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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

LunaCrosby said:
Toru looked at him, she was drunkish by now. "I view you as.... the first guy I cared about, I guess, i'm not sure anymore." she said.
Dex smiled a little. "Well... Your the first girl I cared about. I think I may... Still do." He said.
Nona said:

~*Ariel Reaver*~


Ariel shook her head "Even if you got stuck in a rage you couldn't stop...you'd still be a good dad to me no matter what, cause I know you can't help that part of you as much as you want to..." She said quietly "I've been on this earth for 16 years now, I can handle that kind of news so you and mom don't need to hide it"

Extra Info


Her home






Hugging her father

Interacting with:

Her parents


"Ok." He said softly as he kissed her cheek
Roman said:

Kazuo Katashi

~ The Fairy Swordsman


Kaz stared blankly at Yoshino. His smile fading into Oblivion... No chance of returning. She didn't even seem like she knew what she wanted to do. Yes... No? Though... It shocked him to see her yell no like that. Kaz sighed and shook his head, his dark irises scanning her... Almost as if he were looking at her very existence. He made his sword appear in his right hand, and he put his left in his pants pocket.

"I ahould have expected this. Look when you know 100% what you want, then tell me..."

Kaz turned his back towards Yoshino and walked out of the kitchen, using the back door. Minako watching as her adoptive father jumped onto the roof pf the house and then one more time... Now out of sight.


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Currently Doing
Walking out of the kitchen...

Yoshino Komagata


This couldn't be happening. There was no way that this entire ordeal was real. She hadn't just been proposed to and then seemingly rejected the one man that she loved, which (believe it or not) was an accident. The one moment that she didn't think she would mess up, the one that was well important to her, she did. It wrecked her inside, to see Kaz turn away from her and walk out of the door, going off to who knows where. She couldnt have stopped him, but hee feet never budged from her frozen state as she watched him leave. Yoshino hated it and herself. How stupid could she be? She looked away from the empty spot at which Kaz had been standing before, tears still trickling down her cheeks as her crimson gaze directed to the floor. Why did she say no? She wanted to scream at herself for being so stupid and saying that. There wasn't any sort of hesitation, she was sure of it. Not one ounce of doubt or uncertainty was there, right? She thought about it for a moment before furiously shaking her head. No, there definitely wasn't any hesitation.. right? She knew what she wanted, there wasn't any doubt about that. At least.. she didn't think there was. The more that Yoshino thought about, the more that she saw that there was the slightest seed of doubt in her mind. Though the doubt wasn't directed towards Kazuo, it was more so directed at herself. Was she even ready for marriage? Sure, she thought about it a lot and had even said that it was what she wanted, but was she ready for it? Yoshino wasn't sure anymore.. and was she even wife material at that? She doubted she'd make a good wife, what with her busy hours of work and barely being home. That would be fixed obviously, with her getting a new job and trying to be home more. How soon that happened though, was something that she couldn't predict. It could take a few days, maybe a couple weeks, hell.. maybe even months on end. She didn't know how many jobs were available and if anyone would hire her on the spot if she was qualified for the job. These questions and more ran throughout her brain, nagging at it over and over as she stared at the floor. Some of the questions she couldn't even answer and didn't know when she'd be able to. God, Yoshino hated this so much. Hated how she couldn't get answers to the questions that she needed. Hate how she had rejected Kazuo. But most of all, she hated how unsure she was about marrying the guy she loved.

