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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

((Sorry, i didn't get an alert,))

Zac gave a small laugh, "I highly doubt you being able to visit me, I live in another dimension," He said with another laugh. Just as Zac was about to speak again, an arrow came streaming through the window, glass falling into the room, Zac turned his head to look at the now broken window "Dammit," Zac turned back around and had an urgent look on his face, "We have to go, now." He said in a demanding tone, he held onto her hand and quickly ran to his rooms door, about 5 people coming in before they could reach it, they bowed there heads before they hurried into the room, taking different positions. Zac exited the room and into the hallway, he sighed as he closed the door behind him, "Piece of shit werewolves..." He cursed in a low whisper, he had let go of Rosalies hand before they exited the room as Zacs eyes turned a deep crimson, almost black.

"Aw...well, You can still visit me though" Rosalie then let a gasp as the arrow crashed through the window "W-What the hell?!" She tried to run along as he suddenly grabbed by the hand and pulled, she staggered slightly but regained her balance again reaching the hall. Watching all the people rush in, her eyes then settled on Zac, who's eyes were changing their colours again this time a really dark red. With a slightly uneasy expression she looked towards the door "They seriously tried to shoot us..." Her voice mumbled as she brought her hand through her hair "What is their problem with you guys again?" She asked as she walked over to him, not wanting to be near the door.
"Aw...well, You can still visit me though" Rosalie then let a gasp as the arrow crashed through the window "W-What the hell?!" She tried to run along as he suddenly grabbed by the hand and pulled, she staggered slightly but regained her balance again reaching the hall. Watching all the people rush in, her eyes then settled on Zac, who's eyes were changing their colours again this time a really dark red. With a slightly uneasy expression she looked towards the door "They seriously tried to shoot us..." Her voice mumbled as she brought her hand through her hair "What is their problem with you guys again?" She asked as she walked over to him, not wanting to be near the door.


Zac turned back around to Rosalie, his eyes becoming a bit lighter with light gold specks in them, "No idea, every time we ask or send a letter, they seem to kill or burn it," He said as he got closer to Rosalie, he placed his hands on her shoulder's and sighed, "Please don't try and get into these affairs, it will cause you more pain than relief..." He said as he pressed his head against hers, "Sorry, i didn't know they where after me this time..." He said in an apologetic tone.

Zac turned back around to Rosalie, his eyes becoming a bit lighter with light gold specks in them, "No idea, every time we ask or send a letter, they seem to kill or burn it," He said as he got closer to Rosalie, he placed his hands on her shoulder's and sighed, "Please don't try and get into these affairs, it will cause you more pain than relief..." He said as he pressed his head against hers, "Sorry, i didn't know they where after me this time..." He said in an apologetic tone.

Rosalie furrowed her brows a little, the whole fight sounded stupid and petty on her opinion, but as he had said as he moved himself closer to her, she shouldn't try to get involved in these things that she knew nothing about. As he apologised she looked into his eyed, which seemed less angry now and sighed softly "Don't apologise, you don't need to, like you said, you didn't know" her voice spoke softly as she smiled at him.
"I can tell judging by how your here right now." she said with a smile as she kissed his cheek lovingly and hugged him 

He smiled lovingly at her and nodded in agreement obviously happy about this as well. He was dying to be with her again and now he got to be for a while

"Well I wanted to know as well." She said to him with a bright smole

Atrio smiled and nodded as he got up and walked over gently taking her hand in his

"Gladly." She said to both of them with a excited smile. It had been a while since she had had pizza so she was excited to have it again

After a while harumi got

tired and slid over to the bench sitting down and relaxing as she let her heart calm. "That was fun." She said softly

Aaron smiled and let Annabel go, "I'm gonna go get dressed. You can do whatever, make yourself at home I guess." He said before turning to his stairs and going upstairs to his bedroom. Sato watched as Aaron as he went upstairs before looking at Annabel, "He's pretty cool... Even cooler since we're getting pizza."
Rosalie furrowed her brows a little, the whole fight sounded stupid and petty on her opinion, but as he had said as he moved himself closer to her, she shouldn't try to get involved in these things that she knew nothing about. As he apologised she looked into his eyed, which seemed less angry now and sighed softly "Don't apologise, you don't need to, like you said, you didn't know" her voice spoke softly as she smiled at him.


