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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds


"Well, that was.... Unexpected, wasn't it?" Chler asked with a small giggle, slowly heading into the dorms again, looking at the girl.
Griffin's eyes narrowed as the doors exploded to reveal the feared plague doctor and his... nice, glittering mansion. He braced his body, ready to dash at any moment. There was no way even this guy could catch up with him. He suddenly noticed a dark red-haired girl besides them.

"Are you sure you thought this through James?" he hissed to his new friend, not taking his eyes off of the doctor.

@MrEvilMexican @Cowkiller
"I have a few questions. One where is the school and two the fuck you two doing blowing this place up for?" Ari exclaims "If you are going to do that ask someone who knows what they are actually doing. Want any help?" she says as she is pulling up the corner of her jacket revealing an FNC, Glock19, and assorted explosives.

@MrEvilMexican @Artemistel
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Griffin couldn't contain his shock.

"Why does everyone seem to have explosives?" he said with a sigh. Then he looked back at the Plague Doctor, wondering what he would do to them if they lost the fight. He swallowed; he didn't want to find out when he was dying on the mansion floor. Instinctively, he took a deep breath, what he always did before he went into his super-speed mode.

@MrEvilMexican @Cowkiller
"Graham, I'm detecting a nearby presence. And I heard a loud bang above ground. I think we should head back upstairs to see what's going on." Evan said as the ball of light in his hand materialized into a Barrett M82 Anti-Material rifle and aimed it at where he thought the presence was. But nothing was there... which was strange. He slowly lowered the gun and began walking up the stairs. He gestured to Graham to follow him.

@MrEvilMexican @UnknownRawrs @Cowkiller
"I'm sorry this is an everyday carry for me. This is a big city I like to be prepared. If you haven't noticed I'm 15 and you don't know when you will round a corner and could be kidnapped. So you want some help? Cause you to look like you couldn't hit the broadside of a barn from the inside and are neck deep in shit right now."

@MrEvilMexican @Artemistel
"Glad to know I wasn't the only one... but I never saw anything. I think I'll go on ahead to see what's up with that explosion." Graham said as he ran off back the way they had come, shotgun still in hand.

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No. Not really. James whispered back as he swiftly unloaded twelve bullets into Faust's head. The bullets bounced off the Plague Mask like as if they were nothing. So, who is this? Faust asked McMillan. Your GIRLFRIEND?! He shouted insultingly. He then walked into his mansion. Whatever. If you guys really want to know what's inside this place, follow me. Or are you here to fight me? He asked.


The Creature had finally decided to attack. It jumped out from the shadows and slashed at Evan. It roars before lashing it's tongue out and catches Graham.
Why. In. Master's. Home? Will. Eat. You. Smells. Tasty.

@ANDROMADA @UnknownRawrs @Cowkiller @Artemistel
Griffin raised an eyebrow, studying the Plague Doctor and his seemingly invincible mask. If they could somehow get it off of him... he shook his head. Enough of that, if the Doctor was going to show them around the house willingly, so why wouldn't they take the bait to get inside?

"We want to know what's inside," he said, answering for the group.

@MrEvilMexican @Cowkiller
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"Girlfriend? Oh buddy you fucked up now." Ari say as she slowly walks towards Faust. She grabs him by the throat and throws him across the room into the wall. While he is still dazed she grabs her FNC and dumps a full mag of API into his chest then curb stomps his head. "I will only be one persons girlfriend and it sure as hell isn't him."

@MrEvilMexican @Artemistel
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"Now, that's not nice." Graham said calmly as he shot the creature's, likely Stalker Faust had mentioned, tongue in order to not get eaten by it. In retaliation, Graham visualized a few swords floating, and had them pierce the creature at high velocity.

@ANDROMADA @MrEvilMexican
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Evan turned around and fired shots into the creature. The rounds sunk into the beast's skin but it shrugged off the damage like nothing.

