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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds


Futaba Marui, Girl Warrior

The last boy fell to the ground. She stood there panting. "Why wont you go to a normal school, Futaba-chan?" the boy still able to speak groaned, as a trickle of blood poured from his mouth. "Because its no fun, and where I go, there are Boobies!" she said as she picked up her roundshell and skipped off to the school. She noticed that in the fight she had skinned her knee so she merrily skipped to the Nurses office. Big kids all over the place barely paid her no mind as she was gawking at the various girls of the school. A strong looking boy passed her by and she stared at him too. The gawking would have to wait, until her knee was patched up.

More Info

Location: School, Main Building

Mood: Boob happy and carefree

Status: Skinned knee

Objective: Patch Skinned knee

Interacting with: Everyone

Tags: @Lumina, Anyone else who wants to interact with her

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JJKab said:
Gregory sat down on the ledge,and dropped down to the water, splashing a little
"Well, Since i've been swimming a bit, lemme tell you something: I cannot drown. It's physically impossible" He exclaimed, smiling at Suzanne, slowly swimming up to her
Suzanne nodded in amazement. "Can't drown?" She smiled. "Wow. That's so cool. I wish I couldn't drown underwater." She began to think of all the things she could do. "I could see all the fish at the bottom of the sea....or I could swim in a giant bowl of orange juice." She giggled.
NeoClassical said:
Suzanne nodded in amazement. "Can't drown?" She smiled. "Wow. That's so cool. I wish I couldn't drown underwater." She began to think of all the things she could do. "I could see all the fish at the bottom of the sea....or I could swim in a giant bowl of orange juice." She giggled.
Gregory laughed, looking suprised at Suzanne.

"Orange juice?!" He asked, completely suprised by her answer.

"Welp. Can I see how long can you hold out underwater?" He asked, tilting his head lightly, swimming a hit closer to her.
JJKab said:
Gregory laughed, looking suprised at Suzanne.
"Orange juice?!" He asked, completely suprised by her answer.

"Welp. Can I see how long can you hold out underwater?" He asked, tilting his head lightly, swimming a hit closer to her.
Suzanne shrugged. "I guess." She doubted that she could last more than thirty seconds but she figured she might as well try it anyway. "Alright. I'll try." She went underwater.
NeoClassical said:
Suzanne shrugged. "I guess." She doubted that she could last more than thirty seconds but she figured she might as well try it anyway. "Alright. I'll try." She went underwater.
Gregory went down after her, deciding not to speak as it would've distorted her breath holding. He did saw that she didn:t take deep breaths, which could potentially lower Suzanne's result. He smiled lightly at her.
Lumina said:



So school was finally starting, eh? Her first year of school on the surface. Strangely enough, Astrid was actually looking forward to it. Back home, she had dreaded school and classes more than anything else, doing whatever she could to avoid it. When you have an ability to access any weapon that you've come into contact with in the past, things like geometry and word phrases off the list of "important things." Astrid full well expected those habits to come crashing back during a few of her easier classes, but aside from that she was pretty curious to see what school was like on the surface as compared to below.

First things first was that there was an actual nice school building to teach in. Back home they made do with an old storage building, a place where "it's seen better days" has never been so accurate. During the first few years of relocation, all excess supplies and otherwise were dumped there, off in reserve storage in case of a massive catastrophe. Which, where she grew up, wasn't all that uncommon. It wasn't exactly the... nicest of places out there, but it was what she had to call home. At this school, subjects were taught by competant teachers who had a wide breadth of knowledge to pull from. Back home, it was take what you could get with lessons. If anyone knew a little about any subject, they were immediately subjected to explain to the "class" of kids about it. Before she left for the surface, Astrid herself had been asked a few times to teach - the first lesson on general self-defense, another just on handling weapons, weapons do and don'ts, those kinds of things. But things were different here. She'd actually be able to learn things from people who actually knew what they were talking about. That was gonna be fun.

Astrid had gone ahead and gotten hers and Skylar's schedules ahead of time. Currently, Skylar wouldn't be able to attend class, and she knew it, but for when she did come back Astrid wanted her to be as improved as possible. She had looked at it a few times but forgot it at home this morning in her rush to make it to the entrance ceremony (she was up late the night before and slept in this morning) so she was trying to remember what class came first.
"Magic? No, um... phys ed maybe? Nah... combat traini- no, was it weapons training? I think so... maybe. Oh well. I guess we'll find out." With a sigh, Astrid made her way into the room, finding an empty seat near the window, waiting for class with Mr. White to start.

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School was starting.

