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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Saria Roux

Saria giggled "Told you~" she answered as Levi stared blankly at her, wondering what she was on about. Saris reached for the other paper plate and smiled lightly "These are fine anyways, better than what I have" she said before reaching for two slices of the pizza, putting one on the plate and holding the other one out for Levi.

Levi had moved beside her and sat up straight, suddenly a pair of thumbs popped out of his paw so he could grab the pizza, holding it with both paws he took a bite of it, purring quietly.

Hakosu's eyes widened at the new limbs in the cat. "That's kinda freaky." She said before slowly taking a bite of her own pizza. "But still cool." She nodded and giggled a bit. "Like, that doesn't ever freak you out?" She asked before shaking her head. "Eh, you're probably used to it, right?"

> Neopolitan Seiker <

Neo soon started to lead Mitsu and Mika to her car. It was just parked at the top of the stairway from the network of food places to the streets.

> Yuki Asushima <

''Shira...should we let Akito go to school? He seems a bit old enough right?''

Yuki asked Shira to break the silence with at least a conversation.

"Mama! Mama! Can we get a trampoline in the back yard?!?" Mika asked in excitement as she followed them up the stairs


"I don't know. Is he still being a little devil?" She asked giggling a little as she leaned back into yuki
Talia smiled and put her hands behind her back, "Nice to meet you. The robot was nice too, but maybe you should try a different core or something. Whatever piece can explode, take those and see if you can find a better one... I know from experience." She said, remembering how her room exploded. 

> Kristako Seiker <

''Yeah...I know. This happens a lot.''

She said with a giggled before going back to the door.

''Well, let's go to my dorm okay? Pretty sure someone is bound to check what the explosion was and we don't wanna get blamed for it~''

"Mama! Mama! Can we get a trampoline in the back yard?!?" Mika asked in excitement as she followed them up the stairs


"I don't know. Is he still being a little devil?" She asked giggling a little as she leaned back into yuki

> Neopolitan Seiker <
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''A trampoline? Yeah if you don't hit your head~''

She said with a giggle. Surely, there may be a time when Mika would fall and hit her head. That would be bad.

> Yuki Asushima <

''Hmmmm...I dunno. I actually never saw him in awhile though...''

She said as she continued to scrub Shira's back before she pecked Shira's ear.

> Kristako Seiker <

''Yeah...I know. This happens a lot.''

She said with a giggled before going back to the door.

''Well, let's go to my dorm okay? Pretty sure someone is bound to check what the explosion was and we don't wanna get blamed for it~''

> Neopolitan Seiker <
View attachment 167769

''A trampoline? Yeah if you don't hit your head~''

She said with a giggle. Surely, there may be a time when Mika would fall and hit her head. That would be bad.

> Yuki Asushima <

''Hmmmm...I dunno. I actually never saw him in awhile though...''

She said as she continued to scrub Shira's back before she pecked Shira's ear.

Talia nodded and stretched a little, "Yeah sure. Zenya are you coming with or should I meet you at home later?" She asked, looking over at her. "I shouldn't be long if you do leave."
(I have only two available: Hanson Alister and Serenity. ) @HimeragiSeiker

i guess Serenity)))

"Well that makes three." Talia said with a smile as she turned back to Kristako. "Lead the way~" 

> Kristako Seiker <
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Soon, Kristako started to lead both Zenya and Talia to her dorm. It was on the 2nd to top floor. Once they got to her dorm, Kristako opened it and went inside leaving it open for Zenya and Talia as Zenya went inside.
i guess Serenity)))

> Kristako Seiker <
View attachment 149512

Soon, Kristako started to lead both Zenya and Talia to her dorm. It was on the 2nd to top floor. Once they got to her dorm, Kristako opened it and went inside leaving it open for Zenya and Talia as Zenya went inside.

Talia hummed to herself a little tune as she followed behind Kristako. When they got to her dorm, she smiled and looked at Zenya, "Maybe we can work on a weapon for you. It'll be a little gift from me... As a thanks."
Rosalie Dalton

Rosalie sighed softly as she had lifted her last fork full of food and ate it. After with she pur her fork and knife onto her plate and moved them to one side, signifying she was finished. "...Its okay." she answered as she rested her head on her hand. She didn't know how she felt with having to change her whole type of being and what if she did and he ended up breaking up with her? She'd only be changing for him. Though, she supposed if she didn't and things were to work out perfect between them... She'd age and die, just like a normal human. Glancing over at Zac, she nervously bit her lip. "I mean...I won't wait 50 years...I'd be old and stuff and you'd still look in your early 20's so it would be not so far away... I want to still be human for another while for now..." She finally decided.


