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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Yeah. Gives me a few useful uses for just a regular use..''
"Well then you can totally hate your father..." Fiona smiled. "If anything, he gave you one helpful thing right?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Yeah......though I kind of hate using it.''
Fiona shrugged. "Probably because you don't know how to use it properly. It has many uses that you just don't understand. Hell, I don't even understand it."
Mayyflower said:

~♮Luke Shun♮~

Luke chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry about it" he says stretching

Extra Info




Talking to Kairassi





Interacting with:




~*Kairassi Ikeda*~

Kairassi blinked a few times "Well...alright" she said smiling lightly at him. She was curious about what that was he was thinking about since he seemed to acting a bit odd in her opinion but she didn't question him any further "So~" she began swinging her legs again "What've you been up to lately then?" She asked, tilting her head lightly.

Extra Info




Sitting with Luke





Interacting with:

Luke Shun


NeoClassical said:
Fiona shrugged. "Probably because you don't know how to use it properly. It has many uses that you just don't understand. Hell, I don't even understand it."
''No, I understand it. It's just...it usually reminds me of Ansom. Something I'm not exactly proud of...''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''No, I understand it. It's just...it usually reminds me of Ansom. Something I'm not exactly proud of...''
"If you understand it, it won't work properly." Fiona chuckled. "Ansom told me that a long time ago." She shrugged. "If you're not proud of having something related to Ansom, why even send him the picture? Why waste your time?"
NeoClassical said:
"If you understand it, it won't work properly." Fiona chuckled. "Ansom told me that a long time ago." She shrugged. "If you're not proud of having something related to Ansom, why even send him the picture? Why waste your time?"
''I'm having second thoughts now. Before when you told me about his other voice...I began having second thoughts. I hate him, but at the same time, I feel sorry for him. Like a bully under domestic abuse.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''I'm having second thoughts now. Before when you told me about his other voice...I began having second thoughts. I hate him, but at the same time, I feel sorry for him. Like a bully under domestic abuse.''
Fiona nodded. "Ah, I see." She stood up. "Well, I seriously don't want to be a bother. I'll just go now." She smiled. "Besides, you probably have a family to get back to."
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy

Alejandro was no stranger when it came to tricks... And he definitely wasn't thrilled sitting by, Astrid. He had to admit though, as much as he despised her, she was a really pretty girl, especially right now..l. Unfortunately, she wasn't his friend. He thought of her beauty as a waste. It could have went to someone who planned on making things better and not worst for someone. He then heard the other students whispering as she leaned on him or closer, someone of them asking each other if he was dating her all along. He stared at her through the corner of his eye. Just talking to her not too long ago felt like a mistake. He stood up and looked at Astrid.

"Don't... You'll give the others the wrong idea." he said before moving, only to be stopped. He looked at the person who stopped him, and blinked. "Going somewhere Ishida? I assigned everyone a partner. You just so happen to be sitting next to yours." Mr. White said with a smile. Alejandro couldn't believe it. He looked back at Astrid before taking a seat and the other students still laughing and giggling between their whispers. "Hey, Ishida! Good catch!" One of the male students yelled. Alejandro just put his head down on the desk, groaning as he only could feel his dislike for Astrid growing. "We don't tolerate sleeping, Ishida. Detention." Alejandro quickly picked his head up and groaned more. "I hate this already..."

More Info


Weapons Class - Freshman




Hating school right now


Just get through the day

Interacting with: Astrid, Taylor

Tags: @Lumina


Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars

When Kaori let go of, Roman, he put his hands in his pockets. He had definitely made a mistake by not hugging her when they were kids. He felt like his whole attitude towards her was dumb. She meant so much then, but now she meant even more. He felt his heart throb for a moment, but he immediately reminded himself that he was married. When Kaori began speaking, Roman snapped back to reality, smiling softly in response to her words.

"Yeah. Consider anything you need done. I promise I'll take care of you." He said softly, gently placing his hand on her head. He sort of found their height difference funny, but cute also. "That's a promise." Roman added. He meant it to. Every word.