"I need a drink.." Came the soft murmur of Yoshino's voice, empty and emotionless as she turned towards the fridge. She abandoned the bottle of juice that sat on top of the counter, that wasn't what she wanted anymore. No, she needed with alcohol and it needed to be a heavy drink. Yoshino was never much of a drinker, though she could tolerate her fair share of drinks, she had never really enjoyed it that much. Some tasted overly bitter and gross, while others tasted slightly bitter and amazing. She had always preferred the second choice over the first one, having something too bitter wasn't much of her taste. At this point, she didn't care anymore. Now, as she rummaged through the fridge, Yoshino just wanted to wash away her sorrow's and forget this day ever happened or forget about her rejection really. A bottle of Brandy was in the far back of the fridge, looking unused and unopened. Looks like that would be her drink for the night until she ran out, because she was planning on drinking this bottle dry. Pulling out the glass bottle, she set it on the counter before slamming the fridge shut. She glided towards one of the cabinets, pulled out a glass cup and made her way back to the main drink of the night. There wasn't any way that she was going to drink from the bottle like an animal, she still had some sense in her. After she uncorked the new bottle of Brandy and poured herself a glass, almost downing the entire thing in seconds. The liquid burned down her throat and her eyes watered at the feeling before she coughed a little. She wasn't use to drinking this kind of drink, seeing as she had never had it before so she didn't know how it tasted. It hurt like hell, but she didn't care. Pouring herself another glass, barely took a sip of this one, not wanting to down the whole thing again. She soon directed her eyes at Minako as she spoke, "If you're still hungry, I can make you a sandwich. It won't be the same one.. I'm not up for making that anymore." Yoshino didn't want to talk about what happened or what she would do next, because she didn't have a clue yet. She still needed to figure out whether she was ready for marriage and answer Kazuo, whenever that happened wasn't entirely clear. She would have the answer today or a couple days from now, she honestly didn't know. She didn't want to worry about it, but she knew she had to give Kaz at some point. Though she wanted to do it when she was sure of herself and didn't have any kind of doubt. Yoshino just hoped that it didn't take to long to get the answer, for both her sake and his.

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Drink away her problems





TheDragoon said:
Nova beamed at Klef and tilted her head slightly. "That's great news! Where did you hide them?" She asked Klef curiously. She then felt maybe this wasn't the best question because... Well what if someone was listening?
"..." Klef knew that the hiding spot was probably best kept secret. However, she trusted a good friend like Nova to keep her lips sealed as well. "In a nearby cave, most people don't bother exploring those anymore. It's tucked away in a tiny cranny, which makes it pretty hard to find." She informed Nova, the boastful grin remained on her face.
LunaCrosby said:
Toru stared at him, "I guess I might as well" she said, taking another drink.
Dex walked over and sat down at a seat closer to her. "Umm... You wouldn't mind umm..." He said, blushing. It looked like Dex wanted to do something with her.
TheDragoon said:
Dex walked over and sat down at a seat closer to her. "Umm... You wouldn't mind umm..." He said, blushing. It looked like Dex wanted to do something with her.
Toru looked at him before blushing and kissing him.
LunaCrosby said:
Toru looked at him before blushing and kissing him.
Dex blushed before kissing back slowly and lovingly as he put a hand on her cheek, not as drunk as she was, but just a little.
LunaCrosby said:
Toru looked at him before blushing and kissing him.
Dex blushed before kissing back slowly and lovingly as he put a hand on her cheek, not as drunk as she was, but just a little.
TheDragoon said:
Dex blushed before kissing back slowly and lovingly as he put a hand on her cheek, not as drunk as she was, but just a little.
Toru out a hand on his shoulder, her blush increasing, though some of it was from the drinks.
LunaCrosby said:
Toru out a hand on his shoulder, her blush increasing, though some of it was from the drinks.
Dex pulled back slightly as she then got up and picked her up, holding both of her legs so that they could hug around his waste as he then went back to kissing her again as he went towards the bedroom.
TheDragoon said:
Dex pulled back slightly as she then got up and picked her up, holding both of her legs so that they could hug around his waste as he then went back to kissing her again as he went towards the bedroom.
Toru wrapped her arm's around his neck, she felt happy to be able to actually touch him again.
LunaCrosby said:
Toru wrapped her arm's around his neck, she felt happy to be able to actually touch him again.
Dex took her to the bed and kept kissing her deeply as the lights dimmed.

James sighed and kicked the door open. A horrible smell of blood drifted into the room. He was literally soaked in that stuff. I literally saw you with a LAW... Whatever. I need half a gram of anti-matter and two atomic batteries... He said with a sigh. Stupid plague doctor took all my weapons and "disposed" them off. I'm making a blaster and blowing his d*ck off. I'll pay for all that bullsh*t if you really don't want to give them to me...

