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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"That happened..." Graham mentioned to himself. Seeing as Ari was preoccupied with Faust, Graham decided to switch targets to James. Concentrating on his multitude of swords, Graham sent all of them to swarm James to keep him from firing and ultimately be a nuisance to James.

@MrEvilMexican @ANDROMADA @Cowkiller
Artemistel said:
((I'm making a new character, so soon))
((Ooof, my internet messed up last night ;-; do you still have that character free possibly?))

Lumina said:
((I wanna get my Kansuke reply for you tonight :D ))
((Yes! Should I start off? Or are you starting :3))
"Hey! Our old friend Faust is back! Time for a real shit storm!"

Evan stood down and he began a monotone formal signal, "Yankee-5 this is ECHO-40, requesting fire at grid coordinates Charlie 6, Foxtrot 23 you are cleared hot."

Evan then stood up and stared at Faust. "Hope you don't mind a little moderate structural damage. Don't worry, it will buff out."

@Cowkiller @MrEvilMexican @UnknownRawrs @Artemistel
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Nona said:
((Ooof, my internet messed up last night ;-; do you still have that character free possibly?))
((Yes! Should I start off? Or are you starting :3))
Can you start? That way I have the notification c:
Mayyflower said:
Luke looked over at her and shook his head. "Oh it's nothing" he says giving her a reassuring smile

~*Kairassi Ikeda*~


Kairassi looked a little unconvinced at his answer, blinking a few times as she stared at him "Alright, If you say so" she said smiling thinking that maybe she was over analysing his movements before going back to watching the movie, fixing her hair a little as she did so.

Extra Info


Her Home






Have fun

Interacting with:



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James threw his Gatling gun to the floor. He then pulls out his lever action rifle and fires a shot at Faust's chest, followed by a burst of blood. James looked down at his chest, shocked to find a hook driven through his heart. Faust pulled the chain back, tearing out both James' heart and ribcage out in the process. He only managed two words before collapsing on the floor. Oh. Unfortunate. I'll be sure to send you a coffin with his body in it. Faust joked, almost in a mocking tone.

@ANDROMADA @UnknownRawrs @Cowkiller
"I had an automated artillery battery that I created before we got here just in case shit went sideways. If you're wondering how I managed to get artillery, I can manipulate technology. Not that hard to create a system. Although it was the reason it took me three hours to get here. Sorry for keeping you waiting, Graham.. heheh..." Evan explained.

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Faust sheathed his scythe and wiped the blood off his hook-chain. Well kids. Sure you want to continue? I mean, one of you is already dead. He appears to have gave up on fighting. He hauls James off the floor and takes him into one of the rooms. He turns to the others. Take a rest. If you kids really want to fight, be my guest. For now, have fun. Oh, and stay in the light. Don't go into dark rooms. Even if you have ways to light it up. OK? He then walks into the room. It was filled with extremely expensive medical equipment. Faust put of white gloves and picked up a scalpel. Well, you kids have fun. Don't disturb me or this poor guy will end up dead.

@UnknownRawrs @ANDROMADA
"Well, I feel like going back to the dorms... going to join me Evan?" Graham said, expecting Evan to go with him, since Evan had dragged him here in the first place.

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NeoClassical said:
Ansom looked at the car on the side of the street. It was a nice, baby blue Mustang Boss. Simply amazing. It almost made him forget about all about the incident earlier. Almost. He let out a sigh before walking over to the driver seat of the car. He had never owned a Mustang. The door unlocked and Ansom got behind the wheel. "Silly mortal. You left the keys in the car." Ansom chuckled before starting the car.
He had never owned a Mustang. It drove sweetly. Smoothly. The gas had just recently been refilled. Nice. Ansom did feel a little sorry for the owner of the car. Ex-owner.

He had never owned a Mustang but he definitely wished he had sooner. He could driver around his friends. If he had any....

