, and move them up and down. You can either do that slowly, or go insane and flap like a bird stuck in the water. But I'll be here to catch you if youfall under again." he said and let her go again, and stood by her side.
Nico immediately wrapped her arms around Cody's neck. She was like a koala holding onto his back. She was holding to her dear life. She shook her head.

"Why are you making me do this?"

She pouted slightly.
Kisaki said:
A slight blush appeared on Jack's face when he was called cute.
"Yeah... I control water . "he said.

"I think you should go and change. You could get sick". Jack pointed at her drenched clothing.
(Daja'vu )

Serena smiled, "I mean...that's a long walk, and it's hot out so...I'm good..." she said and just sat on a rock, her clothing drying already in the heat. "That's cool...So, that's kinda funny, you and my brother being friends huh? Fire and water...That's funny really." she said.
charleen said:
Nico immediately wrapped her arms around Cody's neck. She was like a koala holding onto his back. She was holding to her dear life. She shook her head.
"Why are you making me do this?"

She pouted slightly.
"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to Nico, I'm not making you do this, I just offered to teach you how to swim." Cody said and walked to the shallow end for her to stand. "You can stick with what you got already if you want to." he said.
CERBERUS177 said:
(Daja'vu )
Serena smiled, "I mean...that's a long walk, and it's hot out so...I'm good..." she said and just sat on a rock, her clothing drying already in the heat. "That's cool...So, that's kinda funny, you and my brother being friends huh? Fire and water...That's funny really." she said.


"Its kind of Ironic .Fire and water are natural enemies .We are friends.

He took off his jacket. It was getting hot.

"What's brings you here?" He questioned.

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