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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

((Kaz is what you would consider a true delinquent. Even in his intro post he was running from the cops. I would love to see her meet another one of my characters Des. He would piss her off to no end.))

Kaz sighed as he started at the girl for a moment before deciding he truely had nothing better to do with his time. Sighing he flipped himself over and pushed off the ground with one foot heading to the right, floating gently through the air. "So tell me, did you just awaken to your abilities, just escape from some form of captivity, or just learn about the school recently?"

(( @Ternunda Hunter If you still want to our interaction you owe me a reply btw.))
Hansuke Ishida

One of The Archangels



Han put his hand up to his face, soon making a mask appear out of nowhere. His power had tripled now, and he was ready for an attack. "Heh... At least he attacked. " Han said, watching as Achilles swung his axe. With quick speed, Han was able to block the attack, creating a shockwave from the impact. "Took you long enough." He said with a grin behind his mask. 




Han's blade was covered in a black energy, keeping him from losing his footing. It seems he had done the same; put his energy into the blade. Han jumped back and landed on a nearby car. He looked around for any civilians, making sure the area was clear and when he saw it was, the black energy that had engulfed his blade was sent flying towards Achilles. "Getsuga... Tenshou!"


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The mans sword started to glow black, and the arc of energy was sent right towards him. Somehow this did not startle the Lion warrior as much as the fact that he would have to waste precious few moments to deal with it. The lion warrior held his weapon before him to block the energy blade as the black energy singed his fur and left him alot angrier than when he started. "My turn." he spoke as he held out his smoking hand and a ball of white hot fury formed. with a flex of his hand and fingers the ball of energy changed into a helix of lightning that began to strike at the man, and everything in the area. "Duty, honor and valor are either in your heart or they are not. You will never know for certain until you are tested." he roared at the man, as he sent more helix lightning at the man and anyone foolish enough to be in his path.

Drakon shrugged. "Normally after the date is over, both lovers part ways till the next date..." He said before he looked the side and looked a bit sad. "But... I don't want to leave. Your important to me." He said before he looked back at her with a nervous laugh. "Besides, I have nothing else I can do with my life anymore. I completed my mission so I'm out of a job."

Nico smiled, nodding slowly. "Well now you have the time to relax and to focus on yourself," she giggled lightly. "Also you can have more fun now.. but with me of course!" she exclaimed, giving him a quick peck on his left cheek. Nico pulled away, tucking a strand of hair behind her left ear. "You're kinda stuck with me.." she smirked, sticking her out playfully at him. 

The mans sword started to glow black, and the arc of energy was sent right towards him. Somehow this did not startle the Lion warrior as much as the fact that he would have to waste precious few moments to deal with it. The lion warrior held his weapon before him to block the energy blade as the black energy singed his fur and left him alot angrier than when he started. "My turn." he spoke as he held out his smoking hand and a ball of white hot fury formed. with a flex of his hand and fingers the ball of energy changed into a helix of lightning that began to strike at the man, and everything in the area. "Duty, honor and valor are either in your heart or they are not. You will never know for certain until you are tested." he roared at the man, as he sent more helix lightning at the man and anyone foolish enough to be in his path.


Hansuke Ishida

One of The Archangels

Han was satisfied with how his plan went, even if it failed. The true objective was to create space for Han to come up with a more well thought one. "I should probably group up with Apollyon, then again he is already waiting for another signal." He thought to himself. Han was then caught off guard by the sounds of lightning, dodging one that almost striked him. "What the hell..." Han stood up, tightly gripping his sword as he made his way to Achilles, dodging the lightning. "Don't talk as if you're a wise man. You're just a boy." Han growled as he soon began moving so fast to the point where he left afterimages. 




"If you are quick enough, you'd catch me." Han said as he stopped behind Achilles and raised the blade of his sword high enough to stab Achilles, but somewhere not much vital. "I'll take responsibility of your injuries if anything happens to you." He said before sending the blade forward towards Achilles' back. 




