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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Lumina said:
Kaori Hana
~ torn between two ~

...☆Kaori stood there for quite a while, doing nothing, trying to decide what to do. Would it be alright to call him so soon? He was probably with family or something, and this.. it didn't even have anything to do with him. Bit right now, she was terrified, feeling very alone at the moment. And he did say if she needed anything that he wanted her to call him. Not that she should, big that he WANTED her to. With shaking hands, Kaori finally pressed the call button, hoping that he'd pick up, because she needed someone right now and he was the only person she could think to go to... and truthfully, the only person she wanted to see as well☆...

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Roman Ishida

Roman hummed lightly as he carried his suitcase towards the nearest apartment building. He had talked with the owner of the place before he returned home and all that good stuff. The plan was to just bring the money the next day to rent this place for the month, so that's what Roman was doing. Upon reaching the apartments, Roman was greeted by a short old little man. He gave him the money in exchange for a key, which opened #20. Roman took his suitcase and went to the apartment, unlocking the door. It was furnished with some basic stuff which was nice. He figured it'd need some more things, but he could add them later. As Roman inspected the apartment, his phone began ringing so he quickly pulled it out of his pocket and taking a look at the number. He didn't recognize it, but he still answered.

"Uuhh... Hello?"

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Get his apartment
Currently Doing
Answering the phone

MrEvilMexican said:
The mask began 'panicking' "Ah sh*t... Faust. You are f*cked... I can tell ya that." But as always, Faust didn't even pay attention to the mask. "You sneaky vampire... So things here ARE different from where I come from... Ah well. It's a good scythe nonetheless. For your information, it's not going to work on me. I'd probably give in just so you won't stop annoying me." Faust said, insultingly. "Now will you hurry up and hit me already?" He asked. He was teasing. And then the lights went off and that 'clown' was preparing to actually do some damage. "Finally. A challenge." Faust said as he pushed Isabella to one side. "He was standing about a meter away from the 'clown' now. "So, what are you? I can tell you are not a clown. But that's about it." He asked casually, despite the fact he was planning on shooting her.
@Ballerina @HimeragiSeiker
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Clown...? Mind you don't call me that or else I'll drain all that reanimation magic right out of you and turn your body to charcoal..''
...♱Seris said in a cold tone. It was so cold that the temperature around Isabella and Faust started to drop. You could also feel a malevolent aura coming from Seris as well. Soon, all the lights in the dorm were turned off and a moment later, a blue fire was ignited in Seris's hand that was on her side. Soon the room started to light up as blue fire balls started appearing and floating around the room♱...

''This is about to be...your most fatal mistake.''
Isabella grinned as she inched closer to his mask, her fangs could easily sink through the mask into his face. "So does that mean I can still feed off you? Honestly that's all that matter-whoa!" Once the light's went off, the masked man pushed Isabella to the side. The truth was, Isabella was relieved that the man was headed towards the other girl instead since he was giving off a seriously creepy vibe.
Ophidia walks to the school still sleepy, she rubs her eyes and yawns "I really want my daily dose of Quoire" she mumbled because she wanted to see him every morning but right now Quoire already got to school first, she continued walking until she arrived at the gate "I didn't get to see him this morning maybe at noon" she said not giving up.
WeirdisFun said:
"ahh it's okay mine is a little bit worse" Quoire said while smiling like he doesn't show any remorse to how he killed his parents , he thought of an Idea "how about this, If I tell you my past you'll tell me yours deal?" he said making a deal, he was curious when Eileen said she's not going to tell.
" So your assuming your past is absolutely the worst? " She cocked an eyebrow, her story wasn't necessarily tragic, but Quoire's cockiness was offputting. " A-and no, of course no deal! I barely know you, that's why I do not want to talk about it." Eileen told him as they continued to walk to the school. " Honestly! It really is fascinating, how you feel the need to know so much about a stranger, had your primary school taught you anything about stranger danger?"
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida


Alejandro looked at Astrid with a look of pained happiness. He could tell that he was right by the look on her face. It was a great feat to be right about 90% of the time. She didn't seem like the kind of girl to do something like apologize.. Or do anything good in his opinion. When she said she'll apologize to Hyouinmaru, he couldn't do anything but smile through the pain. When she asked if he needed a doctor, he shook his head.

"You just go... I have a way to get healed."

Alejandro then laid his head down on his pillow and slowly closed his eyes as he went to sleep, speaking a few words before passing out.

