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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Fiona looked around at the white walls and frowned. White was such a bland color. "Seriously? Is this your idea of a da-" Her voice trailed off when she saw Sarin. She quickly rushed over to him. "Hey....you....you got stabbed."

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin forced a smile and breathed a laugh, "Sorry, i didn't notice. I swear i felt somethi-" He cut himself off hissing in pain as a small pool of blood surrounded the carpet beneath himself, he moved his spare hand away from the wound and moved it so he sat up slightly.

Zac Crimson Black

Zac sighed lightly, the sad demeaner about him leaving as he moved to the side of the bed, moving to stand, "Gremlins it is," He said with the usual smile. Pain was still spread across his face as he moved over to the large TV, opening one of the many draws under the TV. He pulled out a old looking movie case with a box with small hands coming out of it on the front. He opened it up and took the movie out and placed it in the DVD player, moving over to the couch and sitting down.

(( Sorry late reply, i was/am at school ))

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin sighed lightly as they quickly sunk into the portal, just as he thought this: a knife flew straight at Fiona, doing something stupid he moved himself so they the knife would hit him, straight into the back of his shoulder blade. Hissing in pain, before they fully sunk into the portal. They where thrown out into a large white walled house, Fiona landing onto a couch and Sarin landing on his back on the floor, the knife going through entirely.

((Sorry am at school :PP Sozzy ))

Rosalie followed him over to where the TV was, hopping onto the couch as he put the DVD into the player. She smiled at him as he came over to sit on the couch as well.

((Sorry for short reply :'I))

Sarin Mortirus

Sarin forced a smile and breathed a laugh, "Sorry, i didn't notice. I swear i felt somethi-" He cut himself off hissing in pain as a small pool of blood surrounded the carpet beneath himself, he moved his spare hand away from the wound and moved it so he sat up slightly.

Fiona shook her head. "Why would you go and do that?" She chuckled slightly. "You should rest. I may be able to heal you but I need concentration." She nodded. Fiona seemed relatively calm....almost like she had healed many stab wounds....
Cam had been floating around before seeing a girl next to a....A greatsword? He landed next to her "What an interesting weapon....Though such a weapon for a girl of this size......It seems impossible..."

Rika's abilities had developed as time had past. Her right arm became a mass of tentacles suddenly and enveloped the hilt of the sword, morphing into her arm and turning it into a blade. "That's because I don't carry it around often. Instead I just phase it into my body so it's easier to carry. It's also made of the same material my body is made of. Chaos." She said before giggling lightly as her body let go of the sword and her arm turned back to normal, having finished her demonstration for the man.
34 minutes ago, TheDragoon said:

Rika's abilities had developed as time had past. Her right arm became a mass of tentacles suddenly and enveloped the hilt of the sword, morphing into her arm and turning it into a blade. "That's because I don't carry it around often. Instead I just phase it into my body so it's easier to carry. It's also made of the same material my body is made of. Chaos." She said before giggling lightly as her body let go of the sword and her arm turned back to normal, having finished her demonstration for the man.


"Chaos.....I happen to be the person who thought the Dragon God of Death how to control his chaos" He said smiling
Kaz bordly glided down the halls and shrugged and he floated at a moderate pace and shrugged as he looked down at the girl. "I suppose you could say I'm hiding from a person you really don't want to mess with. They became a student at the school as well because they're chasing me, but luckily they haven't found me yet, and when they do, I'm gone. Other then that, I suppose you could say the school just makes for a convenient hiding spot because you can blend in fairly easily." Kaz paused (speaking pause, he's still floating down the hall) and thought about the latter half of her statement. "So how do you propose we turn this into a game?"
She looked up at him with a single raised brow, "Well, it doesn't only have to be questions about our history. It can be things you like.. Dislike. It's really just all about sharing and being returned the favor. For example, I would ask you something I'm curious about... Like, what your favorite color is. You'd tell me and then ask me something that isn't a copy of my own question. Like, what's my least favorite food." Mora shrugged and shifted her eyes forward again, feeling a little deflated and it showed on her usually flat, expressionless face, eyes drooping at the corners as if she were a little sad. It was only a short crack in the mask, though, probably fast enough that he'd miss it if he wasn't paying attention. "Either way, we don't have to do anything like that."
She let her gaze fall on the lockers on either side of the hall and the scattered, discarded papers pushed all over the floor, and the flyers and posters taped up to the columns in the center of the hall and the walls. Advertising for local food establishments, apartments, and upcoming events and even some long since passed. For what ever reason she found the ones with the tabs on the bottom to rip off and pull particularly amusing. People put their contact information on those little pieces of paper and anyone would be able to get their hands on them. A terrible idea if anyone were to ask her.

Kaz shrugged as he floated through the air before stopping in front of what should be Mora's locker and shrugged.

"My favorite color is the deep dusk purple you can see just before the sun sets, but unless you're planning on following me around so I can return the question after this, this should be your locker."

((I've been really busy. I'm so sorry for the delay. Plz forgive me ;-; ))

Mora looked up at her locker and raised a brow. The thing was in a poor state with all kinds of papers pasted on it. Advertisements, clutter, trash collected at the foot. She sighed and looked up at him, smirking, "Would you be terribly disappointed? Your attitude is so sour, I think you could use some decent company, Kaz." She was teasing him, of course, pulling her blood red eyes away from him to try out the combination on her locker.

It was quick and simple. A three number combination lock. After a single attempt the lock clicked softly and she swung the door open only to have a brief burst of white light explode from inside the metal box. She grimaced and slammed the locker shut before turning to face the floating boy again.

