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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Yeah, I guess we did" she said proudly with a smile before eating more of her food.

"Well you did I mean...... I was never there." He said his voice getting quiet at the last part as he thought about and it was true. He was rarely ever there for there daughters childhood, rarely even there for most of her life. It hurt him to think about it, about how he had failed as a father to there daughter

> Ayame <

Ayame just soon sat down at a nearby bench and watched Harumi and the children play.

Harumi happily played hide and seek and tag with the children laughing happily as they ran around
"Well you did I mean...... I was never there." He said his voice getting quiet at the last part as he thought about and it was true. He was rarely ever there for there daughters childhood, rarely even there for most of her life. It hurt him to think about it, about how he had failed as a father to there daughter

Harumi happily played hide and seek and tag with the children laughing happily as they ran around

Euloria looked up at him, leaving her fork down as she frowned "Don't say things like that" she answered "You had your reasons, we both understand that, she knows if you could be there for her everyday you would" she said softly.
Euloria looked up at him, leaving her fork down as she frowned "Don't say things like that" she answered "You had your reasons, we both understand that, she knows if you could be there for her everyday you would" she said softly.

"I know but still. I feel bad for leaving you to care for her alone." He said as he gently took her hand
"I know but still. I feel bad for leaving you to care for her alone." He said as he gently took her hand

Euloria shook her head "Don't, I'm not upset with you for it, you did what you needed to do" she tried to reassure him.
"Well you did I mean...... I was never there." He said his voice getting quiet at the last part as he thought about and it was true. He was rarely ever there for there daughters childhood, rarely even there for most of her life. It hurt him to think about it, about how he had failed as a father to there daughter

Harumi happily played hide and seek and tag with the children laughing happily as they ran around

> Ayame <

Ayame just watched them play.

"Ah," Caspian said in a confused tone of voice. See? Kill it, it's a wolf in sheep's clothing, i beg of you. To this Caspian made an even more confused face. Did you just beg? You must really hate whatever race he is... She thought to the daemon, to this, it was silent. Caspian gave a short sigh, "Well, should we maybe head inside, seems rain may come shortly." She said as she looked up at the darkening clouds. Sheesh, weather here is strange... 

Allen looked up at the sky and noticed the cloud's darkening. He nodded and smiled, "Yeah we should, i'd hate for us to get soaked, we'd probably get sick...." he said.
"Hm?" He looked back at her "Oh, yes, for the next while anyways, my sisters are staying in school dorms this year so they can be closer to the school campus" he answered as he went to the closet under the stairs to pull out a box.

Asako sat down in a chair and nodded, "Well, it gives you a better chance of sleeping in because you'll gave no one to come and wake you up, and sleeping in is too good for that." she said.
"I'm just upset with my self." He said to her

Harumi giggled as she went to her sister and pulled her hand. "Come play!" She said

Euloria frowned lightly "Please don't be, I don't want you beating yourself up about this...please" she spoke softly.
Asako sat down in a chair and nodded, "Well, it gives you a better chance of sleeping in because you'll gave no one to come and wake you up, and sleeping in is too good for that." she said.

Kenai laughed "I guess that's a little bit of a perk yeah" he said, bringing the box into the living room where she was and leaving it on the coffee table, "They should be in here..." He mumbled before taking a breath and then opening the box up, he began looking through it to find the books.
Kenai laughed "I guess that's a little bit of a perk yeah" he said, bringing the box into the living room where she was and leaving it on the coffee table, "They should be in here..." He mumbled before taking a breath and then opening the box up, he began looking through it to find the books.

Asako watched him dig in the box, curious as to what he'd pull out. "Hakuru alway's wakes me up before noon because if she didn't i'd stay up all night, pfft" she said, crossing her arm's.
Asako watched him dig in the box, curious as to what he'd pull out. "Hakuru alway's wakes me up before noon because if she didn't i'd stay up all night, pfft" she said, crossing her arm's.

After a moment or two of searching he pulled out a handful of books "Here, I knew I still had them in here.." He said, handing them over to Asako with a small smile.
After a moment or two of searching he pulled out a handful of books "Here, I knew I still had them in here.." He said, handing them over to Asako with a small smile.

Asako blinked and looked at the books, "This isn't going to hurt my brain, is it?" she asked and looked at him curiously.
(I think this is it)

aya flinched at the feeling of the cold bottle and blushed more as she looked to him before turning around again in embarasment

(Ah k)

Zero noticed her get redder, "Hmm... maybe I should take you home instead of keeping you out, i'd hate if you ended up being sick" he said.
@LunaCrosby did I miss a reply?)

"Alright love I won't." He said as he smiled at her lovingly

Euloria smiled back at him "Good~" she answered happily, she didn't want him feeling guilty for something he couldn't help, especially on a night they were supposed to enjoy together.
"So." She said in a pout

As she felt the water bottle on her cheek she quickly flinched at the cold and looked at him after hearing his words her cheeks just became reder as she looked away again

"Oh trust me his room is a pig sty. Thana demanded he clean it and it took him five hours once then it was dirty five minuets after he was done." Annabel said with a giggle as she leaned in to Aaron and nodded. "Yeah we were bored. Sato's sister isn't around and thana and hayate are busy with the new baby. So me and him came her but we just came thinking you were probably at work love." Annabel said to him happily

"So." She said in a pout

As she felt the water bottle on her cheek she quickly flinched at the cold and looked at him after hearing his words her cheeks just became reder as she looked away again

"Oh trust me his room is a pig sty. Thana demanded he clean it and it took him five hours once then it was dirty five minuets after he was done." Annabel said with a giggle as she leaned in to Aaron and nodded. "Yeah we were bored. Sato's sister isn't around and thana and hayate are busy with the new baby. So me and him came her but we just came thinking you were probably at work love." Annabel said to him happily

"Geez man. You're worst than me." Aaron said, laughing lightly. "Though, once again, I can't rrally say much. I was the same way and my friend always cleaned for me. Just saying thanks would never be enough." He added before looking at Annabel, "Oh, I'm off today."
(Ah k)

Zero noticed her get redder, "Hmm... maybe I should take you home instead of keeping you out, i'd hate if you ended up being sick" he said.

"I'm I'm I'm I'm not sick!" She said quickly as she blushed more and gently hit his shoulder

Euloria smiled back at him "Good~" she answered happily, she didn't want him feeling guilty for something he couldn't help, especially on a night they were supposed to enjoy together.

He smiled at her lovingly and nodded before continuing to eat
Asako blinked and looked at the books, "This isn't going to hurt my brain, is it?" she asked and looked at him curiously.

Kenai laughed softly and shook his head "not all of them, no, some are more difficult than others" he said before pointing at one "This is one of the easier ones so let's start with this one and work from there" he suggested
"Geez man. You're worst than me." Aaron said, laughing lightly. "Though, once again, I can't rrally say much. I was the same way and my friend always cleaned for me. Just saying thanks would never be enough." He added before looking at Annabel, "Oh, I'm off today."

"I can tell judging by how your here right now." she said with a smile as she kissed his cheek lovingly and hugged him 

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