Zac Crimson Black

Zac gave a soft smile before he sighed lightly, "Of course love," He said as he kept the smile on his face, Elisa came and took the plates but not before giving Zac a quick thumbs up, Zac sighed lightly when she did this, "I feel sorry for her..." He said out loud as he looked over at her talking to come customers, "She doesn't have a mate... Nor will she ever... And she most likely will scare away most mythical creatures for the pure fact she is a mutant." He said out loud quietly before he sighed.

Atrio chuckled. "Your always so worried. Relax love. Even if they came in you shouldn't feel bad, this was both of our choices. Grant it I would have preferred you had stayed cloth less with me but that's your choice." He said as a pair of pajama pants appeared on him as he smiled holding her close

Evelyn Crimson Rose

Evelyn sighed lightly as a small blush climbed to her cheeks again, "I-i know... I just..." She stopped mid-sentence as she moved her self around slightly, "Never mind..." She said quietly as she drew small circles around on Atrios chest (?). 
Talia hummed to herself a little tune as she followed behind Kristako. When they got to her dorm, she smiled and looked at Zenya, "Maybe we can work on a weapon for you. It'll be a little gift from me... As a thanks."

> Kristako Seiker <

''You don't have to make a weapon for me. That would also mean I would have to get used to it as well through training. Though just company is nice.''

She said before she smiled at them and sat on the bed taking off her coat.

''So...Why did we meet again...?''

She asked a bit confusedly. She couldn't exactly remember.
"Good. Now we can continue." Roman said, turning around and continuing to go forward. "Hmm... Seraph suggested we go someplace cool, so I'm guessing we show you your rooms." He said, smiling a little. "You both have your own, but if you want to share, then it would be just fine."

Misaki shook her head, "I don't think I could survive sharing a room with her, it's like she never sleep's..."

"I do sleep. I just go to sleep late and still wake up before you~" she said before looking at Roman, "Separate rooms are fine~"
Kenai laughed, resting his hands behind his head "Yeah, I thought that too....turns out telling them that gets you in even more trouble..." He said with a low chuckle after he finished speaking

"Hmph, well it's not your fault they couldn't handle the truth~" she said and laughed.

> Kristako Seiker <

''You don't have to make a weapon for me. That would also mean I would have to get used to it as well through training. Though just company is nice.''

She said before she smiled at them and sat on the bed taking off her coat.

''So...Why did we meet again...?''

She asked a bit confusedly. She couldn't exactly remember.

"Oh.. I was talking to my friend. Sorry. I was saying I could make a weapon for her as a thanks... Maybe... Modify her current weapon a little." Talia said, standing in front of Kristako. "We met because we thought you wanted us to come today. That was a misunderstanding on my behalf."

Misaki shook her head, "I don't think I could survive sharing a room with her, it's like she never sleep's..."

"I do sleep. I just go to sleep late and still wake up before you~" she said before looking at Roman, "Separate rooms are fine~"

"Okay. If you ever want to make any adjustments, let me know. I'm still getting rooms painted by some clones and stuff." Roman said, and coincidentally one of his clones juse so happened to walk pass. "Hey me. Hey family." The clone said, fist bumping the real Roman before continuing on his way. 
((Going to sleep.))


Location: Euphorian High School
Status: Offering Nico to be flown to their dorm in their arms
Objective: Take Nico to their dorm
Mood: Slightly annoyed | Slightly confused

Moonstone gave a look to Nico that looked like a mixture of annoyance and confusion. "Uh, sure. You can fly yourself there, right?" They weren't in the mood to carry her in their arms or on their back, but they weren't sure if their abilities allowed for easy transportation any other way. She'd probably fall through any small cloud or water surface they made, and ice showed the obvious problem of her freezing. They didn't want to risk her falling through anything they created and decided that carrying her in their arms was the best decision.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet

Nico sighed, trying to avoid their eye contact as much as possible. "Is it okay with you if I get carried in your arms..?" she asked shyly. She knew they're pissed of from her, so she has to take things a little slow now. "I can walk there, then we can just meet up at your dorm.." she suggested, still feeling guilty. 
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Nico sighed, trying to avoid their eye contact as much as possible. "Is it okay with you if I get carried in your arms..?" she asked shyly. She knew they're pissed of from her, so she has to take things a little slow now. "I can walk there, then we can just meet up at your dorm.." she suggested, still feeling guilty. 


