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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:

"Its kind of Ironic .Fire and water are natural enemies .We are friends.

He took off his jacket. It was getting hot.

"What's brings you here?" He questioned.
Serena smiled, "The quietness of the area really, the lake sounds nice when the water runs down the rocks..." she said and looked at a small stream that explained her meaning.
CERBERUS177 said:
Serena smiled, "The quietness of the area really, the lake sounds nice when the water runs down the rocks..." she said and looked at a small stream that explained her meaning.
He looked at the lake. It was calming.

"This place reminds me of home. Without the heat. It was much colder too and had less trees. "

(Gtg. It's about time for lights out)

To be Continued...
Kisaki said:
He looked at the lake. It was calming.
"This place reminds me of home. Without the heat. It was much colder too and had less trees. "

(Gtg. It's about time for lights out)

To be Continued...
CERBERUS177 said:
"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to Nico, I'm not making you do this, I just offered to teach you how to swim." Cody said and walked to the shallow end for her to stand. "You can stick with what you got already if you want to." he said.
"No no no, I'll keep trying,"

She said, getting off his back. Nico did what Cody said the first time. It was exactly a perfect form, but she finally wasn't sinking in the water.

"Oh wait, I got it!"

She chuckled to herself.
charleen said:
"No no no, I'll keep trying,"
She said, getting off his back. Nico did what Cody said the first time. It was exactly a perfect form, but she finally wasn't sinking in the water.

"Oh wait, I got it!"

She chuckled to herself.
Cody smiled, "Want to try to swim around a bit?" he asked, "I'll be swimming with you, so if you need help, I'll be there." he said and then told her about doggypatle(I can't explain that). "You got the idea of it?" he asked her.
CERBERUS177 said:
Cody smiled, "Want to try to swim around a bit?" he asked, "I'll be swimming with you, so if you need help, I'll be there." he said and then told her about doggypatle(I can't explain that). "You got the idea of it?" he asked her.
"Yeah okay,"

She sounded more relax this find. Nico nodded and started to doggy paddle. Somehow she is still not completely drowning.

"Uhh thanks for teaching me all of this stuff,"

She smiled gently.
charleen said:
"Yeah okay,"
She sounded more relax this find. Nico nodded and started to doggy paddle. Somehow she is still not completely drowning.

"Uhh thanks for teaching me all of this stuff,"

She smiled gently.
Cody nodded, "You're welcome, maybe now you can swim without the little floaty...?" he said, seeing that she has been in the shallow end, and hasn't gone near the deep end yet. "Want to try and float in the deep end?" he said.
Roman said:
After being trapped in the bubble, Alejandro froze it, causing the water knife to hit the ball of ice without hurting Alejandro. The ice then cracked and Alejandro moved quickly, just like his father, grabbing Assana and taking her away from Miyuki who was still unthawing.
Assana: She yelps and twists in his arms, trying to turn into a liquid state though not as good at it as her sister, needing to melt out of his grasp.

Miyuki: Her body reforms and she frowns, her hands raising in the air as the dragon immediately melts away now that she isn't holding it together with her spirit. Her wings spread out as a smirk forms on her lips, sending her power down into the lake. All the water from the lake rushing towards Assana and Alejandro now in a massive vortex ball of powerful energy of uncontrollable speed.


Assana: "Uh... uh Miyuki, he still has me... Miyuki!" She closes her eyes and falls to the ground in a giant puddle, reforming as a person and rubbing the back of her head that she hit hard. "Ow... Ugh Miyuki, you take this stuff too seriously."
TheDragoon said:
Aiden looked to the side and looked closely at a bum who was sitting just outside the amusement park before sighing lightly. "Don't mention it." He said. "I'm just glad you didn't eat the entire store this time." He said before looking back at her and laughing a little.
Nissa:She frowns, looking down and munching on her chips as she pushes at the floor with her foot. "I do eat more than a normal girl would... or who you should have for a wife... I am sorry my habits have not yet become in tune with earth female habits."
Roman said:
"Relax you idiot. Kaori is perfectly fine. She healed quickly from the cells and she's moving around as if nothing had never happened. She's not even experiencing problems with her pregnancy." He told Masahi, closing his and nodding his head. "Unless you forgot, she was also a master medical ninja."
Kaori had been resting in Roman's room, still fairly worn out from the morning sickness completely wrecking her body. All she wanted to do was relax with Roman, but it seemed that life wouldn't allow for her to do such a thing. The knock on the door had interrupted something really important between the two of them, so that issue was just left hanging out in nowhere, and now something else was coming to wreck everything. She was hesitant to let Roman even go toward the door, based on how protective he seemed to get when he heard the knock... and then there was San flipping out on her... all the signs pointed to it being a bad idea of seeing who it was at the door.

