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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Faust glares at Hallow before taking his leave as well. How rude... Ah well. Hallow whispers to himself. He finds a comfortable chair and sits down.
"Time to nap~ Time to nap~" Graham sang to himself as he crawled through the vents to his attic. But before he could get there, he once again found James... "What are you doing here? Smoking no less?" Graham asked James, his eyes narrowing. "You have no reason to be here..."

James aims the S.N.I. at Graham without even thinking. And what brings you here? Some girl stole my metalworking room so I have nothing to really do. I won't hesitate to use the Solar-Nova Incinerator on you. In midst the sickening smoke, a particular smell stood out. Blood? There was a huge wound through James' back. Most likely caused by a greatsword. Although the wound seemed to have healed, James didn't look too well. She's once vicious girl, I can tell you that...

Lumina said:



Astrid had talked with Hyouinmaru a little bit longer before he had left to go do whatever it was that he was doing. Apparently he wanted some time alone still, so he wouldn't be coming to see Skylar for quite a while. In Astrid's mind, that was great, but her opinions didn't matter in favor of Skylar's. She was the who's feelings mattered when it came to the man who attacked her. Either way, it meant that Astrid was left on her own, and she thought it best to go check up on her hospitalized friend. The last she had seen of Skylar she had been sedated after having a panic attack, and the thought still made a sense of worry wash over Astrid. Hopefully she was doing better now. It had been quite a while since she went off searching for Hyouinmaru, and she was beginning to wonder if Skylar was awake. Making sure her rifle was secure on her back, Astrid began the trek back to the hospital. Thankfully, it wasn't that far away, and this time she wasn't looking for anyone, so it took around half an hour to reach the hospital entrance. She had visited Skylar enough times by now that they knew who she was and who she was coming to visit, so all it took was a signature at the front desk for her to immediately go up and visit her best friend. Upon reaching the door, Astrid put a smile on her face, hanging her hand on the strap of her rifle as she popped her head in the room.

"Sky? You awake?"

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Alejandro Ishida

~ Young Prodigy


Alejandro chuckled lightly as he conversed with someone who was in the room. It was the voice of a female. It sounded like Alejandro was doing... A lot better than before. That was weird considering how just before Astrid left, only a cough could have him in almost crying in pain. The -laughter soon faded, and the sound of walking could be heard. When Astrid poked her head into the room, the two people, Alejandro and the woman, could be seen standing over Skylar. Alejandro quickly walked over to Astrid. He figured it'd be best to tell her what's going on before she flips the hell out again... And Alejandro already head enough on his mind. He spoke in his natural voice now that he was healed.

"Astrid! H-Hey... No need to worry about her. Skylar will be fine, that lady is my grandma. I had her come heal me and asked her to heal Skylar too. Though she used her energy up on me so she can't do it all the way... I also told her that she's special. Very special to two people. You being one and Hyouinmaru being the other."

Alejandro then looked back to see his grandma taking a seat. His eyes quickly found their way back to, Red and he smiled a little. He motioned for her to come see how Skylar was doing. He was curious also since she had been through a lot, and his grandmother couldn't heal her to 100% like she did him.

"Thanks Gran."


Akane smiled and nodded to Alejandro. She was glad to help where she could. Especially for her grandchildren and family. She pushed some hair behind her ear as she spoke with her smile remaining.

"No need to thank me, Alejandro. I'll always be there to help you."

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Currently Doing
Taking Astrid to see Skylar
JJKab said:
Chler giggled lightly, looking at Eileen with a friendly expression
"Don't worry. If there is a open sea at the beach, I can actually call in dolphins, so we can have great time" She exclaimed, slowly getting up from her seat, and heading to the kitchen