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Hansuke Ishida

One of The Archangels

Han was satisfied with how his plan went, even if it failed. The true objective was to create space for Han to come up with a more well thought one. "I should probably group up with Apollyon, then again he is already waiting for another signal." He thought to himself. Han was then caught off guard by the sounds of lightning, dodging one that almost striked him. "What the hell..." Han stood up, tightly gripping his sword as he made his way to Achilles, dodging the lightning. "Don't talk as if you're a wise man. You're just a boy." Han growled as he soon began moving so fast to the point where he left afterimages. 




"If you are quick enough, you'd catch me." Han said as he stopped behind Achilles and raised the blade of his sword high enough to stab Achilles, but somewhere not much vital. "I'll take responsibility of your injuries if anything happens to you." He said before sending the blade forward towards Achilles' back. 




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"Wisdom is knowing that you have walked right into my trap, Intelligence is figuring out how to get out of the metal jaws before they end you." He roared with laughter as the man came in for the kill. "I do not need to be fast enough to catch you, I just need to be strong enough to draw you in." he finished as the sound of the grizzly, lion type voice began to shake the rocks around them. Then as the mans sword swung down for the kill, the roar grew louder and louder as Achijani (I know, I know) glowed. At the apex of the roar, a blast of highly condensed sound, mixed with a magical energy blast boomed out from his mouth at the incoming man as his sword bit into his shoulder armor, and into the leathery furry flesh below. Cracks began forming in the wall as small things began to be blown away:

(like this):

(mixed with this, but from his mouth):


Dodging lightning, and now a ultrasonic roar shockwave, PLUS energy blast has now made the easy going Apollyon quite mad at this kid. Even his own mother struggled to hold on from being swept away. His own momma! Apollyon can't see his momma, cause she threatened to blast his head off if he returned. This little asshole needed a lesson. Screw keeping him in one piece, He will be lucky if his soul is in one piece when he was through. Under his SS style long coat, was one instrument of his vengeance. One of seven swords, each was different in its abilities, but the one he chosen was the most brutal of his blades, the FACEPWNER 5000. Its nap time for bonzo now. Permanently.



"Wisdom is knowing that you have walked right into my trap, Intelligence is figuring out how to get out of the metal jaws before they end you." He roared with laughter as the man came in for the kill. "I do not need to be fast enough to catch you, I just need to be strong enough to draw you in." he finished as the sound of the grizzly, lion type voice began to shake the rocks around them. Then as the mans sword swung down for the kill, the roar grew louder and louder as Achijani (I know, I know) glowed. At the apex of the roar, a blast of highly condensed sound, mixed with a magical energy blast boomed out from his mouth at the incoming man as his sword bit into his shoulder armor, and into the leathery furry flesh below. Cracks began forming in the wall as small things began to be blown away:

(like this):

(mixed with this, but from his mouth):


Dodging lightning, and now a ultrasonic roar shockwave, PLUS energy blast has now made the easy going Apollyon quite mad at this kid. Even his own mother struggled to hold on from being swept away. His own momma! Apollyon can't see his momma, cause she threatened to blast his head off if he returned. This little asshole needed a lesson. Screw keeping him in one piece, He will be lucky if his soul is in one piece when he was through. Under his SS style long coat, was one instrument of his vengeance. One of seven swords, each was different in its abilities, but the one he chosen was the most brutal of his blades, the FACEPWNER 5000. Its nap time for bonzo now. Permanently.



Hansuke Ishida

One of The Archangels



Being sent spiraling into multiple walls by the roar, Han could feel himself slipping away. Not into death, but into the influences of his demon side. Becoming more ruthless and this time out of control, Han stood up. Pieces of his outfit torn from the destruction. "You talk big, but I'll shut that furry ass face of yours." He said, zipping through the distance set betweem them almost instantly. "Your head will look amazing up on my wall." Han said as his blade was making it's way up to Achilles' neck. Well... None of this was happening slowly, in fact it was faster than all Han had been doing. Apollyon had to interfere now, to both stop this fight and keep Han from harming a student. 