As soon as Roman opened the door, she immediately recognized the voice of who it was. Her body froze, her mind immediately reeling through all the memories of Masahi when he returned. Everything was starting to get dizzy and her breathing grew slowly erratic, and the fact that tears from the shock and hurt and upset over everything he did coming to her eyes didn't help either. Her vision was starting to get fuzzy, and she felt even more sick than before. This was probably the first panic attack she had since waking up at the Home.
"R-Roman..." she softly called out, not even sure if he could hear her, but still obviously desperate to have him near. Kaori really wasn't feeling like she would be able to handle things if he wasn't by her side, at least not at this moment. How could she face him? Did she want to? Speaking of, did he even know she was pregnant? More questions buzzed through her mind, only making her panic attack worsen. What a day this was turning out to be.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]((oh god xD I was going to try and lead to another fade because she's no longer drunk, but then I realized I don't want another Everest/Elyse incident xD ))
Fenris smiled and shifted into a fully smoke form, swirling around her and reforming on top of her, pinning her down on the bed. Leaning in strands of smoke curled off his body and gently caressed her. "Who knows? I'm not one to pin a girl down outside the bedroom." The strands of smoke slowly receded back into his body and he leaned in whispering into her ear a strand of smoke tickling her ear as he did so, "but if you want to stick around, I've never done any of my partners wrong... and they've always left... satisfied." Then appearing across the room in a chair fully "dressed " with a cigarette in hand, a cloud of unscented smoke spiraling up into the air he sat there staring at Isuzu, waiting to see what she would do.

Isuzu was quite comfortable and in a sleepy and hungover state while curled up against him, but she seemed to wake up real quick upon feeling him pin her down to the bed. Her heart immediately began racing, adrenaline pumping through her body as if it were preparing for round two. The smoke on her body felt wonderful, and if he kept it up she was sure it would soon become a feeling she would get addicted to. His words earned a wicked grin from Isuzu, and to her dismay he receded from the bed to reappear on the chair in the corner of the room. Ooh, the cheeky devil. Standing up, she made her way over to him, specifically remaining unclothed, grabbing the cigarette from his hand and taking a medium drag from it, giving him a sly grin as she did. "That's a pretty big claim there... I guess I'll just have to stick around to see if you can keep true to it."
TheDragoon said:
Shuu beamed at the door. Oh sweet mama she was hot as usual. He waved happily as he took out some slices of pepperoni in a bag and opened it, heading to the door as he tossed his bag onto the table, giving her a big hug. He then gently pecked her forehead. "How was your day?" He asked softly.
Lena eeked, giggling, as she hugged Shuu back.

"Good... Y'know that our baby began kicking me?" She said half jokingly, purring when she felt his lips on her forehead . She rested her head on Shuu's chest.
Slaxt said:
Izuku frowns as no one has answered the door. He slowly turns his eyes towards the ceiling and wonders to himself if he should wait till tomorrow to come back to the office, he soon quickly decides on coming back tomorrow. A sigh has escaped from his lips as he turned towards Fricka. "I-I guess no ones here...." He smiles lightly at her.
(Sorry no reply for a while also I should wait till later to do the asking for Schedule or I should ask vice-principal)

( 0_o... She's no longer here... I moved her away... I can send Chler over to ya, but.. You were gone for pretty long time, and I did want to utilize Fricka, so... yeah)
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Mayyflower said:
Origami smiled and relaxed before he asked about Netflix and chill, her eyes widen and she blushed heavily. "O-Oh no... Netflix and chill is a sex reference.." She says frantically
"Sex can be had at anytime, but why interrupt this wonderful thing for it?" he said frankly. Of course he has some interest in Origami in that direction, but felt it best to savor their relationship like a fine meal. One does not skip ahead to the dessert before the meat is served, does one? "I have made you uncomfortable, I am sorry. Truthfully I see you as a beautiful woman. Sometimes my thoughts wander in that way, but then I remember some things are worth the wait. One does not drink the juice before it is a wine, as my mother once told me." he said openly, frankly and honestly.

I have returned and with that, I'm resuming all of my character interactions from this post onwards.
LunaCrosby said:

...................................................... Scarlet

........................................... ~One Of The Two Twin Dragons

Scarlet grabbed the box and handed it to him, "Right here, they're pretty good if you ask me..." she said and smiled.

