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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn sighed lightly when she spoke about all the species in the school, "For me not really, in my world we have at least fifty of the ones here," She said before sighing, when she saw Moonstone lower her head she was slightly confused. When she raised it back up Evelyn merely cocked her head to the right when she spoke, "Um... Sure... I was going to meet--" She cut herself off before she smacked herself in the face, "God i'm stupid..." She said before sighing, "What i meant to say was, i have to head to the library and finish homeowork, since i skipped my classes and have to research everything on my own..." She said sighing before she looked at Moonstone, "Well, i'll let you carry on, guessing you've got nothing to do, so good luck with whatever it is... I suppose..." She said before she rubbed the back of her head. God i'm stupid... I should head home, our library should have everything i need... She thought to herself before she stopped rubbing the back of her head with a sigh.


Location: Near the library
Status: Requesting to go the library with Evelyn
Objective: Go to the library and do some research
Mood: Slightly annoyed

Moonstone flinched a bit when she smacked her face. They knew it was an expression of annoyance or self-disappointment, but they always disliked it. Not only was the sound annoying, just watching someone smack their face seemed silly and painful. Sure, some people did it softer than others, but the way Moonstone reacted was the same: a flinch and a frown was all they received. Slowly Moonstone tried to give a smile and asked gently, "Would you like to go to the library together? I don't understand why you're stupid for making a simple mistake."

Tags | Interacting With: Evelyn Crimson Rose
Character Sheet

Location: Near the library
Status: Requesting to go the library with Evelyn
Objective: Go to the library and do some research
Mood: Slightly annoyed

Moonstone flinched a bit when she smacked her face. They knew it was an expression of annoyance or self-disappointment, but they always disliked it. Not only was the sound annoying, just watching someone smack their face seemed silly and painful. Sure, some people did it softer than others, but the way Moonstone reacted was the same: a flinch and a frown was all they received. Slowly Moonstone tried to give a smile and asked gently, "Would you like to go to the library together? I don't understand why you're stupid for making a simple mistake."

Tags | Interacting With: Evelyn Crimson Rose
Character Sheet

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn looked at Moonstone before laughing lightly, "You mean the library here?" She said as she tried to hold in her laughs, tears going to her eyes before she calmed down. She wiped the tears from her her eyes before she came up to Moonstone and patted her on the back, careful not to touch the wings, "Moonstone my dear, this library has less books than mine, these ones vital for most people, but the 50 story library i have has more information about why a toad makes a croaking noise than this one here... Again don't ask why we have it, the information and books are from this world... sss..." She added the "sss" to emphazise there was more than one world she got the books from.

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn looked at Moonstone before laughing lightly, "You mean the library here?" She said as she tried to hold in her laughs, tears going to her eyes before she calmed down. She wiped the tears from her her eyes before she came up to Moonstone and patted her on the back, careful not to touch the wings, "Moonstone my dear, this library has less books than mine, these ones vital for most people, but the 50 story library i have has more information about why a toad makes a croaking noise than this one here... Again don't ask why we have it, the information and books are from this world... sss..." She added the "sss" to emphazise there was more than one world she got the books from.


Location: Near the library
Status: Thinking about Evelyn's library
Objective: Learn about Evelyn's library
Mood: Curious | Excited

Moonstone froze a bit when they were touched on the back, yet tried to seem natural and calm. "Your library? Does your family own a business, or do you mean you've collected enough books to be considered your own personal library?" How nice! Another person who appreciate books and likes to collect them. "Do you mind inviting me to see your library? From what you're telling me my collection doesn't compare to yours, but it'd be fun to learn what someone else has." Once again they realized they were rambling and forced themself to stop. There was always the chance she didn't even have a collection and was talking about something completely different. With how she was describing things, she could very well just be using a lot of hyperbole.

Tags | Interacting With: Evelyn Crimson Rose
Character Sheet

Location: Near the library
Status: Thinking about Evelyn's library
Objective: Learn about Evelyn's library
Mood: Curious | Excited

Moonstone froze a bit when they were touched on the back, yet tried to seem natural and calm. "Your library? Does your family own a business, or do you mean you've collected enough books to be considered your own personal library?" How nice! Another person who appreciate books and likes to collect them. "Do you mind inviting me to see your library? From what you're telling me my collection doesn't compare to yours, but it'd be fun to learn what someone else has." Once again they realized they were rambling and forced themself to stop. There was always the chance she didn't even have a collection and was talking about something completely different. With how she was describing things, she could very well just be using a lot of hyperbole.