"Wanna something to eat?" Chler asked, looking at her roommate, tilting her head lightly
" My sister, Margo, told me that dolphins can stay awake up to five days without the slightest loss of mental or physical strength. Honestly, that is rather terrifying." Eileen commented looking back at Chler. She slowly stretched out her arms before getting up from her bed and following Chler over to the kitchen. "The reason why is that the two halves of the dolphin's brain sleeps in shifts. Meaning that one part always remains awake while the other is sleeping, so they are always at least half awake, so they could go days without-." She stopped speaking, realizing that she was just rambling. Her eyes scanned the kitchen, it seemed rather empty, probably since the two just moved in. "I think that I'm fine, we don't really have many choices." Eileen replied when Chler asked her if she wanted anything to eat. " I'm not too fond of the cafteteria food here though. We can go shopping for groceries later today, unless your busy with something else."
Ballerina said:
" My sister, Margo, told me that dolphins can stay awake up to five days without the slightest loss of mental or physical strength. Honestly, that is rather terrifying." Eileen commented looking back at Chler. She slowly stretched out her arms before getting up from her bed and following Chler over to the kitchen. "The reason why is that the two halves of the dolphin's brain sleeps in shifts. Meaning that one part always remains awake while the other is sleeping, so they are always at least half awake, so they could go days without-." She stopped speaking, realizing that she was just rambling. Her eyes scanned the kitchen, it seemed rather empty, probably since the two just moved in. "I think that I'm fine, we don't really have many choices." Eileen replied when Chler asked her if she wanted anything to eat. " I'm not too fond of the cafteteria food here though. We can go shopping for groceries later today, unless your busy with something else."
Chler widened her eyes lightly, once she heard Eileen talk about the anatomy of dolphins. Wow, she was really a geek.

"Woah, woah, slow down there, cowboy" She exclaimed with a giggle, looking into the fridge. There wasn't anything in there.

"Yeah, we can go to the grocery store" Chler smiled lightly.
Lumina said:


Ansom was the last person that Violetta had expected to see. It had been... in her human state she couldn't even remember how long it had been since they had last spoken. Months, probably. Either way, seeing him again made her mood drastically improve, making her excited. She had missed him and their constant bantering back and forth. He had said it best himself, they pretty much were like siblings in a sense. Both gods of sorts, both gods of extremely powerful forces, and both with a witty sense of humor. As he jogged over, her eyes fell on the car he was leaving behind. Ah yes, of course. He did always have a love for fast and fancy cars.

"It's good to see you, Annie." Violetta stated as he came over. He really hadn't changed at all since they last spoke. It made her wonder what he could have possibly been up to since then. Of course, if she was still a goddess then she could actually check, but right now that wasn't really possible. Besides, it was rude to just check into people's pasts all willy-nilly like. She at least liked to ask permission first. Consent is sexy, you know. "I was just downtown about to do some shopping when your new car caught my eye. Nice color by the way. Matches your eyes~" Ansom was one of the few people that Violetta felt comfortable teasing. She knew he was a big boy and could take it, and she totally expected a response in the same manner. A grin fell on her face as she looked at her "brother", simply glad to be seeing him again.

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Ansom looked at Violetta. There was definitely something different about her. He furrowed his brow, trying to point out the difference. There was a major lack of energy that he had always felt around her. Usually, there was a space of just time around her, but now there wasn't. That was weird.

When Vio mentioned his new car, Ansom shook his head of his thoughts. "Yeah. It is nice." He chuckled at her comment. "Matches my eyes?" He shook his head and sighed. "Nah. Maybe my mood." He nodded and gave a small smile before grinning widely. "So how is my little sister." He asked as he poked Vio on the nose.

Yes there was something different with his "sibling". There was a different energy. It wasn't near as powerful as it used to be. He looked her up and down again. Nope he didn't see anything different. Some old Vio. Then again, Ansom was never the one to care about detail.
Graham just cocked his head to the side, then eventually stated, "You could at least smoke somewhere else... Anyway, seems you have a knack at making enemies, so I don't think you need to be pointing that at me. This girl... who? Also, you do realize there is more than one metallurgy on this campus, and if you really needed one I could make a temporary one for you, assuming you didn't need anything other than the place itself, because as you know by now I can manipulate what others feel and see and such, so it wouldn't be too terribly hard... though I don't like that Evan spoiled my fun."