((Don't worry. I've done it to you. Just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten. @Wicked Jester))
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"Chaos.....I happen to be the person who thought the Dragon God of Death how to control his chaos" He said smiling

Rika smiles and nods. "I see... Admirable, we serve under the most horrific being known as the Chaos Mother. She's also a master of chaos as well... I'm... Still trying to learn how to control myself." She said. "My brother hasn't been around to train me..."
Just now, TheDragoon said:

Rika smiles and nods. "I see... Admirable, we serve under the most horrific being known as the Chaos Mother. She's also a master of chaos as well... I'm... Still trying to learn how to control myself." She said. "My brother hasn't been around to train me..."


He smiled again “I’m sure he’ll be around at some point. As far as I go....Well.....Without going into much detail, I’m a Lord of some kind” He said before sitting next to her “If you’d like, I could help you.”
He smiled again “I’m sure he’ll be around at some point. As far as I go....Well.....Without going into much detail, I’m a Lord of some kind” He said before sitting next to her “If you’d like, I could help you.”

Rika nodded softly. "I wouldn't mind having a little help. I'm having problems where if I use my abilities too often, especially concequtively, I lose control of myself and go on a rampage... So... Yea. I don't want to hurt anybody close to me, but bloodlust is required to keep the balance of order and chaos in this world. I mustn't let the Chaos Mother down..."
Elaena giggled as Naji whipped his tail left and right letting a meow that meant 'stop it' ((Not sure if Amelia can actually understand cats or not so yeah XDD)). "Grumpy" she said before staring at Amelia as she said about wanting to have a life like Elaena's. "Don't wish for that, you'd regret it" she said lowering her gave to the side for a moment before trying to laugh it off to cover up her change in demeanour "I dont sleep because I want to, I sleep because I have to unfortunately" she said, smiling softly.


((I tried a million times to find your reply but couldnt find it again, so Im trying to go from memory lol))
((Anyone want to Interact? c: Alot of interactions I was in are frozen so yeah.))
46 minutes ago, TheDragoon said:

Rika nodded softly. "I wouldn't mind having a little help. I'm having problems where if I use my abilities too often, especially concequtively, I lose control of myself and go on a rampage... So... Yea. I don't want to hurt anybody close to me, but bloodlust is required to keep the balance of order and chaos in this world. I mustn't let the Chaos Mother down..."


"Follow me" He said as he lifted up off the ground "I mean, that is, if you can fly"
"Follow me" He said as he lifted up off the ground "I mean, that is, if you can fly"

Rika shrugged. "I can't exactly 'fly' but I can do this." She giggled before her body became a tangled mass, making her body lighter. She jumped from where she stood to the roof of the school easily before shifting back to human form. "I'm more nimble and quick when I take that form." She winked.
Hanako continued to kiss Syo. She also at the same time due to her God Eater genes began developing shape shifting powers.

Syo kissed her a bit more deeply before pulling away, not knowing about her newfound strength. Due to Syo's ability being genetic however, he didn't lose his power, but was still passed on to Hanako. He looked into her eyes lovingly before nuzzling her nose. "I-I know, I'm not very strong... But the least I can do is protect you with my life. After all... You saved mine." He said softly, smiling softly at her.
Syo kissed her a bit more deeply before pulling away, not knowing about her newfound strength. Due to Syo's ability being genetic however, he didn't lose his power, but was still passed on to Hanako. He looked into her eyes lovingly before nuzzling her nose. "I-I know, I'm not very strong... But the least I can do is protect you with my life. After all... You saved mine." He said softly, smiling softly at her.

Hanako giggled.

''I'm sure I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me much.''
''Yeah...I trust you enough~''

Syo blushed deeply and nodded, being a lot more nervous around her because he was still in heat. The movie soon ended and he looked to screen, realizing this was so. "Well it looks like it's time to go home... I wish it didn't have to end tho."
Syo blushed deeply and nodded, being a lot more nervous around her because he was still in heat. The movie soon ended and he looked to screen, realizing this was so. "Well it looks like it's time to go home... I wish it didn't have to end tho."

''Oh well...let's go~''

She said before getting up and waiting for Syo to get up as well.
Hanako started to hear the argument as well.

''.....I think it's best not to ease drop...''

It was Akuma, the former Devil of Time and Space... Looks like he wasn't getting along with humans well, as usual. He was having an argument about how his popcorn got burnt.


Syo blinked a few times at the argument before quickly going along with Hanako. "That guy didn't seem too nice..." He muttered softly.
It was Akuma, the former Devil of Time and Space... Looks like he wasn't getting along with humans well, as usual. He was having an argument about how his popcorn got burnt.


Syo blinked a few times at the argument before quickly going along with Hanako. "That guy didn't seem too nice..." He muttered softly.

''Then...agh, we still shouldn't ease drop..........Okay, maybe just this once.''

She said letting her curiosity take over before she began to listen in.
''Then...agh, we still shouldn't ease drop..........Okay, maybe just this once.''

She said letting her curiosity take over before she began to listen in.

The clerk seemed flustered. He was frantically apologizing and explaining he was new on the job. Akuma grunted and shook his head. "That gives you the right to burn my popcorn how? Either I get a refund or I get a new fresh batch of popcorn." He said, not too happy about eating it. That stuff was gross, who would wanna eat that? The clerk began to threaten to call his supervisor and such. "Since when was it that the customer is always wrong?" He narrowed his eyes as the clerk began to call his supervisor.


Sweat slipped down Syo's face. "Geez, that guy seems like he's gonna be in big trouble isn't he?" He said. "Maybe we should just leave it alone..."

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