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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nico jumped slightly from the sudden voice. She looked around to see who matched the voice and she landed on Dante that standing by the tree. She heard him mock her petal picking. She shrugged and held a sunflower up to him. "Care to join me nonetheless?" she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled.
Sitting down in a courtyard at the school, Everest smiled before plugging in his amp and guitar and strumming a few chords before breaking into song, a solid drum pattern fading in from nowhere around him

"Where'd my time go?"

"I don't know who I am anymore"

"Stranger in my lady's home"

"She don't want me"

"And it feels like heaven on the road again"

"When I'm okay"

"But it feels like hell when I'm alone again"

At this point a few people stopped to listen, clapping along to the beat,

And I'm dancing with the ghost

Dancing with the ghost in my head

Well, I'm making it the most

Take the other dose in my hand

Yeah, I'm dancing with the ghost in my head

Where'd my mind go?

I don't know who my friends are anymore

Pull me under

Won't let go

Once again

And it feels like heaven on the road again

And I'm okay

But it feels like hell when I'm alone again, yeah, yeah

And I'm dancing with the ghost

Dancing with the ghost in my head

Well I'm making it the most

Take the other dose in my hand

Yeah, I'm dancing with the ghost in my head

At this time Everest broke into a solo bending the strings and playing a sweat classical rock styled sound, receiving applause from the growing audience,

And I'm dancing with the ghost

Dancing with the ghost in my head

Well, I'm making it the most

Take the other dose in my hand

And I'm dancing with the ghost

Dancing with the ghost in my head

Well, I'm making it the most

Take the other dose in my hand

Dancing with the ghost

Dancing with the ghost in my head

Yeah, I'm dancing with the ghost in my head

Finishing off the song Everest received a resounding round of applause from the audience and a number of people tossed money into his open guitar case and he nodded respectfully to them before debating what to play next.

charleen said:
Nico jumped slightly from the sudden voice. She looked around to see who matched the voice and she landed on Dante that standing by the tree. She heard him mock her petal picking. She shrugged and held a sunflower up to him. "Care to join me nonetheless?" she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled.
Dante sighed,

"I have no use for love anymore but fine I shall humor you."

Stepping down from the tree he walked offer and picked up a flower and began pulling off the petals before speaking again,

"did you know that just now three miles from here a wife just murdered her husband, the body won't be found and she will get away with the crime, but do you know why she murdered him?"

Hakuru was reading a book as she walked, looking up when she heard a guitar and singing. She looked around and noticed a small crowd surrounding who she was assuming was a guy, or a woman with a very, very deep voice. She put her book away and walked over, making her way to the front of the crowd towards the end of the song. She clapped a bit along with the crowd, he wasn't bad in her opinion, she didn't know many people listened to the song as well. "I didn't know anyone in this high school would know that song, given it doesn't compare to the song you hear currently" she said.
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Other form? Not treated well...yes... Pain...so much pain? You wish to be someone else? Cat girl is awake now, thanks to you. Not good not good not good."
''Spit her out then!''
Nico smiled when he accepted the flower. She scooted over to make room for him. She nodded through his story, but his story turned really dark and sad. Her mouth gaped opened in disgust and her eyes full of confusion. "S-she murdered him? Like he's dead now?" she looked down at the flower. "Wait whyy..?"
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru was reading a book as she walked, looking up when she heard a guitar and singing. She looked around and noticed a small crowd surrounding who she was assuming was a guy, or a woman with a very, very deep voice. She put her book away and walked over, making her way to the front of the crowd towards the end of the song. She clapped a bit along with the crowd, he wasn't bad in her opinion, she didn't know many people listened to the song as well. "I didn't know anyone in this high school would know that song, given it doesn't compare to the song you hear currently" she said.
(in total that song across the two videos its on only has about 100,000 views total, its severely under appreciated.)

Everest smiled and stretched for a brief moment before responding,

"Well I prefer the less mainstream songs, they're typically far more fun to play. If you have any requests please say them, otherwise I might start having to go through anime theme songs... though you don't seem like a very big anime person to me..."

Then without waiting for a response he broke into an instrumental solo, background music fading in around him.

