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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:


For the life of her, Iris had no idea what was going on in this boys head. He seemed so distant and walled off, but then again she barely knew him and he barely knew her. He had no reason to be anything but what he was. And that was fine with Iris, but if they would keep running into each other like this, she'd have to get him to open up at least a little bit. His response made her laugh a bit, simply due to how few words he seemed to speak every time.

"Right. Yeah. Class. I guess I should get going too. Magic History, if i recall correctly. Ech." Iris responded as she pulled her hat from her head, stuffing it inside a backpack suspended on her back. Her surprise of seeing the same boy on complete accident had made her momentarily forget why she was even here at all - to go to school. With a nod, Iris turned to go to the classroom before stopping herself, turning back around to face him with a grin on her face. "Can I know your name? Yknow, in case we run into each other again."

no slide
no slide no slide
Duncan's brow raised as she announced the name of her class. Ultimately, it meant he'd be seeing her again sooner than he thought. And this time, it was in a secured location with a bunch of other strangers he didn't know.

However, much to his surprise, he wasn't beginning to find some sort of pleasure in running into the girl. Though it had only happened twice now, his next line may very well surprise her. Seemingly though, his process was interrupted by a question of which she proposed of him.

"Duncan....That's my class...as well."

@Mashiro Shiina[/URL] [/Column]








...♅Akira held his finger on the communication system as he was told about the damages within the male dorms. With a sigh, Akira spoke as he stood up♅...

Ugh.. really? I'll go check it out.

...♅Akira then vanished and reappeared just outside of the destroyed dorm room. He raised his hand and repaired the damages. He then vanished and reappeared within his office. He spoke as he sat down and sighed once more♅...

There, all done~ Who destroys their own room? That's just weird..

no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide no slide


Isabella's gaze traced silently to the one stare that looked back at her. Honestly, she wasn't expecting anyone to be in the room, or at least, that's what she hoped. Much to her dismay, there were plenty students, way too many for her comfort.

However, the one student that locked into a gaze with her, had seemingly motioned her to settle in a seat beside him. To her, the offer was somehow weird, and yet, innocent. Still, she didn't truly entrust herself to ultimately sitting beside the stranger. Instead, she settled into a desk a row behind him.

She wasn't exactly sure what she had gotten herself into, or even if it was her appropriate classroom setting. Now, she could only watch whomever was in the front of the room, and wait until she had the chance to leave. Which couldn't be any sooner since she was already late.

Releasing a gentle breath, Isabella quietly folded her hands into her lap under the desk, occasionally shifting her gaze to look at the one that noticed her when she walked in.
Nona said:

~*Camilla Radkov*~


As the Class started and the teacher began to go on and on about the topic they were teaching. Camilla was paying full attention, which was odd for her really, since she was a daydreamer by nature. She just found class interesting, hearing things she had never heard before. At this stage she hasn't noticed if Kaname had zoned out or not as she scribbled down notes happily, of course, this was a theory lesson. But perhaps when she goes to a defence class or something like that, she maybe won't like school so much... But for now it was interesting. After taking notes for a while, she glanced over at Kaname to see what he was doing.

Extra Info




Taking notes




Listen in class

Interacting with:



Kaname, almost the complete opposite of Camilla, was staring aimlessly into the air. He wasn't even trying to listen in the slightest. His thoughts were rambling about, adding additional random topics even few minutes. If anything, the only thing Kaname was paying attention to was the passing time. One of which couldn't past any faster. Occasionally, his gaze trailed to the corner of his eyes to check and see what she was up to. His gaze meeting hers, he smirked, before returning his gaze back to the air.
((It was good. I'll be back soon))

Nona said:
((That's fine with me, take as much time as you need~ I just wanted to make sure to include her in the master post. I hope that start off was okay))
LunaCrosby said:

...................................................... Scarlet

........................................... ~One Of The Two Twin Dragons

Scarlet blushed lightly, "I'm sure you will be, I wouldn't expect you not to be" she said, laughing lightly.

Currently Doing
Being hugged by Logan


Logan Dragonfire

~ Dragon Boy


Logan chuckled and looked at what was ahead of them, "I guess we're pretty much a couple at this point." He said, looking at Scarlet with a smile.

More Info






Walking and hugging Scarlet


Get ready for their date

Interacting with: Scarlet

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Liiiike sitting with a beautiful girl and being lazy?" She asked him with a grin

"You know me so well." Luke said laughing lightly as he threw a pillow at Rena. "That's my everyday routine and I'm in love with it." He joked.
NeoClassical said:
Arthur laughed at Black Cat's reaction to the cake before listening to what this Seol had to say before jotting down a few notes in his notepad. With a smile and simply watched Nice Seria devour the cake. He wasn't really a cake guy but even if he was, Seria didn't seem to be like the one to share.

