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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Right." Celaena had responded, after a period of time adjusting to moving in this strange contraption. There was so many dials and buttons that she felt a desire to push and mess with, but she knew better than to mess with something she didn't know. Maybe later, if Ansom would let her, though he seemed protective of his cars. For now, she sat with her hands in her lap, her eyes flitting over the car interior for a while until they settled on the passing landscape outside the window. She had never really seen it pass by so fast. It was almost sad, in a way, passing by so much nature. She looked content as her eyes followed the view, only taking her eyes off of it to look at Ansom as he asked what her story was. "My story? Could you elaborate, please?"

Ansom glanced over at Celaena before looking back to the road. "You know. Your story." He smiled a bit. "Where you came from, what do you do, what are you." He shrugged. "Those kinds of things." 

Usually, Ansom only asked those questions to keep tha dreadful silence away, but in this case, he was genuinely curious. It wasn't typical for a girl to just show up asking questions about where she was. It was like a sci-fi movie where someone wakes up in the future.  

Ansom loved SciFi.
Ai was glad to see the content expression on Jacks face, her own pat on the head of approval of her work. The goddess knew she was good at what she did, but it was still nice to have that fact be acknowledged. For the moment, she hadn't bothered to really look through the list of students herself, though now that she had all the records downloaded she could access them quite easily, not that it wasn't easy before. Maybe if she got bored she'd read through some as some light reading before bed. This form did have thr physical needs and limitations of a human body, a list of which including sleeping. Technically even if she was digitized she could put herself in sleep mode, but that was boring and time consuming. Either way, the student files were something to check out later. For now, she was listening to him talk, and a sly grin came to her face as she responded. "Who's to say I'm really doing it for free?" After a moment of holding the face, Jack motioned for them to leave and find their first recruit, and her expression changed to a more excited one. "Ooh! Found one you like already, huh? That was pretty quick~" Scarfing down what was left of her ice cream, Ai wiped off her hands and took Jack's, using his grip to help her stand up next to him. 


Jack laughed and entwined his arm with hers, making them look quite like a couple which Jack found quite amusing considering how they had only met about a hour ago. Finishing off his own ice cream, Jack smiled as he led them out of the store, still ignoring the dumbfounded patrons. Once out on the street and having heard Ai's responses, Jack smirked as he replied.

"Of course I'm not expecting you to be doing this for free. did I not already express that? I shall be expecting your demands... whenever."

Leading the pair in a random direction he began discussing their first recruit.

"I found a girl named Elisa Darthwell, goes by N.C, age is 21, She's half human, half vampire, has hemokinetic manipulative abilities, and her past is dark enough to be more inclined to whatever may become of the group... lets see, she was used as a lab rat by her... I assume biological... parents. Kinda a dick move if you ask me. Then her brother murdered her entire family when they wanted to sell her off, excluding her, and now she works at a diner the brother owns, quite possibly obtained through some of my favorite methods. Anyway, I was thinking we go find her and offer her a bit of a pay raise. what do you think? I think it would be a lot more fun than working in some stuffy dinner anyway... although on that note pixy, you think you could hack into her cell phone and put her location up on my gps? cuz honestly I have no idea where we are going."

As he said this, the blackness that had earlier devoured an entire room full of people shot up from around his feet and hid him from view before once more receding. When it did recede, Jack was wearing a suit and tie and reaching into his breast pocket he pulled on a pair of aviators and looked over at Ai.

"Well? How do I look?"

(( @VenomSlayer I said I would tag you so I have, now we just need to wait for one more post from Ms. Lumina (*stares expectantly*) and we can get this show on the road.))
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((Well I mean you did kinda deserve it after the whole Fwb (friends + ) incident))

Real blinked and her cat ears twitched as a long tail snaked up from behind her back. "Well you know that that's why the teachers and what not are there right? I mean they're a lot stronger than probably all of the students. I would be more worried about those who haven't attended the school and grew up using their abilities with loose morals and imperfect usage of said abilities. I would be far more worried about them. I think school is one of the safest places you could be."

((I feel totally hypocritical writing this because half of my characters would be the definition of Junchi's fears, and most of them are op xD ))

Mei Junchi

Location: Bakery
Status: Talking to Rael
Objective: Explain their feelings to Rael
Mood: Worried

Junchi sighed and looked out the window of the bakery. "Yeah, that's a good point. Maybe I'm just being stupid paranoid and I need to get over my distrust of the unknown and rare. Still, it's hard to not be scared when your abilities are focused on defense and healing and any attacks that gets through your defense can get you immediately killed." During these times Junchi wished they weren't such a pacifist, but they could never stop feeling terrible when they hurt a person, whether on purpose or on accident and whether emotionally or physically.

