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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nona said:
Ariel blushed even more when he had hinted to her colouring face with his words, "W-Well yeah, M-Maybe" she answered, he wasn't wrong though she did think it felt nice and was enjoying the attention.
Gregory smiled lovingly, as he then moved to move his hands on Ariel's sides, and kiss her deeply on her lips, grasping her shirt softly, closing his eyes.

He was truly in passion right now
LunaCrosby said:
"Oh really? I could smell the desperation from a mile away, i'm a Neko too, remember?" she said and pointed at her ears.
Syo had just about had it. She was so rude. I mean why were her ears and stuff out too anyway? "Desperate? For you? Ha! Why would I like someone like you?" He asked her, trying to keep his composure cause he was still in heat.
TheDragoon said:
Satoshi coughed a little and then put on a straight face as he looked at her. "It's fine. We can just try and do something fun if you like. Maybe you'll figure out what the curse does eventually." He told her.
Leia blinked a few times before her gaze moved from the grass to look at the boy again "...Something...fun?" she questioned slowly looking down at her notebook that was hugged to her chest briefly before looking back at him. Someone was asking to hang out with her? Well that was new, though she kind of figured that he just wanted her around to help with his curse problem, not that she minded really as she was curious to know more about it. "Like what?" she asked curiously. She didnt do anything else other than study, she didnt know what was fun to do outside of that, even now, she was thinking on what she could learn out of this.
JJKab said:
Gregory smiled lovingly, as he then moved to move his hands on Ariel's sides, and kiss her deeply on her lips, grasping her shirt softly, closing his eyes.
He was truly in passion right now
Ariel soon closed her eyes as he kissed her, kissing back at the same pace and enjoying the moment. This certainly wasnt resting, but Ariel wasnt complaining
Sixxx said:
Dylan looked up at him a little shocked , most people just get uncomfortable or ignore it " not really no , i havent ... " she said with a shugg looking down " not hurting anyone so i dont see the problem " she looked up , her eyes clearing up already, making the blue clearer and brighter . " wanna take a walk , walking jormally makes conversations like these less uncomfortable ,things to look at and stuff "
"Alright, lead the way Dylan." he said nicely, he liked helping people in need, she was in need. He didn't mind if she stuck with joints and ganja, but the rest are deadly, even for people like her.
Nona said:
Leia blinked a few times before her gaze moved from the grass to look at the boy again "...Something...fun?" she questioned slowly looking down at her notebook that was hugged to her chest briefly before looking back at him. Someone was asking to hang out with her? Well that was new, though she kind of figured that he just wanted her around to help with his curse problem, not that she minded really as she was curious to know more about it. "Like what?" she asked curiously. She didnt do anything else other than study, she didnt know what was fun to do outside of that, even now, she was thinking on what she could learn out of this.
Satoshi suddenly jumped back when the voice boomed once more. "CHOOSE! 1. "A love hotel." 2. "The Beach." 3. "The amusement park."" It said before shutting up. Great. The first one was out of the question. The amusement park was too loud... The beach sounded like the best option, he just hoped she would be okay with it. "How about we go to the beach?" He asked her.
JJKab said:
Lena nodded softly, before looking deeply into Shuu's eyes
"I love you... so much..." She whispered, before standing up, and sending him a kiss through the air, before leaving,
Shuu continued his struggle against the puppet.

Ducasse had been waiting outside. "To the hospital?" He asked her.
Nona said:
Ariel soon closed her eyes as he kissed her, kissing back at the same pace and enjoying the moment. This certainly wasnt resting, but Ariel wasnt complaining
Gregory soon began doing something... Mischevious. As he was kissing Ariel, he began lifting her shirt slowly. After a bit, he opened his eyes, and stopped kissing after that, looking her in the eyes. He needed to ask her if she was okay with what would happen next. If she would agree, of course.
JJKab said:
Well... here she is... Maiko... the girl Chler was.... let's say interested in. With a soft smile, and a faint blush, which seemed to grow with each step towards the girl, she approached her
"He-y... How were you... Last time I had to go, and I am soooo sorry for it" She exclaimed, looking her in the eyes

"Wanna come to my dorm again? I mean... Uhm... we're both done with school, why won't we hang out there?" She offered, her hands going behind her back.


maiko koyama

"i'm good!" she chirped. her eyes widened a bit, and she blinked. "hmm? ah, don't even worry about it!" she reassured emphatically, trying to stress her sincerity. "i definitely know how obligations can be." her gaze drifts away for a moment, as if remembering something, before returning to chler's.

"y-yeah! totally!" she exclaims, face brightening. as she considers potentially being in chler's room again, she can't help but nervously laugh, her hand lightly touching her face as she tries not to blush. she nods, trying not to seem so over eager. she slowly starts walking towards the dorms, looking back towards chler. "so, i mean, how have you been?" she asks.


character sheet: here!

tags: @JJKab

notes: none!

