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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Nona said:

~*Character Master post part 2*~

((Feel free to interact with any of them :D ))


~*Ariel Reaver*~


Ariel clutched her timetable tightly in her hands as she looked for her class, she was in no way a shy girl but she still hated being on her own in crowds of people she didn't know, seeing nobody she recognised so far. She sighed little as she hugged her books to her chest as she stood outside the classroom.

Extra Info


Outside classroom


About to go to class


Slightly anxious


Go to class

Interacting with:

No one


@Any one


As Greg made his way towards his class, he noticed something, which made him grin widely: A girl with blue hair, blue clothes was slowly walking forward, looking around anxiously. It was Ariel. He approached her from behind and just walked after her for few meters, before putting his hands on her eyes, covering them

"Guess who?" He asked, moving his head closer to Ariel's ears, whispering.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria smiled, walking out into the hallway.
Arthur smiled at Seria. "Hey, Black Cat." He tilted his head. "It's a little early for lunch but we can have brunch or something."

~*Character Master post part 3*~

((Feel free to interact with any of them :D ))


~*Mizuki Notaro*~


Mizuki looked at her timetable as she left the announcement hall, reading it over, it was a shame that they had to go to that speech because she had (thought she had at least) finally found the person she was looking for and then was told her had to leave. Ah, well, she guessed she would see him around again. Tucking the thought aside, the young princess' eyes glazed over her timetable. Music. Her first class was music which was great. She could feel a smile crawling across her face as she then went to find the classroom. Upon reaching there, she found the note saying the class had been moved to outdoors. Well that was even better. Turning on her heel she went to the courtyard to attend her class, just in time too, they were calling the roll to make sure everyone was present. Once that was done she looked around her class, a familiar face coming into view. Ah, it was the boy again. Guess he wouldn't be to hard to find after all. Holding her harp in one hand and waving with the other, she made her way towards him. "Guess were in the same class too" she said smiling "Mind if I join you?" She asked, gesturing to the spot beside him, wondering if she could sit there.

Extra Info


School courtyard


Talking with Kansuke





Interacting with:



~*Maya Radkov*~


Maya finished leaving the last order out to the remaining customers. Coming back to the counter again she sat next to Cecil, smiling lightly. "So...we can wait to pick somewhere to live another time if you want to talk with Aaron first to let him know and stuff" she said tilting her head lightly, she didn't want to rush it if he wished to talk it over or anything, after all even though they ran the café and were together quite a while, it was still a big step.

Extra Info


Their café


Serving the last customers





Interacting with:



~*Elaena Rillas*~


Elaena wandered out of the hall after the speech...what was the speech about? She had no idea, it didn't interest her enough for her to stay awake, the only reason why she was awake now was that her brother nudged her with his elbow to wake her up. Yawning and stretching a little, she slowly pulled out her time table, looking at it with a glazed over look in her eyes, she wasnt close to awake yet.

Extra Info


School ground


Reading her time table




Don't fall asleep

Interacting with:

No one


@Any one

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( You do realise a heat that intense would vaporise the entire solar system, right? On the sun where hydrogen fusion takes place constantly, the temperature is 20,000,000° Centigrade. There is also nothing in your character's CS that supports her powers' use in that way. So the part about the inferno being that hot is ignored. )))

That is the actually the temperature of the fireball from a thermonuclear bomb. The fireball was just compressed into a beam. And her Diverse Interface includes nuclear manipulation at middle tier.

But if you don't want it then I suppose.
NeoClassical said:
Arthur smiled at Seria. "Hey, Black Cat." He tilted his head. "It's a little early for lunch but we can have brunch or something."
Seria frowns. "Black Cat? What kind of nickname for me is that?" She asks, seeming more genuinely confused as to why Arthur had come up with that as a nickname for her than anything else.
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria frowns. "Black Cat? What kind of nickname for me is that?" She asks, seeming more genuinely confused as to why Arthur had come up with that as a nickname for her than anything else.
Arthur shrugged. "I don't know you so well. So that's your nickname now." He got off the wall. "Black cats are a sign of bad luck. And...so are you it seems." He laughed.
Evan stood and watched Faust. "That was a little more than a 'thunder strike' but sure, and why are you back here so soon?"
Faust Windfallow The Plague Doctor
Faust opened the briefcase and inside were a small vial of green liquid, a small vial of purple liquid and a syringe gun. Well I AM a doctor... You know the plague that broke out in Germany? It's happened on more than one occasion... I went back to research it with the other scientists. It kinda sucked... I couldn't use magic since it would scare them to death. I'd be better off researching it here. Now, my turn to ask a question... What exactly were you kids doing with the Necronomicon?