There was one person that he could consider a friend, but Ansom hadn't seen her in awhile. His old Goddess friend. The goddess of time. Violetta. She was infuriating at times, but bearable. She never seemed to hate Ansom. Maybe he could talk to her. He shook his head and pulled up to a parking lot adjacent to a park.

He got out of the car and looked at his car. He had never owned a Mustang. He did now.



~ Once goddess, now human ~

...?Some time had passed since Violetta and Takashi had found out that they were going to be parents. They had gone to the doctor last month, and it turned out they were having twins! The couple didn't know what the genders were, but they decided to wait until the children came to find out. Violetta was even showing now at this point. By this time she was already experiencing some of the major side effects: cravings, morning sickness, fatigue, swelling... they were all such new feelings to the goddess. Really, going through this gave her a new perspective on just what it was like to be human. Really, she could do nothing but respect the creatures for everything they put up with, both if they put themselves in the situations or not. Takashi had gotten slightly annoyed with her complaining at home, so she figured a walk outside downtown would do her some good. The bustling atmosphere plus the lovely sunshine above combined to improve her mood drastically. Violetta had taken the bus into town, marveling at the people who were willing to give up their seats for her pregnant self. Given that she promise Takashi she wouldn't return to being a goddess for a while, even after the kids were born, so it's not like she could just teleport into town or anything. Besides, it was nice, just sitting on the bus and watching all the interesting humans passing by. For a single species, they were all so different, unique from every person around them. It didn't take long before the bus had made it to the stop in the city, on the corner of a shopping center. Violetta figured she could pick up some groceries and other supplies while she was out, and maybe go and pick up a few more baby supplies. They had the cribs and other important things, but Violetta wanted to be prepared, so it was probably a good idea to stock up early. Making her way down the street, Violetta glanced in the direction of the park, which happened to be adjacent to the city. Something colorful caught her eye, causing her to stop and look at it. It was a car, one way too fancy to be belonging to anyone from the city. Out of curiosity and an almost unplaceable sense of nostalgia, Violetta took a detour into the park, getting closer to check it out. Yup, the car was pretty fancy alright, and the owner... Violetta watched as a man got out of the car and was looking at it. Her eyes widened and she spoke aloud on accident, the surprise of the sight making her voice loud enough to where he could hear it?...


no slide no slide
Faust poked his head out of the room. Oh. In that case, have fun in class. If you happen to bump into my teacher, tell him I can't couldn't come to class because of an emergency. And miss Ari, just follow Graham and Evan. Also, don't come back again. Unless I actually invite you. Anyways, me killing a god was my own business. Why are you guys even bothering? That ass wasn't even a god... Just some fucking wannabe. I would appreciate it if you didn't plant those C-4s. This place holds tonnes of gold. And I wouldn't want you blowing all of that up, would I? Faust asks, almost calmly, despite the fight earlier. He then swiftly goes back to operating on James.

@ANDROMADA @UnknownRawrs @Cowkiller
Evan stood there and watched the girl. "Ya know, considering all that's happened tonight, I don't think that's a good idea. We should just go back home and call it a night." Evan suggested.


~*Mizuki Notaro*~


An audible sigh left Mizuki's lips as she left the female dormitories. Unpacking had taken a lot more time than she would have liked, but she was glad she got it out of the way relatively early in her arrival rather than lazing over the thought for a day or two. Besides, she had more important things to attend to like finding her way about this place, after all the campus here was pretty big. But, more importantly finding that boy... Her dreams always giving her little spots of knowledge and glimpses of the future and she was used to that. But they were really plaguing her big time on this one, nagging her to come here and find a boy in green. Obviously finding him would be a lot harder than it sounds, for one, this place is huge and secondly, her dreams never gave her a name, so it wasn't like she could just find his dorm number and have a chat with him that way. No, she had to literally walk around basically search the city. Looking around the school grounds (which were quieter than expected) for what felt like hours, her search came up empty. Maybe this was all nonsense, maybe she was wrong to leave her princessing duties for this? No, her dreams were never wrong before, she just needed to keep looking, after all, this was only day one. Stopping on the grassy area in the courtyard, she decided to take a break, maybe look with a fresh perspective after a break. Since it seemed no one was there, she pulled out her harp, playing it always seemed to clear her thoughts. Finding a nice spot, she gently plucked the strings of the harp gently and began playing a tune...

