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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''your afraid of hell. mm~ i see fear has struck into you...but theres 2 abnormals, 1 is offering you a chance to kill her...''
"Like I can do much..." He sighs, looking down.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''then this is what i would do...''
...⊹She said before kicking John from under his feet, purposely tripping him⊹...
John falls down, and scrambles to his feet, searching for anything in his hoodie that could be of use. "Come on..."
Arty said:
"H-Hey!" He covered his face, and started to run. "Goddamn it!"
...⊹Rize giggled before chasing after him catching up very quickly before eventually grabbing his shirt and pulling him back and tripping him again⊹...
Arty said:
John fell again, getting up, and started to throw punches towards her.
...⊹She was just smiling dodging his punch before grabbing one of his punches and then pulling him over and slamming him into the ground⊹...

''cmon...for a human, this is pathetic...''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹She was just smiling dodging his punch before grabbing one of his punches and then pulling him over and slamming him into the ground⊹...
''cmon...for a human, this is pathetic...''
He shakily got up, and started to run again, pulling out his phone, sending his location to the nearby authorities.
Roman said:
Takashi shrugged, and hugged Violetta. Did he want a boy or girl? It didn't matter to him. It'd be his child along with her's so why care what the child would be? He'd love it. Just like he loves her. He soon stopped hugging Violetta and put his hair in a ponytail.
"Doesn't matter. As long as the child is ours of course. We'll need a bigger house... A small place like this isn't for a family... Something a bit more spacious I suggest..."
...₪Violetta closed her eyes and smiles as they hugged, the thought of having a kid making her nearly cry from happiness. Again. Man, only Takashi could ever bring this side of her out, and she was okay with that. What would it be like to have a kid? To be a mother? As they let go of the hug these thoughts went through her head. She could be a good mother. How many women had she seen raise kids over the years? Psh, yeah, she got this. But... she was barely used to crying. Could she be a mother? Oh crap. Now she was getting worried. What if- it was then that Takashi mentioned getting a house, something more spacious than the apartment. She blinked, letting his words sink in. The goddess then nodded in agreement. Yeah.... a house... she clapped her hands to her cheeks, trying to snap herself out of it. What was she getting all worried for? She's the goddess of time! Nothing is too difficult for her! Violetta then got up and began to get dressed herself as she responded₪...

"That sounds great. A house.. no, OUR house. I like the sound of that!~"
Arty said:
He shakily got up, and started to run again, pulling out his phone, sending his location to the nearby authorities.
...⊹She soon threw a knife which shattered his phone and throwing another knife into his leg⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹She soon threw a knife which shattered his phone and throwing another knife into his leg⊹...
John fell down, crying in pain. "This is the end of me isn't it..."
Arty said:
John fell down, crying in pain. "This is the end of me isn't it..."
''no...but you are a human...''

...⊹She said walking over to John and taking the knife out⊹...

''2 battalions couldnt even defeat me, you cant defeat me...you wont survive if you were put in a room with me...''

...⊹She said before placing the knife in front of him⊹...


...⊹She said referring to either run or stab Rize to death⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''no...but you are a human...''
...⊹She said walking over to John and taking the knife out⊹...

''2 battalions couldnt even defeat me, you cant defeat me...you wont survive if you were put in a room with me...''

...⊹She said before placing the knife in front of him⊹...


...⊹She said referring to either run or stab Rize to death⊹...
John took the knife, and grinned, swinging it at her. "That's the spirit..."
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Rize soon just watched him smiling as she seemed to let her guard down⊹...
John managed to get one hit, square in the chest, and withdrew the blade, preparing to swing again.
Arty said:
John managed to get one hit, square in the chest, and withdrew the blade, preparing to swing again.
...⊹Rize winced a little but waited for the next hit⊹...

''are you just gonna keep swinging it like a rod or are you gonna stab me already?!''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Rize winced a little but waited for the next hit⊹...
''are you just gonna keep swinging it like a rod or are you gonna stab me already?!''
John started to stab her repeatedly, each coming faster and faster. "Just die already..."
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]Misafune had taken the time to prepare for his confrontation with the man. He found the gold coin, five pure white rocks, and a small bottle of aged sake. Inside his bage he opened the ornate box, and removed the pieces of the Khakkhara. The four rings jingled a little as it was assembled. He withdrew the long string of prayer beads, and the long scroll, which he tucked into his sleeve. He changed his long hat for the conical hat. Making sure he has everything, he almost forgotten the crucial piece. An object wrapped in a cloth, covered in seals. He stuck it in his sash and left the hiding spot.

She had worn herself out as the gravity well vanished as she could put no more energy into it.


Misafune stopped a few feet before the barrier the man had created. He planted his staff in the ground infront of him, and the rings jingled loudly. He lowered his conical hat, and drew his left hand to his face, as if to cut it in half and he began his first chant:


vajra sattva samayam anupalaya

vajra sattva tveno patita

dradho me bhava

sutosyo me bhava

suposyo me bhava

anurakto me bhava

sarva siddhim me prayaccha

sarva karma su sa me

sittam shreyah kuru hum

ha ha ha ha hoh

bhagavan sarva tathagata

vajra ma me munsa

vajra bhava maha

samaya sattva


With no magic, the boy began to glow white. Once he was bathed in light, he tossed the five stones in front of him.

Again with the chanting:

Jizo, Dosojin, Ame-no-Uzume, Sae no Kami, Chimata no Kami.

Jizo, Dosojin, Ame-no-Uzume, Sae no Kami, Chimata no Kami.

Jizo, Dosojin, Ame-no-Uzume, Sae no Kami, Chimata no Kami.

Jizo, Dosojin, Ame-no-Uzume, Sae no Kami, Chimata no Kami.

Jizo, Dosojin, Ame-no-Uzume, Sae no Kami, Chimata no Kami.

Once this set of chanting was complete, he finished the ritual by tossing the wrapped item into the stone circle that was glowing. From the stone circle came a white fireball, then a black fireball. Both came to float over the boys shoulders.

"Now, I cannot fight you, but I will be walking away with the girls. You can give up now or this can turn very ugly." he warned as the circle in front of him crackled with energy.

@Tobi Neafearn

...?Siegfried looked at the young eastern mage before laughing putting on a small grin while chanting a spell in his mind. A purple energy then surrounded Siegfried while the light of the seal became the same color. He then spoke towards Misafune in a cold tone that suggested that he was the one in control?...

"Ah, you see, if i was on the level of a snot nosed baby, that may be threatening. But you see, you aren't even worth using offensive measures on. Now tell me child, would you attack if the only two sets of people that could get hurt are you, and those within my seal?"


...?Siegfried then raised his staff to point at Misafune, but only, instead of an attack coming out of it, mana gathered there until it gained mass from the pure amount of it, starting as a plasma, then skipping the gas state going straight to liquid. Then finally it crystallized. The mana then started to change into a roll of paper that floated over to Misafune?...

"I shall give you one chance. Sign that in blood, and i shall release your friends and even offer them safety, my contract with the UN allows me such things. In return you shall be my servant and apprentice, telling me everything you know of your eastern magic so i can ensure you don't endanger anyone else with your foolishness. Reject my offer and i can promise you that you'll never see these girls again, and ensure that your body will never use magic again. The choice is yours, now choose."


Arty said:
John started to stab her repeatedly, each coming faster and faster. "Just die already..."
...⊹Rize just kept getting stabbed but didnt see it was killing her since she was just starring at John, blinking normally⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Rize just kept getting stabbed but didnt see it was killing her since she was just starring at John, blinking normally⊹...

"Just... die... already..." He began to get tired./


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