"Okay... let's step it up a notch." Evan said as he changed the gun into a M72 LAW and fired a rocket. There is an explosion and a brilliant red lance as the HEAT stream tore through every skin layer and out the other side. The monster fell to the ground and didn't move.

"Now Graham, time to move while we can before that thing gets back up!"

On topside, a new shitstorm brewed as Evan saw a young girl literally curb stomping Faust... which he thought wasn't a good idea, and the door blown to pieces with three new faces that he had not seen before.

"Why isn't this just great? A party! Hey Doc, if you're alive over there, your creature was very rude. I suggest you teach it some manners for guests." Evan sarcastically scolded.

@MrEvilMexican @Cowkiller @UnknownRawrs @Artemistel
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WeirdPrincess said:

Asuka Fukushima


The usual blush didn't adorn her cheeks like it would have before. Surprisingly so, Asuka wasn't embarrassed about the comment. She knew fairly well that she would have gotten flustered before, her entire face, even her ears, would have been red and hot. It would have been followed with the stammer of her words as she denied being as beautiful, or even more so, than these precious plants. Frantically shaking her head as there was always something more beautiful than she was, even if he didn't see it. Though instead, Asuka scoffed and gently shook her head. She wasn't trying to be rude or anything. It was just that she found the comment amusing to say the least, even though it wasn't the least bit funny. It was hard to say, what she found so amusing about the comment. Maybe because he'd retort with that whenever she stated that something was beautiful or pretty, though it didn't happen very often or that frequently. She honestly didn't know why it was funny it the first place, she laughed at odd things sometimes. There was a time she laughed at someone falling on their face and almost immediately felt bad about it afterwards, since it looked like it hurt. That was besides the topic though. Asuka appreciated the comment nonetheless and leaned back into Akira, enjoying the warmth that was radiating from him. She happily just snuggles in his arms, not wanting to leave them just yet, but knowing she had to. Its not like they could stay on that field forever.

"I know~" Anyone would be able to tell from the sound of her voice that she was confident, as Asuka turned her head slightly to flash her pair a lopsided grin. It's not like she wasn't confident before, because she was, just not as much as she was now. It was strange really, she couldn't fathom why she was this confident or where it had come from. Most likely from the years that she had spent with Akira and her friends, must have boosted the confidence in her. She sure as heck knew she wasn't like this before, she easily got flustered over certain things, such as compliments. Asuka never really could handle compliments well in the previous years, but she seemed to have gotten use to them and didn't blush as much as she would have before. Sometimes not even blushing at all. It was something she was fairly glad about, because she hated it when she always got so flustered and would cover her face in attempt to hide her blush. Which never really worked mind you, it never did. It was usually a force of habit that she just covered her face. Though today was different, Asuka wasn't covering her face or even the least bit flustered. Instead, she was boasting with confidence from the compliment, a silly grin on her face as she gazed at her husband. "Thanks though, for telling me that." She stated before leaning in close and kissing Akira's cheek, soon pulling back to smile at him. To have someone like him in her life.. she couldn't be more grateful.

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Flower Field




Akira Fukushima


@Fukushima Akira


Imperius Vi Euphoria

~ The King Of Euphoria ~

...♅Akira laughed lightly and gently tightened his grip on Asuka as she leaned back on him. It had been too long since he'd last been like this with Asuka. Whether it was Kenji going psycho, or having to raise their children, it seemed like Akira and Asuka couldn't find time alone anymore. Akira was going to change that. Now that their children was at the age that they didn't need constant supervision, and Kenji was back to normal, Akira planned to make time for just the two of them. Alone. As a way for them to have fun without having to worry about anything. Akira shook his head free from his thoughts and smiled lightly. He spoke as he kissed Asuka's neck and continued to rock back and forth in a rhythmic sway, maintaining his embrace on Asuka♅...