Skylar's recovery had been a long and painful one. Due to just how much of her body had been injured, she had been in the hospital for quite some time now. Her body was that of a super, but the extent of the damage was so extreme that even her natural healing factor didn't seem to be doing much. Meaning that she was going to be stuck in the hospital for quite a while. They hadn't even let her move on her own. It was kind of an invasion of privacy to have nurses and orderlies help you shower and go to the bathroom. But by this point, she was used to it, and it didn't bother her anymore.

The same could not be said about the fact that she couldn't really do much else on her own. Skylar would occasionally get visitors - mainly Astrid of course, and a few others - but as soon as they left she was forced to watch them be able to leave of their own accord and be able to do their own thing. That's what Skylar yearned for most of all, was to be able to do normal people things again. It seemed that dream was quite far off, as she was pretty banged up still. The only reason she could even sit up and eat was because Alejandro's grandmother had healed her internal injuries just enough to where she could function semi-normally. Skylar was enternally grateful for that. Even still, she was urged by doctors and nurses alike to take it easy, and to try not to strain herself too much by trying to do things on her own. Oh please. She was a big girl, she could handle it.

A nurse had come in, and Skylar looked up to see a petite brunette with maroon scrubs that school was starting, just so that she would be aware, and that there could be possible arrangements for classwork to be done here. So. School was starting, and she was missing it. Of course she was. She was missing everything. Skylar's expression dropped, smiling to cover up how she was really feeling as she addressed the nurse.
"I see... thank you." Skylar quite enjoyed school, specifically english and art classes. Anything to do with words or pictures was right up her alley. But with her body in the condition it is, it didn't seem like she would be able to do any schoolwork of any kind anyways, and Skylar leaned back against the pillows, trying not to get too overworked. She really wasn't in the mood to fight with doctors.

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Finally, Kaori had gotten all of her things together and was moving in with Roman. It seemed like it took forever to actually finalize her stay, so by the time she was actually moving in school had started. Things just kept getting in the way, things kept popping up, it was either one thing or the next that was preventing the move. It was like fate was telling them not to make it happen, yet they perservered through it. Kaori was just glad that Roman had continued to be there for her through the whole ordeal, honestly grateful to have him by her side. The more time they spent together, the happier she got when she'd see him, to the point where her heart rate would speed up every time she walked in the room. It was a familiar kind of feeling, but she pushed that aside for now, finally making her way to the apartment door.

Roman had given her a key, so she opened the door, turning on the light to look inside. Her eyes widened in amazement at the place.
"It's so lovely!" she commented, immediately falling in love with it. It wasn't even her home and yet she felt so completely at home in it. Maybe it was just a sense of nostalgia, but either way, she liked it. For now she kept her things in a neat pile near the hallway that lead to the bedroom, not really sure where to put it. She had graduated, so there was no reason for her to go to class, so she parked herself on the couch, being careful of her now-slightly-showing stomach as she sat down. Being pregnant was difficult enough mentally, but the physical symptoms were starting to show themselves as well, and Kaori was just hoping to relax until Roman came home.

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Yumi Ishida
~ the younger twin ~

...?Time seemed to flow by for Yumi. One moment they were being hunted by anti-super squads and forced into hiding and the next she's standing next to her sister at the entrance ceremony and classes are starting again. Between the two sisters, Yumi was actually excited about it, as she really enjoyed school, unlike her older twin, who preferred extracurricular athletics to sitting down and studying. But that was right up her alley, and soon the sisters went their separate ways. They had found out that they could actually get their schedules before the ceremony, so that they wouldn't have to wait later. So that meant they'd go their separate ways once the ceremony was over. Kanon had already run off toward phys ed, leaving Yumi to check look over her schedule on her own. English. Waving her long brown ponytail behind her head, Yumi hummed as she looked up at the school?...

"I wonder where my first class is~"

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Alejandro Ishida

~ A Young Prodigy


School had finally began and the blue haired boy, was as nervous as one could be. After picking up his schedule, he had went and sat on a bench in the courtyard and he studied it for a moment. Soon his phone gave off its notification sound and he gave it a look, his eyes scanning over the text. Some of them were his classmates and peers. He had grown popular from the fact he was chipped and survived, and many people still were friends with him once he ended the bullying and got his chip removed. As he read, his phone only made more sounds, people who considered him a friend or girls who flat out had an obvious crush on him asking what classes he had and who was he sitting by...Even asking about his relationship status. He found himself blushing as he looked away from the phone, covering his mouth. Moments later he stood up and put his phone in his pocket, seeing as the bell rang, he had to hurry. Weapons Training... Mr. White.