Nona said:

~*Mizuki Notaro*~


An audible sigh left Mizuki's lips as she left the female dormitories. Unpacking had taken a lot more time than she would have liked, but she was glad she got it out of the way relatively early in her arrival rather than lazing over the thought for a day or two. Besides, she had more important things to attend to like finding her way about this place, after all the campus here was pretty big. But, more importantly finding that boy... Her dreams always giving her little spots of knowledge and glimpses of the future and she was used to that. But they were really plaguing her big time on this one, nagging her to come here and find a boy in green. Obviously finding him would be a lot harder than it sounds, for one, this place is huge and secondly, her dreams never gave her a name, so it wasn't like she could just find his dorm number and have a chat with him that way. No, she had to literally walk around basically search the city. Looking around the school grounds (which were quieter than expected) for what felt like hours, her search came up empty. Maybe this was all nonsense, maybe she was wrong to leave her princessing duties for this? No, her dreams were never wrong before, she just needed to keep looking, after all, this was only day one. Stopping on the grassy area in the courtyard, she decided to take a break, maybe look with a fresh perspective after a break. Since it seemed no one was there, she pulled out her harp, playing it always seemed to clear her thoughts. Finding a nice spot, she gently plucked the strings of the harp gently and began playing a tune...

Extra Info


The Courtyard






Taking a break

Interacting with:

No one




Kansuke was outside, like usual. Today was a great a day as any to relax outside. Then again, every day seemed like a great day to relax outside. Once again he had found himself in the shade of a tree in the courtyard, eyes closed and just listening to the sounds of the day. Really, this was the first time in his lifetimes that there really was just peace. No missions to be sent on, no land to save, just him actually getting a chance to breath. Really, how many lifetimes was it where he was only a child and yet still was sent on some great quest? Too many, that's for sure. Even though he was an adult, he had expected by this time in his life that he would have probably be fighting some great monster or something. But it seemed that this time around, it wasn't the case. In his mind, that was totally fine by him, he preferred to laze around all day. If it was up to him, it would be peaceful days every day, no world to save, just the blue sky above them and the world in harmony. Kansuke had almost fallen asleep from how comfortable he was when the sound of plucked strings caught his attention. He sat up, simply listening for a while, before taking out his own instrument. The song sounded familiar, and he didn't know where it was coming from, but he decided to join in on a whim. It sounded similar enough to a song both him and a long time friend of his knew, and as the harp was played so did Kansuke's fingers move upon the holes of the ocarina. His wind instrument created the harmony to the harp's melody, and soon both sounds were moving together, creating a beautiful duet that anyone in the courtyard could hear.

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James sighed. Well, I don't know who else has anti-matter... Other than the American Government. Whatever... James walked away into his own dorm, two armed guards following him. Faust was leaning on the wall. He was playing with a vial of green liquid. That's one pissed Texan... Geez. His firearms weren't even that useful... You know, Stalker is quite upset after what happened. His tongue is all swollen and bleeding... Just because I'm a surgeon doesn't mean I can fix everything...

Nona said:

~*Yuna Yelil*~


She stopped looking flustered after he said he was joking "Ah, right" she smiled a little before hearing him say they had the same class, wait, they were in the same class? How did they never meet before if they were in the same class, it wasn't like she was a new student, unless he was...or maybe they just never noticed each other? Her train of though was cut short when he hopped behind her and touched her ears, immediately causing her to squeak and cover them up with her hands since they were rather sensitive. Realising her reaction was rather undignified and embarrassing in her eyes, her cheeks burned red. "W-Why does everyone do that..."

Extra Info


School grounds






Cover her ears

Interacting with:



Kien grinned good-naturedly.

"We're going to be late class!" he said to her, grabbing her hand and running to the room across the school at great speed.
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Himeragi soon looked over at Karito's direction before nodding?...

''Yes please. Help is what I need right now..''

Karito Yuu


Karito smiled at the girl and swung his parasol over his shoulder. If help was what she needed, then it was help that she would get. He'd be able to do it in no time, so it wouldn't take very long. Being quick on his feet, he hastily picked up the remaining apples on the ground and balanced them in his arms. There was still quite a few he was holding, and though it wasn't heavy, he was thinking he might drop them in a second. Hopefully, he didn't do that.

"Do you have another bag or do you want me to carry these home for you?" Karito asked, carefully balancing the apples as he smiled at her.

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Outside his house


Helping out Himeragi





WeirdPrincess said:

Karito Yuu


Karito smiled at the girl and swung his parasol over his shoulder. If help was what she needed, then it was help that she would get. He'd be able to do it in no time, so it wouldn't take very long. Being quick on his feet, he hastily picked up the remaining apples on the ground and balanced them in his arms. There was still quite a few he was holding, and though it wasn't heavy, he was thinking he might drop them in a second. Hopefully, he didn't do that.

"Do you have another bag or do you want me to carry these home for you?" Karito asked, carefully balancing the apples as he smiled at her.

