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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

''You have Roselyn. She has a lot of combat experience. That knife is just to defend yourself without looking like you have a knife. Roselyn should be able to take care of you mostly. You could just support her.

Mari nodded and flashed her a more determined and confident smile. "I'll do my very best Aunt Natsumi-Senpai! I'll put my life on the line for her!" She said before letting out a small giggle.

A dark shadow passed by, the faint dark aura and small laugh being heard and saw by only Natsumi. The shadow obviously was thinking something Mari said was silly.
Mari nodded and flashed her a more determined and confident smile. "I'll do my very best Aunt Natsumi-Senpai! I'll put my life on the line for her!" She said before letting out a small giggle.

A dark shadow passed by, the faint dark aura and small laugh being heard and saw by only Natsumi. The shadow obviously was thinking something Mari said was silly.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi giggled a bit. She soon saw some kind of shadow. Her facial expression went from happy to alert quickly. She also had looked towards the direction of where the shadow headed.

Zenya White

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

Zenya blushed slightly before she tilted her head. Of course she would remember.

''Yeah? What about it?''

Talia sighed lightly and bit her bottom lip right after. She looked at Zenya, before her gaze travelled to her feet, "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what I was thinking. I acted mindlessly. Guess it was a mistake or something. Can you forgive me?"
Talia sighed lightly and bit her bottom lip right after. She looked at Zenya, before her gaze travelled to her feet, "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what I was thinking. I acted mindlessly. Guess it was a mistake or something. Can you forgive me?"

Zenya White

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

Zenya looked at Talia before she sighed lightly. She soon patted her head a little gently.

''Of course I can forgive you. Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?''

Zenya White

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

Zenya looked at Talia before she sighed lightly. She soon patted her head a little gently.

''Of course I can forgive you. Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?''

"I don't know. Just being around you this long made me think back to the whole situation and how I felt. Maybe I should stop now though... My little mood swing won't be healthy for the vibe y'know." Talia said, playfully nudging Zenya.  "Let's just forget about it and enjoy some fun."

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi giggled a bit. She soon saw some kind of shadow. Her facial expression went from happy to alert quickly. She also had looked towards the direction of where the shadow headed.

Time suddenly froze and everything that color lost it. Just black and white. Mari who had been speaking had stop. The shadow continued into the forest before a cold claw reached out and seemed to try and lure her over. It seemed whoever or whatever it was wished to speak with Natsumi.
Lance laughed and smiled at Haruo before her illusionary wrap shifted into a large muscular African American male who towered over Haruo by already a foot. Smiling a gap tooth grin, the "true" Lance wrapped her arm around Haruo's body and squeezed his pectoral muscle. "Sure I don't mind as long as you don't mind the rumors either." Honestly what Haruo had suggested was going to far even if she had said she would do anything he said. Lance had never shown another person her true appearance, and doing so would be like laying her naked body before the other party. She most definitely was not about to grant some brat she was going to kill the right to be the first to see her true form. Besides, she was fairly certain Haruo couldn't see through her illusions anyway.

Himeragi Seiker

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

Himeragi giggled a bit before she spoke and continued eating her meal after.

''Normal is also nice too. But everyone has their own unique features. At least, that's what I think. There probably is no norm.''


Lumina understood his words, and understood that he was serious. She didn't doubt the sincerity in his words. What she was doubting was herself. Sure, she had Kenji, and at the moment he was making that fact extremely clear, but really, that was all she had. Friends maybe, no family, no real home... was it really that outwardly obvious that she didn't have anything to where someone would think the only really important thing in her life wasn't even hers? Hell, she didn't even have death as an escape, because she'd just end up coming back anyways. For Lumina, to her, it seemed there was no winning.

"I-I know..." she stuttered out, not wanting to just leave him hanging. After dealing with the depressed her at the moment, she didn't want to make him worry any more than he already was. But this too, she could feel herself wanting to explain herself, as much as she didn't want to, and she knew if she did that, she'd ramble on and probably spill all of her feelings. Because no matter how hard she tried, she never seemed to be able to hide anything from Kenji. "It's just..." oh, here we go. "I-I'm sorry that I don't really publicly seem like your fiance... I probably wouldn't seem like anyone's fiance.. you're the only thing I really have, but apparently people seem to think otherwise... and e-even if you didn't have me, at least you'd have a family, and a home, b-but... I dont have a home, a family, anything like that. If I didn't have you, I w-wouldnt.... I wouldn't have anything like that. I'm just...alone." Her voice faded as her sentence ended, not wanting to really admit how she was feeling, especially after pretty much spilling all the things she'd been thinking about lately. Now she just waited for his probably upset reaction. Great. Good going Lumina. You messed up. Again.