Location: Euphorian High School | Male Dorms
Status: Standing in front of the Male Dorms
Objective: Go into their dorm
Mood: Annoyed with their wings

"Yeah... that's fine," they told her. Lifting her up gently, albeit with a few rough moments on purpose, they carried her in their arms before taking off into the sky. The trip to the dorms wasn't long, and in fact it helped Moonstone relax. The wind against their face felt amazing, despite it being such a short flight. Maybe they should have flown slower and appreciated things, but if they did that then Nico would probably get bored and tired with having the wind hitting her face constantly.

Finishing their appreciation of the sky and air, Moonstone landed elegantly onto the ground and folded their wings. They hated folding their wings. When they were in the sky they had the freedom to let them spread open, but when they're on the ground they have to keep them closed in case they hit someone. The issue with them having wings as tall as their body was the fact that they had to constantly adjust their wings for when they moved. If they ran they had to open them slightly to avoid tripping on them. If they sat they, once again, had to open them to avoid sitting on them. Most wings for Oricenta, especially Air and Cloud Oricenta, were not made for being closed. They also weren't made for being opened unless an Oricenta wanted to constantly hit people and knock things over without realizing it.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet
i guess Serenity)))

> Kristako Seiker <
View attachment 149512

Soon, Kristako started to lead both Zenya and Talia to her dorm. It was on the 2nd to top floor. Once they got to her dorm, Kristako opened it and went inside leaving it open for Zenya and Talia as Zenya went inside.


Serenity hummed a merry tune as she walked along the sidewalk. It was a nice day, the reason for her even being out. She was going to spend the day in her shop of Order, but the sun was just too perfect to resist. So, instead, she went and bought a basket of white roses. They would look awfully good in the front windows of the shop.

She carried her normal smile and wore the typical white dress of her nature. No creases could be seen on the clothes and not a speck of dust. Perfection. Orderly. She walked gracefully and carries herself with prime elegance. She could make a walk in the park seem like a ballet with her gazelle-like movements. 

She stopped humming and inhaled deeply before slowly letting it out. Walking was indeed tiring, but no sweat drop ruined her face. She smiled again to nothing in particular and seated herself on the edge of a park bench. 

"Just a little rest." She mumbled.

Location: Euphorian High School | Male Dorms
Status: Standing in front of the Male Dorms
Objective: Go into their dorm
Mood: Annoyed with their wings

"Yeah... that's fine," they told her. Lifting her up gently, albeit with a few rough moments on purpose, they carried her in their arms before taking off into the sky. The trip to the dorms wasn't long, and in fact it helped Moonstone relax. The wind against their face felt amazing, despite it being such a short flight. Maybe they should have flown slower and appreciated things, but if they did that then Nico would probably get bored and tired with having the wind hitting her face constantly.

Finishing their appreciation of the sky and air, Moonstone landed elegantly onto the ground and folded their wings. They hated folding their wings. When they were in the sky they had the freedom to let them spread open, but when they're on the ground they have to keep them closed in case they hit someone. The issue with them having wings as tall as their body was the fact that they had to constantly adjust their wings for when they moved. If they ran they had to open them slightly to avoid tripping on them. If they sat they, once again, had to open them to avoid sitting on them. Most wings for Oricenta, especially Air and Cloud Oricenta, were not made for being closed. They also weren't made for being opened unless an Oricenta wanted to constantly hit people and knock things over without realizing it.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet

Nico yelped lightly as she was lifted like a little kid would be. She felt somewhat embarrassed being carried around, but she reminded herself that it would only be a short flight, so might as well enjoy it. Nico watched Moonstone's expression as they glided swiftly through the open air. She was mesmerized by how serene and graceful they really look. They were practically glowing from within. Nico took a peak of the ground, realizing that they were sorta high. As they landed gracefully, Nico still sighed in relief. She looked down  just to register that she was still in Moonstone's arms. She didn't know whether to jump down from their arms or yell out like a toddler. "Uh-h uhm.." she pointed downwards to the safe ground. Furthermore, Moonstone had a few inches in them, so that would be a big jump for Nico. 
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Nico yelped lightly as she was lifted like a little kid would be. She felt somewhat embarrassed being carried around, but she reminded herself that it would only be a short flight, so might as well enjoy it. Nico watched Moonstone's expression as they glided swiftly through the open air. She was mesmerized by how serene and graceful they really look. They were practically glowing from within. Nico took a peak of the ground, realizing that they were sorta high. As they landed gracefully, Nico still sighed in relief. She looked down  just to register that she was still in Moonstone's arms. She didn't know whether to jump down from their arms or yell out like a toddler. "Uh-h uhm.." she pointed downwards to the safe ground. Furthermore, Moonstone had a few inches in them, so that wouldn't be a big jump for Nico. 


Location: Euphorian High School | Walking into Male Dorms
Status: Leading Nico to their dorm
Objective: Take Nico to their dorm
Mood: N/A

"Yes, I know," Moonstone responded as they let Nico down softly. They had to adjust their wings a few times first, and after they sat her down they had to fix up their hair. The one downside of flying was that their hair couldn't seem to say in place, and would instead get tangled and loose. Creating a comb out of hard air, Moonstone began walking in front of Nico and towards their dorm as they combed out the tangles in their hair. Every once in a while they would wince and groan from some of the tangles being worse than the others, but there were few of those.

"Hope I didn't scare you too much; some people aren't too okay with flight, you know?" they said to Nico blandly, not really trying to hide how they didn't care much if she was scared or not.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet

Moonstone had a few inches in them,

(( ;) ;)  ))

"Oh.. I was talking to my friend. Sorry. I was saying I could make a weapon for her as a thanks... Maybe... Modify her current weapon a little." Talia said, standing in front of Kristako. "We met because we thought you wanted us to come today. That was a misunderstanding on my behalf."

"Okay. If you ever want to make any adjustments, let me know. I'm still getting rooms painted by some clones and stuff." Roman said, and coincidentally one of his clones juse so happened to walk pass. "Hey me. Hey family." The clone said, fist bumping the real Roman before continuing on his way. 

> Kristako Seiker <

''Ah...Okay. But I'm sure that the weapon you would make for Zenya might may be a weapon to frame and preserve since you know...''

She said as she was getting her holographic panel.

''A UN Experiment gone horribly wrong, a super human meant to hunt and kill supers as well as assassinate political and rebel leaders who oppose the chip law.''

She said before looking up at them and with a smirk. Zenya glared at her.

''And now a member of the CIA and entitled the God Eater of Calamity and Chaos.''

She said before turning off the holographic panel with a sigh and looked at Talia.

''But now that's all in the past, on to what we were talking about right now. I mean what is the main reason you wanted to meet me? I had forgotten the reason...''

Location: Euphorian High School | Walking into Male Dorms
Status: Leading Nico to their dorm
Objective: Take Nico to their dorm
Mood: N/A

"Yes, I know," Moonstone responded as they let Nico down softly. They had to adjust their wings a few times first, and after they sat her down they had to fix up their hair. The one downside of flying was that their hair couldn't seem to say in place, and would instead get tangled and loose. Creating a comb out of hard air, Moonstone began walking in front of Nico and towards their dorm as they combed out the tangles in their hair. Every once in a while they would wince and groan from some of the tangles being worse than the others, but there were few of those.

"Hope I didn't scare you too much; some people aren't too okay with flight, you know?" they said to Nico blandly, not really trying to hide how they didn't care much if she was scared or not.

Tags | Interacting With: Nico
Character Sheet

(( ;) ;)  ))


(( :P  ))

Nico quickly noticed their struggle with combing out their hair. "I have this detangler spray that I can lend you.. Moonstone," she suggested, smiling softly at them. "I had this huge ass knotch in the back of my head and somehow I got it out with the spray," she added. Nico followed behind them to their dorm door and waited patiently. Nico twirled a few strands of her hair before answering Moonstone. "Huh.. oh that was nothing.. I honestly felt more embarrassed than terrified," she admitted shyly, smiling sheepishly at the ground. 

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