"T-This i-is... F-For Skylar.... Red."

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Nothing as of now
Currently Doing
About to rest


Astrid Finchett

~ weapons maestro ~

...?Astrid rolled her eyes at Alejandro as she noticed the smile crossing his pained face. Of course he was going to be smug about it. One day... one day she'd be able to tell him to his face that she was right. It wasn't today, obviously, but one day nonetheless. A look of worry passed over her face as he fell unconscious, but it changed to a slightly panicked one once he fell asleep. He didn't even tell her where to find Hyouinmaru! Damnit. Well, that just meant that she'd have to look everywhere. Where could he have gone? Astrid groaned before standing up and stretching, slinging her rifle over her shoulder as she walked out of the room. Hyouinmaru seemed to be around her for Skylar, so maybe she'd be lucky and he'd still be around. Pulling her visor down, Astrid walked toward the exit of the hospital, intending to search outside the premises?...

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((Sorry for the short replies, playing overwatch with the boyfriend))
Ballerina said:
" So your assuming your past is absolutely the worst? " She cocked an eyebrow, her story wasn't necessarily tragic, but Quoire's cockiness was offputting. " A-and no, of course no deal! I barely know you, that's why I do not want to talk about it." Eileen told him as they continued to walk to the school. " Honestly! It really is fascinating, how you feel the need to know so much about a stranger, had your primary school taught you anything about stranger danger?"
"Aww too bad" Quoire said with a frown but instantly retains his smiling face, he wasn't really trying to show off his past but he'll just go with it anyway "Really? too bad I didn't go to Primary school" he replied that he didn't got to learn at a young age because of his parents which only used him for their selfish reasons "I don't even have a tutor I just studied by myself".

Lumina said:

~ the broken phoenix ~

...♤Upon hearing Kenji's response, a smile came to Lumina's face. A cabin in the woods, huh? It really did sound nice. She had grown up in a cabin in the woods, away from the bustling society of the town, so thinking of that brought back nostalgia. For some reason, she felt like she had grown up in a cabin more than once, but she shook the thought off for now, looking at Kenji as she thought of the things they could do while they were there. There was hiking, fishing, exploring maybe, and just spending time together, just the two of them. Her expression grew more thoughtful, yet more excited at the idea, wondering what the vacation would end up being like. Without really realizing it, Lumina began thinking aloud, crossing her arms in thought as her gaze moved to the cieling♤...

"I haven't stayed in a cabin since I was a little girl... what do you even need? Obviously food, would there be bedding? Any other supplies? Do we even have any supplies? I'm probably forgetting so many things..."

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Genesis Zi Euphoria

~ The Sanctum Of Heat ~

...ΨKenji laughed lightly as he watched Lumina's growing excitement. In truth, he'd never really went to a cabin in the woods before. He'd always either lived in the royal palace in Euphoria, or lived at the estate. Kenji liked being outdoors with nature. He enjoyed watching the wildlife killing one another. No, that wasn't right. He enjoyed watching the peaceful sounds of the birds chirping and the overall relaxing atmosphere the animals created. With a shake of his head, Kenji's gaze returned to Lumina and he spoke, his body shifting on the bed so that his head was rested on Lumina's lapΨ...

We can think about that kind of stuff later~ Right now, I just want to relax with you~

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Roman said:

Roman Ishida

Roman hummed lightly as he carried his suitcase towards the nearest apartment building. He had talked with the owner of the place before he returned home and all that good stuff. The plan was to just bring the money the next day to rent this place for the month, so that's what Roman was doing. Upon reaching the apartments, Roman was greeted by a short old little man. He gave him the money in exchange for a key, which opened #20. Roman took his suitcase and went to the apartment, unlocking the door. It was furnished with some basic stuff which was nice. He figured it'd need some more things, but he could add them later. As Roman inspected the apartment, his phone began ringing so he quickly pulled it out of his pocket and taking a look at the number. He didn't recognize it, but he still answered.

"Uuhh... Hello?"

no slide no slide
Get his apartment
Currently Doing
Answering the phone

Kaori Hana

~ torn between two ~

...☆Kaori wasn't really planning on what to do past actually calling Roman. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she heard his voice, but at the same time it was a relief to hear his voice. Hearing it, the first thing that came to mind is how he was actually there to answer the phone, and that he kept his word on being there when she needed him, unlike someone else. Man even just thinking about Masahi made her heart hurt, and those feelings showed on her face. Not that Roman could see them, but she was making them as she held the phone, which was slightly shaking in her hand still. She'd hold her arm steady if she could, but she didn't want to move it from her stomach, as if that would harm the baby or something ridiculous like that. Her mind wasn't working right at the moment, and that probably showed in her voice as well as her fear as she spoke to Roman☆...