Any time, honey~ You know I'm always here for you~ I love you~

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Lumina said:

~ the broken phoenix ~

...♤Lumina's gaze was off to the side, feeling too flustered to keep eye contact with Kenji any longer. It had been far too long since they had been in this kind of situation, so she had reverted back to not being able to handle it or her own emotions that well. Eventually Lumina scrapped up enough courage to glance back at Kenji, only to see the playful grin on his lips. Oh goodness. That didn't bode well for her. She blinked in confusion as Kenji spoke, before he leaned down to taste her neck, in exactly the same fashion that he had done back in the park. It was a little bit rougher than she would have expected, but to say that she was expecting him to do that at all was completely wrong. The surprise of his action plus the feeling of his neck on her tounge made her eyes close, a small sound escaping her mouth unexpectedly. Lumina brought a hand up to her mouth as her eyes flew open, now looking at Kenji with an even redder face, if that was possible. Well, if he had needed proof that it had been a long time since they had gotten intimate, this was proof. Trying not to let her embarrassment get the best of her, Lumina answered his question, her voice muffled by her hands♤...

"...y-yeah... I mean no! N-not at all..."

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Genesis Zi Euphoria

~ The Sanctum Of Heat ~

...ΨKenji ginned lightly as he watched Lumina's hands cover her face in embarrassment. He thought for a few moments, debating on what he should do next. It had been a while since he had been like this with Lumina, but if things were to return to normal, Kenji would have to push through his naturally shy personality. He closed his eyes to regain his composure, and then reopened them. He spoke in a seductive tone as he smiled lightly, his head soon tilting to the left to match his wordsΨ...

Oh?~ I suppose it has been a while since we last got intimate~ Honestly, I didn't expect this type of reaction from you~ It's.. enticing~

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Griffin exhaled softly.

So I guess we're not playing nice anymore. Should have realized that angry 15 year-old girls could potentially destroy the world.

Without further ado, he was gone from his position by the crumbled doors in a flash, lost in the nanoseconds as he walked around the entrance of the mansion at great speed, waiting for the right moment to strike. Plus, he could easily dodge the slow-mo bullets that were firing, as well as the bigger explosives, when he was flashing through the seconds instead of just standing there uselessly as precious time went by. Maybe, they did have a chance of defeating him.

@MrEvilMexican @Cowkiller @ANDROMADA
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Evan simply stood dumbfounded. Even with all the intellect in the world, he can't explain what the fuck just happened and why it happened. He had prepared for a knock down drag out brawl but instead he got his thunder stolen by a little girl.

"This bitch... just stole my thunder..." Evan spoke aloud.

@Cowkiller @UnknownRawrs @MrEvilMexican @Artemistel
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"It's okay, you'll get it next time." Graham consoled Evan with a pat on the back, "Though I think it's time we take our leave, or help in some fashion... I'll leave that up to you." Graham continued.

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Graham just sighed with a slight deadpan, and muttered, "Guess that settles that..." Lines made, Graham solidified a barrier around him as well as more floating swords directed at Ari, on standby. "Oh, and just so you know I don't think he meant it that way..." Graham explained to Ari, and maybe even to himself a little.

@ANDROMADA @Cowkiller
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Faust stood up, despite all the attacks the group had thrown at him earlier. Is that the best you've got, kids? You're gonna have to try harder, idiots. Also, little girl. That didn't really hurt. My turn. Faust threw his hook-chain at the "Little Powerful Girl" and the hook buried itself deep into he shoulder. He pulled the chain back with extreme force that is hurled her into the air and he caught her by the neck with his scythe midair and slammed her into the ground, before firing three shots from his revolver, all three bullets hitting her in the leg. Don't even try. I can't miss at point blank range. James aimed his Gatling Gun at Faust's chest. The barrels began spinning and soon unleashed hundreds of bullets into Faust's chest. Don't just stand there, idiots! HELP ME.
Ari stands up slowly. "My skin is made up of pure nano-material it will take more than that to kill me." she replies. She then full out sprints drops her shoulder nailing him in the gut to then slamming him into the wall breaking several ribs.


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