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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Why Seria, out of all Goddesses?''
"She, surprisingly, has the most potential for what I am needing to use her for out of all the goddesses with the exception of Haiiro. Haiiro, unfortunately, would not possibly work with what I have planned, and would likely erase herself from existence before I could succeed. No, Seria, Seria doesn't give up. That's precisely what makes her my current target."
JJKab said:
Chler giggled, stopping with the tickles, panting quietly.
"Jeez.... You're quite nice to sit on, actually" She exclaimed, looking her in the eyes, smiling playfully.


maiko koyama

maiko couldn't help but laugh again, breathing deeply in light of all the laughter she'd just done from the tickling.
"pervert," she accuses jokingly, relaxing even further into the bed.


character sheet: here!

tags: @JJKab

notes: none!

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Yeah. Maybe we can explore the city after this?''
"That would be fun." She said happily

Nevermore said:
Crow smiled as he blew another cloud of smoke,
"Because I'm a dead man walking. That good enough for you?"
She giggled a little more and leaned against him more as she looked up at him because she was smaller than him. "Maybe. Depends on how fun you are." She said softly
Nona said:

~*Maya Radkov*~

Maya had already stirred awake when she heard the door being opened. She knew Cecil was gone for coffee and was meaning to stay awake until he came back but she had been rather tired lately for some reason and just couldn't manage to stay awake. Rubbing her eyes a little she was now sitting on the edge of the bed. "Yeah, I'm in here. Welcome home" she said softly with a smile in his direction. "Did you get the coffee?" She asked tilting her head a little.

Extra Info




Greeting Cecil


A bit Sleepy



Interacting with:



~*Elaena Rillas*~

She yawned lightly before speaking "Well awkward as in social isn't his thing. I guess you could call him shy" she explained as she lifted a few things for herself to eat and placed them on her tray. "He used to get picked on a lot in our old school before our parents sent us here." She said as she looked over in his direction for a moment before waving at him, letting him know she would be joining him in a bit.

Extra Info




Getting food and talking about Elliot




Get lunch

Interacting with:

Moonstone and Junchi



Ilaani had already began busying herself by using all the ingredients she had gathered and making pancake batter which she proceeded to fry into pancakes. She quietly hummed to herself since she was in a good mood. Things were finally seeming as normal (well, somewhat normal) and she honestly couldn't be happier with that. She couldn't stand being on her own anymore, which was another one of those things she wouldn't admit. But it was true, she did tend to feel lonely on her own now so she was more than happy to have Nexus around again.

Extra Info




Cooking breakfast




Make breakfast

Interacting with:



Mei Junchi

Junchi nodded their head in understanding. "I'm sure Moonstone understands. They used to get picked on a lot when they were younger but... well... it never ended well for anyone." Junchi explained with an anxious laugh. "Um, anyways, should we get our food first and then meet your brother, or would you rather we get to know him before going to get food?"

Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High Entrance

Mood: Happy, Hungry

Status: Talking to Elaena

Interacting With: Elaena Rillas

Character Sheet: Mei Junchi

JJKab said:
"Hey.... don't be so shy about it.... eventually this was going to happen" Lena exclaimed softly, approaching Shuu, and kissing him slowly, putting her hands on his red cheeks
Shuu kissed her back, getting lost in the moment before he snapped out of it and pulled back quick. "Hey! I said none of that until after the date!" He pouted as he was still red in the face. He then sighed and smiled lightly. "You sure are the seductive one..."
AriaTheWatcher said:
"She, surprisingly, has the most potential for what I am needing to use her for out of all the goddesses with the exception of Haiiro. Haiiro, unfortunately, would not possibly work with what I have planned, and would likely erase herself from existence before I could succeed. No, Seria, Seria doesn't give up. That's precisely what makes her my current target."
''You're a monster...''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"That would be fun." She said happily
She giggled a little more and leaned against him more as she looked up at him because she was smaller than him. "Maybe. Depends on how fun you are." She said softly


...♱Neo said as she smiled♱...

AriaTheWatcher said:
"Yes, yes I am. How nice of you to notice."
''Urgh...I should have just killed you when I had that close chance...''