Seria smiles, quickly finishing off the majority of the cake. "That was delicious!~ Thanks for the cake Arthur!"
Nona said:



She looked over Arako then looked over herself "Huh." She said simply, that was a weird one alright... "Oh well~" she said with a simple shrug, not dwelling on the matter much further. Smiling gently she looked at Arako "Anyways~" she looked at the school behind her for a moment "So, how's school going so far?" She asked curiously.

Extra Info


School gates


Talking with Arako





Interacting with:



''It's uh...going well. Didn't make any new friends yet though..''

...?Arako said as she sighed?...
Roman said:


Logan Dragonfire

~ Dragon Boy


Logan chuckled and looked at what was ahead of them, "I guess we're pretty much a couple at this point." He said, looking at Scarlet with a smile.

More Info






Walking and hugging Scarlet


Get ready for their date

Interacting with: Scarlet

lol this aint Amelia))
NeoClassical said:
Arthur laughed at Black Cat's reaction to the cake before listening to what this Seol had to say before jotting down a few notes in his notepad. With a smile and simply watched Nice Seria devour the cake. He wasn't really a cake guy but even if he was, Seria didn't seem to be like the one to share.

AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria smiles, quickly finishing off the majority of the cake. "That was delicious!~ Thanks for the cake Arthur!"
...♱Cinder just sighed at Seol's words♱...

''Hm......Oh by the way, Arthur, Seol is our class rep.''

''How does Seria not get a stomach ache from that......''
Arthur nodded and smiled at Nice Seria. "No prob, Black cat." He nodded and turned towards Fiery Seria. "Yeah. I know." He motioned towards his book. "It's in the book." He smiled and jotted down another note before chuckling to himself.


HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Cinder just sighed at Seol's words♱...
''Hm......Oh by the way, Arthur, Seol is our class rep.''

''How does Seria not get a stomach ache from that......''
"A stomach ache? From eating cake? Why would I have gotten a stomach ache from eating a chocolate cake?" Seria asks Seol. "I've eaten way more sugary sweets in one sitting than just one chocolate cake without getting sick, so why would eating a single delicious chocolate cake have given me a stomach ache?"
Nona said:

~*Rini Yelil*~


Standing at the doorframe of Chiharu's room, she smiled lightly at the girl before something caught her eye. She stared curiously at the butterfly that was now fluttering around her...Where did that come from? She held out her hand giving it somewhere to land, which it did. Blinking a few times she noticed it was made of paper. Not only that but it had a note written on it. It was then she began to read it... Her eyes widened a bit...This was from...no, that can't be right...can it? Tensing up a little she put the note in her pocket. "I-I'll visit later Chiharu, I promise" she said, giving the girl a hug before she left the infirmary. Of course she remembered what tree that was, that day was an eventful day indeed, the start of their crazy journey. She quickly made her way there, not sprinting, but walking really fast. She wanted to make sure her assumption was right. As she approached the tree she slowed down, approaching it at a normal pace. She couldn't help but feel anxious as she stood at the spot, hoping she had read the note right. Who else would give her such a note, no one else knew about the antler incident. Looking around for a while, she saw no one, she felt a little disheartened by the fact that noone was showing up, but still stood patiently...

Extra Info


Under a tree


Waiting underneath it





Interacting with:

No one



Misafune the Onmyouji

Misafune was, well glad she came. He had made it back to the tree, about the same time she did, but she was a step quicker. He walked around the tree, to surprise her from behind. "Yo!" he said behind her. He fought back the tears that were coming hard. "I missed you..." he said as he really struggled with his feelings.

More Info

Location: School courtyard

Mood: Lovey Dovey

Status: Alive, Feeling like singing 'Iris' by the googoo dolls

Objective: To see Rini

Interacting with: Rini

Tags: @Nona


NeoClassical said:
Arthur nodded and smiled at Nice Seria. "No prob, Black cat." He nodded and turned towards Fiery Seria. "Yeah. I know." He motioned towards his book. "It's in the book." He smiled and jotted down another note before chuckling to himself.

AriaTheWatcher said:
"A stomach ache? From eating cake? Why would I have gotten a stomach ache from eating a chocolate cake?" Seria asks Seol. "I've eaten way more sugary sweets in one sitting than just one chocolate cake without getting sick, so why would eating a single delicious chocolate cake have given me a stomach ache?"

''Someone who has a sweet tooth yet can just eat sweets like it was dinner...?''

...♱Seol said to herself. This Seria had...intrigued her. But not to the point she wants to watch her eat sweets all day♱...

Arthur watched the two interact. He also did not understand how Black Cat didn't get a stomacheache from the dessert. It was a rather rich chocolate. A few bits would've really upset Arthur but Nice Seria seemed to inhale the cake without a problem. He shook his head in amazement.

"I guess some people have a bigger sweet tooth than others." He said aloud before writing some more notes. He closed the notepad for the first time in awhile and put it in his back pocket. "Do you want anything?" He asked the other two girls.