Approximately 5 minutes later, Alejandro found himself standing outside of the class. It hadn't started yet as he could still hear the students murmuring inside. There was a high chance they'd bug him about which seat he was going to take... Girls. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the doorknob and twisted it before walking inside. Immediately a voice shouted out, "Sit next to me!" Then another, "Over here Alejandro." He gritted his teeth as more people asked him to sit by them. There was one person who didn't say anything, and without thinking he quickly sat next to them. Alejandro took a deep breath and looked at the person with person with smile, and spoke before his voice turned into a yell and he noticed who this red head was. Astrid.

"You seem- YOU?!"

More Info






Staring at... Astrid.



Interacting with: Astrid



Roman Ishida

~ The Man of Many Scars


"Hey.. I got to get home. I'll stop by later, can't leave a pregnant lady at home all day by herself."

Roman had went to the opening ceremony for the school since he was going to be a guest teacher from time to time. When everything was over, he had been talking to a teacher who also had the same role as he did. Though his words were true. Roman had left home for awhile, his plan was to come and visit Alejandro in the hospital, but his mom had healed up, so now he was here house searching for when he moved back to Earth for good and Kaori. His friend who needed him most right now. She was the pregnant women and Roman promised to help her with her baby, but now things felt natural. Maybe he was adjusting to living with Kaori... Because it was his everyday routine. She was finally moving into Roman's apartment, which he had gotten fully furnished by now.

----Not long after leaving the school---

Roman stepped toward the door to his apartment, digging in his tool pouch for the key. Once he had the key in his hand, he used it to unlock the door and go inside, locking it once he closed it. "Kaori! I'm back from the school!" He said as the keymade its way back into the pouch. Roman walked into the kitchen and fixed himself a glass of water before making his way to Kaori, or at least where he could feel her prescence.

More Info


His apartment on Earth.




Going to Kaori


Find Kaori

Interacting with: Kaori



Hyouinmaru Ishida

~ Heart of Steel


Today was the day that Hyou made his return. He knew the school had it's ceremony today and he had this gut feeling that Skylar wouldn't be able to make it. Hyou was running and alongside him was a cat with a large moon shaped scar on his eye and wings to allow him to fly. Hyou had met this little guy a few days before coming here and the guy was absolutely cool. His name was Pantherlily. As the two made their way down the hall, doctors and nurses would gasp or jumped out of the way. Some even screamed. The two then got on an elevator and pressed the number that held their destination. It was a crowded one too. The fumes of urine could was present too, and it was strong due to Hyou's dragon senses.

"W-What the hell is that? Who pissed themselves?"

There was no answer. The elevator made its ding noise and it was clear that something happened. Hyou and Panther were the only two to get off, Hyou decided to leave the rest of them on the lowest floor. Now the two continued their journey throygh the halls until they came upon a door where a nurse had just left. Without thinking, he ran inside and went over to Skylar.


More Info


Skylar's Hospital Room


Super Happy


Returning to Skylar


Check up on Skylar.

Interacting with: Skylar

Tags: @Lumina

(((( I'll someone to Yumi but I can't now. ))))
JJKab said:
Gregory went down after her, deciding not to speak as it would've distorted her breath holding. He did saw that she didn:t take deep breaths, which could potentially lower Suzanne's result. He smiled lightly at her.
Suzanne came back up after about 23 seconds, gasping for air. She coughed and sighed. "Nope. Not very long at all."
NeoClassical said:
Suzanne came back up after about 23 seconds, gasping for air. She coughed and sighed. "Nope. Not very long at all."
Gregory was pretty suprised. That short?

"Aight. What you want to do is to take slow deep breaths before you dive, okay?" He exclaimed, resting his hwnd on her shoulder, smiling lightly.

"If you inhale just as you go down, you won't get as much as you would by simply taking your time" He said softly, looking her in the eyes calmly.

"Shall we try that again?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...?She said as she was about to have a drink before a gang barged into the club and started pointing guns, one of the men shot a bullet and it shot Militia's cup. She soon looked over to the men before she started to walk towards them and her claws appeared. Soon, one of them shot at her but she deflected the bullet with her claw which the bullet went into that guy's knee before the men started to charge at her and she attacked back?...


Amelia Rossi

~ Friend of many


Amelia was about to reply to Miltia until her glass was broken by a bullet. The glass didn't hit her since she pretty much was fast enough to catch each shard. She then looked at Miltia who was going to fight those guys. "What the..." she muttered before someone placed their fist on her cheek. He had a grin on his face which sickened her. "Want to try me?" As soon as the guy's smile disappeared, Amelia's foot made itself comfortable on his cheek. The rest of the goons who surrounded her had backed away as the one she kicked laid on the ground passed out. She then grabbed a bottle of liquor and watched Miltia fight.