"Rommy... i-it's Kaori... are you around? I... um... I just need someone right now, a-and you were the only person I could think of... p-please..."

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Ballerina said:
Isabella grinned as she inched closer to his mask, her fangs could easily sink through the mask into his face. "So does that mean I can still feed off you? Honestly that's all that matter-whoa!" Once the light's went off, the masked man pushed Isabella to the side. The truth was, Isabella was relieved that the man was headed towards the other girl instead since he was giving off a seriously creepy vibe.
"I am Seris, the Malevolent God Eater. Your unfortunate end awaits you..."

...♱She said before the purple flam extended in a linear way before it revealed a very distorted sword that would look like it could grind bones to dust and giving a sinister and malevolent look that would also look like you would be in extreme pain and suffering if struck♱...








~ the broken phoenix ~

...♤Lumina was snapped out of her rambling by Kenji's laughter. What was he laughing at? Oh it was probably her rattling off stuff they didn't even need to worry about. She blinked, looking at Kenji for a moment before a light blush came over her face. He was right. They could think about those things later. What was she getting all worked up over? Nothing, of course. She was still slightly dazed when Kenji laid his head in her lap, and she looked down at him with a growing blush. Wh-wh-what was he doing? Her reaction was simply from never been in a situation like this where someone's head was in her lap. It was a strangely intimate gesture, even if it really wasn't. She couldn't help but feel at least slightly embarrassed, but she did like the feeling of Kenji being close. So within her emotional dissonance, Lumina managed a shy smile as she moved her hands, one to run through his hair and the other to rest near his shoulder, speaking as she did so♤...

"Y-yeah, I'd like that as well. It's nice to b-be able to sit here like this a-again."

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TheDragoon said:
Shuu just ate his food happily. "This stuff is great!" He said happily.
Lena smiled happily, as she planted a light kiss Shuu's cheek.

"I'm happy that you liked it." She exclaimed happily, eating as well. She was almost finished, when she realized: When she brought Shuu inside, he dropped the ring on the ground right in front of the door. She nearly immidietely swallowed what she had in her mouth, and, with a quick glow of her right eye, teleported to near the entrance. Lena then slowly opened the door, and started looking around for the ring.
Faust looked at the blade like it was nothing but a harmless stick. "Oh, god eater huh? I happen to have a grudge with a few 'Gods' too bad, I'm still going to kill you." Faust said. His voice showed almost to no emotion. "Alright. I'm going to hit you." He warned as he flung the chain-hook at Isabella which hooked her by the neck. He pulls the hook back with extreme force and as a result, hurls Isabella towards Seris. He then casually takes out a packet of cigarettes, removes a cigarette and slides it under the beak of the plague mask before casually smoking it. But the mask had different ideas. "FAUST, YOU BLOODY MORON! STOP SMOKING AND ACTUALLY FIGHT!" It screamed. "JUST SUMMON THE FRICKIN' DRAGONLICH ALREADY! THAT WOULD END THE FIGHT IN SECONDS!" But Faust just laughed. "Where's the fun in that, coward. I'm only getting warmed up. Geez." He said before blowing three consecutive smoke rings into the air. "I highly advise you to not smoke, Faust, It's bad for your lungs." The plague mask said. But Faust didn't listen at all. "I don't even need lungs, you moron. I don't need to breathe. I need my heart and probably my tongue and mouth to talk. That's about it."
MrEvilMexican said:
Faust looked at the blade like it was nothing but a harmless stick. "Oh, god eater huh? I happen to have a grudge with a few 'Gods' too bad, I'm still going to kill you." Faust said. His voice showed almost to no emotion. "Alright. I'm going to hit you." He warned as he flung the chain-hook at Isabella which hooked her by the neck. He pulls the hook back with extreme force and as a result, hurls Isabella towards Seris. He then casually takes out a packet of cigarettes, removes a cigarette and slides it under the beak of the plague mask before casually smoking it. But the mask had different ideas. "FAUST, YOU BLOODY MORON! STOP SMOKING AND ACTUALLY FIGHT!" It screamed. "JUST SUMMON THE FRICKIN' DRAGONLICH ALREADY! THAT WOULD END THE FIGHT IN SECONDS!" But Faust just laughed. "Where's the fun in that, coward. I'm only getting warmed up. Geez." He said before blowing three consecutive smoke rings into the air. "I highly advise you to not smoke, Faust, It's bad for your lungs." The plague mask said. But Faust didn't listen at all. "I don't even need lungs, you moron. I don't need to breathe. I need my heart and probably my tongue and mouth to talk. That's about it."
@Ballerina @HimeragiSeiker
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MrEvilMexican said:
Faust looked at the blade like it was nothing but a harmless stick. "Oh, god eater huh? I happen to have a grudge with a few 'Gods' too bad, I'm still going to kill you." Faust said. His voice showed almost to no emotion. "Alright. I'm going to hit you." He warned as he flung the chain-hook at Isabella which hooked her by the neck. He pulls the hook back with extreme force and as a result, hurls Isabella towards Seris. He then casually takes out a packet of cigarettes, removes a cigarette and slides it under the beak of the plague mask before casually smoking it. But the mask had different ideas. "FAUST, YOU BLOODY MORON! STOP SMOKING AND ACTUALLY FIGHT!" It screamed. "JUST SUMMON THE FRICKIN' DRAGONLICH ALREADY! THAT WOULD END THE FIGHT IN SECONDS!" But Faust just laughed. "Where's the fun in that, coward. I'm only getting warmed up. Geez." He said before blowing three consecutive smoke rings into the air. "I highly advise you to not smoke, Faust, It's bad for your lungs." The plague mask said. But Faust didn't listen at all. "I don't even need lungs, you moron. I don't need to breathe. I need my heart and probably my tongue and mouth to talk. That's about it."
...?Soon, Seris looked at Isabella before she froze in the air before she was gently sat down on a chair?...