Last edited by a moderator:
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria frowns. "Black Cat? What kind of nickname for me is that?" She asks, seeming more genuinely confused as to why Arthur had come up with that as a nickname for her than anything else.
NeoClassical said:
Arthur shrugged. "I don't know you so well. So that's your nickname now." He got off the wall. "Black cats are a sign of bad luck. And...so are you it seems." He laughed.
just saying...when you get to the cafeteria...there may or may not be an explosion and a small cataclysm xD ))
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled as she relaxed with him in her arms and started looking for anyone to talk to

Akuren started to put the rattle toy in his mouth as his mother relaxed into the bench. He slowly covered it in his saliva and took it out of his mouth, shaking it violently throwing the saliva everywhere but on himself and his mother.
Nona said:

~*Character Master post part 1*~

((Feel free to interact with any of them :D ))


~*Moriko Radkov*~


She took a deep breath as she stood at the exit to the hall after the announcement. Her social skills were more than okay now but crowds still made her feel uneasy to a certain extent they were cramped, stuffy and some people can be quite rude. In contrast, the outdoor air was nice and warm today, the sun shining down on her face, so much so that she didn't need a sweater today, normally she was always wrapped up, hating the cold weather somewhat but the warn weather today meant she was happy enough in a lighter shirt. Walking down the steps, she carried peaches in her arms as he snoozed lightly. Firstly checking her timetable to see where she was going to first on her class list briefly before takinf off. Looking around as she walked to class, her eyes surfer through the crowds of students heading to class as well, looking to see if she could possibly find Madoka. He didn't attend class ever, in fact she was sure he wasn't even enrolled but he was always floating around. He hasn't visited her form at breakfast time this morning as he normally did so perhaps he slept in? With a small smile and a roll of her shoulders she continued to her destination, perhaps he'd be around later after her lunch break, for now though she'd head to class...

Extra Info


School grounds (on her way to classroom)


Walking to class




Go to class/maybe spot Madoka on her way

Interacting with:

No one


@Tobi Neafearn (If you want to interact~)

@Any one

~*Colin Mayer*~


Colin sat in the park on a bench as he just messed around with some sketching, to be honest with himself, as much as he disliked school while he was there, it did seem more than odd to him to not be there anymore since he graduated. He had all the free time in the world currently (until he would start college of course but he'd be waiting a few months) he honestly didn't I know what to do with it. Two of his friends had already started families long ago and were busy with those and the rest weren't graduated yet until next year so it left him on his own in a way. Even his drawings were a bit uninspired currently, his last illustration job being a flop since the guy didn't even pay him for it. So his heart wasn't in it for now. With this in mind he stopped sketching the birds that had landed near the bench he was on and leaned his head back on the bench taking a breath.

Extra Info




Drawing (attempting to)





Interacting with:

No one


@Any one



Amara wasn't at the announcement of the highschool reopening. Of course she wasn't. Despite looking young (A perk of being a goddess she supposed), she had graduated from there ages ago. So long ago in fact that her kids were now starting their first days at the very same school that she was at before. She now was having her morning walk, which she was taking alone since Natsuru was still asleep when she left and she hated waking him up this early, he always looked so peaceful when he was sleeping so she left him like that. If he were to wake up on his own afterwards he could always catch up with her if he wanted to, it wasn't like she was walking that fast or anything, she was just drifting along at her own pace, taking in the scenery. Ah, yes. She missed earth a great deal and it was good to be back. Although her husband and children were with her in the other realm when they were all in hiding, she never felt the house there was 100% like home. There was something about earth that drew her to it... Maybe it was the imperfections on it after all, anything too perfect is boring or maybe it was because earth was where she started her family and that's were all her memories lay. Either way she preferred it. Her walking route passed the school, so she couldn't help herself from stopping at the gates and peeking in to see if she could spot her children. Hoping they were doing well on their first day of school. Her kids were grown up now but honestly, she was having a hard time adjusting to that sometimes. So it took all of her restraint to not be a smother and treat them like kids, but she believed that looking through the gates on the way past wasn't doing any harm. After all, they might not even be there when she looked...