More Info


A nightclub




Drinking an entire bottle of liquor... And watching Miltia fight


Those guys fucked it up...

Interacting with: Miltia

AriaTheWatcher said:
(Yep, right near the Math classroom)
...?Seria was going to the math class room as well. She kind of dropped her books which she soon started to pick up?...


(btw, we have characters of the same name
xD )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fc9874e_BraveFrontierSeriaIshgria.png.703c4f74d1f07e3d76085ebc07bab5bc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fc9874e_BraveFrontierSeriaIshgria.png.703c4f74d1f07e3d76085ebc07bab5bc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Brave Frontier Seria Ishgria.png
    Brave Frontier Seria Ishgria.png
    142.4 KB · Views: 21
JJKab said:
Fricka's blush lightly deepened, when the boy referred to her as "love".
"O-Okay... Uhm... I just saw you sleeping near those roses... and was just curious... that's really all" She exclaimed with a bit of a nervous chuckle.

"Fricka... Nice to meet you" Fricka introduced herself, extending her hand for Cam to shake.
Cam smiled gently and shook her hand with a firm yet soft grip. "My name is Camathien Teris. Just call me Cam"
Shortyshot said:
Cam smiled gently and shook her hand with a firm yet soft grip. "My name is Camathien Teris. Just call me Cam"
Fricka smiled lightly, as she lied down slowly on the grass next to Cam.

"It's really nice out here" She exclaimed, looking at the sky, slowly closing her eyes.
Roman said:


Amelia Rossi

~ Friend of many


Amelia was about to reply to Miltia until her glass was broken by a bullet. The glass didn't hit her since she pretty much was fast enough to catch each shard. She then looked at Miltia who was going to fight those guys. "What the..." she muttered before someone placed their fist on her cheek. He had a grin on his face which sickened her. "Want to try me?" As soon as the guy's smile disappeared, Amelia's foot made itself comfortable on his cheek. The rest of the goons who surrounded her had backed away as the one she kicked laid on the ground passed out. She then grabbed a bottle of liquor and watched Miltia fight.

More Info


A nightclub




Drinking an entire bottle of liquor... And watching Miltia fight


Those guys fucked it up...

Interacting with: Miltia

...?Militia kept fighting the goons and was soon tired out due to them keep coming back to fight her, soon a girl that looked identical to Milita but in a ice-colored dress came and started to help Militia with the fighting and it seem that the two's fighting was well coordinated. Though Militia's attacks were claw based, the other girl's attacks seemed to come from the heels of her shoes which also seemed like blades?...

Artemistel said:

[[ Eleanor Hashimoto ]]


They entered the room and she smiled widely.

"Wow, it's even more beautiful on the inside!" she said to her. She puts her duffel on her bed and looked out the window at the morning sky.

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Room XX @ Girl's Dormitories


Asuna Hatori

~ Red Head Genius


Asuna smiled as she walked into the dorm beside Eleanor. She could she liked the way it looked by her reaction. Asuna remembered how she was when she first got her dorm here. "Yeah. They really put a ot of detail into the dorms, and best part about it is, if you don't like they way it looks, you can change it to fit any environment you choose."

More Info


Girl's Dormitory - Dorm XX


Happy and Peaceful


Showing Eleanor her dorm


Help Eleanor get accustomed to the school.

Interacting with: Eleanor

JJKab said:
Fricka smiled lightly, as she lied down slowly on the grass next to Cam.
"It's really nice out here" She exclaimed, looking at the sky, slowly closing her eyes.
Cam nodded "I agree"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Seria was going to the math class room as well. She kind of dropped her books which she soon started to pick up☫...

(btw, we have characters of the same name
xD )

View attachment 282635
Seria sighed, standing up and brushing herself off, only to notice somebody else drop their books. She walked over to them and started helping them pick up their books without saying a word.

xD Wow. Just. Wow.)
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria sighed, standing up and brushing herself off, only to notice somebody else drop their books. She walked over to them and started helping them pick up their books without saying a word.
xD Wow. Just. Wow.)
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria sighed, standing up and brushing herself off, only to notice somebody else drop their books. She walked over to them and started helping them pick up their books without saying a word.
xD Wow. Just. Wow.)
''Oh, thank you...''

...☫She said a bit embarrassed for someone to see her drop her own books as she picked up the books☫...

Shortyshot said:
Cam nodded "I agree"
Fricka began to slow down ber breathing. Her blush slowly returned, as she opened her eyes, and looked over at Cam.

"I... Uhm... Wanted to ask you something.... W-why did you call me 'love'?" She asked, turning her body on her side.

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