Tags | Interacting With: Evelyn Crimson Rose
Character Sheet

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn was slightly confused by what she meant by own personnal library, "I-it isn't mine, nor is it my families, it's the collection of the vampre race actually... Including books from the council... But yeah, i can bring you along... But try to not to talk to anyone, the vampires there don't neccesarily like races outside of the council..." She said with a small sigh at the end, moving away from Moonstone she opened a portal in front of herself, "Come on, don't worry, i'm pretty sure this world messes with my portals, guess it's a school protection spell or something," She said with a slight sigh before laughing lightly.

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn was slightly confused by what she meant by own personnal library, "I-it isn't mine, nor is it my families, it's the collection of the vampre race actually... Including books from the council... But yeah, i can bring you along... But try to not to talk to anyone, the vampires there don't neccesarily like races outside of the council..." She said with a small sigh at the end, moving away from Moonstone she opened a portal in front of herself, "Come on, don't worry, i'm pretty sure this world messes with my portals, guess it's a school protection spell or something," She said with a slight sigh before laughing lightly.


Location: Near the School's Library | Going into Evelyn's portal
Status: Following Evelyn into the portal
Objective: See the Vampire Library
Mood: Anxious

A collection of the Vampire race? Seems like nearly every species had one area they stored all their information, no matter the different cultures their species had. Slowly Moonstone entered the portal and followed behind Evelyn, yet a look of anxiety was apparent on their face. Despite being excited to learn about a new world and see a library filled with many new things, they didn't like the idea of being in an environment where they were instantly disliked and deemed untrustworthy. Perhaps they were just being silly, but they preferred to be in areas where they were liked, or at least not an instant outcast.

Tags | Interacting With: Evelyn
Character Sheet

Location: Near the library
Status: Thinking about Evelyn's library
Objective: Learn about Evelyn's library
Mood: Curious | Excited

Moonstone froze a bit when they were touched on the back, yet tried to seem natural and calm. "Your library? Does your family own a business, or do you mean you've collected enough books to be considered your own personal library?" How nice! Another person who appreciate books and likes to collect them. "Do you mind inviting me to see your library? From what you're telling me my collection doesn't compare to yours, but it'd be fun to learn what someone else has." Once again they realized they were rambling and forced themself to stop. There was always the chance she didn't even have a collection and was talking about something completely different. With how she was describing things, she could very well just be using a lot of hyperbole.

Tags | Interacting With: Evelyn Crimson Rose
Character Sheet

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn gave a short sigh before she stepped throguh the portal, being taken to the first floor, directly left of them was a desk with a man sitting at it, dark green eyes and glasses reading a book, the candles flickered with the chandeleirs above. The person seemed to notice them and smiled, "Lady Crimson, what a pleasent surprise," He said with a smile as he closed his book, he took a look at the person behind her and smiled, "And who is this guest? They smell like a chimera... An intelligent one at that," He said intriqued by the person, his smile brightened before he gave a wide smile, "Jackson." Evelyn said in a monotone voice, he instantly snapped back into reality, looking over at Evelyn, "Lighten up Evelyn, spend a day with your boyfriend in your room again, remember to use protection," He said with a wink. Evelyns cheeks instantly lit up before she crossed her arms, "Which floor is "Studying The Elements" on again?" She said in a rude tone before the person just smiled, "Floor fifty, it's on the Twelth story on that floor," He said before he stood up, moving towards the two, "I'll show you where Lady Rose. But what is your friend looking for, if she's here, she most likely wants to learn about Vampires correct?" She said looking at Moonstone with a smile. He pushed his glasses back up on his face as he gave a wide smile, his fangs where no where to be seen.