Extra Info


The Courtyard






Taking a break

Interacting with:

No one


James walked into the male dorms, all bloodied up and really pissed. He didn't seem to be carrying his revolvers or guns. All the people were looking at him and talking about why he was covered in blood and bullshit like that. He stopped at Evan's dorm and knocked... No. Banged on the door. Hey! Open the door! It's me! I need stuff. He shouted.

Lumina said:


~ Once goddess, now human ~

...?Some time had passed since Violetta and Takashi had found out that they were going to be parents. They had gone to the doctor last month, and it turned out they were having twins! The couple didn't know what the genders were, but they decided to wait until the children came to find out. Violetta was even showing now at this point. By this time she was already experiencing some of the major side effects: cravings, morning sickness, fatigue, swelling... they were all such new feelings to the goddess. Really, going through this gave her a new perspective on just what it was like to be human. Really, she could do nothing but respect the creatures for everything they put up with, both if they put themselves in the situations or not. Takashi had gotten slightly annoyed with her complaining at home, so she figured a walk outside downtown would do her some good. The bustling atmosphere plus the lovely sunshine above combined to improve her mood drastically. Violetta had taken the bus into town, marveling at the people who were willing to give up their seats for her pregnant self. Given that she promise Takashi she wouldn't return to being a goddess for a while, even after the kids were born, so it's not like she could just teleport into town or anything. Besides, it was nice, just sitting on the bus and watching all the interesting humans passing by. For a single species, they were all so different, unique from every person around them. It didn't take long before the bus had made it to the stop in the city, on the corner of a shopping center. Violetta figured she could pick up some groceries and other supplies while she was out, and maybe go and pick up a few more baby supplies. They had the cribs and other important things, but Violetta wanted to be prepared, so it was probably a good idea to stock up early. Making her way down the street, Violetta glanced in the direction of the park, which happened to be adjacent to the city. Something colorful caught her eye, causing her to stop and look at it. It was a car, one way too fancy to be belonging to anyone from the city. Out of curiosity and an almost unplaceable sense of nostalgia, Violetta took a detour into the park, getting closer to check it out. Yup, the car was pretty fancy alright, and the owner... Violetta watched as a man got out of the car and was looking at it. Her eyes widened and she spoke aloud on accident, the surprise of the sight making her voice loud enough to where he could hear it?...


no slide no slide
How could Ansom be so lucky? This car had new wheels and everything. He opened the hood and found that the car had a nice GT engine installed as well. Whoever was the precvious owner really knew their stuff....except how to keep a car. He chuckled slightly before looking at the park.

There wasn't so many people that would make it be considered crowded, but there were some people. Families having picnics, people play frisbee, young couples walking, old couples walking, singles walking their dogs, couples walking their dogs. Some were just sitting at a pond and staring at the surface. Probably thinking. He tilted his head. Most of these people were having a good time outside, but some, some of these people were probably having deep thoughts. Much like Ansom. Some could be thinking about a failed job interview, a loss of a girl, debt, death. Just so many tragedies could happen to these mortals. He wondered which humans were the ones down in the dumps.

It was also neat to see the difference between the social classes of these people. Although there was not a written social class, it was always there. The rich were better dressed than the poor. They were more sophisticated. Even though they never had more rights than anyone else, they sure seemed like it. But there was a large diversity, for the park belonged to neither the rich nor the poor. It was a place of public appeal. Both ends of the spectrum could visit there. From the homeless to the men in mansions.

It was a notion that intrigued Ansom. But he didn't have much time to dwell on it because he heard an unmistakable voice. And an unmistakable nickname. "Annie?" It was a girl's voice. A familiar voice. Ansom turned from the park to face the voice. His suspicions were correct. It was the one and only girl he was thinking about on the way to the park. The world is a weird place.