Tags | Interacting With: N/A
OOC: Tbh Junchi did try to reject Fricka at first when they learned that she was dating someone. They have a strict rule that if they're going to be in a friends with benefits relationship with someone they won't do it if that person is already in a relationship with someone else. The only exception is if the other person is fine with the friends with benefits relationship. Junchi even tried to tone down the intimacy in the relationship afterwards.
Character Sheet

Zenya White

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

Zenya was now just wondering what movie they'd watch. It was one of those moments you say something but you totally forgot what you were gonna say. Her thoughts soon leaned towards Talia's parents when Talia leaned her head on her shoulder. She still wondered if this could be okay. When Talia spoke, Zenya looked at her, breaking her thought-dazing before she spoke.

''Yeah? What is it?''

Talia looked at Zenya, her cheeks tinted pink as she got ready to speak. She knew what she wanted to say, but how she wanted to word it was the hard part. "Uh... Remember... A few weeks ago... Remember when I had uh... Kissed you?" She asked, immediately becoming flustered as she hid her face in Zenya's arm. 
Camilla Radkov

 Camilla blinked, before smiling "I do not mind, especially since you seem so nice. I was told teachers are supposed to be grumpy" she said with a nod "I do not understand why the person who told me would say that, I am yet to find a grumpy teacher. Just a lady teacher who wouldn't leave the thermostat thingy alone in our health class" she said with a small shrug of her shoulders before she realised she had gone a bit off topic and hadn't actually answered her question really, this caused the girl to smile sheepishly. "Yes, I would like to get something to eat, I do hope you know a place though, I only know where the icecream shop is really" she admitted "Normally my roommate cooks for me because I can't really, so I don't really eat out much" 

Akane smiled and put her hands on her hips, "Well then... I'm happy you will accept my company." She said with a nod. Akane then listened as Camilla spoke, finding what she said quite funny about the teacher and the thermostat. "Maybe she was trying to prove a point. Me personally, I would hsbe asked what her deal was." Aksne said, even though she was wasn't bothered by weather at all, nor heat. "Hmm... You should take the culinary class. You do that, and you can learn how to make foods of all sorts and whatnot. If you want, I can see about getting you a schedule change for it."

Severynd Walked into his class. "Hopefully I won't pass out in this class." He mumbled to himself. He hated history. What was the point to learning about dead people? He knew there was more to it than that, but that didn't change his hate for the subject. He walked to the middle seat and slumped into the chair, opening his book and waiting for class to start. He tapped his fingers and studied people in the room, as if he was making stories for them as he looked around the room.

((Schools over for the day buddy XDD rejoice! XDD ))
((Once school is out, there's no set time. People are free to timeskip as much as they want, until Akira decides school happens again. Then everyone is on the same schedule.))

((mer.... I'm not a mod. I dont have to know, so I just took my best guess. I just knew school was out.))
Talia looked at Zenya, her cheeks tinted pink as she got ready to speak. She knew what she wanted to say, but how she wanted to word it was the hard part. "Uh... Remember... A few weeks ago... Remember when I had uh... Kissed you?" She asked, immediately becoming flustered as she hid her face in Zenya's arm. 

Zenya White

~ Chaos God Eater of Calamity ~

Zenya blushed slightly before she tilted her head. Of course she would remember.

''Yeah? What about it?''
sure. wanna start it?))

((Alrighty, here we go!))

Mari was taking a nice and relaxing stroll through the park. She hadn't exactly been outside of the mansion often so this was a good opportunity to explore new places. Mari wondered if Roselyn was out of the hospital yet, it had been quite a while so she was wondering how she was doing. She sat down at a bench and breathed in the fresh air. The park was probably one of her favorite places to go other than the park... It made her feel so relaxed.
((Alrighty, here we go!))

Mari was taking a nice and relaxing stroll through the park. She hadn't exactly been outside of the mansion often so this was a good opportunity to explore new places. Mari wondered if Roselyn was out of the hospital yet, it had been quite a while so she was wondering how she was doing. She sat down at a bench and breathed in the fresh air. The park was probably one of her favorite places to go other than the park... It made her feel so relaxed.

Natsumi Songhya

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi soon sat next to Mari on the bench and smiled at her. She was happy for her to have a child of her own. And as well be there for her own child. 

''Hey, Congratulations~''

Natsumi Songhya

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi soon sat next to Mari on the bench and smiled at her. She was happy for her to have a child of her own. And as well be there for her own child. 