...☫Natsumi said as she gritted her teeth. She was still tired so she couldn't even cast a spell or attack if she wanted to. Her energy was so low that she could barely move☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Urgh...I should have just killed you when I had that close chance...''
...☫Natsumi said as she gritted her teeth. She was still tired so she couldn't even cast a spell or attack if she wanted to. Her energy was so low that she could barely move☫...
"Heheheh, you look kinda cute like this. If I were someone else, I may just take advantage of your current state."
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Heheheh, you look kinda cute like this. If I were someone else, I may just take advantage of your current state."
...☫Natsumi just glared at this person. Every fiber of her being wanted to put this fake's life to an end☫...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Natsumi just glared at this person. Every fiber of her being wanted to put this fake's life to an end☫...
The fake Seria smiles, walking over to Natsumi and shoving her onto the bed.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"That would be fun." She said happily
She giggled a little more and leaned against him more as she looked up at him because she was smaller than him. "Maybe. Depends on how fun you are." She said softly

Crow sighed and flitted across the room through the smokey haze where he showed a solemn smile,

"Sorry, I'm not the fun one. Never was. I'm the one who fixes the others' fuck ups. I protect them. You could imagine me as the over protective parent. Also if you were trying to be flirtatious there, then try living with a succubus for 12 or so years then come back."
Lumina said:



Astrid could immediately see the displeasure on his face. Oh, this was going to be so freaking entertaining. It looked like it was going to be a lot easier to get under his skin than she had expected. Perfect. She too had heard the students behind her whispering if they were dating, and she had to try super hard not to burst out in laughter. This was turning out so much better than she could have ever hoped. Especially when he got up to go move, Astrid felt pretty proud of herself. "Aw, Bluuuuuuue, where are you going? I'm gonna miss you if you're so far awaaaaaay!!!~" This was only the beginning, it would seem. She didn't realize it, but there was a part of her that actually didn't want him to move away. She brushed the feeling off to be disappointment at not being able to tease him, however. To her delight, their teacher stopped him, saying that they had been assigned partners and that his was sitting next to him. That meant- Astrid's mouth turned up in an excited grin, which would be visible to Alejandro as he sat back down next to her, staying on her face as he received a detention for "sleeping." Astrid had to stifle another giggle at that one.

Then class officially started. At this point Astrid was so consumed with messing with Alejandro that she barely paid attention in class. It was weapons class, she knew plenty about her weapon already. She didn't need to pay attention really, especially not on the first day. So instead she dedicated it just bothering the blue-haired boy next to her. She was probably going to get in trouble, but that just meant that they'd be put in detention together, and she was fine with that because 1) she didn't care if she got detention and 2) she could bother him some more in that case. Leaning over, nearly scooted all the way next to him, Astrid turning, moving her hand to poke him in the cheek, looking at him like he was some strange specimen and she was investigating what it would be like to poke it. Snickers from students in rows behind them could be heard at her actions as well. Astrid didn't mind, it only made it better in her opinion.

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Kaori wasn't going to lie, she really liked the kind-hearted Roman that was standing in front of her. Much more approachable and kind than when they were kids, but he was still pretty okay back then as well. He really had grown up since she had died and came back it seemed. Well, Kaori was perfectly okay with it, she actually preferred him this way. "I'm glad I can count on you." Of course she knew she could always count on him, but she wanted him to know it. The way he was now, she felt especially confident in trusting his words, especially with how sincere he was saying them, and it put a smile on her face.

The smile turned to a surprised expression as Roman placed his hand on her head, though. It was such a sudden gesture, one that she wouldn't have expected from him, and it too made her heart throb a bit, and her face warmed up in a small blush. As she looked up at him, she too had to remind herself that he was married and that he was just helping her out because she was pregnant. That's all it could ever be, really. Right. Kaori quickly turned away from him, heading to the kitchen, not wanting her blush to grow anymore as she looked up at him. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea. It was just her body being weird.
"Hey, do you want some lunch? I could make something for us." Kaori spoke as she tried to calm her own nerves, glancing around the kitchen for possible things to eat.

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Skylar was still looking down at Pantherlily when Hyouinmaru spoke. Her hands ran over Lily's soft fur, the sensation of having the cat on her and petting him actually helping to calm her down. Even though she had definitely been frightened by seeing Hyouinmaru, it wasn't that she was scared of him, it was just the way he looked that was messing with her head. Truthfully she had wanted him to come back to the hospital, and had actually been kind of saddened to hear Astrid's news that he would be staying away for a while. So she was actually really happy that he had come back. It was why she felt so bad for initially getting so scared like she did. Skylar raised her gaze to look at Hyou as he sat down, only to see him looking away. Was he ashamed to look at her? Had her reaction upset him? She didn't want either of those possibilities, but it didn't matter as he looked at her as he spoke, and her mind moved on to the meaning of his words.

Friends? He thought of her as a friend? Her cheeks tinted the tiniest bit pink as she looked at him, the surprise of his words halting Lily's petting. Of course she didn't want to be scared of him, and really she actually wasn't, it was just...
"W-well, I'm not scared of you. I was just... surprised. You know... I'm actually glad you came back." Her voice wasn't the most confident, but she wanted him to know that. If what Alejandro and Pantherlily said was true, then he needed to know that she was okay with him being here, rather, that she wanted him here. "Friends should want to be around each other, right?" Another small smile found her lips as she resumed petting Lily, nodding at his words.