(I figured this one might make you personally happy Luna xD )

charleen said:
Nico smiled when he accepted the flower. She scooted over to make room for him. She nodded through his story, but his story turned really dark and sad. Her mouth gaped opened in disgust and her eyes full of confusion. "S-she murdered him? Like he's dead now?" she looked down at the flower. "Wait whyy..?"
Dante sighed at her expression, he had seen it enough in the past,

"The woman caught the man cheating on her with a stripper, and in a fit of rage she murdered him, all of her love fueling her vengeance. At times, love can be one of the ugliest things in the world."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester](in total that song across the two videos its on only has about 100,000 views total, its severely under appreciated.)
Everest smiled and stretched for a brief moment before responding,

"Well I prefer the less mainstream songs, they're typically far more fun to play. If you have any requests please say them, otherwise I might start having to go through anime theme songs... though you don't seem like a very big anime person to me..."

Then without waiting for a response he broke into an instrumental solo, background music fading in around him.

(I figured this one might make you personally happy Luna xD )


(surprisingly it did xDD)

Hakuru listened as he played, not a very big anime person? well, that was half true, she preferred reading the manga then watching the anime, considering it leaves out important part's, at least for her it did. She waited for him to finish before speaking, "I prefer reading the manga, it's more interesting to me" she said slightly waving her book, which in fact was currently a manga.

AriaTheWatcher said:
Fake Seria frowns, sighing. She'd forgotten to take this loser into account when making her plans. Brilliant. Just brilliant. "Leave. This is your only warning."
"How what? You need to rest! I won't let you out of this damn room! Why should I let you go, just to do something that might get you killed?! Just to lose you again?! I won't let that happen."
"Oh shit!" Evan exclaimed as he spawned his rocket launcher and started taking shots at the dragon. After he fired, he jumped for the nearest cover he could find. Anna had followed him there.
It is a pity my devices are limited here." She thought out loud. She materialized her gun and prepared for one hell of a fight.

James McMillan The Bad Boy From The Wild West

James rolled to one side and fired his revolvers at the monster. It couldn't even be considered a Dragonlich anymore. The bullets bounced off the dragon like rubber and one hit James in the shoulder.
FUCK. WHAT IS THIS THING MADE OUT OF?! He screamed, not noticing a rocket which was flying at him. It hit the ground in front of him and detonated. OW FUCK. WHY DO I ALWAYS END UP BEING HIT BY RICOCHETED PROJECTILES?! Faust leaned against the wall and sighed at James. Moron. Just use the Necronomicon. That ought to have a counter spell...

HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Aselia sighed for a bit before she summoned a katana and a knife as she quickly launched at Perfect?...




Perfect frowned a little as he watched as Aselia charge at him. He quickly changed into his original appearance, he was now... More odd looking than before. His speed was was amazing, as he went towards Aselia, quickly appearing her and punching her. "Hmm... You're stronger than that. I know it. Stop holding back, or I might just kill you."

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"What happened to ice cream?!?" She aske in a worried childish whine as she looked at him worriedly like they weren't gonna get it

Luke sighed, "I said on our way back. We haven't even picked up the cake." He said, walking towards the store. Hopefully the cake was done....
JJKab said:
"A-Alright" Fricka nodded, giving Nai a quick kiss on his lips, before stnwding up, heading to get her jeans jacket.
Nai hummed quietly as he got on some clothes, and went to look out the window. He seen people going towards the school, and he immediately remembered school had started. "Crap... I've missed that much school?"
Roman said:




Perfect frowned a little as he watched as Aselia charge at him. He quickly changed into his original appearance, he was now... More odd looking than before. His speed was was amazing, as he went towards Aselia, quickly appearing her and punching her. "Hmm... You're stronger than that. I know it. Stop holding back, or I might just kill you."

...?Aselia soon used the punch as a bit more of momentum as she did a 360 slice with her katana which had more power and strength thanks to the punch before jumping back as she used time to make clones of herself as that clone had a gun and it started shooting at Perfect before another clone appeared with tons of light armor but it made her move more agilely as it charged at Perfect?...