ЖHaruo FukushimaЖ

                  ~ The Prince of Euphoria ~

giphy (2).gif

...≭Haruo sighed and replied as he looked around at Lance and manifested a white piece of chalk within his hand. He then walked over to a nearby wall and began writing the aforementioned words, along with a drawing of a heart shape between Haruo and Lance's name≭...

“ You told me that you were a woman, though. So until you take your real form, I'll just scribble 'Lance hearts Haruo' everywhere. ”


Location:School's Main Courtyard.


Conversing with Lance.


Interacting With:Lance.


Concoct the perfect plan to embarrass Lance.


@Wicked Jester

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 167287

...♆Kuroh released a small joyful laugh as he replied, shortly before he returned to eating his food♆...

“ True~ Normal is a relative word, I guess~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, eating his food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.




View attachment 151718


...ΨKenji watched as Lumina lay out all of her feelings before him, a sense of relief flooding his being as he did so. Hearing what had been bothering Lumina had lifted a previously unfelt weight from Kenji's shoulders, allowing him to. As his pair began describing her distress over not knowing her parents and not having a place where she could call home, Kenji began recalling the books he'd read in Euphoria, as well as the tales from the older generation of Sanctums that he'd heard when he was in the Throne World. With a confident, friendly smile, Kenji replied to LuminaΨ...

“ Hm.. If you want.. I can help you find your parents? The estate's library has a wide array of books that my father wrote on every race within The Existence, so finding the phoenix book and looking for lineages should point us to them rather quickly~ ”



Movie Theatre.


Going to the movies with Lumina.


Interacting With:Lumina.


Go on a date with his pair.


"I don't know. Just being around you this long made me think back to the whole situation and how I felt. Maybe I should stop now though... My little mood swing won't be healthy for the vibe y'know." Talia said, playfully nudging Zenya.  "Let's just forget about it and enjoy some fun."

Zenya White

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

Zenya just smiled before she lifted her head gently and kissed her forehead. She soon spoke as she looked at Talia smiling.

''Enjoy it while we can right?''
Time suddenly froze and everything that color lost it. Just black and white. Mari who had been speaking had stop. The shadow continued into the forest before a cold claw reached out and seemed to try and lure her over. It seemed whoever or whatever it was wished to speak with Natsumi.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi soon looked around in a startled way when time froze. She soon looked back to the shadow and saw it go into the forest as the claw reached out. She soon looked at Mari and realized she was frozen. Soon, she turned back to the claw and watched it cautiously before approaching it with caution.
ЖHaruo FukushimaЖ

                  ~ The Prince of Euphoria ~

View attachment 180560

...≭Haruo sighed and replied as he looked around at Lance and manifested a white piece of chalk within his hand. He then walked over to a nearby wall and began writing the aforementioned words, along with a drawing of a heart shape between Haruo and Lance's name≭...

“ You told me that you were a woman, though. So until you take your real form, I'll just scribble 'Lance hearts Haruo' everywhere. ”


Location:School's Main Courtyard.


Conversing with Lance.


Interacting With:Lance.


Concoct the perfect plan to embarrass Lance.


@Wicked Jester

⚜ Kuroh Fukushima  ⚜

                  ~ The Sanctum of Displacement ~

View attachment 167287

...♆Kuroh released a small joyful laugh as he replied, shortly before he returned to eating his food♆...

“ True~ Normal is a relative word, I guess~ ”


Location:The Restaurant.


Sitting in the restaurant with Himeragi, eating his food.


Interacting With:Himeragi.


Satisfy his hunger.