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Hansuke Ishida

One of The Archangels



Being sent spiraling into multiple walls by the roar, Han could feel himself slipping away. Not into death, but into the influences of his demon side. Becoming more ruthless and this time out of control, Han stood up. Pieces of his outfit torn from the destruction. "You talk big, but I'll shut that furry ass face of yours." He said, zipping through the distance set betweem them almost instantly. "Your head will look amazing up on my wall." Han said as his blade was making it's way up to Achilles' neck. Well... None of this was happening slowly, in fact it was faster than all Han had been doing. Apollyon had to interfere now, to both stop this fight and keep Han from harming a student. 


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Stuff was getting too real. He had to use every ounce of power to just put himself between the lion boy's neck, and his best friends blade. First step was to kick the weakening lion boy out of the way, which having to match his friends speed as taking its toll. Delivering a powerful mid section kick, he sent the boy flying backwards. And while following it up with a gritted teeth growl of "Cruelest torture number 67: Tragic Defeat" while tossing the object he was toying with earlier at the young lion man.

Four golden chains planted themselves into the ground around the boy, as the stone grew larger, until it was heavy enough to crush the boy enough to keep him pinned, but not enough to kill. "Do not move or it will get tighter on you, unless you submit!" he shouted to the lion boy.

Next was his berserk friend. A glittering mirrored stone was thrown in his friends face as he dodged the sword strikes. "Cruelest Torture number 30: Endless Regret." As Apollyon shouted it out, the area around Han became misty and foggy, with images of his sisters in various states of sadness and depression, lamenting the death of the oldest ones boyfriend. Each image was as real as was the sword in Han's hand. "Sorry I have to do that to you, bro.." He spoke as he slid out of the way. Now both had sufficient time out time to compose themselves.


♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Vengeful God Eater of Nature ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Hanako blinked once more and looked around seeing no one was there. She looked down before seeing the cat. She soon got on her knees gently and began petting it, the knife on the ground but her hand still over it. As if pressing the knife into the ground.


Syo's fear began to melt away, now seeing this girl had a gentle side. He purred and rubbed his head against her body, now pacing around her legs. He particularly thought this kid was kinda nice. Maybe he could just live in her presence as a cat, so she wouldn't freak out and he'd have some place to live. After all, like Ikuto, he had no place to live.
Nico smiled, nodding slowly. "Well now you have the time to relax and to focus on yourself," she giggled lightly. "Also you can have more fun now.. but with me of course!" she exclaimed, giving him a quick peck on his left cheek. Nico pulled away, tucking a strand of hair behind her left ear. "You're kinda stuck with me.." she smirked, sticking her out playfully at him. 

Drakon blushed a lot and nodded, smiling. "Yea, I'm kinda glad. I love spending time with you. S-So..." He mumbled as he then tucked some hair behind his ear. "D-Do you want me to stay with you? I mean, y-you don't have to let me stay..." He whimpered.
((Rael (and more specifically this personality) of Rael does have a reason for wanting to seduce Junchi.))

Rael glanced around subtly and smiled internally as she clung to Junchi's arm and wondered how the others perceived then, unknowingly having the same thoughts Junchi at that moment. However unlike Junchi, Rael was simultaneously processing a vast number of thoughts and was currently working on improving her appearance to the extremes. Little did Junchi know that in the time he has been with Rael, her whole attitude had begun to shift as if becoming an entirely different person with a completely different goal than the Rael who only wanted to eat cake. Unfortunately Rael didn't know what kinds of girls Junchi may like or what kinds of fetishes he may have so she could only try her hardest to make the perfect body. Rewriting her genetic code and forcing her cells to reproduce at a rapid rate, her skin began to produce a rose smelling scent and she pressed her body tightly on Junchi trying to make sure he smelled it to see how he would react. Smiling she laughed a rich sounding laugh and spoke, her voice becoming sweeter by the second. "OK, then I'll be in your care. Make sure you take good care of me." Smiling she stressed the word care, implying other meanings.

((Sorry about the late reply, I've just been really out of it lately.))