Extra Info


School gates


Having her morning walk




Have a quick peek through the gates

Interacting with:

No one


@HimeragiSeiker (If you want to interact)

@Any one

~*Kairassi Ikeda*~


Kairassi left the Announcement hall with a spring in her step. Fiddling with her headphones she hopped down the steps of the building, smiling brightly as she always did. Though she was smiling she actually didn't like the thought of going to classes. Kairassi was a quick learner, so once she grasped the concept of what the class was teaching her, she wanted out and if course you couldn't just get up and leave. Which caused another problem as she also hated staying in one place. Even when standing still the green haired girl would sway or rock back and forth on her heels, just to keep herself moving, maybe it was just because so much energy was in her body at all times. Because of this, she was a fiddler in class, messing with her pens, playing with her hair, staring out the window, tapping her feet... Her disinterest caused quite a few detentions for the girl, which was again, another problem. But this year, her final year, she was going to try to refrain from that as best she could (which was what the smiling was about) , make some friends too. She had Luke, but she wasn't even sure if they were in the same class... Maybe she'd try find him and check later...

Extra Info


Outside Announcement hall


Getting ready to go to class





Interacting with:

No one


@Mayyflower (if you want to interact~)

@Any one



After that ordeal in that crazy city that Ilaani semi-promised herself she wouldn't return to after all that. She managed to get Nexus and Axel to regain consciousness somewhat and get the heck out of there. Now home again, she wasn't sure what her next move was... Nexus still seemed...not Nexus then again, she wasn't sure, he had been still floating in and out of consciousness since their return home due to the injury she had no choice but to inflict him with, which still riddled her mind with guilt for having to do in the first place. For now, she'd have to think on what to do when he woke up. What if he was lost to whatever took him over. No, she didn't want think of that, she wanted to keep positive. She still kept a forcefield barrier around where he was if he were to wake up and lash out. For now though she just sat there, patiently waiting on him to wake up properly. Occasionally feeding and petting the pet she had bought on his absence since she hated the house being so quiet...

Extra Info


Her home


Sitting near Nexus


Spaced out



Interacting with:

No one


@TheDragoon (If you want to interact)

~*Camilla Radkov*~


Camilla tilted her head as he answered, really he wasn't even a little bit excited? Huh, she found that a bit odd, she loved learning new things though now that she thought it...it started to make a little sense. "I guess I get it." She said with a nod "since I'm from the sea, all this stuff that's taught here is super new to me, but to you its old and boring stuff...right?" She said looking up at him wondering if that was it. At least he was being honest though, she wouldn't want him pretending to be happy about it for her sake.

Extra Info


School grounds


Walking to class





Interacting with:



Nona said:

~*Character Master post part 1*~

((Feel free to interact with any of them :D ))


~*Moriko Radkov*~


She took a deep breath as she stood at the exit to the hall after the announcement. Her social skills were more than okay now but crowds still made her feel uneasy to a certain extent they were cramped, stuffy and some people can be quite rude. In contrast, the outdoor air was nice and warm today, the sun shining down on her face, so much so that she didn't need a sweater today, normally she was always wrapped up, hating the cold weather somewhat but the warn weather today meant she was happy enough in a lighter shirt. Walking down the steps, she carried peaches in her arms as he snoozed lightly. Firstly checking her timetable to see where she was going to first on her class list briefly before takinf off. Looking around as she walked to class, her eyes surfer through the crowds of students heading to class as well, looking to see if she could possibly find Madoka. He didn't attend class ever, in fact she was sure he wasn't even enrolled but he was always floating around. He hasn't visited her form at breakfast time this morning as he normally did so perhaps he slept in? With a small smile and a roll of her shoulders she continued to her destination, perhaps he'd be around later after her lunch break, for now though she'd head to class...