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no slide no slide


Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy


A detention on the first day. Wow. Luckily he wasn't staying with his father or mother... They'd probably be upset to learn that he had earned a detention on his first day of school... Plus his older sibling. Masaki would probably call him some sort of idiot, then again it didn't seem like her to do so. Alejandro simply decided to do his work and pay attention in class, hoping it'd get him off detention. As Mr. White was teaching his lesson, Alejandro payed close attention and almost wrote down literally every word he said as if it were his job to do so. This was all good information for him since the topic today was the anatomy of a gun.

The good streak all came to an end for Alejandro though. As he was taking his notes, he felt a finger on his cheek... And it didn't stop. It kept poking him in the same spot. He seen Astrid in the corner of his eye, noticing how she was both closer to and the one poking him. He frowned lightly and turned his head to face Astrid. She looked like she was intrigued by his cheek or whatever. "Astrid.. What the... What are you doing? Stop!" He said in a loud whisper. The sound of marker squeaking on the board as Mr. White drew the anatomy of an handgun. He looked at Astrid and Alejandro. In his mind, he seen what look like they were about to kiss. They're faces weren't too far away from one another. "Kids... Astrid. Detention. No PDA." He said before turning back to the board and continuing his lesson. Alejandro didn't look away from Astrid, his face still held it's frown, but this time a light blush on his cheeks. "P... P... D.... A?!" He shouted out of no where. "Ishida? Detention... Tomorrow. Geez... Kids these days." Mr. White grumbled.

More Info


Weapons Class


Flustered, angry... He doesn't even know at this point


Ready to die...


Get the day over with...

Interacting with: Astrid, Mr. White



Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars


Until now, Roman never realized how much of an impact Kaori could have on his life. She gave him the same feeling he'd when around, Mal. A protective, caring a loving feeling. He didn't want anything to hurt her nor did he want her to feel hurt... Yet once again, the little angel on his shoulder gave him a good whack to the head. That was the second time he had to remind himself he was married. "Damn it... Get a hold of yourself." He said as Kaori went into the kitchen. There had to be some way he could stop having the image of being with her out of his head...

His mind quickly snapped out of thought when the sound of Kaori's voice echoed in his head about lunch. He chuckled and spoke, "Y-Yeah... I'll actually come help, I might want something else to go with my lunch and I don't want you over working no yourself." He said as he joined her, smiling happily.

More Info


Apartment: Kitchen




Going to help make lunch


Help make lunch

Interacting with: Kaori



Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel


Hyou was still looking put the window, his face holding no expression as he did so. He wasn't angry at Skylar... But upset. He just wished thatcthey could start all over again. Meet a new way... In a different place instead of him giving her a brutal beat down. Hyou looked over at her as he heard her voice, seeing a smile on her face as she pet panther. So she considered him a friend? That's nice. She even wanted him to be around. Her words brought a smile to her face and looked away once more before speaking. "Whatever Shrimp... I believe you." he told her with a smile.

Panther sighed as he looked at Hyou. He could tell that deep down inside, Hyou was jumping around like a school girl, but it was nice to see him smile... Even of he looked like a crazed beast. "So... Happy ending?" Panther asked jokingly as he looked up at Skylar and then Hyou again.
Hyou chuckled, "I guess so."

More Info


Hospital Room


Secretly happy


Visiting Sklyar



Interacting with: Skylar, Panther

Tags: @Lumina

HimeragiSeiker said:
''H-Huh? What are you planning to do now..?!''
"Take advantage of you, obviously. After all, you're too weak to stop me. And after that, well, maybe I'll mess around with your mind a little~"
AriaTheWatcher said:
"Aww, you're so cute when you're afraid~"
...☫Natsumi kept a hard mask but really inside she was starting to get frightened to what she'll do and plan to do with her mind☫...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Natsumi kept a hard mask but really inside she was starting to get frightened to what she'll do and plan to do with her mind☫...
The fake Seria grins, pinning Natsumi down and kissing her.
AriaTheWatcher said:
The fake Seria grins, pinning Natsumi down and kissing her.
...☫Natsumi went wide eyed when she was kissed before blushing a bit and wanting to resist but couldn't move at all. She had to accept it. No matter what☫...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Natsumi went wide eyed when she was kissed before blushing a bit and wanting to resist but couldn't move at all. She had to accept it. No matter what☫...
The fake Seria giggles. "Such an adorable expression~ So, let's get to the really fun part~"


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