View attachment 151718


...ΨKenji watched as Lumina lay out all of her feelings before him, a sense of relief flooding his being as he did so. Hearing what had been bothering Lumina had lifted a previously unfelt weight from Kenji's shoulders, allowing him to. As his pair began describing her distress over not knowing her parents and not having a place where she could call home, Kenji began recalling the books he'd read in Euphoria, as well as the tales from the older generation of Sanctums that he'd heard when he was in the Throne World. With a confident, friendly smile, Kenji replied to LuminaΨ...

“ Hm.. If you want.. I can help you find your parents? The estate's library has a wide array of books that my father wrote on every race within The Existence, so finding the phoenix book and looking for lineages should point us to them rather quickly~ ”



Movie Theatre.


Going to the movies with Lumina.


Interacting With:Lumina.


Go on a date with his pair.



Himeragi Seiker

~ Spiritual Intoner of Terror ~

Soon, Himeragi was able to finish her food and sat back into her chair. She was obviously full. She had a satisfied look on her face before she spoke, thanking Kuroh and giving him a nice smile.

''Thank you for the meal~''
Everest laughed and used his pillow to deflect the one Hakuru threw at him. Rushing forwards he launched himself at her and wrapped his arms around her, tracking her to the ground. Using the pillow as a cushion for when they hit the ground, Everest pinned Hakuru beneath him and launched a fierce tickling attack.

Hakuru slightly yelped when he tackled her to the ground, she was going to try and grab the nearest pillow, but was stopped when he started tickling her once more, bursting into a fit of laughter like she had before.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi soon looked around in a startled way when time froze. She soon looked back to the shadow and saw it go into the forest as the claw reached out. She soon looked at Mari and realized she was frozen. Soon, she turned back to the claw and watched it cautiously before approaching it with caution.

Suddenly, the claw grew to a massive claw grew to a massive size and slammed into Natsumi and dragged her all the way to a dark cave, dropping her in a hole that seemed to be pretty deep. She was now in a dark cavern with blood red torches lighting the way to a throne, where a demonic being stood. His face was that of a psycho, with blood running from his eyes and his laugh being that of satan's. "Natsumi! Baby! So glad you could join the party!" He said. "I thought maybe I should let you in on my little plan, since it involves somebody you hold dear... And I just want to see despair wretch your face." He snickered, like he was some sort of trickster.
Suddenly, the claw grew to a massive claw grew to a massive size and slammed into Natsumi and dragged her all the way to a dark cave, dropping her in a hole that seemed to be pretty deep. She was now in a dark cavern with blood red torches lighting the way to a throne, where a demonic being stood. His face was that of a psycho, with blood running from his eyes and his laugh being that of satan's. "Natsumi! Baby! So glad you could join the party!" He said. "I thought maybe I should let you in on my little plan, since it involves somebody you hold dear... And I just want to see despair wretch your face." He snickered, like he was some sort of trickster.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi nearly screamed when the claw came at her. Instead, she gasped before it slammed into her and dragged her. When she fell down into the hole she was too slow to make a landing and fell to the ground. She soon pushed her self up soon, hearing a voice. She lifted her head and looked up to see this being and looked at it with anger and frustration. She soon spoke which nearly sounded like a growl. Already forming a sword that was stabbed into the ground.

''Who are you? What do you plan to do to Mari? I could kill you here if you don't tell me..!''

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi nearly screamed when the claw came at her. Instead, she gasped before it slammed into her and dragged her. When she fell down into the hole she was too slow to make a landing and fell to the ground. She soon pushed her self up soon, hearing a voice. She lifted her head and looked up to see this being and looked at it with anger and frustration. She soon spoke which nearly sounded like a growl. Already forming a sword that was stabbed into the ground.

''Who are you? What do you plan to do to Mari? I could kill you here if you don't tell me..!''

Akuma smirked seductively and winked. "Don't worry, all will be explained." He said as he forced demon fire to erupt around Natsumi, causing the room to feel like a superheated oven. He stepped through the flames and had an evil grin. "My name is Akuma. I'm the time demon that plans to end all existence on earth." He said before caressing her chin, almost cutting it. "For your next question, I plan to take that chaotic power she possesses to power the artifacts I stole. In doing so, I can end this timeline once and for all, and no one can stop me." He explained. "Oh yes, I also plan to make her my personal slave if you don't mind."
Hakuru slightly yelped when he tackled her to the ground, she was going to try and grab the nearest pillow, but was stopped when he started tickling her once more, bursting into a fit of laughter like she had before.

