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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Hiro looked at her and scooted over by her and put her arm around her softly, getting the will to look at her now. "I-I'd be fine with it. As long as you are." He said nervously.
Harper blushed. "We've done it before, plus we've been together for a while now so.. I'm fine with it" she says looking at him
TheDragoon said:
Mari nodded quickly, happy that her father was so nice and gentle. "Yeah, I do too." She said happily before skipping ahead of her parents. "Come on mommy! Come on daddy!" She said excitedly as she went in and Celia floated in front of Han. "Let's not keep her waiting... Han-San~" She whispered in his ear lightly, as if to say if the day went well she would have a 'present' for him.
Han smiled when Mari told told him and Celia to come on. The very fact that she was so energetic and positive she was. Han was just about to follow his daughter when Celia whispered in his ear. He blushed lightly, rubbing the back of his head. I won't, I won't." He said, following behind the two of them.
Mayyflower said:
Orgami smiled. "Why thank you" she says pecking his lips before he asked about dinner. "Oh sure" she says taking a drink of her juice
"Well, its the truth. Alright, then we have some time to kill until dinner, so what would you like to do?" he said smiling at her.

"Relax you idiot. Kaori is perfectly fine. She healed quickly from the cells and she's moving around as if nothing had never happened. She's not even experiencing problems with her pregnancy." He told Masahi, closing his and nodding his head. "Unless you forgot, she was also a master medical ninja."

Roman said:
"Relax you idiot. Kaori is perfectly fine. She healed quickly from the cells and she's moving around as if nothing had never happened. She's not even experiencing problems with her pregnancy." He told Masahi, closing his and nodding his head. "Unless you forgot, she was also a master medical ninja."
Masahi sighed. Even if that was the chase, the hospital was probably the safest.... Wait, what? "Okay Roman, the cells I used on her are of higher quality than the ones that were originally used to restore my body. But your chidori is lightning based, so it might of effected some nerves..." Masahi stated while furrowing his eyes brows at Roman's second remark. "Also, don't make jokes like that Roman. It's in poor taste given the current situation."

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Mayyflower said:
Origami hummed at the thought before shrugging. "I don't really know honestly... We could watch something on Netflix..." She suggested
"Sure, is it some sort of arena battle?" he asked. He has no clue as to modern tech. So he just smiled and nodded. "Sounds fine to me." he said politely.

CERBERUS177 said:
(Sorry, busy with helping my mother fix her phone ._.)
After ten minutes of waiting, Cody saw Nico walking over to him, "I wonder if the pool is cold, too dang hot for it to be warm." he said and opened the door for Nico, "I brought some drinks in my pack if you want one, mostly iced tea and water really...I have a few cans of soda, but I don't really drink much of that." he said and set the bag down by some chairs.

(The drinks thing was filler, since I couldn't think of anything to say .-.)
((Sorry I have no excuse, I just suck soz :/ ))

"Yeah that be bad if it is,"

She said, agreeing with him. Nico looked over the pool water, and saw how dip it was. She sighed, trying to calm herself. Nico held a bag that hold her essentials. She took out a bottle of sunscreen. She started spreading across her arms, and chest. Nico was trying to get her back, but it was out of reach. She pouted slightly, not able to reach her back. Nico looked over at Cody with the sunscreen bottle.


She said, softly.
Origami covered her mouth and set her cup down and grabbed Paris's hand and pulled him towards the living room and sat him down. "You have so much to learn.. Netflix is a," she stops to turn on the tv. "A thing you can watch movies on." She says going to Netflix and pointing to the tv and showing him the different types of shows and movies on Netflix
Roman said:
Nai took off the jacket of the hoodie and revealed his signature purple hair and purple irises. "No particular reason. At least once that I feel the need to specify I guess." He said, taking off the jacket. "Why do you want to know though? Making friends?" He asked
She lowered her sunglasses and released the scarf she had over her head. Her blond tresses tumbled out as she revealed her face to the boy. "Dunno, depends. You worth having as a friend, or are you like the hundreds of other fake people at this school?" she said as she crossed and recrossed her legs.

