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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

JJKab said:
(Sure :>)
Lena sighed underwater, releasing some air, as she started slowly swimming towards the surface, wanting to go home already. She was slowly swimming, so it would take a bit, but that's because she wouldn't want to destroy her lungs.
Shuu contemplated what he was going to do when he saw her. Would he ask her to be his girlfriend? He didn't know, either way, he was PREPARED SHUU!

JJKab said:
(Sure :>)
Lena sighed underwater, releasing some air, as she started slowly swimming towards the surface, wanting to go home already. She was slowly swimming, so it would take a bit, but that's because she wouldn't want to destroy her lungs.
Valter was wondering why she surfaced back at the pool he stayed for a bit under the water and surfaced back up and swims to the ledge at the pool.
TheDragoon said:
Celia nodded, putting a finger to her chin. "We already got a god and his friend Cielo on the job. We already have 3 artifacts in our possession, at this rate we'll have Akuma defeated in no time!" She giggled before smiling and putting her hands behind her back.
"Yeah. Sounds like you all have it under control." Han said before sitting up. "Our date got ruined... That's not a surprise though." He said, as he put a hand on Celia's. "Maybe we should just stay home most of the time. It's obviously hard for us to do something nice like eat out without getting in a situation like that."
Roman said:
Cecil was leaning against the counter when Maya went out to give the customers their orders. He felt something about her energy that was weird to him, but didn't know exactly what it was so he didn't bring it up. When she got back he did have a question for her though. "Hey did you eat lunch today? I see you touching your stomach every time you gi out to a customer." He said laughing lightly.
Maya blinked, it was that noticeable? She smiled sheepishly and shook her head "No, I haven't, I didn't feel all that hungry..." She said truthfully "I guess I just feel a little odd, Maybe its excitement or nerves or something..." She said with a nod "It's nothing serious though I don't think" she said as she walked over next to him.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu contemplated what he was going to do when he saw her. Would he ask her to be his girlfriend? He didn't know, either way, he was PREPARED SHUU!
Koral said:
Valter was wondering why she surfaced back at the pool he stayed for a bit under the water and surfaced back up and swims to the ledge at the pool.
Lena decided to go to the changing rooms, as she climbed onto the ledge, and went to them, whistling. She wondered where Shuu was... She was going on a second date with him, but he was nowhere to be seen...
Roman said:
"Yeah. Sounds like you all have it under control." Han said before sitting up. "Our date got ruined... That's not a surprise though." He said, as he put a hand on Celia's. "Maybe we should just stay home most of the time. It's obviously hard for us to do something nice like eat out without getting in a situation like that."
Celia nodded and snuggled up to Han, giving him a teasing grin. "Hehe~ Yeah! I'll always love you Han-San~" She said happily.
JJKab said:
Lena decided to go to the changing rooms, as she climbed onto the ledge, and went to them, whistling. She wondered where Shuu was... She was going on a second date with him, but he was nowhere to be seen...
Shuu finally made it to the pool area, nervous beyond belief. He skipped up to her, trying to be casual. "Hey Lena! I'm ready for our second date!" He said excitedly. He hadn't noticed the other boy yet.

TheDragoon said:
Shuu finally made it to the pool area, nervous beyond belief. He skipped up to her, trying to be casual. "Hey Lena! I'm ready for our second date!" He said excitedly. He hadn't noticed the other boy yet.
Lena noticed Shuu, as she smiled widely, and turned to face him

"Hey... You're ready? Welp, let me just go change, and I'll be back in a sec" She said, smiling at him, as she went inside to get changed.
JJKab said:
Lena noticed Shuu, as she smiled widely, and turned to face him
"Hey... You're ready? Welp, let me just go change, and I'll be back in a sec" She said, smiling at him, as she went inside to get changed.
Shuu was also about to pop her that question when she suddenly left. He now got even more nervous, losing the confidence to deliver it. He just waited patiently for Lena.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu was also about to pop her that question when she suddenly left. He now got even more nervous, losing the confidence to deliver it. He just waited patiently for Lena.
Lena came back after a while, as she looked at Shuu, smiling.

"So? Where are we headin'?" She asked, slowly walking towards the exit of the pool, waving at the guy who was with her

"I'll see you later" She said.
JJKab said:
Lena decided to go to the changing rooms, as she climbed onto the ledge, and went to them, whistling. She wondered where Shuu was... She was going on a second date with him, but he was nowhere to be seen...
Valter just stayed at the ledge of the pool and activated his ability to absorb the water on his whole body after a second he was dry from the water.
Nonalaka said:
Maya blinked, it was that noticeable? She smiled sheepishly and shook her head "No, I haven't, I didn't feel all that hungry..." She said truthfully "I guess I just feel a little odd, Maybe its excitement or nerves or something..." She said with a nod "It's nothing serious though I don't think" she said as she walked over next to him.
Cecil runner his chin as he thought for a moment. "You know... It might be nervousness. Everytime someone walks through the my stomach tingles a little." He told her. "It isn't a major thing, so I think you're right when you say nervousness." He said to her. There were a ton of other things that could be wrong, but he didn't think about them.
TheDragoon said:
Celia nodded and snuggled up to Han, giving him a teasing grin. "Hehe~ Yeah! I'll always love you Han-San~" She said happily.
Han smiled and looked at Celia. "I'll always you too, Celia." He said laughing lightly.
JJKab said:
Lena came back after a while, as she looked at Shuu, smiling.
"So? Where are we headin'?" She asked, slowly walking towards the exit of the pool, waving at the guy who was with her

