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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Dante nodded absently as he continued to study the girl, wondering why fate would draw him to her. There didn't really seen to be anything special about her other than the fact that she had a nice figure, but that mattered little to Dante. soon he began to wonder if perhaps she had divine protection or something, wondering how he would test that, completely oblivious to the girl growing more angry. @HimeragiSeiker

Dante nodded absently as he continued to study the girl, wondering why fate would draw him to her. There didn't really seen to be anything special about her other than the fact that she had a nice figure, but that mattered little to Dante. soon he began to wonder if perhaps she had divine protection or something, wondering how he would test that, completely oblivious to the girl growing more angry. @HimeragiSeiker

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon sighed before she summoned a gun and pointed it at Dante.

''Hey...stop that...''

I know i just didnt reply yet)))
Ariel Reaver:

Ariel looked back at him with a slightly raised eyebrow as he spoke in response to his sly expression before giggling a little "Mhm~" she said as she clasped her hands together behind her back and glanced around "Well, she might join another group, I'm not sure yet, depends how shy she's feeling today" she said as she moved her hand through her hair, pushing it out if her face.

(By her you mean Ollene?)

Gregory smirked, and nodded, now quietly awaiting the girl's appearence.
@The Royal Keen


Leon smiled, and shrugged lightly.

"I dunno, man, maybe there are, maybe there aren't. " He exclaimed

(I am tired of the long load up times on mobile. Tired of not being able to quickly move up and down the page. Tired of the notification bar stationary on top... Gonna take a break from this RP untill I get to my PC...)
Ribbon sighed. "Well there are jobs, just no Interesting ones. they're all acquisition jobs or courier jobs and are boring and tedious..."

"That sucks." Perfect whined. The day only seemed to get more boring than it was before and he should hsve expected the jobs were getting lamer. They were just paid a lump sum of cash to find a kid. "Wanna go est out tonight or see a movie or something?" He asked. 

> Himeragi Seiker <

Himeragi soon sighed before she summoned a gun and pointed it at Dante.

''Hey...stop that...''

I know i just didnt reply yet)))

Dante blinked and stared arbitrarily down the barrel of the gun, wondering if there was something special about it, completely disregarding any danger he was in, wondering why fate would pull him towards such a girl.

Evelyn lowered her head more as she pulled her legs closer, "She's my mother, and i'm adopted... Not much interaction happens between us," She said as she sighed, "Don't go getting angry at me, it's not like she thinks where married, which is something i would think she thought straight away since your here," Evelyn gave a small groan, "Oh... AND I WAS FUCKING NAKED YOUR PERVERT!" Evelyn yelled at him as she used her vampire speed to be instantly in front of him.

Atrio groaned back. "That was your fault for sending me to your room not my fault." He said as he crossed his arms 
Jack sighed as he looked down at his phone and the pixelated girl messing around on it as he walked towards the Ice cream shop before he was struck by a pulse of inspiration. He finally thought of a way to cure his boredom for the foreseeable future. Smiling he took a deep breath and once more poked Ai, "Hey pixy, when we get to the shop I just thought of an idea. You think you might be interested in hearing me out?" @Lumina

> Ayame <

Ayame watched as Harumi petted a bystander's dog. She just smiled since they finally got to see the outside of their home. It was truly an amazing feel to be given independence and a sense of roaming around freely.

Harumi yelped and in seconds was hiding behind her sister shaking in fear and staring at a massive costume of a kids show character that looked like a cat
Alejandro blinked and looked at Astrid's eyes. Everything felt so weird and they way they looked at one another wasn't heloing anything on his end... Im fact it made things worst, as he felt as if his stomach was a playground for butterflies and whatnot. His face was as red as a cherry and he couldn't look away. Something about her was just so captivating and interesting. This weirded him out to no end. "Oh... I just thought..." Alejandro had cut himself off and decided to just hold her hand just as his mind wanted him to. He slipped his fingers in between Astrid's looking away from her and at the window. "I-Is this okay with you?"

Alejandro didn't exactly know what ot was he felt, and the fact that he was even feeling this way towards her was foreign. The blue haired boy barely felt emotions, only if the situation was serious enough to break him... But if he wasn't mistaken, Astrid may just be someone he... Cared about. Why? He didn't know. He felt a weird attachment to her, but his mind was just all over the place causing him to not focus exactly on his reasoning. 

"So... How long do you think you'll be in the sling?" He asked, his blush remaining, but it was faded slightly. "I'm pretty sure we'll have missions and stuff for us to take care of."

Astrid Finchett

For the moment, Astrid had yet again averted hee eyes from Alejandro. She was getting this strange feeling again every time she looked at him, and she wasn't sure if she liked it (she couldn't say for certain that disliked it, though), so her solution, however temporary, was to look away. It didn't do much to reduce the blush that was still steadily creeping onto her cheeks, but it helped calm her mind down from the jumbled thoughts that keep pervading it. She cursed herself that this was happening, as she was always composed and put-together even if she did act teasing or flirtatious or sassy or whatever. Astrid had to learn to keep it under control, no matter the situation.

But then along came Alejandro. Without so much as trying he was able to cut through it, mess up her thoughts and head. She hadn't realized it, but Alejandro had constantly on Astrid's mind ever since they met. Always there, always... important. Her eyes widened some as she felt his fingers slip in hers, but she didn't protest, instead adjusting her hand so their hands fit better. The first thing she noticed was just how well their hands fit together. Like, they were- no. Astrid shook her head a bit, the thought disappearing just as quickly as it formed. She wasn't about to give herself stupid ideas, not when she was so... so emotionally vulnerable. No way was that happening.

Alejandro's question did help distract her a bit from her own thoughts, enough to where she was able to bring her gaze back to meet his. How long would she be in the sling? "Good question. I heal pretty fast, so it shouldn't be long. But it doesn't matter anyways." It wasn't an exaggeration, she had found growing up that her wounds tended to heal faster than everyone she knew, and she did get a lot of wounds from a lot of different reasons, but she wasn't about to tell him that. "I was planning on getting the hell out of here as soon as the doctors were out of sight." Astrid definitely wasn't the type to be cooped up somewhere just for something as dumb as a broken shoulder. This was nothing. To Astrid, it wasn't a big deal, even though in reality, it was. She never was good at giving herself a rest, and had been called reckless countless times for it. Glancing at Alejandro's leg, she spoke again. "You are right, we do have missions that we have to finish. Will you be okay to move today?" 
Harumi pointed to the man in the cat costume surrounded by children. "Th-th-th-there's a-a-a b-big s-s-sc-scary cat!!" She said in fear

> Ayame <

Ayame chuckled a bit.

''That's just a human in a cat-costume. Just clothing really. Supposed to represent some kind of business or show watched by kids.''

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