JJKab said:
Chler widened her eyes lightly, once she heard Eileen talk about the anatomy of dolphins. Wow, she was really a geek.
"Woah, woah, slow down there, cowboy" She exclaimed with a giggle, looking into the fridge. There wasn't anything in there.

"Yeah, we can go to the grocery store" Chler smiled lightly.
Eileen chuckled while opening the cabinet to see if there was any food. Hopefully, her new dorm mate would be able to handle how nerdy she was. There was only one item left in the cabinet from the previous student was an expired jar of preserves. The jar had an uncomfortable sticky texture, making it rather hard to touch. "Ew!" Eileen exclaimed, trying to bear with its odd texture long enough to put it in the trash bin. "Sorry about that, who ever had this dorm failed to do a good job cleaning up. We should probably go to the grocery store later this evening, I notice that it tends to be far less crowded then." She suggested, dropping the jar into the trash bin.
Ballerina said:
Eileen chuckled while opening the cabinet to see if there was any food. Hopefully, her new dorm mate would be able to handle how nerdy she was. There was only one item left in the cabinet from the previous student was an expired jar of preserves. The jar had an uncomfortable sticky texture, making it rather hard to touch. "Ew!" Eileen exclaimed, trying to bear with its odd texture long enough to put it in the trash bin. "Sorry about that, who ever had this dorm failed to do a good job cleaning up. We should probably go to the grocery store later this evening, I notice that it tends to be far less crowded then." She suggested, dropping the jar into the trash bin.
Chler cringed visibly, looking at the jar

"Yuck.... Welp, I guess we can go... What do you say e go after the beach? On our way back?" She asked, looking back at the girl, with a grin.

"I'd love to take a sunbath, maybe swim a little" Chler slowly walked towards the couch, and sat down on it.
JJKab said:
Chler cringed visibly, looking at the jar
"Yuck.... Welp, I guess we can go... What do you say e go after the beach? On our way back?" She asked, looking back at the girl, with a grin.

"I'd love to take a sunbath, maybe swim a little" Chler slowly walked towards the couch, and sat down on it.
Eileen didn't expect to be going to the beach so soon, she had already made plans. However the 'plan' was only studying, re-organizing her backpack and calling her sister, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to do some actual socializing for once. She nods while washing her hands of the strange sticky substance to show that she approved of Chler's plan. "Well, I cannot swim, but I wouldn't mind reading a book on the beach."
Ballerina said:
Eileen didn't expect to be going to the beach so soon, she had already made plans. However the 'plan' was only studying, re-organizing her backpack and calling her sister, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt to do some actual socializing for once. She nods while washing her hands of the strange sticky substance to show that she approved of Chler's plan. "Well, I cannot swim, but I wouldn't mind reading a book on the beach."
Chler smirked, as she slowly lenaed on the couch.

"Y'know... If you want to, I can make some shade for you, when we get there, like grow some palm trees" She said with a sly smile.

"But really: Beach isn't really for reading books, is it? Beach is for people who want to swim, interract with each other. This one guy actually proposed to his love on this very beach. Can you imagine that?!"

"If you accept, I can help you with swimming, so that you'll be able to swim without a care in the world. Huh? What would you say?" Chler tilted her head lightly, looking in a curious manner at her roommate
Artemistel said:
"My first friend," Eleanor said out loud cheerfully, and then blushed lightly.

"Whats your next class?" she asked her, taking out her schedule.
Asuna giggled softly when Eleanor said she was her first friend here. Well when you're a new student, it wasn't hard to make friends since everyone would want to know who you are and what powers do you have. "My next class? I don't have one. I get half days." She said.
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JJKab said:
Fricka slowly went to where she thought the kitchen was
"First off, can you point me to the kitchen?" She asked, laughing nervousl


Nai White

~ Innocent and Adorable


Nai smiled and hopped up out of his seat. "Sure! I'll take you there myself!" He exclaimed as he ram towards her, grabbing her hand as he ran to the kitchen.

