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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas sighed as Lumina as rushed over to the food, luckily the seafood and cake were still covered, but at the same time Lumina didn't seem to be using any silverware. Though, what was he to expect? She hadn't been taught table manners yet. So Thomas simply walked over and grabbed his plate of steak before Lumina could devour it. It was a decently sized steak with fried potatoes and green-beans on the side. Thomas then grabbed his silverware and cut up his steak before even bothering to eat some of it, speaking as he did so♜...

"Well, if it wasn't good, i wouldn't have ordered it. Oh, and the only people you're going to cause 'despair' in while eating like that is either nuns, or a mother with her children."

...♜Thomas then raised an eyebrow at the phoenix as he ate his food, his mouth closed as he chewed, almost like he was mocking Lumina, it a slightly playful way? Why in a playful way? All well, whats done is done, for now Thomas simply ate♜...

...♤Lumina was too focused on the food to care what Thomas was saying or doing. Honestly it felt like she hadn't eaten in her entire life, which really wouldn't be wrong if you thought about it. The food was delicious and all she cared about was getting as much of it into her stomach as possible. As she finished her steak and whatever wad on her plate, she reached over and grabbed the most colorful thing she saw, which happened to be the cake. She didn't know or care if it was hers or not, she was just gonna eat it. Hell it could have literally been on Thomas' plate and she would have eaten it. To her, if she wanted something, she was going to get it. Sure it might be childish but since when did she care what others thought of her. Lumina stuffed the cake in her mouth, moaning in pleasure of how good it tasted. She completely ignored anything he was saying to her, probably guessing it was some kind of attempt at some boring lecture. Well, whatever. Her ravenous eating slowed as she drank whatever liquid was in front of her, finally looking over at Thomas as she spoke♤...

"We need to eat like this all the time."
JJKab said:
"Teleportation... meh, not really... i would like a full trip with my future husband" Fricka giggled, slowly approaching the doors, waiting for Nai, brushing some hair out of her eyes' way.
Nai smiled as he made his way over to Fricka, "Future husband? I like the sound of that." He said as he placed his hand on Fricka's and soon slipped his fingers in between her's. "Ready?"
Roman said:
Nai smiled as he made his way over to Fricka, "Future husband? I like the sound of that." He said as he placed his hand on Fricka's and soon slipped his fingers in between her's. "Ready?"
"Sure..." Fricka smiled, as she opened the door, and walked out. She felt Nai's hand in her's, and closed it gently, blushing a bit.

"I'm having a good time" She said quietly, looking at Nai.
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana was honestly still amazed by everything she was seeing in the Fae world. Her curiosity really had been piqued by all the new things she was witnessing, to the point where she was wandering off. It didn't really register that this could possibly be a bad thing until she felt a hand yank on her own arm, and her attention turned back to who it was, finding it was Len. He didn't seem happy that she had just wandered off, and she looked at her brother with an apologetic expression♧...

"A-ah, sorry, everything just looks so cool..."

@Tobi Neafearn
...♖Len sighed then nodded at Lilliana's words, this place was indeed very beautiful, but that was the actual issue. With the people in this place, being beautiful was almost a given, or so his father had told him. Though Len could tell there was Fae around them right now, they were using their natural power of glamour to hide away while the judged them. It was rather unsettling, but for now Len took a deep breath before smiling at Lilliana and tightening his grip on her hand ever so slightly before speaking♖...

"Well, it's okay this once, but whatever you do, don't let go of my hand, okay?"
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori looked up at him, her response didn't seem to make him happy. In fact, it only seemed to make his expression worse. Yeah, it probably did sound bad that she went running after Roman but... for a split second she had thought Masahi was... Kaori's expression fell as he hugged her, and she brought her hands up to hug him back. His words made her feel bad, as going after that guy to find Roman probably was a lot more dangerous than she could handle. She heard San chuckle at the thought, and she blinked at the sound. But she nodded at Masahi's words, responding in a soft tone☆...

"I-I'm sorry, I'll make sure to be more careful.
...♝Masahi closed his eyes for a moment before hugging Kaori a bit tighter, remembering the night that he had arrived too late, but this time he had control. If he could insure that he was the only evil in her life, then he could also insure that no evil could kill or capture her. Though that plan came with so many points it could fail at, even one slip up and she would end up hating or fearing him. If that happened then he will lose any reason to keep this world alive, and even in the next world he creates he would have no right to see Kaori, but that new world wouldn't be for himself, it would be for everyone else's happiness. For now Masahi simply nodded before letting Kaori go and speaking softly♝...