Everest laughed as he continued tickling her before pinning her arms to her sides and momentarily stopping. Leaning in close he spoke softly. "So do you surrender, or should I show you some of those special techniques?"
Akuma smirked seductively and winked. "Don't worry, all will be explained." He said as he forced demon fire to erupt around Natsumi, causing the room to feel like a superheated oven. He stepped through the flames and had an evil grin. "My name is Akuma. I'm the time demon that plans to end all existence on earth." He said before caressing her chin, almost cutting it. "For your next question, I plan to take that chaotic power she possesses to power the artifacts I stole. In doing so, I can end this timeline once and for all, and no one can stop me." He explained. "Oh yes, I also plan to make her my personal slave if you don't mind."

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi soon started to feel the heat all around her which made her a bit weak. When she looked up at Akuma, it was evident that she was furious. She also remembered the same bastard who did this once before.

''I won't let you. I won't let you enslave Mari and end this timeline. You sick bastard...I will stop you..!''
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Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi soon started to feel the heat all around her which made her a bit weak. When she looked up at Akuma, it was evident that she was furious. She also remembered the same bastard who did this once before.

''I won't let you. I won't let you enslave Mari and end this timeline. You sick bastard...I will stop you..!''

Akuma then slapped her across the face and shook his head and sighed. "Every being in this timeline is so utterly stupid. They say they'll stop me but their just as hopeless as you. Even a half sanctum and the husband of a goddess couldn't defeat me... They certainly pushed me to my limit tho. But then again where does that leave hope for you?" He snickered. "But you see my dear Natsumi, there's also something I want from you... I want you to create the last artifact for me. It's been lost for eons... If you refuse to comply, then I will be forced not just to kill Mari, but everyone you hold dear to your heart. Now sit and beg..." He said as his eyes changed into a shining red, a feeling of temptation seeping into Natsumi's body. He was trying to force her to are to the deal.
Akuma then slapped her across the face and shook his head and sighed. "Every being in this timeline is so utterly stupid. They say they'll stop me but their just as hopeless as you. Even a half sanctum and the husband of a goddess couldn't defeat me... They certainly pushed me to my limit tho. But then again where does that leave hope for you?" He snickered. "But you see my dear Natsumi, there's also something I want from you... I want you to create the last artifact for me. It's been lost for eons... If you refuse to comply, then I will be forced not just to kill Mari, but everyone you hold dear to your heart. Now sit and beg..." He said as his eyes changed into a shining red, a feeling of temptation seeping into Natsumi's body. He was trying to force her to are to the deal.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi yelped when she was slapped. She soon looked up at Akuma. She wanted to stop him now. But the deal left her in a huge black mail. She never had done this since this would endanger her as well. But she must do what she had to. She began to sit but soon started muttering words almost lifelessly.

''Ishin na egaru...Mochikase nandeumneo...''

Soon, she looked up at Akuma before she jumped and tackled hugged him while screaming her last words before her seal. With this, as long as she has power, her seal can last for as long as she wanted. It could even be forever. The seal however, seals Akuma inside Natsumi. As long as Natsumi lives, the seal will keep Akuma forever. And Akuma will be under Natsumi's Endless Spell of pain, agony, suffering and everything negative. The more reason to call it her Thousand Years of Death Seal.

''...Thousand years of death!!''
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Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi yelped when she was slapped. She soon looked up at Akuma. She wanted to stop him now. But the deal left her in a huge black mail. She never had done this since this would endanger her as well. But she must do what she had to. She began to sit but soon started muttering words almost lifelessly.

''Ishin na egaru...Mochikase nandeumneo...''

Soon, she looked up at Akuma before she jumped and tackled hugged him while screaming her last words before her seal. With this, as long as she has power, her seal can last for as long as she wanted. It could even be forever. The seal however, seals Akuma inside Natsumi. As long as Natsumi lives, the seal will keep Akuma forever. And Akuma will be under Natsumi's Endless Spell of pain, agony, suffering and everything negative. The more reason to call it her Thousand Years of Death Seal.

''...Thousand years of death!!''