''Just sit and watch...''

...?She said before she looked at Faust with cold eyes?...

''...Let's go somewhere a lot more open.''

...?She said before reality around them shattered and they appeared in some unknown area that surely isn't from earth. Isabella is now floating in the air watching as Seris and Faust were at a distance on the ground next to the huge lake filled with lava?...

''Make your move now...''


Faust scanned his surroundings. "Hmmm. Interesting. Never fought in a place like this... This should be... Interesting to say the least." It was soon made obvious that clouds the color of true black were gathering. Every once in a while, lightning would bounce out of the clouds, hitting the ground, although causing little damage due to the lack of vegetation. The eye sockets of his plague mask were emitting a dark purple aura. But that wasn't even the beginning. A small pyramid burst from the ground. It was surrounded by a ring of bones. Enough for Faust to create a small army. But the army wasn't the biggest threat. For perched on top the pyramid, was a dragon. A dragon made of bones. It emitted a black aura that drained what little life there was left in this place. The plague mask seemed to feel a bit more confident. No. A lot more confident. "HAHAHAHA! YOU CLOWN, YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER MESSED WITH US! BEHOLD, THE DRAGONLICH!!!" Faust, (who was still smoking) facepalmed himself. "Moron... That was my line. Well, almost my line... Seriously. How did we even end up fighting? Aaah! Nevermind! We are all going to die anyways. Considering my crappy luck." Despite the situation, Faust was still acting somewhat casual as he takes out... Polish? and wiped his mask (which was not covered in ashes and soot) clean. "Can't go fighting like some hobo, can I? Try not to spill blood on my cloak and armor, OK?"


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MrEvilMexican said:
Faust scanned his surroundings. "Hmmm. Interesting. Never fought in a place like this... This should be... Interesting to say the least." It was soon made obvious that clouds the color of true black were gathering. Every once in a while, lightning would bounce out of the clouds, hitting the ground, although causing little damage due to the lack of vegetation. The eye sockets of his plague mask were emitting a dark purple aura. But that wasn't even the beginning. A small pyramid burst from the ground. It was surrounded by a ring of bones. Enough for Faust to create a small army. But the army wasn't the biggest threat. For perched on top the pyramid, was a dragon. A dragon made of bones. It emitted a black aura that drained what little life there was left in this place. The plague mask seemed to feel a bit more confident. No. A lot more confident. "HAHAHAHA! YOU CLOWN, YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER MESSED WITH US! BEHOLD, THE DRAGONLICH!!!" Faust, (who was still smoking) facepalmed himself. "Moron... That was my line. Well, almost my line... Seriously. How did we even end up fighting? Aaah! Nevermind! We are all going to die anyways. Considering my crappy luck." Despite the situation, Faust was still acting somewhat casual as he takes out... Polish? and wiped his mask (which was not covered in ashes and soot) clean. "Can't go fighting like some hobo, can I? Try not to spill blood on my cloak and armor, OK?"