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn gave a short sigh before she stepped throguh the portal, being taken to the first floor, directly left of them was a desk with a man sitting at it, dark green eyes and glasses reading a book, the candles flickered with the chandeleirs above. The person seemed to notice them and smiled, "Lady Crimson, what a pleasent surprise," He said with a smile as he closed his book, he took a look at the person behind her and smiled, "And who is this guest? They smell like a chimera... An intelligent one at that," He said intriqued by the person, his smile brightened before he gave a wide smile, "Jackson." Evelyn said in a monotone voice, he instantly snapped back into reality, looking over at Evelyn, "Lighten up Evelyn, spend a day with your boyfriend in your room again, remember to use protection," He said with a wink. Evelyns cheeks instantly lit up before she crossed her arms, "Which floor is "Studying The Elements" on again?" She said in a rude tone before the person just smiled, "Floor fifty, it's on the Twelth story on that floor," He said before he stood up, moving towards the two, "I'll show you where Lady Rose. But what is your friend looking for, if she's here, she most likely wants to learn about Vampires correct?" She said looking at Moonstone with a smile. He pushed his glasses back up on his face as he gave a wide smile, his fangs where no where to be seen.


Location: Vampire Library | 1st Floor
Status: Talking to Jackson(?)
Objective: Learn about their powers more
Mood: Happy

Moonstone was tempted to point out they weren't a Chimera... but he wasn't wrong exactly. What Moonstone needed to do was study their species' anatomy more. Sure, they looked like a mixture of Humans, owls, and deer, but their organs were slightly different, their lifespan was much different,  they had different powers, and more too. There were a few similarities, but they guessed those seemed more obvious if you don't know much about the species in the first place.

Now Moonstone would like to know why they were told that they were going to be disliked. So far they didn't feel disliked, and was in fact complimented... maybe? The compliment felt more like a *You're real smart for a Chimera,* type of backhanded compliment, but it was better than an outright insult at least. This wasn't something they could think on for too long however, as they were then asked what they wanted to research. "As much as I'd love to learn more about Vampires, I also have to study up on the elements too. Specifically, I would like to know about air and water." They wondered if the man they were talking to was named Jackson, or if Jackson was supposed to be their cover name. No point in covering their name if their unique appearance was easy to see, so they assumed Evelyn was just angrily calling him his name to shut him up.

Tags | Interacting With: Evelyn Crimson Rose
Character Sheet
Hakuru sat up and began getting the feather's out of her clothe's. She looked at him when he started saying something, blinking when she realized he had already taken his shirt off. "Would that be an attempt to see me naked?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

Everest smiled as he leaned in and turned on the shower, hot stream quickly filling up the room. Walking back over to the door he peaked out at Hakuru, careful to not let all the heat out and gave her a smooth grin like that of a supermodels. "It's not an attempt if you join me." Then pulling the door so it was only cracked open he continued to undress.
Mei Junchi

Location: Bakery
Status: Thinking of ideas on where to go next
Objective: Leave the Bakery | Find entertainment
Mood: Happy

Seemed like Rael began to act more mature when they shape-shifted to look older. Junchi thought only their biology could be shape-shifted, yet didn't think that maybe their mind could be changed too. Maybe the slightly different personality was more of a deliberate act than a side effect of the shape-shifting. Still, the idea of someone's personality changing as they changed their body felt so... wrong. It felt like they were becoming a different person in both appearance and personality. Whatever. Junchi was thinking too deeply into this and needed to focus on happier things.

"I didn't really have a specific location, but maybe there's a park nearby we can go to or a video game store. Oh! A gaming store sounds cool. I love going to them because they usually have areas you can try out new consoles and the games they feature. Oh, but, uh, you can suggest some ideas if you got something you'd prefer."

Tags | Interacting With: Rael
Character Sheet

((So personality is shifting, let's see if you can guess what kind of personality it is.))

Rael laughed as she stood up and linked arms with Junchi without waiting for his opinion. Smiling she pressed her body against his and laughed sweetly in his ear. "No no, a game store sounds fine. But let's stop by an ATM on the way. Let me pick up some money before we head there."
((So personality is shifting, let's see if you can guess what kind of personality it is.))

Rael laughed as she stood up and linked arms with Junchi without waiting for his opinion. Smiling she pressed her body against his and laughed sweetly in his ear. "No no, a game store sounds fine. But let's stop by an ATM on the way. Let me pick up some money before we head there."

Mei Junchi

Location: Bakery
Status: About to lead Rael out of the Bakery
Objective: Go to the ATM
Mood: Slightly confused | Happy

Junchi tried to stay casual as Rael pressed their now more developed body onto his. He raised an eyebrow at her, trying to figure out what she was trying to do. Was this seduction? No, that was silly, they were just friends... possibly. It was blurry at the moment. Junchi wondered if from other's perspectives they looked like they were dating: a boy takes a girl out to get cake, and then later the girl links arms with the boy and giggles into his ear when they're about to leave. Considering Rael seemed ignorant about how they were gaining attention from others based on their appearance, and also how their clothes were fitting a bit too tightly on their shape-shifting body, Junchi guessed she was just being a bit ignorant again on how others would perceive the two this time. Well, he wasn't complaining. A hot girl pressing her body against his wasn't something he could complain about ever.