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Curious and excited
Find out what Fricka wants to show him
Currently Doing
Taking Fricka to the kitchen.
Roman said:


Nai White

~ Innocent and Adorable


Nai smiled and hopped up out of his seat. "Sure! I'll take you there myself!" He exclaimed as he ram towards her, grabbing her hand as he ran to the kitchen.

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Curious and excited
Find out what Fricka wants to show him
Currently Doing
Taking Fricka to the kitchen.
Lena shrieked lightly, as Nai brought her to where the kitchen was. When she got there, she looked for a fridge, and opened it, looking for dumplings she was eating with Nai. She knew that he liked them, and he did learned how to make some, but she wasn't sure if this was true
Roman said:
Asuna giggled softly when Eleanor said she was her first friend here. Well when you're a jew student, it wasn't hard to make friends since everyone would want to know who you are and what powers do you have.
I hope that's a mispelling lol.
Griffin waited, his arms folded at the slo-no scene in front of him. He was like a security camera checking for suspicious movement. He had already moved a few bullets in different directions so they wouldn't hurt anyone else. He decided to go back to real time, and as soon as he did he ran back to the school. He was going to be late if he stayed for the fight.

@MrEvilMexican @ANDROMADA @UnknownRawrs @Cowkiller
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Nona said:

~*Yuna Yelil*~


Ah, right, class. How could she forget? Before she had time to answer Kien had grabbed her hand and began running pretty fast, she stumbled a little at first since she wasn't expecting it but quickly regained her balance and and began to match his speed.

Extra Info


Approaching school building






Trying to keep up / going to class

Interacting with:



As soon as they reached the corridor, Kien came to a halt and started to laugh.

"Class hasn't started yet," he said with mock nervousness.

"It's fun messing with you."
JJKab said:
Lena shrieked lightly, as Nai brought her to where the kitchen was. When she got there, she looked for a fridge, and opened it, looking for dumplings she was eating with Nai. She knew that he liked them, and he did learned how to make some, but she wasn't sure if this was true


Nai White

~ Innocent and Adorable

Nai let go of Fricka's hand as she looked in the fridge. He went and took a seat, watching her curiously. What was in there? Nothing? Nai sighed lightly, but his smile remained.

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Happy and curious
Currently Doing
Roman said:
Asuna giggled softly when Eleanor said she was her first friend here. Well when you're a new student, it wasn't hard to make friends since everyone would want to know who you are and what powers do you have. "My next class? I don't have one. I get half days." She said.
Eleanor nodded, looking at her schedule.

"Looks like I have Calculus 4," she said with an excited laugh. Then she looked at her watch.

"It doesn't look like it starts for another twenty minutes though," she said.
Roman said:


Nai White

~ Innocent and Adorable

Nai let go of Fricka's hand as she looked in the fridge. He went and took a seat, watching her curiously. What was in there? Nothing? Nai sighed lightly, but his smile remained.

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Happy and curious
Currently Doing
"Nai... Forgot to ask you... H-How are you feeling" Fricka asked, looking over her shoulder at him, a tiny blush forming on her cheeks. She was slowly laying the dumplings on the frying pan, and began to heat them up, humming quietly
JJKab said:
Chler smirked, as she slowly leaned on the couch.
"Y'know... If you want to, I can make some shade for you, when we get there, like grow some palm trees" She said with a sly smile.

"But really: Beach isn't really for reading books, is it? Beach is for people who want to swim, interract with each other. This one guy actually proposed to his love on this very beach. Can you imagine that?!"

"If you accept, I can help you with swimming, so that you'll be able to swim without a care in the world. Huh? What would you say?" Chler tilted her head lightly, looking in a curious manner at her roommate
"I'd like that, it would be far easier to read and I burn way too easily." She replied to Chler, unsure why her room mate had such a sly expression on her face. Chler tried explain what people usually did on beaches, all activities Eileen recognized from the novels she read. Swimming and interacting with others were not exactly Eileen's idea of fun. Chler offered to help her learn how to swim which Eileen felt rather iffy about. " Ok." She reluctantly replied to the offer, letting out a sigh soon after.

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