Seria smiled, finishing off the rest of the cake. She was still a bit hungry, but she wasn't going to speak up about it because Arthur had already payed her back for that little prank he'd pulled earlier. She'd probably just get something to eat after school.
Han Alister walked through the halls of the school. He currently had Umbrology, the study of shadows, but he was terribly bored in that class. For some reason, he was put into the beginner class, which was ridiculous. He was well past beginner level. In fact, he was probably around the expert level. He was, in fact, the Dumin if Shaukiws. The exact translation was Shadow Demon but most demons would call it the Demon of Shadows.

He felt a sharp tingle in his wrists and he glanced down to notice his cuffs glowing. He frowned when the light disappeared. "That's odd...." He muttered.

He still remembered when he got the magical cuffs. He was tired of curses so he hunted down the temple of Mar. He stole the cuffs, which he thought would earn him some kind of punishment. As of now, he hadn't been punished at all.

He chuckled softly. Han had always had good luck. Things just always went his way. It was as if Clover smiled down on him. Until Ansom came into his life. Maybe that was his punishment. For everything and everyone to disappear. Everyone he cared about gone.
Al was sitting there looking at Camathien "You know why I'm here." Cam tilted his head "Are you sure you wanna go through with this?" Al smirked "Of course I am. Besides..." His smirk vanished "It's what Hina would've wanted....For this to happen I mean...." Cam nodded "I see.....Then let's begin" He raised his hands and sent shadow-ish figures into Al "This is gonna hurt." Al winced "It's...Nothing at all..." Cam laughed "Then let's get this party TRULY started!" He said amping the force up immensely as Al yelled out in pain

@Daniel reaving just tagging you because I mentioned Hina so yep :P
Arthur looked over at Black Cat. The book said she was still hungry but it didn't seem like she was going to ask. He laughed. "A little shy are you?" He asked without explaining about what he meant.

Haiiro sighs, wandering the halls aimlessly. She was SUPPOSED to be heading to Umbrology, but, well, screw that. She didn't even know why she was going to this damn school anyway. Still, this was really the only class she was going to skip. The other classes she had were at least somewhat useful, so she probably wouldn't skip them, but UMBROLOGY? What was a goddess like her going to a school like this for, anyway? She didn't even remember what her reason was, and that seriously pissed her off.
NeoClassical said:
Arthur looked over at Black Cat. The book said she was still hungry but it didn't seem like she was going to ask. He laughed. "A little shy are you?" He asked without explaining about what he meant.
Seria frowns. "...A little, yeah..."
Han continued to walk his eyes straight ahead. He decided to head back to the class. He honestly didn't want to get into trouble on the first day. That would suck. As he turned a corner, something caught his eye. Or should he say someone. Someone familiar. A rush of many different emotions entered his mind before finally landing on confusion. "Haiiro..." He said quietly. He hadn't seen her in forever. And the last time he did see her, they had sort of hated each other.

What was he mad about. Was it the destruction of hell? That place barely meant anything to him. Except for the Forest of Wonder. He did miss that place. But that didn't matter. He sighed and sped up his pace.

"Haiiro?" He said again, this time a bit louder. "Is that really you?" She did look a little different. He could've been mistake.

Arthur nodded. "Yeah I thought so." He chuckled. "Usually it's the shy people who are more understanding instead of angry." He twirled his pen around his finger. "They don't usually like confrontations."

NeoClassical said:
Han continued to walk his eyes straight ahead. He decided to head back to the class. He honestly didn't want to get into trouble on the first day. That would suck. As he turned a corner, something caught his eye. Or should he say someone. Someone familiar. A rush of many different emotions entered his mind before finally landing on confusion. "Haiiro..." He said quietly. He hadn't seen her in forever. And the last time he did see her, they had sort of hated each other.
What was he mad about. Was it the destruction of hell? That place barely meant anything to him. Except for the Forest of Wonder. He did miss that place. But that didn't matter. He sighed and sped up his pace.

"Haiiro?" He said again, this time a bit louder. "Is that really you?" She did look a little different. He could've been mistake.

Arthur nodded. "Yeah I thought so." He chuckled. "Usually it's the shy people who are more understanding instead of angry." He twirled his pen around his finger. "They don't usually like confrontations."

Haiiro stares at Han, seeming more than a bit confused. Some random person knows her name? "Uh...how the hell do you know my name? Do I know you or something?" She asks.

Seria shrugs.
"Hey, I can be angry at times. But, yeah, for the most part I tend to be understanding."
AriaTheWatcher said:
Haiiro stares at Han, seeming more than a bit confused. Some random person knows her name? "Uh...how the hell do you know my name? Do I know you or something?" She asks.
Seria shrugs.
"Hey, I can be angry at times. But, yeah, for the most part I tend to be understanding."
Han frowned. "Ouch." Even though they left on bad terms, he didn't expect her to forget about him completely. After all the moments they shared. He did feel a little hurt. "Do you seriously not remember me?" He asked softly.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "I can't see you being angry." He poked her nose. "You look too innocent and sweet."

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