Mei Junchi

Location: Exiting Bakery
Status: Talking to Rael
Objective: Take Rael to the ATM machine | Wondering why Rael is acting differently
Mood: Interested | Charmed

It was obvious that they were trying to flirt with him... but he couldn't be sad about it. It was nice, and he wasn't the type to turn down a girl's advances unless she was being too pushy, gross, or some other reason he should have to not like her. The sudden personality change was still weird, and as Junchi led Rael out of the Bakery and towards the ATM he tried to think deeper about it. He didn't have much knowledge to judge why Rael began to act differently, but he did realize it was more subtle instead of being sudden like he previously thought. "Rael?" Junchi started, no longer being able to resist the questions he had. "Uh, mind explaining why you're acting so different now? I didn't take you for the type to try and flirt with me... or at all."

Tags | Interacting With: Rael
OOC: It's fine, I don't rp much during a school week anyways. I only get in about one or two posts depending on the day and time I have.
Character Sheet
Drakon blushed a lot and nodded, smiling. "Yea, I'm kinda glad. I love spending time with you. S-So..." He mumbled as he then tucked some hair behind his ear. "D-Do you want me to stay with you? I mean, y-you don't have to let me stay..." He whimpered.

Nico took a hold of his arm and slowly lead him on her bed. She let go of his arm and laid down on the bed. "We can nap together," she smiled, yawning lightly. Nico covered herself in her pink fuzzy blanket. "See ya later," she said before turning her back on him and started closing her eyes. 
Nico took a hold of his arm and slowly lead him on her bed. She let go of his arm and laid down on the bed. "We can nap together," she smiled, yawning lightly. Nico covered herself in her pink fuzzy blanket. "See ya later," she said before turning her back on him and started closing her eyes. 

Drakon watched as she covered herself up before hesitating... Then slipping under the covers with her and wrapping his arms around her from behind in his sleep, his face buried into her back like he was hugging a teddy bear. "I love you Nico... Good night..." He whispered gently. He meant everything he said. He felt like as long as he was by Nico's side he'd be happy forever... He'd never feel the pain of being abandoned by friends or family or anyone ever again, because he'd always have Nico.
Drakon watched as she covered herself up before hesitating... Then slipping under the covers with her and wrapping his arms around her from behind in his sleep, his face buried into her back like he was hugging a teddy bear. "I love you Nico... Good night..." He whispered gently. He meant everything he said. He felt like as long as he was by Nico's side he'd be happy forever... He'd never feel the pain of being abandoned by friends or family or anyone ever again, because he'd always have Nico.

Nico sank closer to him, smiling in her sleep. "Love... you," she almost didn't respond. She drifted off, dreaming about Drakon and what not. She bit down on her lower lip slightly. 
Syo's fear began to melt away, now seeing this girl had a gentle side. He purred and rubbed his head against her body, now pacing around her legs. He particularly thought this kid was kinda nice. Maybe he could just live in her presence as a cat, so she wouldn't freak out and he'd have some place to live. After all, like Ikuto, he had no place to live.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Hanako continued to pet it before she picked it up and started wandering off with the cat.

(Maybe I could age her up again?)
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Hanako continued to pet it before she picked it up and started wandering off with the cat.

(Maybe I could age her up again?)

((If you want, Syo can't exactly change for a while cause Hanako will just freak and get uncomfortable so he's gonna try changing again when their closer o3o))

Syo purred in her arms, meowing gently. As he was laying in her arms he began to think about who this girl exactly was. Since he couldn't really talk to her he couldn't learn anything so... He stayed quiet and wondered where they were going.
((If you want, Syo can't exactly change for a while cause Hanako will just freak and get uncomfortable so he's gonna try changing again when their closer o3o))

Syo purred in her arms, meowing gently. As he was laying in her arms he began to think about who this girl exactly was. Since he couldn't really talk to her he couldn't learn anything so... He stayed quiet and wondered where they were going.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Hanako was just wandering before she got into the mansion. Which she then went into the living room with the TV and started to glow and turned into a 5 year old. She turned on the TV to some cartoon that seemed like it was supposed to be meaningful.
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Hanako was just wandering before she got into the mansion. Which she then went into the living room with the TV and started to glow and turned into a 5 year old. She turned on the TV to some cartoon that seemed like it was supposed to be meaningful.