Extra Info


School grounds (on her way to classroom)


Walking to class




Go to class/maybe spot Madoka on her way

Interacting with:

No one


@Tobi Neafearn (If you want to interact~)

@Any one

~*Colin Mayer*~


Colin sat in the park on a bench as he just messed around with some sketching, to be honest with himself, as much as he disliked school while he was there, it did seem more than odd to him to not be there anymore since he graduated. He had all the free time in the world currently (until he would start college of course but he'd be waiting a few months) he honestly didn't I know what to do with it. Two of his friends had already started families long ago and were busy with those and the rest weren't graduated yet until next year so it left him on his own in a way. Even his drawings were a bit uninspired currently, his last illustration job being a flop since the guy didn't even pay him for it. So his heart wasn't in it for now. With this in mind he stopped sketching the birds that had landed near the bench he was on and leaned his head back on the bench taking a breath.

Extra Info




Drawing (attempting to)





Interacting with:

No one


@Any one



Amara wasn't at the announcement of the highschool reopening. Of course she wasn't. Despite looking young (A perk of being a goddess she supposed), she had graduated from there ages ago. So long ago in fact that her kids were now starting their first days at the very same school that she was at before. She now was having her morning walk, which she was taking alone since Natsuru was still asleep when she left and she hated waking him up this early, he always looked so peaceful when he was sleeping so she left him like that. If he were to wake up on his own afterwards he could always catch up with her if he wanted to, it wasn't like she was walking that fast or anything, she was just drifting along at her own pace, taking in the scenery. Ah, yes. She missed earth a great deal and it was good to be back. Although her husband and children were with her in the other realm when they were all in hiding, she never felt the house there was 100% like home. There was something about earth that drew her to it... Maybe it was the imperfections on it after all, anything too perfect is boring or maybe it was because earth was where she started her family and that's were all her memories lay. Either way she preferred it. Her walking route passed the school, so she couldn't help herself from stopping at the gates and peeking in to see if she could spot her children. Hoping they were doing well on their first day of school. Her kids were grown up now but honestly, she was having a hard time adjusting to that sometimes. So it took all of her restraint to not be a smother and treat them like kids, but she believed that looking through the gates on the way past wasn't doing any harm. After all, they might not even be there when she looked...

Extra Info


School gates


Having her morning walk




Have a quick peek through the gates

Interacting with:

No one


@HimeragiSeiker (If you want to interact)

@Any one

~*Kairassi Ikeda*~


Kairassi left the Announcement hall with a spring in her step. Fiddling with her headphones she hopped down the steps of the building, smiling brightly as she always did. Though she was smiling she actually didn't like the thought of going to classes. Kairassi was a quick learner, so once she grasped the concept of what the class was teaching her, she wanted out and if course you couldn't just get up and leave. Which caused another problem as she also hated staying in one place. Even when standing still the green haired girl would sway or rock back and forth on her heels, just to keep herself moving, maybe it was just because so much energy was in her body at all times. Because of this, she was a fiddler in class, messing with her pens, playing with her hair, staring out the window, tapping her feet... Her disinterest caused quite a few detentions for the girl, which was again, another problem. But this year, her final year, she was going to try to refrain from that as best she could (which was what the smiling was about) , make some friends too. She had Luke, but she wasn't even sure if they were in the same class... Maybe she'd try find him and check later...

Extra Info


Outside Announcement hall


Getting ready to go to class





Interacting with:

No one


@Mayyflower (if you want to interact~)

@Any one



After that ordeal in that crazy city that Ilaani semi-promised herself she wouldn't return to after all that. She managed to get Nexus and Axel to regain consciousness somewhat and get the heck out of there. Now home again, she wasn't sure what her next move was... Nexus still seemed...not Nexus then again, she wasn't sure, he had been still floating in and out of consciousness since their return home due to the injury she had no choice but to inflict him with, which still riddled her mind with guilt for having to do in the first place. For now, she'd have to think on what to do when he woke up. What if he was lost to whatever took him over. No, she didn't want think of that, she wanted to keep positive. She still kept a forcefield barrier around where he was if he were to wake up and lash out. For now though she just sat there, patiently waiting on him to wake up properly. Occasionally feeding and petting the pet she had bought on his absence since she hated the house being so quiet...