"I'll see you later" She said.
Shuu suddenly went frozen stiff. He didn't know.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu suddenly went frozen stiff. He didn't know.
Lena looked a bit confused at Shuu

"Shall we go to my place?" She asked, as they walked out of the pool area, and headed towards the exit of the school.
JJKab said:
Lena looked a bit confused at Shuu
"Shall we go to my place?" She asked, as they walked out of the pool area, and headed towards the exit of the school.
Shuu didn't know any good dating spots so he just nodded. "Y-Yeah, that sounds fine." He said, knowing he was already blowing this.
Roman said:
Cecil runner his chin as he thought for a moment. "You know... It might be nervousness. Everytime someone walks through the my stomach tingles a little." He told her. "It isn't a major thing, so I think you're right when you say nervousness." He said to her. There were a ton of other things that could be wrong, but he didn't think about them.
Maya nodded in agreement, honestly she didn't feel nervous though, not constantly anyways but his explanation made sense to her, maybe she was nervous without realising?, yeah, that must be it, because being the type of being she was, they didn't really fall ill often at all "Yeah, maybe I am nervous... I'll be fine eventually" she said smiling at him.
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TheDragoon said:
Celia nuzzled Han's nose before hugging her into his chest lovingly.
Han smiled some more and gently brushed Celia's hair behind her ears as she hugged into his chest. "This is nice... Just peace and quiet..."
Nonalaka said:
((Thanks :D ! I honestly must not have gotten an alert for that reply :'I))
Elliot froze when she asked what was funny "U-Uhm...." He went silent for a moment as he looked over at her, dammit she was making such a cute face he couldn't say...cute? No, okay, yes, he found her cute but that wasn't the matter at hand right now, he felt awful for laughing, even if it was a chuckle "Your hair looked crazy for a bit there..." He said before giving an apologetic look "S-Sorry, I know I shouldn't have laughed or anything" he blurted out, almost flinching because he assumed she'd get angry or something and he really didn't want her to be angry at him...
(( Your welcome :) Oh that's fine, alerts can be mean like that ))



Yumi looked at him with a bit of surprise at the sudden outburst of apology. There wasn't any need for Elliot to apologize to her, she wasn't bothered by his laughing at her messed up hair. She had to admit that she would have laughed a little to if his hair had been as messed up as hers. Though she would probably do the same thing that he had just did and apologized. People didn't like getting laughed at, Yumi would have felt terrible if Elliot had gotten mad at her for something like that. She wasn't exactly the type to get mad or frustrated if someone she knew laughed at her. If it was a complete stranger, then I think would have been a different story. "It's fine, no worries! My hair was pretty wild a bit ago, even if thought it was funny. So there's no need to apologize." Yumi reassured with a smile, waving her hand a little.
TheDragoon said:
Shuu didn't know any good dating spots so he just nodded. "Y-Yeah, that sounds fine." He said, knowing he was already blowing this.
Lena smiled, as they went out of the school's main building, and headed towards the exit of the school's territory

"You seem... Concerned.. Something's on your mind?" She asked, looking at him.
Roman said:
Taylor chuckled and tilted his head.
"I'm glad you're the one that ended up with my brother by the way. You seem just like him. Easily flustered and shy... I find it a little weird, but it's whatever."

Nai was finally okay, and had said he wanted some dessert.

"Thanks Taylor. That's the most non-annoying thing you said all night."

"You're welcome."

JJKab said:
Fricka smiled a bit, as she looked at Taylor.
"Thanks... I... I really enjoy it here... thanks for your invite..." She stated, trying not to sound douchy. She then looked over at Celia, and smiled wider

"What's for dessert?" Fricka crossed her arms over her chest.

...❤︎Celia had busied herself with taking out the dessert and wasn't really paying any attention to what they were talking about, until Frika asked what was for dessert. As she pulled out the tray of parfaits from the fridge and brought them over to the table, she spoke as she set it down. Celia also had to take away the remaining empty dishes of sushi and go wash them before she could actually eat the dessert. She didn't like leaving dirty dishes in the sink, even if it was just for a bit❤︎...

"Oh, there Oreo Mocha parfaits."
WeirdPrincess said:
(( Your welcome :) Oh that's fine, alerts can be mean like that ))


Yumi looked at him with a bit of surprise at the sudden outburst of apology. There wasn't any need for Elliot to apologize to her, she wasn't bothered by his laughing at her messed up hair. She had to admit that she would have laughed a little to if his hair had been as messed up as hers. Though she would probably do the same thing that he had just did and apologized. People didn't like getting laughed at, Yumi would have felt terrible if Elliot had gotten mad at her for something like that. She wasn't exactly the type to get mad or frustrated if someone she knew laughed at her. If it was a complete stranger, then I think would have been a different story. "It's fine, no worries! My hair was pretty wild a bit ago, even if thought it was funny. So there's no need to apologize." Yumi reassured with a smile, waving her hand a little.
Elliot let a sigh of relief "Oh, good! I'd hate for you too be mad at me since you're you and all..." He said with a nod. "I was expecting you to storm off or something!" He said truthfully, not that he thought she was the kind to have a rife temper or anything of the sort, it was more along the lines of perhaps she'd be upset at him... Glad that there was no hard feelings he smiled "A-Anyways, where do you want to go next?" He asked her.

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