Syo was curled up in her lap, watching with her intently. He wondered what she was watching, but didn't really bother as he was shutting his eyes, taking a cat nap.
Syo was curled up in her lap, watching with her intently. He wondered what she was watching, but didn't really bother as he was shutting his eyes, taking a cat nap.

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Soon Hanako just started watching a kung fu movie of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Maybe there was a bit of Jet Li in there.
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Soon Hanako just started watching a kung fu movie of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Maybe there was a bit of Jet Li in there.

Syo could obviously tell that she was into adventure and fighting, both things he actually liked a lot. Maybe he'd ask if she wanted to battle when she was older, it'd be fun. For now he's just have to act like a friendly house cat.

((Come to think of it, Hanako doesn't even have a name for Syo and she doesn't even know his name XD, is Hanako gonna take care of him?))
Syo could obviously tell that she was into adventure and fighting, both things he actually liked a lot. Maybe he'd ask if she wanted to battle when she was older, it'd be fun. For now he's just have to act like a friendly house cat.

((Come to think of it, Hanako doesn't even have a name for Syo and she doesn't even know his name XD, is Hanako gonna take care of him?))

♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Hanako just kept watching before she laid down on the couch and fell asleep while hugging the cat in her sleep.

(Maybe. But she'd want to get approval from her mothers)
♱ Hanako Ajinsei ♱

~ Goddess and God Eater Hybrid ~

(Because I can't find a baby Summer Rose)

Hanako just kept watching before she laid down on the couch and fell asleep while hugging the cat in her sleep.

(Maybe. But she'd want to get approval from her mothers)

Mari later came in to check on Hanako. She saw she was snuggling a cat... But something wasn't quite right about it. She was sensing a high power level from this cat, one that even surpassed a normal human. She called in Roselyn to ask what she thought.

((Shoot, I just realized if Roselyn and Mari find out Syo is a 16 year old Neko then there could be some serious trouble XDDD))

Drakon woke up the next morning, seeing he had left a hickey mark on Nico's neck that night. He hadn't even noticed, probably because he had dreamt of her last night. "Mmm... Morning..." He mumbled gently. He sighed gently, knowing he'd need to find a job today. He barely had any expenses left and he'd just be draining Nico's cash.

Stuff was getting too real. He had to use every ounce of power to just put himself between the lion boy's neck, and his best friends blade. First step was to kick the weakening lion boy out of the way, which having to match his friends speed as taking its toll. Delivering a powerful mid section kick, he sent the boy flying backwards. And while following it up with a gritted teeth growl of "Cruelest torture number 67: Tragic Defeat" while tossing the object he was toying with earlier at the young lion man.

Four golden chains planted themselves into the ground around the boy, as the stone grew larger, until it was heavy enough to crush the boy enough to keep him pinned, but not enough to kill. "Do not move or it will get tighter on you, unless you submit!" he shouted to the lion boy.

Next was his berserk friend. A glittering mirrored stone was thrown in his friends face as he dodged the sword strikes. "Cruelest Torture number 30: Endless Regret." As Apollyon shouted it out, the area around Han became misty and foggy, with images of his sisters in various states of sadness and depression, lamenting the death of the oldest ones boyfriend. Each image was as real as was the sword in Han's hand. "Sorry I have to do that to you, bro.." He spoke as he slid out of the way. Now both had sufficient time out time to compose themselves.



Hansuke Ishida

One of The Archangels



Han didn't expect Apollyon to jump in and save Achilles. At least this version of Han didn't. Hell he had figured it was too late for the furball. As the images of his sisters being sad and depressed show themselves, Han was able to come to his senses and negated the ability. Freeing himself in a explosion. His sword had went to it's original size and he stabbing the blade into the ground. "Never again. You find a different way to hold me back, Apollyon. Seeing my sisters like that only makes me angrier." He said, sighing lightly. "I almost killed him..."


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