(Like a scene from Final Fantasy Advent Children Cloud vs. Yoz and Yazoo)
Roman' date=' post: 5972763, member: 29050"']Nai hummed quietly as he got on some clothes, and went to look out the window. He seen people going towards the school, and he immediately remembered school had started. "Crap... I've missed that much school?[/color]"
Fricka came back after a while, with her jeans jacket on.

"Oh, yeah, acutally quite a bit" Fricka exclaimed, looking at Nai, smiling a little
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☆Aselia soon used the punch as a bit more of momentum as she did a 360 slice with her katana which had more power and strength thanks to the punch before jumping back as she used time to make clones of herself as that clone had a gun and it started shooting at Perfect before another clone appeared with tons of light armor but it made her move more agilely as it charged at Perfect☆...
(Like a scene from Final Fantasy Advent Children Cloud vs. Yoz and Yazoo)
When the sword made contact with Perfect's body he laughed as the wound quickly healed and he was fine. "I'm telling you now, another attempt like that and I'll send you to Akane in a box." He said with a smirk as he watched her set up some clones or whatever she did. When he heard gun shots, he easily caught each bullet shot at him, and he worried less about the other clone.
Roman said:
When the sword made contact with Perfect's body he laughed as the wound quickly healed and he was fine. "I'm telling you now, another attempt like that and I'll send you to Akane in a box." He said with a smirk as he watched her set up some clones or whatever she did. When he heard gun shots, he easily caught each bullet shot at him, and he worried less about the other clone.
...☆The clone that charged at him soon punched the ground in front of him causing a distorted space plate to appear as glass-like spikes came from it and attempted to stab Perfect as another came from behind. Soon spikes formed around him. He was in the middle of the distorted space area☆...
JJKab said:
Fricka came back after a while, with her jeans jacket on.
"Oh, yeah, acutally quite a bit" Fricka exclaimed, looking at Nai, smiling a little
Nai laughed lightly and he rubbed his head, "Well I guess I'll just go tomorrow." He said, before looking at Fricka. "Alright, let's go get some food for our dinner later~" he said with a smile.
Roman said:
Nai laughed lightly and he rubbed his head, "Well I guess I'll just go tomorrow." He said, before looking at Fricka. "Alright, let's go get some food for our dinner later~" he said with a smile.
"Exactly, me too..." Fricka exclaimed, sitting by Nai, fixing up her hair niftly
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☆The clone that charged at him soon punched the ground in front of him causing a distorted space plate to appear as glass-like spikes came from it and attempted to stab Perfect as another came from behind. Soon spikes formed around him. He was in the middle of the distorted space area☆...
Perfect hummed to himself as the ground in front of him was punched. He easily broke the glass spikes and his gaze returned to Aselia. The one behind was also broken. He looked around soon after, and then chuckled. "Are you done?"
Roman said:
Perfect hummed to himself as the ground in front of him was punched. He easily broke the glass spikes and his gaze returned to Aselia. The one behind was also broken. He looked around soon after, and then chuckled. "Are you done?"
...☆Aselia glared at him. He's harder than she thought. But it was something she hasn't fought yet. She'd probably need Akane's help for this☆...
JJKab said:
(Did I miss anyone's reply?)

(sorry, you haven't missed anything from me. ^^" i'm just... not in the best spot atm, but i really should've said something before now. i'll try to reply tonight, and i'll try to be more consistent from now on. if things don't pan out, though, i think i'll take a step back and reevaluate, 'cause i really don't want to keep you hanging like this in the future. sorry about that!)
HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Aselia glared at him. He's harder than she thought. But it was something she hasn't fought yet. She'd probably need Akane's help for this?...
Perfect laughed at Aselia. He wanted Akane, but if she wasn't able to use her powers, then he wouldn't gain anything from her. "Can I try now?" He asked with again. "I won't kill you if I do." He added before Akane came out of nowhere. "So you do have your powers back." He said with a smile. "Aselia? Back me up." Akane said as she got into her fighting stance. "Come at me." Perfect made no hesitations as he ran towards her, sending blow after blow her way only to have them dodged or blocked.


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