"You probably need to rest now, right? And from the looks of it you need a change of clothes as well. So don't let me get in your way."
Lumina said:
...◇Vanille had fallen asleep with Levya next to her, and she woke up while the girl was still sleeping. Ever since coming here she'd been uneasy, and she still felt that way now after waking up in the middle of the night, so she decided to go for a walk. Slipping out of bed as quietly as she could, Vanille grabbed her bag as she made her way outside, looking around for a place to walk to. This world was so different than home, even so different than Earth, and she frowned at the sight. She had just gotten used to Earth, and now she had to get used to here? The thought bothered her as her feet walked her toward a forest near the mansion. The night air was crisp and the ground soft beneath her feet, but the forest had the same sense of serenity that she was used to. Eventually Vanille made it into a clearing, and at the same time she had an idea. It was a good thing she brought her bag with her. Taking out the small version of her house, she placed it in the center of the clearing before backing up and focusing he energy on it. In a few moments the house turned back to normal size, fitting perfectly in the cleared space in the forest. Vanille smiled as she made her way inside, looking around with a sense of relief. Yeah the mansion was nice but this... this was home. Not quite tired yet Vanille grabbed a book and plopped down on the couch, wrapping one of her mother's blankets around her as she read◇...
...✦A few minutes later, Levya woke up and noticed Vanille was not there. She soon went wide eyed sort of in a paniced way. She soon slipped out of bed and into her slippers and went out onto a balcony and looked out maybe to catch a sight of her but it seemed to not work. Did Vanille leave her to go back to Earth? Did she hate this place that much? She decided to go Earth via portal. Once she was on Earth, she found herself on a sky scraper at night and tried to search for Vanille. But she knew it was probably not going to work as well. She remembered the place that Vanille's home used to be and went there. But she had to find a way to get down from the sky scraper and to hide her supernatural appearance since she had no way to hide it. Once she made it onto the street, she started to walk through the crowd of people walking. It wasn't long before one of the humans caught a sight of her unusual appearance and others started to stare and murmur around her. Looking around knowing she's been found out, she soon started to sprint now knowing her own danger. She soon turned into an alley way thinking the humans can stop their murmurs about her. Taking her breath, she tried to remember ways how to find Vanille in another way before feeling a sting in her neck and the feeling of being injected and her vision turning blurring before it all faded to black. She couldn't see. She could feel a little bit before everything went numb. It felt as if her body was being carried and then thrown into a cold steel surface before she heard the shallow sound of iron doors closing and a start of an engine✦...
JJKab said:
"Sure..." Fricka smiled, as she opened the door, and walked out. She felt Nai's hand in her's, and closed it gently, blushing a bit.
"I'm having a good time" She said quietly, looking at Nai.
"Well standing here isn't getting you home." Nai said, laughing lightly. "Let's get out of here." He said softly as he led her out of the room and then the dorm. Once they were outside, Nai gently took his hand out of Fricka's and put it around her shoulders, helping to keep warm since it had gotten a littlw chilly.
Roman said:
"Well standing here isn't getting you home." Nai said, laughing lightly. "Let's get out of here." He said softly as he led her out of the room and then the dorm. Once they were outside, Nai gently took his hand out of Fricka's and put it around her shoulders, helping to keep warm since it had gotten a littlw chilly.
Fricka shivered a bit, as she moved closer to Nai, as she walked, almost hugging him with her body. She stayed silent
Lumina said:
...⊗Kanon had soon finished her meal, wiping her face with a nearby napkin. She smiled softly at him before clearing her plate, setting the dishes in the sink before washing them off and putting them in the drying rack. The food was delicious and she was surprised she had never had any food like that before. It was delicious! Content, Kanon made her way over to the couch, picking up a nearby book and thumbing through it, before stopping herself and looking up at Achilles with an unsure expression⊗...

"Hey, um... Achilles?"

@Jofune Tsurabisu
λAchilles looked up at her. "Yes, my love?" he said as he joined her on the couch.

Lumina said:
...♤Lumina was too focused on the food to care what Thomas was saying or doing. Honestly it felt like she hadn't eaten in her entire life, which really wouldn't be wrong if you thought about it. The food was delicious and all she cared about was getting as much of it into her stomach as possible. As she finished her steak and whatever wad on her plate, she reached over and grabbed the most colorful thing she saw, which happened to be the cake. She didn't know or care if it was hers or not, she was just gonna eat it. Hell it could have literally been on Thomas' plate and she would have eaten it. To her, if she wanted something, she was going to get it. Sure it might be childish but since when did she care what others thought of her. Lumina stuffed the cake in her mouth, moaning in pleasure of how good it tasted. She completely ignored anything he was saying to her, probably guessing it was some kind of attempt at some boring lecture. Well, whatever. Her ravenous eating slowed as she drank whatever liquid was in front of her, finally looking over at Thomas as she spoke♤...
"We need to eat like this all the time."
...♜Thomas simply snapped his fingers and his mana moved about, eating her own food like that was bearable, but not his damn cake. Thomas had his mana form small barriers around all the food as he glared at Lumina. This was gonna go his way, or she was done eating for the night. Clearing his throat Thomas was getting ready to talk when Lumina's words hit him, it was that she had to eat like this all the time, it was that they had to eat like this. Meaning she might finally be fine with the idea of staying with him for awhile. This chain of thought caused Thomas's face to be doubt-founded for a moment before going back to a semi-glare♜...