Mayyflower said:
Origami covered her mouth and set her cup down and grabbed Paris's hand and pulled him towards the living room and sat him down. "You have so much to learn.. Netflix is a," she stops to turn on the tv. "A thing you can watch movies on." She says going to Netflix and pointing to the tv and showing him the different types of shows and movies on Netflix
Paris sat enthralled by the magic of what she was showing him. He decided this was the most amazing thing, next to meeting Origami that he has experienced since being reborn. He enjoyed the shows and such with her.

charleen said:
((Sorry I have no excuse, I just suck soz :/ ))

"Yeah that be bad if it is,"

She said, agreeing with him. Nico looked over the pool water, and saw how dip it was. She sighed, trying to calm herself. Nico held a bag that hold her essentials. She took out a bottle of sunscreen. She started spreading across her arms, and chest. Nico was trying to get her back, but it was out of reach. She pouted slightly, not able to reach her back. Nico looked over at Cody with the sunscreen bottle.


She said, softly.
Cody's face lit up red a bit, "Al-alright...", and walked over to help. He then applied the sunscreen onto her back, and rubbed it in, "T-there, that should do it..." he said as his face started to pale down.

(Browser crashed on PC, but I got a new phone! So if I get kicked off, typing will be MUCH more easier!)
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody's face lit up red a bit, "Al-alright...", and walked over to help. He then applied the sunscreen onto her back, and rubbed it in, "T-there, that should do it..." he said as his face started to pale down.
(Browser crashed on PC, but I got a new phone! So if I get kicked off, typing will be MUCH more easier!)
(:3 Can I interact with Serena ?)
Mayyflower said:
Harper blushed. "We've done it before, plus we've been together for a while now so.. I'm fine with it" she says looking at him
Hiro hesitated, then nodded slowly before pulling her close and kissing her deeply, pushing gently onto the floor as he intertwined his fingers with hers.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody's face lit up red a bit, "Al-alright...", and walked over to help. He then applied the sunscreen onto her back, and rubbed it in, "T-there, that should do it..." he said as his face started to pale down.
(Browser crashed on PC, but I got a new phone! So if I get kicked off, typing will be MUCH more easier!)

Nico was a bit ticklish, so she was giggling slightly when Cody put sunscreen on her. She turned to around to face him.

"Yeah thanks,"

She sighed softly. Nico went near the edge. She forgot her small donut floaty, so she got back up again. Nico grabbed her little donut floaty. It was inflated and such.

"See ya in flip side,"

She said, sticking her out playfully, and jumping into the pool.
Roman said:
Han smiled when Mari told told him and Celia to come on. The very fact that she was so energetic and positive she was. Han was just about to follow his daughter when Celia whispered in his ear. He blushed lightly, rubbing the back of his head. I won't, I won't." He said, following behind the two of them.
Mari pointed to a large spinning ride that span you upside-down and kept spinning faster with each spin. It was named 'The Wave Crasher'. "Hey! Dad! Let's go on that one!" She said. Celia shuddered a bit but tried to keep her cool. She wasn't really one for extreme rides. After all, she usually was more gentle and was used to having a more relaxed life. That's why she didn't go here often, but she decided to go here so that Mari would be happy.
charleen said:
Nico was a bit ticklish, so she was giggling slightly when Cody put sunscreen on her. She turned to around to face him.

"Yeah thanks,"

She sighed softly. Nico went near the edge. She forgot her small donut floaty, so she got back up again. Nico grabbed her little donut floaty. It was inflated and such.

"See ya in flip side,"

She said, sticking her out playfully, and jumping into the pool.
Cody cuckled when she jumped into the pool and popped back out in the flaoty, "Do you want me to teach you how to swim Nico?" he asked before pencil diving into the pool. "If you want I can train you how doggypatle." he said, offering to teach her.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody cuckled when she jumped into the pool and popped back out in the flaoty, "Do you want me to teach you how to swim Nico?" he asked before pencil diving into the pool. "If you want I can train you how doggypatle." he said, offering to teach her.
"Uhh I'm kinda scared.."

She said, biting her lower lip. Nico looked over her floaty to see how deep the water is.

"Yup, that's still deep,"

She sighed bitterly.

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