Currently Doing
Talking to Logan
Logan nodded and took the box, opening it with his fingers. "I some before, but it had been awhile, so I don't know what they taste like." He said before taking one out. "Well, I do, but I forgot how good they are."
Lumina said:
Kaori had been resting in Roman's room, still fairly worn out from the morning sickness completely wrecking her body. All she wanted to do was relax with Roman, but it seemed that life wouldn't allow for her to do such a thing. The knock on the door had interrupted something really important between the two of them, so that issue was just left hanging out in nowhere, and now something else was coming to wreck everything. She was hesitant to let Roman even go toward the door, based on how protective he seemed to get when he heard the knock... and then there was San flipping out on her... all the signs pointed to it being a bad idea of seeing who it was at the door.
As soon as Roman opened the door, she immediately recognized the voice of who it was. Her body froze, her mind immediately reeling through all the memories of Masahi when he returned. Everything was starting to get dizzy and her breathing grew slowly erratic, and the fact that tears from the shock and hurt and upset over everything he did coming to her eyes didn't help either. Her vision was starting to get fuzzy, and she felt even more sick than before. This was probably the first panic attack she had since waking up at the Home.
"R-Roman..." she softly called out, not even sure if he could hear her, but still obviously desperate to have him near. Kaori really wasn't feeling like she would be able to handle things if he wasn't by her side, at least not at this moment. How could she face him? Did she want to? Speaking of, did he even know she was pregnant? More questions buzzed through her mind, only making her panic attack worsen. What a day this was turning out to be.
"There wasn't a joke in my statement, Masahi. Kaori is a master medical ninja, and she is perfectly fine. If anything wasn't right, she would have told me the night I had took her home." Roman said, looking directly at Masahi, before he could hear the faint sound of his name. He looked at the area that was behind him, quickly turning around and walking towards his room. "You stay Masahi." He ordered, knowing he'd probably follow him anyways. Roman opened the door and seen Kaori in a panic, and it quickly worried him. In mere mere seconds, Roman was holding Kaori's hand, and hugging her, "Don't worry. Don't worry at all, Kaori. I'm here..."
TheDragoon said:
Mari pointed to a large spinning ride that span you upside-down and kept spinning faster with each spin. It was named 'The Wave Crasher'. "Hey! Dad! Let's go on that one!" She said. Celia shuddered a bit but tried to keep her cool. She wasn't really one for extreme rides. After all, she usually was more gentle and was used to having a more relaxed life. That's why she didn't go here often, but she decided to go here so that Mari would be happy.
Han saw the ride Mari wanted and he nodded to her request. "First ride is the wave crasher." He said with a smile before looking at Celia, seeing that she shuddered a little. "You can stay back for this one. Mari and I can get on together if you don't want to come." He told her, smiling a little.
Jennete said:
Assana: She yelps and twists in his arms, trying to turn into a liquid state though not as good at it as her sister, needing to melt out of his grasp.
Miyuki: Her body reforms and she frowns, her hands raising in the air as the dragon immediately melts away now that she isn't holding it together with her spirit. Her wings spread out as a smirk forms on her lips, sending her power down into the lake. All the water from the lake rushing towards Assana and Alejandro now in a massive vortex ball of powerful energy of uncontrollable speed.


Assana: "Uh... uh Miyuki, he still has me... Miyuki!" She closes her eyes and falls to the ground in a giant puddle, reforming as a person and rubbing the back of her head that she hit hard. "Ow... Ugh Miyuki, you take this stuff too seriously."
Alejandro had went falling to the ground as his wings gave out when Assana got loose. He had his the ground with tremendous force, only tonfind out that a vortex of water was headed his way. He quickly took out his sword and it started to storm, the vortex quickly becoming ice before it exploded into tiny ice shards sent in their direction.
Roman said:
"Well, I don't like being crossed or lied to." Nai said, the jacket vanishing. He then sighed, remembering earlier. All he could think about is how much she deserved it. Nai looked at Helen and saw her lower her glasses. "I'm worthy, but I can't say a friend is what I need."
"Do you even filter? I particularly do not care about who did what to stomp your little boy feelings. I want to know if I should actually invest the time to getting to know you. You keep on thinking the whole lone wolf thing born of pain and tragedy is hot. It isn't. It only works for lycans chasing after zoophiles who are closet necrophiles. I can listen to you whine and bitch, or we can go get a drink and talk about stuff that actually matters. Your call champ." she said, annoyed at the doom and gloom vibe the boy was giving off. Of course she could make him completely forget about everything and have him devoted to her, but that felt wrong. She wanted people to want her for what she did, not that she had the power to, or looked like a model mixed with goddess.

Nai frowned, "It's not like that. I just was trying to get some peace a quiet so I can think straight." Nai told her. "Im no emo or anything of the sort. I dont want friends because I dont want anyone to worry about me at the moment." Nai corrected her before looking away at the mention of a drink. He had never drunk any alcohol if thats what the was talking about, but he went along with it anyway. "I guess we can talk... Though Im not very fond of strangers."

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