Zac lightly kissed her on the head, "Thank you," He said in a low whisper before lightly kissing her on the lips, pulling back slightly, he gave a smile and a laugh, "I forgot you wanted some water..." He said with another laugh as he turned his head away, "Do you still want some? I mean... It's not like we can go into my room, we will have to wait in a spare one, or in the library if you want..." He trailed off as he turned his head back to Rosalie, his eyes roaming on her face before a smile set on his lips.
Ansom sat on a cool, metal bench, breathing the fresh air. His fingers tapped restlessly on the armrest, a sign of impatience. He was to be waiting on a new delivery but the far hadn't arrived on time. In fact, it was a couple hours late, and still counting. 

Ansom couldn't stand when people weren't punctual but he wouldn't do much about it. Having a daughter had made him soften up, leaving his old ways of kill when annoyed. He sighed. And waited.

> Ayame <

''I don't know how to teleport yet.''

She said as a group of guys started to surround them with lustful looks, Ayame already knowing what was going on.

''Harumi...we're in trouble...Just stay here...''

She said as she just watched them.

"I-I'm scared big sis." She said as she watched the guys with fear

Euloria was now beaming and excited to have him around again, she was always at her happiest then, it made sense for her to feel this happy, since he had been gone for so long this time. At this stage, she had was now full and was finished eating, gently pushing her plate to one side as she glanced out the window for a bit.

When Daniel was done eating he did the same with hiss plate and smiled as he watched her lovingly. Inspecting his wife's beautiful face and other features. He still couldn't believe such a beautiful woman was his wife.


Evelyn lightly blushed at the action, she gave a small sigh before she moved closer to Atrio, wrapping her arms around him, "Are you sure you want to be with me?"


 @LunaCrosby Did you reply to the last post i did?

"Stop doubting it. Of course I do." He said softly as he hugged her gently 
Aaron smiled and let Annabel go, "I'm gonna go get dressed. You can do whatever, make yourself at home I guess." He said before turning to his stairs and going upstairs to his bedroom. Sato watched as Aaron as he went upstairs before looking at Annabel, "He's pretty cool... Even cooler since we're getting pizza."

"Yeah he is isn't he." Annabel said as she watched him go up the stairs then smiled. "We'll make yourself at home." She told sato as she walked over to the couch and sat down immediately seeing a book she had let him borrow from her and grabbing it and starting to read it
 Kuroh Fukushima  

                  The Sanctum of Displacement ~


...♆Kuroh could sense that Himeragi was growing uncomfortable with the current topic. Upon Himeragi's question, Kuroh released a wide smiled as he remembered the YouTube videos he'd watched. He looked around to Himeragi as he replied, making sure to stay on the pavement and away from the road as they passed the school gates♆...

“ At first I was watching funny cat and dog videos, then I was watching Humans doing stupid stuff and hurting themselves. It was funny~ What were you doing, prior to the fight?~ 


The sidewalk.[/SIZE]


Walking with Himeragi and Dante to the Chinese Restaurant.


[SIZE=11pt]Interacting With:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Himeragi and Dante.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Satisfy his hunger.[/SIZE]


@Wicked Jesterhttps://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/@HimeragiSeiker

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi smiled now that they had veered off the topic of emotions and glass.

''Well, I was literally just walking about minding me own business, till that guy dropped a butterfly knife in front of me from a tree. He then went on about the encounter being fate's work or something since he never slips. I think he's just bull crapping...''