TheDragoon said:
Shuu continued his struggle against the puppet.
Ducasse had been waiting outside. "To the hospital?" He asked her.
"Y-...yes" Lena said quietly, entering the car, and waiting patiently... While experiencing the pains again
CERBERUS177 said:
"Alright, lead the way Dylan." he said nicely, he liked helping people in need, she was in need. He didn't mind if she stuck with joints and ganja, but the rest are deadly, even for people like her.
She smirked and walked toward the forest " im sorry ,i really do try to stay out of peoples minds ,but your thoughts in particular are very loud for some reason " she said laughing a bit " so your all down for helping ,right? But i honestly dont think you will after you find out how deep it is for me ", she said with soft smile , hed give up , they all do . Since no one ends up loving her they end up not caring if she is clean or not and leave , he wouldnt fall for her she was sure of it .
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TheDragoon said:
Satoshi suddenly jumped back when the voice boomed once more. "CHOOSE! 1. "A love hotel." 2. "The Beach." 3. "The amusement park."" It said before shutting up. Great. The first one was out of the question. The amusement park was too loud... The beach sounded like the best option, he just hoped she would be okay with it. "How about we go to the beach?" He asked her.
Leia thought about it for a bit, well, she had never been to the beach before because Saria was terrified of the sea so she supposed the thought interested her "I have never been so I would like to go there, yes" she answered with a small smile. "Though, I would like to know your name first, Im not supposed to travel with strangers" she said softly as she stood up
"I am doing great.. Was bo- oring... Without you.." Chler exclaimed with a soft blush, as she looked at Maiko.

"Y'know.. Part of me wished... Hm.. Uhm... Nevermind, I forgot" She exclaimed, her blush darkening, as she looked at the ground.

They were nearing Chler's dorm, and soon, approached the doors to it.

"H-Here we go..."

rusticyawn said:


maiko koyama

"i'm good!" she chirped. her eyes widened a bit, and she blinked. "hmm? ah, don't even worry about it!" she reassured emphatically, trying to stress her sincerity. "i definitely know how obligations can be." her gaze drifts away for a moment, as if remembering something, before returning to chler's.

"y-yeah! totally!" she exclaims, face brightening. as she considers potentially being in chler's room again, she can't help but nervously laugh, her hand lightly touching her face as she tries not to blush. she nods, trying not to seem so over eager. she slowly starts walking towards the dorms, looking back towards chler. "so, i mean, how have you been?" she asks.


character sheet: here!

tags: @JJKab

notes: none!

JJKab said:
Gregory soon began doing something... Mischevious. As he was kissing Ariel, he began lifting her shirt slowly. After a bit, he opened his eyes, and stopped kissing after that, looking her in the eyes. He needed to ask her if she was okay with what would happen next. If she would agree, of course.
Ariel blushed when he began lifting her shirt but she nodded when he looked at her, letting him know she trusted him and was okay with it.
Kisaki said:
Hisaki was laying on the grass by a small tree. His tail beside his head and he used it as a pillow.
Serena made her way to the field, she was planning on taking a nap out in the warm air this time. She saw a perfect tree but saw someone else laying under it, "Mind if I lay here with you?" she asked, feeling kinda weird for asking the question.
Nona said:
Ariel blushed when he began lifting her shirt but she nodded when he looked at her, letting him know she trusted him and was okay with it.
Gregory smirked lovingly, and Ariel's shirt was sokn off of her, and on the bed next to her, as he looked at her body. It was... Beautifull... He kissed her collarbone, gently running hid hand across her back
Lumina said:


A movie sounded like a lot of fun. She couldn't remember the last time she went and saw a movie... if she ever had, that is. Going out and doing things wasn't something she was really allowed to do growing up, and before meeting Kenji she was way too shy to really go out and do much of anything. That shyness was still very present, but not nearly as bad as it used to be. At least now she was okay with walking around with her wings out. It was a huge step in the right direction, at least. Seeing Kenji's outstretched hand, a smile found its way to her lips as she extended her own hand, accepting his offer. Her fingers slid in between his, her grip tightening onto his hand as she took a step closer to him.

His suggestion of the cliche romantic comedy suggestion made her laugh a bit. Seems he had done a little bit of research on taking a girl out to the movies.
"I haven't gone to the movies with someone before, so I don't really mind what we watch." She looked ahead of them, seeing the main building of the school that their last class of the day was in. "And besides, I want to see a movie you want to see as well. It's not always about me, yknow. Your interests matter too." Of course, to Lumina they mattered more than anything, but Kenji could say that as well about how he felt about her feelings. It was a cycle of each party caring way more about the other person than themselves, it seemed. She wasn't the type to really hold herself in the highest regard, so all those feelings transferred themselves to Kenji instead. Lumina preferred it that way, at least in her own head.