''Y'know....I have a pet dragon made out of bones too. Actually...Haha...he lives here.''

...?She said before she looked at the lava lake before the lava lighting turned into a blueish green and a 3 headed dragon emerged. From the other side of the abyss emerged 3 portal frames which soon activated but didn't do anything else. Soon, Seris ran to the Dragonlich as one of the heads of the dragon she summoned watched her as Seris' sword soon disappeared and she stabbed her hand into the dragonlich before she went through the dragonlich, maintaining her form as the Dragonlich quickly shattered and an angelic white aura was around her hand before it faded. She soon landed on the ground before putting her hand at her side and smiled in a sinister way?...

''You were really relying on that pile of bone dust? Your mask is a bit gullible I must say.''

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Faust laughed to himself. "Aaah! You are mistaken! There is more than what meets the eye! Did you really think the Dragonlich was just a pile of fragile bones?!" Without a warning, the shattered bones reconnected and mended themselves, forming back into the Dragonlich, showing no sign of previous damage. "Sucker! Did you really think we were that easily beaten?! Do you even KNOW who this guy is?!" Faust finished his cigarette and dumped it on the floor, crushing it with his boot. He then throws the hook-chain at the three headed dragon. The hook locks into one of it's bones and Faust pulls at the chain with extreme force. Although it didn't make the dragon budge, the force was more than enough to send Faust flying into the dragon. While midair, Faust swipes at the dragon with his scythe, completely shattering one head and severely damaging the other. He then looks into the portals. "So, what do those do?" He asked, as always, casually. "Ah, you know what? Nevermind! Fight first, questions later. That's if any of us survive..." He then mounts the Dragonlich and loads his revolver with six hollow point bullets, filled with a highly combustible and toxic liquid metal. "Faust... You forgot. You are sh*t when it comes to ranged combat..."

MrEvilMexican said:
Faust laughed to himself. "Aaah! You are mistaken! There is more than what meets the eye! Did you really think the Dragonlich was just a pile of fragile bones?!" Without a warning, the shattered bones reconnected and mended themselves, forming back into the Dragonlich, showing no sign of previous damage. "Sucker! Did you really think we were that easily beaten?! Do you even KNOW who this guy is?!" Faust finished his cigarette and dumped it on the floor, crushing it with his boot. He then throws the hook-chain at the three headed dragon. The hook locks into one of it's bones and Faust pulls at the chain with extreme force. Although it didn't make the dragon budge, the force was more than enough to send Faust flying into the dragon. While midair, Faust swipes at the dragon with his scythe, completely shattering one head and severely damaging the other. He then looks into the portals. "So, what do those do?" He asked, as always, casually. "Ah, you know what? Nevermind! Fight first, questions later. That's if any of us survive..." He then mounts the Dragonlich and loads his revolver with six hollow point bullets, filled with a highly combustible and toxic liquid metal. "Faust... You forgot. You are sh*t when it comes to ranged combat..."

''Wow I really thought this was gonna be easy...oh well. The more time I have to inject you with fear.''

...♱She said before the head went back to normal and mounted on the stump of the neck before the 3-head dragons started firing fire, ice, and darkness balls♱...