Akuma's face warped into one of surprise and anger, complete agony crossing his face as it became a horrorifying mass as he was being sealed. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!! MARK MY WORDS, I WONT REST UNTIL EVERYBODY IS PURGED FROM EXISTENCEEEEE!" He yelled as he phased into her body, entering a plane where thousands of chains flew at him and a pain in his chest builded... Then he suddenly had a wicked grin. After all, he enjoyed pain.

((Since Natsumi has chosen to seal a powerful time demon in herself, she had gained the ability to warp time for as long Akuma is sealed inside her.))

After he was sealed, the lights in the cave went out and she was teleported outside of the cave as it collapsed. Time resumed for her as normal too.

Mari was looking around, confused as to where her aunt went.
Everest laughed as he continued tickling her before pinning her arms to her sides and momentarily stopping. Leaning in close he spoke softly. "So do you surrender, or should I show you some of those special techniques?"

Hakuru's face almost immediately turned red. She avoided eye contact, she didn't want to surrender, but she also had no idea what Everest could possibly easily do right now if she didn't, "I-I'll take my chances..."
Celia was in the kitchen making dinner for Han, Mari, Roselyn, and Natsumi... And I guess anybody else who wanted to eat. She had taken notice Akuma's energy had left the earth and it had relieved her. Now she could focus on other matters like taking care of her family. She was working her hardest to make ramen with a side of dessert for later for everyone.

@roman ((Here ya go :3))

Celia was in the kitchen making dinner for Han, Mari, Roselyn, and Natsumi... And I guess anybody else who wanted to eat. She had taken notice Akuma's energy had left the earth and it had relieved her. Now she could focus on other matters like taking care of her family. She was working her hardest to make ramen with a side of dessert for later for everyone.

@roman ((Here ya go :3))

Akuma's face warped into one of surprise and anger, complete agony crossing his face as it became a horrorifying mass as he was being sealed. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!! MARK MY WORDS, I WONT REST UNTIL EVERYBODY IS PURGED FROM EXISTENCEEEEE!" He yelled as he phased into her body, entering a plane where thousands of chains flew at him and a pain in his chest builded... Then he suddenly had a wicked grin. After all, he enjoyed pain.

((Since Natsumi has chosen to seal a powerful time demon in herself, she had gained the ability to warp time for as long Akuma is sealed inside her.))

After he was sealed, the lights in the cave went out and she was teleported outside of the cave as it collapsed. Time resumed for her as normal too.

Mari was looking around, confused as to where her aunt went.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

After all that, she collapsed to the ground on her knees breathing heavily. It takes a lot of power to do that. She wanted some of her power back, so she took away Endless but replaced it with endless tickling. She did want Akuma to suffer some way. She soon started to get up before walking to the edge of the forest watching Mari. She didn't want to reveal where she was yet. She wanted to just watch from a distance. Soon enough, she saw Roselyn with the baby walk over to Mari.

''They let me out early. They said it was okay for me to walk out with the baby. Though they want me back because it would be unfair to the patients who have to wait for a week. It's only the 4rth day.''

[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)] [/COLOR]
Celia was in the kitchen making dinner for Han, Mari, Roselyn, and Natsumi... And I guess anybody else who wanted to eat. She had taken notice Akuma's energy had left the earth and it had relieved her. Now she could focus on other matters like taking care of her family. She was working her hardest to make ramen with a side of dessert for later for everyone.

@roman ((Here ya go :3))


Han whistled as he neared the masion. He still hadn't finished packing his things for the move. He had just got from visiting and checking out the land, and after a while he finally figured it was time to go back and get the other stuff. Immediately after stepping into the house, Han could smell cooking. Something immediately told him it was Celia so he made his way there, "And what is it that my wife is making?" He asked in a joking manner as he neared her, his black hair covering up his red irises, so he pushed his bangs to the side. 
Hakuru's face almost immediately turned red. She avoided eye contact, she didn't want to surrender, but she also had no idea what Everest could possibly easily do right now if she didn't, "I-I'll take my chances..."

Everest laughed and leaned over grabbing a near by pillow. the using a sound wave he sliced the pillow horizontally in half and grabbed a bundle of the feathers with each hand and grinning evily began to rub them all over Hakuru's body.

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