@Wicked Jester
"Stop doubting it. Of course I do." He said softly as he hugged her gently 

(( SORRY! I am doing like 50 tabs of info for the new character i am making ;-; Messa so sorry, ))

Evelyn gave a forced smile as an arrows smashed through the window, her eyes instantly turning a dark red, "Oh, that was the smashing i heard earlier..." Evelyn said as she sighed. About 5 people rushed into the room, nodding towards Evelyn as she walked past them, they took up positions in the room as she stood in the doorway, "Can we please leave?" She asked Atrio as she tilted her head slightly.
"I-I'm scared big sis." She said as she watched the guys with fear

When Daniel was done eating he did the same with hiss plate and smiled as he watched her lovingly. Inspecting his wife's beautiful face and other features. He still couldn't believe such a beautiful woman was his wife.

"Stop doubting it. Of course I do." He said softly as he hugged her gently 

> Ayame <

Ayame soon stood up slowly and summoned a massive axe. She looked around her shoulder and looked at Harumi and then smiled before speaking.

''Don't worry Harumi...I'll protect you...''

 The men also seemed to summon and arm themselves with katanas. Were they some sort of out-casted heroes?

Zac lightly kissed her on the head, "Thank you," He said in a low whisper before lightly kissing her on the lips, pulling back slightly, he gave a smile and a laugh, "I forgot you wanted some water..." He said with another laugh as he turned his head away, "Do you still want some? I mean... It's not like we can go into my room, we will have to wait in a spare one, or in the library if you want..." He trailed off as he turned his head back to Rosalie, his eyes roaming on her face before a smile set on his lips.

Rosalie smiled back at him before placing a kiss on his cheek "Well, which is more fun?, the library or the other room" she asked as she looked around the hallway before looking back to him "Or mayne a better way of deciding is what one I'd further away from you know...arrows and stuff." She said with a small laugh as her eyes drifted to the side.
Rosalie smiled back at him before placing a kiss on his cheek "Well, which is more fun?, the library or the other room" she asked as she looked around the hallway before looking back to him "Or mayne a better way of deciding is what one I'd further away from you know...arrows and stuff." She said with a small laugh as her eyes drifted to the side.


Zac smiled widely like and idiot, "Well, the library is the oldest part of this castle, so that would be the best choice..." He said as he seemed to be in deep thought, "Now that i think about it, i actually have to see if there is any books about mates..." He said as his eyes wandered around the hallway, he shrugged lightly, "I know there is a couch in there, or maybe 50, it's 5 stories tall..." He said before he looked back at her, he lowered his arms to settle on and around her waist, "Library," He said in a normal tone with a small nod.
"I-I'm scared big sis." She said as she watched the guys with fear

When Daniel was done eating he did the same with hiss plate and smiled as he watched her lovingly. Inspecting his wife's beautiful face and other features. He still couldn't believe such a beautiful woman was his wife.

"Stop doubting it. Of course I do." He said softly as he hugged her gently 

After moving her plate to the side, her eyes drifted towards Daniel. Looking him over with a curious expression "Do I have something on my face?" She joked when she noticed she was being watched.

Zac smiled widely like and idiot, "Well, the library is the oldest part of this castle, so that would be the best choice..." He said as he seemed to be in deep thought, "Now that i think about it, i actually have to see if there is any books about mates..." He said as his eyes wandered around the hallway, he shrugged lightly, "I know there is a couch in there, or maybe 50, it's 5 stories tall..." He said before he looked back at her, he lowered his arms to settle on and around her waist, "Library," He said in a normal tone with a small nod.

Rosalies eyes widened as she smiled even brighter, seemingly excited by the the thought of the library "5 stories?! That sounds like a pretty amazing Library" her voice chimed excitedly "Let's go!"
Rosalies eyes widened as she smiled even brighter, seemingly excited by the the thought of the library "5 stories?! That sounds like a pretty amazing Library" her voice chimed excitedly "Let's go!"