More Info


His apartment


Deep in thought


Talking with Kaori


Do anything he can to help

Interacting with: Kaori

Tags: @Lumina


Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel

Hyou didn't look at Skylar. He didn't want to see her the way, but he could tell she was smiling... He didn't know how, but he just knew. "Oh." He said quietly, taking a seat in the chair by the window. He sighed lightly before his red irises made their way to Skylar and Panther. He sighed again and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry... I just... I can't take having people scared of me if they're as nice as you. Only my opponents should be scared of me. Not my friends." Hyou said laughing lightly.

Panther looked at Hyou, sitting on Sky's lap. "Well... You have a point there big guy.."

More Info


Skylar's hospital room




Talking with Panther and Skylar



Interacting with: Panther and Skylar

Tags: @Lumina



Astrid could immediately see the displeasure on his face. Oh, this was going to be so freaking entertaining. It looked like it was going to be a lot easier to get under his skin than she had expected. Perfect. She too had heard the students behind her whispering if they were dating, and she had to try super hard not to burst out in laughter. This was turning out so much better than she could have ever hoped. Especially when he got up to go move, Astrid felt pretty proud of herself.
"Aw, Bluuuuuuue, where are you going? I'm gonna miss you if you're so far awaaaaaay!!!~" This was only the beginning, it would seem. She didn't realize it, but there was a part of her that actually didn't want him to move away. She brushed the feeling off to be disappointment at not being able to tease him, however. To her delight, their teacher stopped him, saying that they had been assigned partners and that his was sitting next to him. That meant- Astrid's mouth turned up in an excited grin, which would be visible to Alejandro as he sat back down next to her, staying on her face as he received a detention for "sleeping." Astrid had to stifle another giggle at that one.

Then class officially started. At this point Astrid was so consumed with messing with Alejandro that she barely paid attention in class. It was weapons class, she knew plenty about her weapon already. She didn't need to pay attention really, especially not on the first day. So instead she dedicated it just bothering the blue-haired boy next to her. She was probably going to get in trouble, but that just meant that they'd be put in detention together, and she was fine with that because 1) she didn't care if she got detention and 2) she could bother him some more in that case. Leaning over, nearly scooted all the way next to him, Astrid turning, moving her hand to poke him in the cheek, looking at him like he was some strange specimen and she was investigating what it would be like to poke it. Snickers from students in rows behind them could be heard at her actions as well. Astrid didn't mind, it only made it better in her opinion.

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Kaori wasn't going to lie, she really liked the kind-hearted Roman that was standing in front of her. Much more approachable and kind than when they were kids, but he was still pretty okay back then as well. He really had grown up since she had died and came back it seemed. Well, Kaori was perfectly okay with it, she actually preferred him this way.
"I'm glad I can count on you." Of course she knew she could always count on him, but she wanted him to know it. The way he was now, she felt especially confident in trusting his words, especially with how sincere he was saying them, and it put a smile on her face.

The smile turned to a surprised expression as Roman placed his hand on her head, though. It was such a sudden gesture, one that she wouldn't have expected from him, and it too made her heart throb a bit, and her face warmed up in a small blush. As she looked up at him, she too had to remind herself that he was married and that he was just helping her out because she was pregnant. That's all it could ever be, really. Right. Kaori quickly turned away from him, heading to the kitchen, not wanting her blush to grow anymore as she looked up at him. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea. It was just her body being weird.
"Hey, do you want some lunch? I could make something for us." Kaori spoke as she tried to calm her own nerves, glancing around the kitchen for possible things to eat.

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Skylar was still looking down at Pantherlily when Hyouinmaru spoke. Her hands ran over Lily's soft fur, the sensation of having the cat on her and petting him actually helping to calm her down. Even though she had definitely been frightened by seeing Hyouinmaru, it wasn't that she was scared of him, it was just the way he looked that was messing with her head. Truthfully she had wanted him to come back to the hospital, and had actually been kind of saddened to hear Astrid's news that he would be staying away for a while. So she was actually really happy that he had come back. It was why she felt so bad for initially getting so scared like she did. Skylar raised her gaze to look at Hyou as he sat down, only to see him looking away. Was he ashamed to look at her? Had her reaction upset him? She didn't want either of those possibilities, but it didn't matter as he looked at her as he spoke, and her mind moved on to the meaning of his words.