The Dragonlich opens it's mouth and a steady stream of energy rushes out of it's mouth, countering every one of the other dragon's attacks. "Did you really think simply three heads would give you an advantage?!" Faust shouts. He then points his revolver at Seris before unloading the entire clip at her. Most just hit the Dragon or misses, with only one bullet grazing her leg. The revolver flies out of Faust's hand due to extreme recoil. "Goddammit! I should've stuck with Necromancy!" He shouts before firing three shrieking, withering skulls at Seris. The Dragonlich stops attacking and instead swoops down and releasing a roar, so loud the pyramid shook. The bones scattered across the place soon recollected into one giant of a skeleton. It stood up, and swings a giant flain made of bones, hitting the three headed dragon. "You really thought I would be like your standard cheap Necromancer?! WELL THINK AGAIN!" He yells before... Opening can of Red Bull and drinking it all?
MrEvilMexican said:
The Dragonlich opens it's mouth and a steady stream of energy rushes out of it's mouth, countering every one of the other dragon's attacks. "Did you really think simply three heads would give you an advantage?!" Faust shouts. He then points his revolver at Seris before unloading the entire clip at her. Most just hit the Dragon or misses, with only one bullet grazing her leg. The revolver flies out of Faust's hand due to extreme recoil. "Goddammit! I should've stuck with Necromancy!" He shouts before firing three shrieking, withering skulls at Seris. The Dragonlich stops attacking and instead swoops down and releasing a roar, so loud the pyramid shook. The bones scattered across the place soon recollected into one giant of a skeleton. It stood up, and swings a giant flain made of bones, hitting the three headed dragon. "You really thought I would be like your standard cheap Necromancer?! WELL THINK AGAIN!" He yells before... Opening can of Red Bull and drinking it all?
MrEvilMexican said:
The Dragonlich opens it's mouth and a steady stream of energy rushes out of it's mouth, countering every one of the other dragon's attacks. "Did you really think simply three heads would give you an advantage?!" Faust shouts. He then points his revolver at Seris before unloading the entire clip at her. Most just hit the Dragon or misses, with only one bullet grazing her leg. The revolver flies out of Faust's hand due to extreme recoil. "Goddammit! I should've stuck with Necromancy!" He shouts before firing three shrieking, withering skulls at Seris. The Dragonlich stops attacking and instead swoops down and releasing a roar, so loud the pyramid shook. The bones scattered across the place soon recollected into one giant of a skeleton. It stood up, and swings a giant flain made of bones, hitting the three headed dragon. "You really thought I would be like your standard cheap Necromancer?! WELL THINK AGAIN!" He yells before... Opening can of Red Bull and drinking it all?
''Hm.....let's see....uh...Huh...what does that portal do? Hey! Portal! Do something!''

...♱She said before a mass wave of demons and monsters flood out from the portals which start shooting beams, arrows, and some flying towards the dragonlich and attacking. A massive legion is now attacking the Dragonlich♱...

The Dragonlich falls into a pile of bones, with Faust still sitting on the head. He was now drinking a cup of tea while he was falling from 500 meters. "Aah! I'm getting bored of the Dragonlich." The giant skeleton also falls into a pile of bones. "And this fight is getting rather bland. Only summoned creatures. And we aren't doing a sh*t... That kinda feels lazy. I say why don't we just blade to blade? My scythe versus..." Before Faust had a chance to finish his sentence, the mask butted in. "It's a curvy stick!!!" It shouts. Faust just ignored the mask and it's crappy attempts to be funny. "Whatever. My point is why don't we just have a showdown like in those crappy 90s movies? It's better than sitting on a dragon and doing nothing." Faust by now had already burned through 2 pots of tea and was now smoking again.
MrEvilMexican said:
The Dragonlich falls into a pile of bones, with Faust still sitting on the head. He was now drinking a cup of tea while he was falling from 500 meters. "Aah! I'm getting bored of the Dragonlich." The giant skeleton also falls into a pile of bones. "And this fight is getting rather bland. Only summoned creatures. And we aren't doing a sh*t... That kinda feels lazy. I say why don't we just blade to blade? My scythe versus..." Before Faust had a chance to finish his sentence, the mask butted in. "It's a curvy stick!!!" It shouts. Faust just ignored the mask and it's crappy attempts to be funny. "Whatever. My point is why don't we just have a showdown like in those crappy 90s movies? It's better than sitting on a dragon and doing nothing." Faust by now had already burned through 2 pots of tea and was now smoking again.
...♱Seris had already thrown spiritual spears at Faust which were to damage his spirit or anything magic related♱...
Faust spins his scythe in front of him, blocking both spears. He them proceeds to take out the pack of cigarettes only to find none left. "Aaah sh*t... You don't mind ending this now do you? I need to buy more cigarettes. And maybe a coffee..." Faust said before disappearing. Presumably back to the school. But he left a small silver case behind. Screeching could be heard from inside. It appears to have been unlocked and can be opened.

MrEvilMexican said:
Faust spins his scythe in front of him, blocking both spears. He them proceeds to take out the pack of cigarettes only to find none left. "Aaah sh*t... You don't mind ending this now do you? I need to buy more cigarettes. And maybe a coffee..." Faust said before disappearing. Presumably back to the school. But he left a small silver case behind. Screeching could be heard from inside. It appears to have been unlocked and can be opened.
''....What kind of soul does he have? ...What the fuck-- it, this case..?''

...?She said before she went over to it and opened it slightly?...


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