"ATM? Let me see if I can find one on my phone." He almost forgot he could just look up where places were on his phone. What a stupid thing to forget. Ignoring the texts he got from friends back home and one from his father, he went to an app for maps and started looking around for an ATM. One was nearby. How convenient. It was a town anyways, it wasn't like things were going to be too far off. "Found one. I'll lead you there."

Tags | Interacting With: Rael
Character Sheet
Everest smiled as he leaned in and turned on the shower, hot stream quickly filling up the room. Walking back over to the door he peaked out at Hakuru, careful to not let all the heat out and gave her a smooth grin like that of a supermodels. "It's not an attempt if you join me." Then pulling the door so it was only cracked open he continued to undress.

Hakuru slowly looked at the cracked open door before mentally slapping herself and looking away, she wasn't going to be tempted, well, maybe a little. Even if she did want to, which she might, she would be too embarrassed to actually go, even if he has already seen her... undressed.
Hakuru slowly looked at the cracked open door before mentally slapping herself and looking away, she wasn't going to be tempted, well, maybe a little. Even if she did want to, which she might, she would be too embarrassed to actually go, even if he has already seen her... undressed.

((Omg we could totally recreate the psycho shower scene XDDD ))

Everest poked his head out of the bathroom once more and looked at Hakuru who was in the process of fishing feathers out of her clothes. Smiling he called out to her "you know that would go a lot faster if you just took a shower right?" Giving her an excuse to join him in the shower, he smiled and stepped under the stream of hot water.

((Going to have to leave any physical appearances of him there XDD ))
Kenai Yelil


Kenai laughed "Yeah, I think you'd need a different plan than standing at my doorway" he answered as he smiled over at her "But yeah, I don't think I could move any time soon, I like it here, that and I'd miss having you around y'know?" He said with a nod before glancing to where they had left the books after reading them "So...you've finished your lessons for today...What now?" He asked curiously as he moved his gaze to view her again.

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Asako rested her head against the back of the couch, looking up at the ceiling. "hmm, we can..." she thought a bit before looking at him, "We can go get something to eat~ if you're hungry that is" she said and grinned.
Luke smiled. "So what are your plans for tomorrow?" he asks 

Kairassi blinked "Tomorrow?" She giggled softly "You know I don't think that far ahead" she said before glancing to him as the had reached her home "But yeah, I'm free tomorrow as far as I know... What about you?" She asked, tilting her head lightly.
((Omg we could totally recreate the psycho shower scene XDDD ))

Everest poked his head out of the bathroom once more and looked at Hakuru who was in the process of fishing feathers out of her clothes. Smiling he called out to her "you know that would go a lot faster if you just took a shower right?" Giving her an excuse to join him in the shower, he smiled and stepped under the stream of hot water.

((Going to have to leave any physical appearances of him there XDD ))

(if you're talking about the one i'm thinking about then oh my god xDD)

Hakuru looked at him, standing up after he had gone back in. She messed with her hair for a bit before sighing and making her way to the bathroom door. She slowly walked into the room, "i-i'm only doing it because of the stupid feather's" she said.
Asako rested her head against the back of the couch, looking up at the ceiling. "hmm, we can..." she thought a bit before looking at him, "We can go get something to eat~ if you're hungry that is" she said and grinned.

Kenai let a laugh "I'm always hungry, Asako" he answered as he sat up and stretched a little "Yeah, let's get something to eat, what kind of food did you have in mind?" He asked.
Kairassi blinked "Tomorrow?" She giggled softly "You know I don't think that far ahead" she said before glancing to him as the had reached her home "But yeah, I'm free tomorrow as far as I know... What about you?" She asked, tilting her head lightly.

Luke chuckled and smiled. "I'm free aswell" 
Kenai let a laugh "I'm always hungry, Asako" he answered as he sat up and stretched a little "Yeah, let's get something to eat, what kind of food did you have in mind?" He asked.

Asako stood up, "ooh! Chinese sounds good~ I haven't had it in forever!" she said and threw her arm's up into the air, exaggerating it a bit.

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