"Lumina, first off, you don't eat cake with your hands, second, you've gotten food on your clothes eating like that. Now then, you know if you eat slower the flavor will last longer right? And finally, if you indeed stick around with me, well, i can get us three meals a day, and when the chance provides itself, snacks. However, i will ask you to not eat like a pig on a farm, understood?"
JJKab said:
Fricka shivered a bit, as she moved closer to Nai, as she walked, almost hugging him with her body. She stayed silent
Nai gently smiled at Fricka. He didn't say anything yet, as they walked. He eventually couldn't hold it in anymore and soon started laughing, "Fricka. Today was one of the best days of my life... And I have you to thank for that. It's days like this I wish someone like my brother or any family member was around... But you were there and the day just happened to be amazing. I only planned for lunch, and then we ended up going to the beach... Then we ended up in my dorm. That didn't turn out as planned. We made out and didn't watch the movie." He told her, as he laughed one more time.
Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu was laying there for a little while until Rini came over, and by that point Misafune and the stranger man were fighting over some lady. Nothing really made sense in the young girls mind, until Rini came over and obscured her view of the fight. It was probably a good thing consider the intensity of the fight going on wasn't something a 5 year old should be watching anyways. Her body felt tired and her chest felt weird, and as Rini's glowed she found herself speaking before she was thinking☼...

...☼Her speech was cut off by an awful coughing fit, to the point where she was curling up a bit from how much she was coughing. The illness was slowly getting worse and worse, though it probably wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't come back at such a time when her body was so vulnerable. After a little while, the coughing fit came to a stop, and the young girl was breathing heavily against Rini's body, her eyes closed as she laid there trying to recover, hoping Misafune would be okay and come back soon so they could go home☼...

@Tobi Neafearn


@Jofune Tsurabisu
Lumina said:
...₪To hear Takashi say those things made Violetta happy, and she slid her hand down to interlock in his, feeling the mutual sweat between them. It was a content tired that she was feeling, something she generally wasn't used to feeling... ever. Before she met Takashi, she had never really found an interest or a need for feeling such... mortal feelings. Fatigue. Thirst. Hunger. Lust. Love. But all that changed when she met this angel. Who'd have thought he could change one of the most powerful goddesses in the world who didn't need any of those things? Violetta closed her eyes as she nestled herself against him, her grip tightening on his hand ever so slightly₪...
"You make the the happiest being alive, you know. And that's saying something, because I witnessed the birth of what's known as "The Happiest Planet in the Universe." They're literally always smiling and partying and having a good time. It's to the point where I'm pretty sure the galaxy they live in passed a law that nobody is allowed to attack or invade them. That being said, you make me happier than all the 78 billion inhabitants on the planet combined."

(((( *pops knuckles* Time for all the cheese :) ))))

Takashi chuckled lightly and wiped se sweat off his forehead. He knew what Violetta's words meant, and they made him smile. He looked at her, and used his free arm to prop himself up with the use of his elbow. He made her that happy? That was a lot... And he didn't know if he could surpass that amount of happiness. He did know that he always wanted to tell her what he thought. When they first met and shared their first bottle of wine was one of the greatest times in his life... Or the time they pretended to be cops. Violetta made those moments historical for this angel. He cleared his throat and looked towards his balcony doors before looking at Violetta...

"I make you happy apparently. You make me happy to though. Work was always y first priority and I never put anyone before it... But one day out of nowhere, you come along and now I'm here with you. All the moments we shared, te laughs, the wine... We were able to have them because we have each other. You're the reason I wake up everyday ready to do something fun. My mind isn't on work anymore. It's on Violetta. Even when i was gone, I thought, " how would she do it". My squad would always get upset when we were on break."

He laughed a little and pecked Violetta on the lips begore he continued to talk...

"I'd always sleep with your picture in my hand and they'd tell me I treat it like a teddy bear or something. They were right. I'd hold that picture close like a little girl does a teddy bear for some reason. I have to admit, you've turned me into a softy. If I were offered another mission that requested for me to go away for that long, I'd just have to say no... Because you wouldn't be there. I want you... No I need you around. I know this is gonna sound cheesy, but to hell with it... I'd die with you. If I recall, some beings do need a heart to live... And my heart is right here."

Takashi took his pointer finger and pointed at Violetta.

"You're my heart."
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Nonalaka said:
Elliot simply smiled in a way of saying 'its fine' he then followed Yumi to the doors, being polite, he opened a door for her, motioning her to go through first.