After meeting Kenji and almost immediately falling for him, Lumina had secretly been reading on how couples act. In this lifetime, she had dated or really liked anybody, so it was a whole new realm of experience that she was unfamiliar with. Upon trying to familiarize herself with the dating world, she had come across some books that detailed popular dates that couples would go on. One of the ones that caught her interest, mainly from her sheltered childhood, was the concept of a "dinner and a movie" date. One person would take the other to go get a nice meal and then see a movie, with the most cliché choice of film being a romantic comedy. This memory came to mind as the excitement of going to see a real movie with Kenji settled in, and the thought made her blush. It was a date! Lumina couldn't remember the last time they had gone on a date. So much stuff had happened to the both of them that a romantic date just wasn't possible. But now that things had settled down, it seemed like it finally could happen after all. And that thought made her even more excited and happy. With the blush still on her face, she looked back up at him, trying to steady herself a bit.
"S-so... i-it's a date then?" Her words came out a little more flustered than she would have liked, but she was being a little more bold than normal at the moment. She blamed Kenji for that.

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no slide no slide



...ΨKenji began walking off of the combat field, his fingers gently intertwined with Lumina's. He looked around at the leaving students, who seemed to be passing by them to go to their next class. The surrounding crowd had a life of its own, the vibrant clothes shined in the afternoon light and the people moved like enchanting shoals of fish. There was chatter between sellers and buyers, old friends catching up, new friends being made. It was busy for sure, but the hustle and bustle brought a life to the school Kenji wouldn't want to be without. Each person in the crowd moved as if unseeing hands dragged them this way and that, pulling their eyes to one thing and then another. They responded in predictable ways, each of them with a goal to achieve for the day. But underneath that was free will, the ability to truly choose their own path. Sometimes Kenji engaged them in conversation just to gather what it was like to be Human with powers. Then they're off, back on auto-pilot, the most dangerous mode a human being can slip into. In truth, he'd spent countless hours attempting to figure out what would be the best dating locations, primarily because he'd come to the realization that he and Lumina hadn't been on an actual date in quite some time. It started off with asking his parents, however they suggested that they go to war in the Drega Realm, which Kenji knew Lumina wouldn't enjoy. Then he wanted to ask his older brother for a more reasonable suggestion, however Akira was unavailable due to his Kingly duties in Euphoria. Searching his thoughts, he remembered reading an article that a movie was also accompanied by a dinner date, and that it could come either before or after the movie. Nodding at his decision, he spoke to Lumina, his smile remaining ever present as he spokeΨ...

Dinner and a movie it is~

no slide no slide no slide

Nona said:
((You did? I thought you owed me... :'D))
Smmooottthhhhhhhhh sorry this took sooo long been busy af)

Blue blushed and looked up at him making her bright green eyes pop even more " why thank you Colin thats very sweet of you"
Nona said:
Leia thought about it for a bit, well, she had never been to the beach before because Saria was terrified of the sea so she supposed the thought interested her "I have never been so I would like to go there, yes" she answered with a small smile. "Though, I would like to know your name first, Im not supposed to travel with strangers" she said softly as she stood up
Satoshi smiled gently and nodded. "My name is Satoshi. It's nice to meet you." He told her happily. "Let's get along, okay?"
Hisaki looked over toward her and sat up. "I don't mind."he said. He tilted his head slightly "Hey, aren't you dating Jack ?"he asked. He saw them walking down the hallway holding hands once before.

CERBERUS177 said:
Serena made her way to the field, she was planning on taking a nap out in the warm air this time. She saw a perfect tree but saw someone else laying under it, "Mind if I lay here with you?" she asked, feeling kinda weird for asking the question.
Sixxx said:
She smirked and walked toward the forest " im sorry ,i really do try to stay out of peoples minds ,but your thoughts in particular are very loud for some reason " she said laughing a bit " so your all down for helping ,right? But i honestly dont think you will after you find out how deep it is for me , she said with soft smile , hed give up , they all do . Since no one ends up loving her they end up not caring if she is clean or not and leave , he wouldnt fall for her she was sure of it .
Cody smiled, "I would love to help you get off, the needle stuff, the rest, is entertaining to watch someone be on it, I had a friend that smoked like you, one time he rolled a huge blunt into a paper towel roll, and smoked it...He was laughing his ass off in class for a week." he said, as that was his friend when he was 15, he hasn't seen him since, "I could care less if you read my mind, but note, I might make you go insane." he said, as he's been bullied so much, the wounds were still healing, 'Hi!' he thought.
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