Extra Info


Her home


Sitting near Nexus


Spaced out



Interacting with:

No one


@TheDragoon (If you want to interact)

~*Camilla Radkov*~


Camilla tilted her head as he answered, really he wasn't even a little bit excited? Huh, she found that a bit odd, she loved learning new things though now that she thought it...it started to make a little sense. "I guess I get it." She said with a nod "since I'm from the sea, all this stuff that's taught here is super new to me, but to you its old and boring stuff...right?" She said looking up at him wondering if that was it. At least he was being honest though, she wouldn't want him pretending to be happy about it for her sake.

Extra Info


School grounds


Walking to class





Interacting with:



...?Arako soon went to the gate since she was kinda bored on her lunch break. She soon saw her mother and waved to her before she started walking over?...
NeoClassical said:
Arthur shrugged. "I don't know you so well. So that's your nickname now." He got off the wall. "Black cats are a sign of bad luck. And...so are you it seems." He laughed.
Seria frowns. "Hey! I'm not bad luck..."

HimeragiSeiker said:
just saying...when you get to the cafeteria...there may or may not be an explosion and a small cataclysm xD ))
(( ...Oh god xD ))
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria frowns. "Hey! I'm not bad luck..."
(( ...Oh god xD ))
ima just make a post to prepare that explosion and character development...))

...☫Once Cinder reached the cafeteria, she sat down at a table in the middle of the room. She soon opened the book the masked girl had given her that was about crystals and started to read it. But it seemed that it was a completely different topic of book. Mentioning cataclysm and destruction. Fire and rage. And something called Ignited Cataclysm. Some sort of mineral? Jewelry? What is it? Though Cataclysm was something she was familiar with. She was familiar with someone that has magic that manipulates shards she calls 'Cataclysm Obsidian'. Though she knew the masked Girl. It was a class representative, Seol. A God Eater. And someone she lives with in a mansion. Though...what is the meaning of this book? Why was it given to her? Probably just reading...right?☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Oh........huh? Are you tipsy?''


Amelia Rossi

~ Friend of many

Amelia shook the bottle she had in her hand and sighed. "Tipsy? What a-are you talking about it?" She asked curiously before a hiccup escaped her mouth. "Heheh... Okay maybe. That was some strong stuff." Amelia then shook the bottle again, and groaned. "Empty..."

More Info






Talking with Melanie and Miltia



Interacting with: Melanie and Miltia

Roman said:


Amelia Rossi

~ Friend of many

Amelia shook the bottle she had in her hand and sighed. "Tipsy? What a-are you talking about it?" She asked curiously before a hiccup escaped her mouth. "Heheh... Okay maybe. That was some strong stuff." Amelia then shook the bottle again, and groaned. "Empty..."

More Info






Talking with Melanie and Miltia



Interacting with: Melanie and Miltia

''Psh, jeez...well I guess it's nice to get that feel...''

...♱She said before sipping some more of her margarita♱...

Artemistel said:

[[ Eleanor Hashimoto ]]


Her eyes widened.

"I missed my Calculus class? Ah well... I can just study in my dorm later," she said in an off-tone, and then nodded at her request for lunch. Time sure flew by fast here. They walked down the stairs and then out of the Girl's Dorm. She wondered where everyone ate lunch; the school was incredibly big.

no slide
no slide
no slide
Down about not going to her first class, but happy that she found a good friend. Just emotional.


Asuna Hatori

~ Red Head Genius

Asuna rubbed the back of her head and smiled lightly. "Well I usually go to a restaurant, but I'm pretty sure you want to go to the cafeteria." She said as she walked with Eleanor.

More Info


Somewhere at the school







Interacting with: Eleanor

LunaCrosby said:

...................................................... Scarlet

........................................... ~One Of The Two Twin Dragons

Scarlet looked at him and continued smiling, "You're always hungry, and if you aren't then the next time you are you eat a lot of food" she said.

Currently Doing
Talking with Logan


Logan Dragonfire

~ Dragon Boy


Logan smiled when Scarlet smiled at him. It was nice seeing her smile, because it made her cuter than before. "I am? Yeah... That's true." He said laughing lightly. He put his arm around her, hugging her gently, "I'm gonna try and be on my best behavior." He told her.