''Hey, Congratulations~''

Mari gasped lightly and smiled happily at Natsumi. "Hi Aunt Natsumi!" She said, since she had learned Natsumi wasn't exactly her real mother, but treated her like family. "Did you hear about Rosie-San and me having a child?" She asked curiously, wondering where Natsumi caught wind of it.
Mari gasped lightly and smiled happily at Natsumi. "Hi Aunt Natsumi!" She said, since she had learned Natsumi wasn't exactly her real mother, but treated her like family. "Did you hear about Rosie-San and me having a child?" She asked curiously, wondering where Natsumi caught wind of it.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi giggled a little bit. Mari seemed to have forgotten.

''Of course. Why else was revived Roselyn after nearly dying from giving birth? I have the gift of resurrection after all.''

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi giggled a little bit. Mari seemed to have forgotten.

''Of course. Why else was revived Roselyn after nearly dying from giving birth? I have the gift of resurrection after all.''

Mari sighed and looked down, a sad smile now crossing her face. "It's been a while since I've last talked to Rosie-San. I was hoping we could hang out today but she hasn't been around." She said softly before looking back at Natsumi and flashing her that brilliant smile she had. "But it's okay, I'm sure Roselyn is taking great care of the baby." She finished as a butterfly fluttered past and Mari already got distracted, watching it in awe like she probably would have when she was a young girl.
Mari sighed and looked down, a sad smile now crossing her face. "It's been a while since I've last talked to Rosie-San. I was hoping we could hang out today but she hasn't been around." She said softly before looking back at Natsumi and flashing her that brilliant smile she had. "But it's okay, I'm sure Roselyn is taking great care of the baby." She finished as a butterfly fluttered past and Mari already got distracted, watching it in awe like she probably would have when she was a young girl.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi giggled a bit before she gave Mari a box. It looked like a carefully wrapped present just for Mari with flower designs all over.

''This is for you. You probably don't need a weapon but well...Just in case. If you should ever defend yourself and the family.''

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi giggled a bit before she gave Mari a box. It looked like a carefully wrapped present just for Mari with flower designs all over.

''This is for you. You probably don't need a weapon but well...Just in case. If you should ever defend yourself and the family.''

Mari laughed a little nervously. "Fight? I don't fight much but I appreciate the gift!" She said happily. "The flower designs are a nice touch." She then opened the present slowly. But Natsumi would know better. The blood of the chaos kin ran through her veins, and she could summon chaotic beasts if she got mad or mind controlled.
Mari laughed a little nervously. "Fight? I don't fight much but I appreciate the gift!" She said happily. "The flower designs are a nice touch." She then opened the present slowly. But Natsumi would know better. The blood of the chaos kin ran through her veins, and she could summon chaotic beasts if she got mad or mind controlled.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi knew about the chaos kin. She was well aware of it. She wanted to set up a meeting between Mari and the Chaos God Eater of Pandemonium or the Chaos Intoner of Time and Space. She heard about another Chaos God Eater being capable to bring about Calamity. Although she had never met her before. But maybe she should mention this to Mari at a later time.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

Natsumi knew about the chaos kin. She was well aware of it. She wanted to set up a meeting between Mari and the Chaos God Eater of Pandemonium or the Chaos Intoner of Time and Space. She heard about another Chaos God Eater being capable to bring about Calamity. Although she had never met her before. But maybe she should mention this to Mari at a later time.

Mari pulled out a knife out of the box. She was careful with it because she was worried she'd cut herself. It was a good thing that the Chaos Kin had little to no control over Mari because it only made up about half of her body... But without this power she probably wouldn't even be a plant goddess, just a heir light goddess to her mother. She looked to Natsumi once more. "Do you really think I can fight? I don't think I'm cut out for battles..." She blushed lightly, embarrassed because even tho she was a goddess she had zero combat experience. The only reason she had been tough back then was because the chaos kin was alive and had taken control of Mari.
Mari pulled out a knife out of the box. She was careful with it because she was worried she'd cut herself. It was a good thing that the Chaos Kin had little to no control over Mari because it only made up about half of her body... But without this power she probably wouldn't even be a plant goddess, just a heir light goddess to her mother. She looked to Natsumi once more. "Do you really think I can fight? I don't think I'm cut out for battles..." She blushed lightly, embarrassed because even tho she was a goddess she had zero combat experience. The only reason she had been tough back then was because the chaos kin was alive and had taken control of Mari.

Natsumi Urusekai

~ Goddess of Creation ~

''You have Roselyn. She has a lot of combat experience. That knife is just to defend yourself without looking like you have a knife. Roselyn should be able to take care of you mostly. You could just support her.

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