Friends? He thought of her as a friend? Her cheeks tinted the tiniest bit pink as she looked at him, the surprise of his words halting Lily's petting. Of course she didn't want to be scared of him, and really she actually wasn't, it was just...
"W-well, I'm not scared of you. I was just... surprised. You know... I'm actually glad you came back." Her voice wasn't the most confident, but she wanted him to know that. If what Alejandro and Pantherlily said was true, then he needed to know that she was okay with him being here, rather, that she wanted him here. "Friends should want to be around each other, right?" Another small smile found her lips as she resumed petting Lily, nodding at his words.

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Silvercat said:
"So have a pillow ready when we get home" Sylvia asked teasingly.
"H-hey Arrow...your parents won't m-mind m-me being here will t-they?"
Arrow shrugged "knowing them they'll proubaly be elated that I came back without a scratch on me...and a new friend' as she said this two people ran out of the house with the anubis dogs and tackled Arrow to the floor

( since the parents are not part of the RP I don't have to make a OC sheet for them right? )

Mom: ARROW My beautifull baby! and you brought a girl home!! Is she your friend????!!!!"

dad: Arrow have you been studying your technuques? You know you hvae to learn to be the best demon hunter! and then take over heaven!

Arrow sighed as she pushed them away "Yes mom, This is sylvia"
kk1243 said:
( Yah sure [arty] )
Oras flew above the Archery training grounds Her wings were simmering like fire and her eyes looked to be watchful and alert... But in reality she was quite mad Why did she keep randomly changing? why couldn't she pick when she changed? like when that vampire attacked her.... "Geez..If only it could be like that every day...Then I wouldn't have needed to come to this school..."

to others, it sounded like the Large Hawk was screeching she Made loop d loops in the air and other aerobic feats that looked amazing. * I might as well enjoy my time as a hawk....It IS my favorite form * and so, not noticing if anyone else was around, she kept doing her tricks and having a good time


Arrow looked up "Oh...um...nothing" she said as she clucked her tongue to the dogs, which instantly ran to the house seemilng throught the door Arrow looked up at Sylvia to explain " Invisible dog door.....and I sent them to get my dad or mom to unlock the door, I can only teleport three times without being knocked out.....and I kinda want to open a portal to the mall and then one to the school afterwards"
John looked up, a bit startled by... how did a damn bird get in here... He remained puzzled for a little bit, and smiled, picking up a bow. If it's just a bird... Looks like a good target too...
NeoClassical said:
Fiona nodded. "Ah, I see." She stood up. "Well, I seriously don't want to be a bother. I'll just go now." She smiled. "Besides, you probably have a family to get back to."
''Yeah...I should get back to my wife and son. See you.''

...⊹She said before she teleported away⊹...

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Sure love." She said as she still glared at the boys and made one of the boys belts come undone and his pants fall down

''I'll go get some food. What do you wanna eat?''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Anything will do." She said to her

''Okay. I'll be back.''

...♱Neo said as she smiled at Mitsu before getting up and giving Mitsu a kiss before she went to go grab food♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Okay. I'll be back.''
...♱Neo said as she smiled at Mitsu before getting up and giving Mitsu a kiss before she went to go grab food♱...
Mitsu kissed back before going back to her torment of the guys


Klef contently sat in their chair as the lesson was finishing up. Several hours had already flown by and it was only a minutes of seconds before the dismissal bell would ring. Their amber eyes steadily focused on the clock that hung above the teacher's head. The clock made a rhythmic ticking that captivating enough for Klef to ignore the remainder of the lesson. It wasn't like this lesson was really important anyways since this was only the first day and you would think the teacher would not wait until the last moment to teach the most important part of the lesson. Boy, was Klef going to be very wrong about that, but now is not the time to elaborate on the lesson was actually on when the future can show it instead. When the bell finally rung, Klef didn't bother to chat with their classmates like they usually did at the end of class, not because they were in a bad mood or disliked their new friends, they just had a place to be and needed to be there as fast as possible.

Apparently, Klef was not the only one in a rush; almost the entire class spilled out of the room. Klef rushed out of the doors as well, slinging their bag over their shoulder and giving a quick wave to the remainder of the classmates. The classroom was not too far away from the main entrance of the school compared to most so the walk to the meeting spot would not take very long. Klef walked through the hallways, taking a few twists and turns before arriving at the main entrance. They sat patiently on a step, awaiting Nova's arrival.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Mitsu kissed back before going back to her torment of the guys

...♱Neo was just getting food for herself and Mitsu♱...

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