More Info






Walking and Talking with Scarlet



Interacting with: Scarlet

Nona said:

~*Character Master post part 1*~

((Feel free to interact with any of them :D ))


~*Moriko Radkov*~


She took a deep breath as she stood at the exit to the hall after the announcement. Her social skills were more than okay now but crowds still made her feel uneasy to a certain extent they were cramped, stuffy and some people can be quite rude. In contrast, the outdoor air was nice and warm today, the sun shining down on her face, so much so that she didn't need a sweater today, normally she was always wrapped up, hating the cold weather somewhat but the warn weather today meant she was happy enough in a lighter shirt. Walking down the steps, she carried peaches in her arms as he snoozed lightly. Firstly checking her timetable to see where she was going to first on her class list briefly before takinf off. Looking around as she walked to class, her eyes surfer through the crowds of students heading to class as well, looking to see if she could possibly find Madoka. He didn't attend class ever, in fact she was sure he wasn't even enrolled but he was always floating around. He hasn't visited her form at breakfast time this morning as he normally did so perhaps he slept in? With a small smile and a roll of her shoulders she continued to her destination, perhaps he'd be around later after her lunch break, for now though she'd head to class...

Extra Info


School grounds (on her way to classroom)


Walking to class




Go to class/maybe spot Madoka on her way

Interacting with:

No one


@Tobi Neafearn (If you want to interact~)

@Any one

~*Colin Mayer*~


Colin sat in the park on a bench as he just messed around with some sketching, to be honest with himself, as much as he disliked school while he was there, it did seem more than odd to him to not be there anymore since he graduated. He had all the free time in the world currently (until he would start college of course but he'd be waiting a few months) he honestly didn't I know what to do with it. Two of his friends had already started families long ago and were busy with those and the rest weren't graduated yet until next year so it left him on his own in a way. Even his drawings were a bit uninspired currently, his last illustration job being a flop since the guy didn't even pay him for it. So his heart wasn't in it for now. With this in mind he stopped sketching the birds that had landed near the bench he was on and leaned his head back on the bench taking a breath.

Extra Info




Drawing (attempting to)





Interacting with:

No one


@Any one



Amara wasn't at the announcement of the highschool reopening. Of course she wasn't. Despite looking young (A perk of being a goddess she supposed), she had graduated from there ages ago. So long ago in fact that her kids were now starting their first days at the very same school that she was at before. She now was having her morning walk, which she was taking alone since Natsuru was still asleep when she left and she hated waking him up this early, he always looked so peaceful when he was sleeping so she left him like that. If he were to wake up on his own afterwards he could always catch up with her if he wanted to, it wasn't like she was walking that fast or anything, she was just drifting along at her own pace, taking in the scenery. Ah, yes. She missed earth a great deal and it was good to be back. Although her husband and children were with her in the other realm when they were all in hiding, she never felt the house there was 100% like home. There was something about earth that drew her to it... Maybe it was the imperfections on it after all, anything too perfect is boring or maybe it was because earth was where she started her family and that's were all her memories lay. Either way she preferred it. Her walking route passed the school, so she couldn't help herself from stopping at the gates and peeking in to see if she could spot her children. Hoping they were doing well on their first day of school. Her kids were grown up now but honestly, she was having a hard time adjusting to that sometimes. So it took all of her restraint to not be a smother and treat them like kids, but she believed that looking through the gates on the way past wasn't doing any harm. After all, they might not even be there when she looked...

Extra Info


School gates


Having her morning walk




Have a quick peek through the gates

Interacting with:

No one


@HimeragiSeiker (If you want to interact)

@Any one

~*Kairassi Ikeda*~


Kairassi left the Announcement hall with a spring in her step. Fiddling with her headphones she hopped down the steps of the building, smiling brightly as she always did. Though she was smiling she actually didn't like the thought of going to classes. Kairassi was a quick learner, so once she grasped the concept of what the class was teaching her, she wanted out and if course you couldn't just get up and leave. Which caused another problem as she also hated staying in one place. Even when standing still the green haired girl would sway or rock back and forth on her heels, just to keep herself moving, maybe it was just because so much energy was in her body at all times. Because of this, she was a fiddler in class, messing with her pens, playing with her hair, staring out the window, tapping her feet... Her disinterest caused quite a few detentions for the girl, which was again, another problem. But this year, her final year, she was going to try to refrain from that as best she could (which was what the smiling was about) , make some friends too. She had Luke, but she wasn't even sure if they were in the same class... Maybe she'd try find him and check later...