"Vio?" Ansom cocked his head to the side before waving. "Vio!" He said again, this time louder. He jogged over from his Mustang before standing a few feet from Violetta. She looked different, but Ansom couldn't quite pure his finger on it. New haircut maybe. "What are you doing here?" He asked with a wide smile.
Lumina said:
Iris Marcks
~ the avatar ~

...❈Iris had woken up to the sun shining directly in her face. Groaning, she squinted as the rays pierced her irises, rolling over on to her face closer to the wall to get the sun out of them. She was not a morning person in the slightest, so the idea of waking up was not appealing in the slightest. Iris relaxed once more, trying to go back to sleep, but now that the asshole sun woke her up, she wasn't going to be falling back asleep anytime soon. Great. Groaning even louder, she dragged herself out of bed and to the bathroom that was connected to her dorm room, turning on the light and grabbing for her toothbrush. A glance in the mirror showed a tan-skinned girl with brown hair sticking up all over the place. Slowly, Iris managed to start brushing her teeth, looking at herself in the mirror with an expression that was a mixture of annoyance and apathy. Hopefully the rest of today was going to go better. Eventually Iris made it to the kitchen, still in pajamas, digging through the fridge to find something to drink. A box of orange juice sat in the fridge door, looking quite inviting. With a smile, Iris grabbed the box, opening the top, taking the opening directly to her lips. Who needs a glass, amirite? However, to Iris' dismay, the box was completely empty, bare of any orange juice. She had been training all night during the night previous, and in her exhausted state had finished the juice and put the empty box back in the fridge before passing out. Iris let out an exasperated sigh, setting the box on fire before making her way upstairs. Well, it looked like it was time to go buy some juice. Now was a good a time as any to go out and do so. It took a little while, but soon Iris was dressed and out the door, tying up her hair behind her head as she moved outside the girls' dorms. Now, from inside her room the sun was annoying, but now that she was outside, it felt great. Maybe she should fly to the story? Yeah, that sounded good. Moving her arms to manipulate the air around her, soon Iris had a nice gust of wind below her, making her float a few feet off the ground. Yeah, this was good! Now grinning, Iris maneuvered the air gust toward the direction of the store, which happened to pass by the men's dorms. However, in her excitement, Iris lost focus, and suddenly the gust of air exploded outward, sending her flying. Her body flew toward one of the dorm building, and soon her body found itself smacked against the window of one of the dorm rooms. Her body fell and smashed into the ground outside the window, landing on her back with her face up toward the clouds, looking so done with the world and the day already❈...

"Geh... all I wanted was some juice..."

no slide no slide no slide
By now, he had found himself dozing off once again. He knew very well that he had to get up, because his stomach had been pestering him since he had fallen out the bed. Too bad, so sad. BAM! No affect. Duncan's gaze was entirely too lazy to act with any immediate action or sense of hurry. Slowly but surely, his gaze revealed lavender irises that half-heartedly began a gaze towards the window. "What the hell...." First the sun was pestering him, and now he had been interrupted. Was this what he was going to go through everyday? Annoyed, he sat up off the floor, before slowly climbing to his feet. Of course, he hadn't the slightest clue what had hit his window. However, his sense of urgency was much less than any normal person. "Must be one idiotic bird..." He mumbled his thoughts to himself as he pulled on a pair of pants that were conveniently laying of the floor a few feet from him. A shirt was pointless to him right now, and thus he simply left his room without one. Without even the slightest thought, he had reached the doors of the dormitory. He had completely forgotten to stop to the kitchen. On the bright side....Oh who was he kidding? He didn't care. Deciding he'd just stop somewhere for breakfast, he pushed his way through the doors. Just as he stepped foot outside, the sun pierced his gaze, causing him to shift to the side in a change of course. Shielding his eyes with his left hand, he walked along the side of the building, only to come upon an object in his path. Within seconds, he found himself on the ground, having lazily tripped over whatever it was, rather than attempting to walk over or around it. "Damn it~"


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