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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Zac pushed the suitcases up against the wall, "Where half bloods, Vampire and Daemon, adopted siblings," He said as he walked towards the front desk handing them a note, Evelyn followed in closely behind Zac, "Why does it matter? And are Werewolves in the school?" Evelyn asked in a blank tone before she handed another letter to the front desk, she went over to a wall and leaned against it as Zac handed her a red vile, she nodded before she pulled the cork out and drank it. @Ceat6
[QUOTE="The Atomic Ranks32]((Ah. That would be really nice. Thanks.))

[/QUOTE](Or should I begin? And If so, where is your character)
"oh...daemon....very interesting....which of you is the daemon?" Rosaline touched her lips, blushing at the smell of the red liquid.

The clerk handed him paperwork for student ID's and a request form for dorm hosing or current residence.

Rosaline looked to Evelyn grinning "I'm a daemon as well you know, quite a special breed at that"
[QUOTE="The Atomic Ranks32]((My character is lost around the campus, looking for help. And I would appreciate it if you started.))

(I wouldn't mind them bumping into each other, hence my character is pretty shy, and wouldn't conciously walk up to someone :> )

After Ariel left, Ollene took a nap, that lasted about five, maybe ten minutes. After she woke up, she stood up, and reminded herself that she left something at school. She exited her home, and after five minutes of walking, was slowly walking towards the school, looking around shyly, not paying attention to her road.
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"We both are," They said in sync and continued drinking there blood, Evelyn looked up for a second as she heard her talk before she lowered her gaze again finishing the blood, "We do not wish to make friends, are orders where to complete highschool then return back home," She said as she put the cork back on the vile and handed it to Zac, he put one vile in his suit case and the other in Evelyn's, he stood back up and went over to the desk grabbing his and Evelyn's ID cards, he handed over Evelyn's card to her and took both there bags, he gave a quick glimpse at the map and continued walking down the halls Evelyn closely next to him @Ceat6
Rosaline followed the two of them into the hall, chains fell to the ground under her cloak, dragging the ground, rattling and clanking. "You two don't know me, you must be truly young" the lights in the hall went out, the only light coming from her ghostly white eyes. "I don't plan on having friends, pawns in my game of chess maybe, but not friends"
Zac and Evelyn sighed at the same time hearing the woman rant on, "Do you know how annoying your voice is?" Evelyn and Zac said at the same time again, "Please, if you would, be quiet," Zac said as he took a right Evelyn right next to him still, he took out his ID card and looked at it, a picture that was taken from his world, a painting, the only one he has ever and will ever be in, he put his card in his pocket as Evelyn looked at hers and put it back in her pocket as well, they continued walking as they looked around at the white walls and the moon outside, they exited the main building seeing the huge library and the dorms. @Ceat6
Sagion Hilft He got tired of sitting around. He stood up and studied his surroundings. He walked around for a bit, before he stopped paying attention because he realized he had a map in his pocket. He desperately reached for it and continued to walk without looking until he run into Ollene. He didn't fall down but instead stumbled back, and not before letting go of the map he had. He turned to the flying map as a gust of wind blew it away. He looked back at the person he ran into and mumbled something under is breath and said "Sorry..." quietly. (( @JJKab ))
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@JJKab[/URL] )) [/border] [/bg]
Ollene was slowly walking, looking at the ground for a bit, before she felt a medium blow to her body, and yelped, moving her hand to her head, as she accidentally smacked the boy's head with it. It caused her to stumble, but not fall over, as she quickly got a hold on herself. After few seconds, she noticed a boy was in front of her, and blushed softly.

"S---S-Sorry, I totally didn't mean to walk into you, I'm sorry" She said repeatedly, as if it was ger who did it.

She noticed that the boy's map flew away, and blushed even harder, thinking he was going to be mad now

"Can I... re... pay you with something?" She asked softly, looking at him.
Rosaline sighed as she walked out behind them, a wall of demons sword dropping to the ground around the three of them. The chains under her cloak flying out creating a barrier. "You truly are quite rude..." she told Zack while cracking her knuckles "I'm really going to enjoy this you know" the barrier she used prevented teleportation and her opponents from exiting the circle, only Cain or Lucifer had the power to exit it. "How much do you love your sister?" She asked
JJKab said:
Ollene was slowly walking, looking at the ground for a bit, before she felt a medium blow to her body, and yelped, moving her hand to her head, as she accidentally smacked the boy's head with it. It caused her to stumble, but not fall over, as she quickly got a hold on herself. After few seconds, she noticed a boy was in front of her, and blushed softly.
"S---S-Sorry, I totally didn't mean to walk into you, I'm sorry" She said repeatedly, as if it was ger who did it.

She noticed that the boy's map flew away, and blushed even harder, thinking he was going to be mad now

"Can I... re... pay you with something?" She asked softly, looking at him.
Sagion Hilft "You can repay me by giving me directions." He mumbled. He didn't seem to care about the fall, but more about the map he was so desperately trying to get. He felt like if he used his powers, he would have grabbed it. But he'd rather not. It might back fire on him.
[QUOTE="The Atomic Ranks32]
Sagion Hilft "You can repay me by giving me directions." He mumbled. He didn't seem to care about the fall, but more about the map he was so desperately trying to get. He felt like if he used his powers, he would have grabbed it. But he'd rather not. It might back fire on him.

"U-Uhm.... oK---Kay..." Ollene said quietly, looking at the boy, as she looked behind her at the map, that was still floating away

"L-l-l-l-lemme see if I can grab that map for you" She exclaimed, turning around, and quickly walking towards the floating map, attempting to grab it.
((Is this okay?))

Zac sighed as he opened a simple portal, an opposite dimension to this one, he stepped through Evelyn following close behind, this dimension was dark, enough that any normal monster couldn't see, they made a portal just outside the ring, "That daemons power is strong don't you think? Annoying but strong," He said as he exited the portal, Evelyn very close to him before they both closed, "Please, if you do want to trap us, trap us in our own dimension." He said as they kept walking. @Ceat6
JJKab said:
"U-Uhm.... oK---Kay..." Ollene said quietly, looking at the boy, as she looked behind her at the map, that was still floating away
"L-l-l-l-lemme see if I can grab that map for you" She exclaimed, turning around, and quickly walking towards the floating map, attempting to grab it.
Sagion Hilft "Uh..." He said. Sagion slowly turned around to her. "I think it's too far." He said. "Like...very far..." Sagion wondered why this random girl was trying to help him. And even tried to chase down a runaway map for him. He tried to call her back over and to forget about the map. He'd get those directions for later anyway.
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[QUOTE="The Atomic Ranks32]
Sagion Hilft "Uh..." He said. Sagion slowly turned around to her. "I think it's too far." He said. "Like...very far..." Sagion wondered why this random girl was trying to help him. And even tried to chase down a runaway map for him. He tried to call her back over and to forget about the map. He'd get those directions for later anyway.l.

Ollene stopped, once she figured out that the map was indeed pretty far away

"S---Sorry... A-A-Anyways... I guess I could... lead you a---a-around" She walked back to the boy, and smiled shyly, looking at him.

W"here are you heading?"
Rosaline growled angrily "boy, I am one of the generals of hell...know your place!" She exclaimed summoning a sword made to kill angels. Resting the large blade on her shoulder she walked towards the two giggling.
[QUOTE="The Atomic Ranks32]((alright, thanks. I'll be back tomorrow.))

(For me it's pretty much tomorrow. It's almost 11 A.M here in Poland)

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