Zac smiled again as Rosalie seemed excited, "Library it is," He said as he lightly pressed his lips against her forehead, "Do you want to walk? Or a portal?" He asked with another smile and laugh, Zac turned his head towards the door before an arrow came threw, it was going to hit Rosalie before he pulled her towards himself, falling backwards, "Portal it is," He said as he made one below himself, taking Rosalie with him, they fall unto a couch, a thud sounding out as some candles flickered from the wind.


(( @NeoClassical Got a character about to be accepted, i can use them? ))
((I can send a character if you'd like? ))

(Ooh. That'll be cool. I'll use Hakosu.)

Hakosu wondered around a garden, enjoying the view of flowers and such. It felt nice to be out of the company of cursed objects and blessed artifacts. Her mother's stash of magical items could be quite overwhelming, but she enjoyed her company so Hakoso always tagged along. 

She sighed dreamily at the thought of her mother. She hadn't talked to her parents much since she'd moved to a dorm. It was quite saddening. She shook her head and sat down on a bench.
(( SORRY! I am doing like 50 tabs of info for the new character i am making ;-; Messa so sorry, ))

Evelyn gave a forced smile as an arrows smashed through the window, her eyes instantly turning a dark red, "Oh, that was the smashing i heard earlier..." Evelyn said as she sighed. About 5 people rushed into the room, nodding towards Evelyn as she walked past them, they took up positions in the room as she stood in the doorway, "Can we please leave?" She asked Atrio as she tilted her head slightly.

Atrio nodded to her with a serious look not knowing what was going on right now but he knew they had to leave

After moving her plate to the side, her eyes drifted towards Daniel. Looking him over with a curious expression "Do I have something on my face?" She joked when she noticed she was being watched.

"Yeah you do. You have two beautiful eyes, soft loving lips, a cute nose." He said softly to her 

> Ayame <

Ayame soon stood up slowly and summoned a massive axe. She looked around her shoulder and looked at Harumi and then smiled before speaking.

''Don't worry Harumi...I'll protect you...''

 The men also seemed to summon and arm themselves with katanas. Were they some sort of out-casted heroes?

"I-I-I'm scared." She said again but before one of them could attack a bright glowing arrow came from behind the girls and lodged it's self into one of the men. The arrow came from ablue haired neko and a girl in a white and red outfit holding a green sword stood next to the archer 


Zac smiled again as Rosalie seemed excited, "Library it is," He said as he lightly pressed his lips against her forehead, "Do you want to walk? Or a portal?" He asked with another smile and laugh, Zac turned his head towards the door before an arrow came threw, it was going to hit Rosalie before he pulled her towards himself, falling backwards, "Portal it is," He said as he made one below himself, taking Rosalie with him, they fall unto a couch, a thud sounding out as some candles flickered from the wind.


(( @NeoClassical Got a character about to be accepted, i can use them? ))

(If you want, you can interact with Ansom. He's just sitting at a park.)

Atrio nodded to her with a serious look not knowing what was going on right now but he knew they had to leave


Evelyn sighed as she pulled him out into the hallway, "Were being attacked by werewolves... If you have anything to ask, can you please do so when we are in a safe position?" She asked Atrio as she began walking, a group of guards walking past, "Soldier, what is happening?" She asked, the person in the front stopped immediately, "Lady Rose, we are being attacked by a huge last effort by the werewolves, everything they have is here, please head to a spare room or the library if you wish..." They trailed off before they nodded and continued jogging down the hall, entering another room. Evelyns eyes became completely dark crimson, "Pieces of fu-" She was cut off as an arrow whizzed through the window, hitting her in her torso, she hissed in pain as a good third of it was inside her body, "Shit," She hissed.

(If you want, you can interact with Ansom. He's just sitting at a park.)

((Mind if i can grab any female characters? Also, i have to wait for an acceptance...))

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