Yumi smiled at Elliot and nodded her head as thanks when he opened the door. She soon walked through the door and waited for him to walk through so she could start walking. Yumi didn't want to be rude and leave Elliot behind, since she did kind of walk pretty fast. Maybe she could just shift into a bird or cheetah and get her stuff to her dorm fast, though that probably wouldn't work. Considering she was pretty excited for the amusement park, she was almost bouncing on her feet. "Are you a fan of roller coasters?" Yumi asked curiously.
Roman said:
Nai gently smiled at Fricka. He didn't say anything yet, as they walked. He eventually couldn't hold it in anymore and soon started laughing, "Fricka. Today was one of the best days of my life... And I have you to thank for that. It's days like this I wish someone like my brother or any family member was around... But you were there and the day just happened to be amazing. I only planned for lunch, and then we ended up going to the beach... Then we ended up in my dorm. That didn't turn out as planned. We made out and didn't watch the movie." He told her, as he laughed one more time.
Fricka giggled, as she looked Nai straight in his eyes

"It was amazing for me as well... thanks to you..." She stated, smiling lovely.

"If you wouldn't have bumped into me on the swimming pool, i doubt we'd ever fall in love in each other.." She said, stopping, grabbing both of Nai's hands.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''might as well be a pistol with an extended under-blade attachment......you sure?''
Elora nodded, "Positive. Its more my style and I think it'll work easier for me. What would you recommend if I wasn't going to go for that kind of design?"

JJKab said:
Fricka giggled, as she looked Nai straight in his eyes
"It was amazing for me as well... thanks to you..." She stated, smiling lovely.

"If you wouldn't have bumped into me on the swimming pool, i doubt we'd ever fall in love in each other.." She said, stopping, grabbing both of Nai's hands.
Nai chuckled when Fricka mentioned the swimming pool, "Yeah... Swimming pools hold great treasures for the White family. You could say they tend to show us who we'll fall in love with." He said, thinking back to how both his father and brother began their relationships in swimming pools.
Roman said:
Nai chuckled when Fricka mentioned the swimming pool, "Yeah... Swimming pools hold great treasures for the White family. You could say they tend to show us who we'll fall in love with." He said, thinking back to how both his father and brother began their relationships in swimming pools.
Fricka smiled, as she quickly kissed Nai on his lips, giggling.

"Okay, let's move on... or do you want to stay here and talk... occasionally kiss." She asked.
JJKab said:
Fricka smiled, as she quickly kissed Nai on his lips, giggling.
"Okay, let's move on... or do you want to stay here and talk... occasionally kiss." She asked.
Nai rubbed his chin in thought, "Hmmm... I don't know. I want to get you home safely, but then again, I want to kiss you. It's a hard choice." He said, before pecking her lips.
Roman said:
Nai rubbed his chin in thought, "Hmmm... I don't know. I want to get you home safely, but then again, I want to kiss you. It's a hard choice." He said, before pecking her lips.
Fricka giggled, as she moved slightly closer to Nai, before he pecked her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying this moment

"Funny... i don't wanna let go.." She whispered.
JJKab said:
Fricka giggled, as she moved slightly closer to Nai, before he pecked her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying this moment
"Funny... i don't wanna let go.." She whispered.
"You don't have to let go." Nai whispered back. He then held her a little tighter and smiled, "I'll spend a night at your dorm. I'm not sure if it's against the rules or anything, but I don't really care." He said, laughing lightly. "Long as I can hold you for the night."
Fricka blushed when Nai mentioned a possibility of him staying at her dorm. She didn't think he would've asked that, but she was happy in fact he did

"S-Sure... I would love to... have you as my guest..." She stated, looking straight into Nai's eyes, as she kissed him passionately.

Roman said:
"You don't have to let go." Nai whispered back. He then held her a little tighter and smiled, "I'll spend a night at your dorm. I'm not sure if it's against the rules or anything, but I don't really care." He said, laughing lightly. "Long as I can hold you for the night."
Roman said:
Alejandro chuckled and looked at May, "Yeah. They go overboard with the names." He said as he opened the door all the way and went inside. "We should be alright now. They would think we've been here the whole time." He whispered.
...€ May went inside and looked around. She smiled at Alejandro and whispered €...

"What movie is playing?"
JJKab said:
Fricka blushed when Nai mentioned a possibility of him staying at her dorm. She didn't think he would've asked that, but she was happy in fact he did
"S-Sure... I would love to... have you as my guest..." She stated, looking straight into Nai's eyes, as she kissed him passionately.
Nai kissed Fricka back once their lips had made contact with Fricka's again. It was obvious they had to be crazy for one another. They couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Nai soon pulled away and let his forehead rest on her's. ""How about we save this for the dorm. There might be a few creeps out here watching us." He said softly.

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