More Info




Outside his house


Helping out Himeragi





''I don't have another bag...s-sorry. But please help me carry them home. It's just a....block away.''

...?Himeragi said as she was carrying a little less apples but smiled at Karito. She was grateful that someone would help her. Though she felt a bit stupid to not bring a second bag?...

(and i dont think i showed her appearance yet
xD )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d023660_HimeragiSeiker(Kanpani1).png.3a6d16d07d67b73664147121387ffd13.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9d023660_HimeragiSeiker(Kanpani1).png.3a6d16d07d67b73664147121387ffd13.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Himeragi Seiker (Kanpani1).png
    Himeragi Seiker (Kanpani1).png
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NeoClassical said:
How could Ansom be so lucky? This car had new wheels and everything. He opened the hood and found that the car had a nice GT engine installed as well. Whoever was the precvious owner really knew their stuff....except how to keep a car. He chuckled slightly before looking at the park.
There wasn't so many people that would make it be considered crowded, but there were some people. Families having picnics, people play frisbee, young couples walking, old couples walking, singles walking their dogs, couples walking their dogs. Some were just sitting at a pond and staring at the surface. Probably thinking. He tilted his head. Most of these people were having a good time outside, but some, some of these people were probably having deep thoughts. Much like Ansom. Some could be thinking about a failed job interview, a loss of a girl, debt, death. Just so many tragedies could happen to these mortals. He wondered which humans were the ones down in the dumps.

It was also neat to see the difference between the social classes of these people. Although there was not a written social class, it was always there. The rich were better dressed than the poor. They were more sophisticated. Even though they never had more rights than anyone else, they sure seemed like it. But there was a large diversity, for the park belonged to neither the rich nor the poor. It was a place of public appeal. Both ends of the spectrum could visit there. From the homeless to the men in mansions.

It was a notion that intrigued Ansom. But he didn't have much time to dwell on it because he heard an unmistakable voice. And an unmistakable nickname. "Annie?" It was a girl's voice. A familiar voice. Ansom turned from the park to face the voice. His suspicions were correct. It was the one and only girl he was thinking about on the way to the park. The world is a weird place.

"Vio?" Ansom cocked his head to the side before waving. "Vio!" He said again, this time louder. He jogged over from his Mustang before standing a few feet from Violetta. She looked different, but Ansom couldn't quite pure his finger on it. New haircut maybe. "What are you doing here?" He asked with a wide smile.


Ansom was the last person that Violetta had expected to see. It had been... in her human state she couldn't even remember how long it had been since they had last spoken. Months, probably. Either way, seeing him again made her mood drastically improve, making her excited. She had missed him and their constant bantering back and forth. He had said it best himself, they pretty much were like siblings in a sense. Both gods of sorts, both gods of extremely powerful forces, and both with a witty sense of humor. As he jogged over, her eyes fell on the car he was leaving behind. Ah yes, of course. He did always have a love for fast and fancy cars.

"It's good to see you, Annie." Violetta stated as he came over. He really hadn't changed at all since they last spoke. It made her wonder what he could have possibly been up to since then. Of course, if she was still a goddess then she could actually check, but right now that wasn't really possible. Besides, it was rude to just check into people's pasts all willy-nilly like. She at least liked to ask permission first. Consent is sexy, you know. "I was just downtown about to do some shopping when your new car caught my eye. Nice color by the way. Matches your eyes~" Ansom was one of the few people that Violetta felt comfortable teasing. She knew he was a big boy and could take it, and she totally expected a response in the same manner. A grin fell on her face as she looked at her "brother", simply glad to be seeing him again.

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Evan got up from his bed and began getting ready again. What a crazy ass night that was. And to think it was about to get much worse; an artillery strike. Probably for the best that it didn't happen. But it didn't feel right, like he was in a fog. He wondered if he should just try and have a normal day at school today. Or at least try.

After he finished getting his clothes on, he left the room, stepping over the broken door.

@MrEvilMexican @Artemistel @Cowkiller @UnknownRawrs
Graham turned his head to Evan, still just outside of his room in a vent, and having watched everything between James and Evan, Graham asked Evan, "So... that James guy is pretty weird, don't you think? I don't like that he completely ignored me... Anyways, we should probably try to do school... I mean it's what we are here for... or at least should be. That party last night was all sorts of confusing..." Graham ranted on as he dropped out of the vent, deciding to follow Evan.

@MrEvilMexican @Artemistel @Cowkiller @ANDROMADA
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