Extra Info


Outside Announcement hall


Getting ready to go to class





Interacting with:

No one


@Mayyflower (if you want to interact~)

@Any one



After that ordeal in that crazy city that Ilaani semi-promised herself she wouldn't return to after all that. She managed to get Nexus and Axel to regain consciousness somewhat and get the heck out of there. Now home again, she wasn't sure what her next move was... Nexus still seemed...not Nexus then again, she wasn't sure, he had been still floating in and out of consciousness since their return home due to the injury she had no choice but to inflict him with, which still riddled her mind with guilt for having to do in the first place. For now, she'd have to think on what to do when he woke up. What if he was lost to whatever took him over. No, she didn't want think of that, she wanted to keep positive. She still kept a forcefield barrier around where he was if he were to wake up and lash out. For now though she just sat there, patiently waiting on him to wake up properly. Occasionally feeding and petting the pet she had bought on his absence since she hated the house being so quiet...

Extra Info


Her home


Sitting near Nexus


Spaced out



Interacting with:

No one


@TheDragoon (If you want to interact)

~*Camilla Radkov*~


Camilla tilted her head as he answered, really he wasn't even a little bit excited? Huh, she found that a bit odd, she loved learning new things though now that she thought it...it started to make a little sense. "I guess I get it." She said with a nod "since I'm from the sea, all this stuff that's taught here is super new to me, but to you its old and boring stuff...right?" She said looking up at him wondering if that was it. At least he was being honest though, she wouldn't want him pretending to be happy about it for her sake.

Extra Info


School grounds


Walking to class





Interacting with:



Kaname's gaze softened as Camilla spoke her response. He couldn't help but chuckle, for everything she said was true. He had possibly been on Earth for entirely too long. Perhaps, he was bored of what he saw. However, Camilla was new to the entire thing. The least he could do was show her what he knew. One of those things happening to be school, he came to the conclusion that he would simply stick it out for her.

"Well, we don't want to be late to class, now do we? Come on."

Walking slightly ahead of Camilla, he opened the door to the classroom, parting himself off to the side so that she could enter. After she entered, he closed the door, settling in the back of the room, resting his hands on the back of his neck with his elbows pointed into the air.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"The schools open again? I thought that place burnt to the ground." She said to him as she crawled into his lap and opened her smart phone to facebook again as she leaned back into him. "Want to go?" She asked softly

Luke thought about Rena's question for a bit. He then shook his head and looked at her, "Maybe not... I don't see much reason to go of everything's changed from the last time we were there... Besides the fact that things have changed." Ha added. "I just want to do something relaxing today..."
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Kaname's gaze softened as Camilla spoke her response. He couldn't help but chuckle, for everything she said was true. He had possibly been on Earth for entirely too long. Perhaps, he was bored of what he saw. However, Camilla was new to the entire thing. The least he could do was show her what he knew. One of those things happening to be school, he came to the conclusion that he would simply stick it out for her.
"Well, we don't want to be late to class, now do we? Come on."

Walking slightly ahead of Camilla, he opened the door to the classroom, parting himself off to the side so that she could enter. After she entered, he closed the door, settling in the back of the room, resting his hands on the back of his neck with his elbows pointed into the air.

oh fuck, right. Kristako might even be able to meet Kaname here...)))


Isabella had yet to make it to the classroom. Her empty mind had yet to decipher which way it was that she needed to go. It had been quite awhile since he last visit to the campus, and her memory of course, had been shot. Lucky? Not at all. Though, she expected it to say the least.

With no apparent hope, Isabella began to simply wander the halls, passing empty rooms on her journey. Not one had a light on, which to anyone, would be a sign to keep looking. To her, she wasn't even the least bit disappointed. In fact, she felt nothing for the matter. School of no school, she would still be alone.

Checking each door on both sides of her form, Isabella finally came to a halt. On her left side, there was an open door with a light on. Unsure of what to do, she simply turned her form and entered the said room, hoping to finally be able to rest her tired legs.


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