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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]She smiled. It was turning out to be a nice day. She returned to lying on the chaise, her book mostly forgotten. "Maybe once I am cured, we can explore around the city?" she suggested as she watched people splash and play in the pool.

(I m throwing you guys in there as you all would be hanging out with Scarlett.)

...?Reina had experienced a minor mishap while she was leading the others to the pool. She had returned to her original size, appearance and age, which was 10. She didn't know how or why everything had changed in the first place, but she was glad to be back in her normal body again. Not to say that the other part of her wasn't normal, Reina just wasn't use to it yet and found being a rabbit was odd. She preferred how she looked prior to meeting Beatrice or the woman that had lead her to the photo shoot. Now Reina stood beside the pool, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her outfit appropriate for swimwear. She had found one that she had liked while in the girls locker room, a ruffled up emerald green swim skirt that matched emerald green top that had small ruffles at the top. Reina found it cute, so she put it on and headed out towards the pool. While she was happy she got to swim, she did have to admit she did miss her cat Carla. Reina didn't know where she was (hopefully at home), but she did hope she was okay. Maybe if she was ever left here, she could find her.. maybe. Shaking her head, she focused on the pool in front of her and plastered a smile on her face before jumping in and swimming around?...

iChaotic said:
Yuudai "Yuu" Kimura
"Dorm? I don't have one.. I don't really have anywhere to stay." He mumbled, barely loud enough for Hinaki to hear. "And yea I occasionally go to the library, books really interest me. I enjoy all different types, but fantasy stories are my favourite; ones with huge battles and drama. Do you read books Hinaki, and if so, what's your favourite?" Yuudai enquired as he raised an eyebrow.

Though Yuddai's voice had barely been audible, Hinaki still heard him. She looked puzzled by the fact that Yuddai didn't have a dorm. Most students who went here were offered dorms right? At least, that was what she thought because that's how it was offered to her. She wanted to ask why, but then that would be asking about him and she wasn't allowed to do that. It would be prying into his life again and Hinaki didn't want to be disrespectful and ask a personal question again. Pushing that thought aside, she focused on what he was saying now about books. If she was being honest, she never really gave herself the time to read with all the training that her father, as well as her, put herself through. So Hinaki shook her head slowly, eating another spoonful of ramen before she spoke. "I don't have time to read, sadly. Maybe you can recommend a book to me and I'll try to read it."

Roman said:
Han jumped off the building, right behind Apollyon, though Han's landing was delicate and quiet. The only sound that was heard was the click of his heels touching the ground. "Well I'm leaving. I'll be watching. Make sure you have a way out when she corners you." He then climbed up the building before running off.
Apollyon nodded to his friend. He soon split off and started to enact his plan. Simple avoidance would not work here, as she could hit him close to a thousand yards away. And outgunning her was useless as he could not hit her for more than eight hundred yards. BUT she never had seen his ace in the hole, he has kept a secret from everyone... He ran. He ran so far. he ran so far away...but couldn't get away. So he took off his jacket. He removed his overshirt and shoes. Then came the undershirt and pants. Followed by the socks. Now he was ready for her.....


She watched as Apollyon's friend ditched him. "pshh, I will get him later." she said as she began to chase down her prey. She was definitely earning her milk and money today. Then the fool stopped and began to strip his clothes off. Not that they were designer, but it intrigued her. It was as if he was..was..ignoring her. Why is he being stupid? She wanted to kill him. But this fool was just going about his business as if her gun or the threat on his life was not even there. She drew closer, from her vantage point, to another closer, but above him. This was not even cool. How dare he just ignore her when she was doing him the honor of ending his pathetic life. That Bastard! "Hey! Look at me! I am trying to kill you here! HEY YOU ASSCLOWN, PAY ATTENTION TO ME. NYAA!" she could not help but let it out. She was infuriated. But still he ignored her for what was in his hands now...


He kept watching his enclosed hands as if he had caught a bug in it. Nothing was there, though, but still he watched. Was he scared? Hell yes! Was he playing a dangerous game. Undoubtedly. Will he win? no. But he just needed time...

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Reina had experienced a minor mishap while she was leading the others to the pool. She had returned to her original size, appearance and age, which was 10. She didn't know how or why everything had changed in the first place, but she was glad to be back in her normal body again. Not to say that the other part of her wasn't normal, Reina just wasn't use to it yet and found being a rabbit was odd. She preferred how she looked prior to meeting Beatrice or the woman that had lead her to the photo shoot. Now Reina stood beside the pool, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her outfit appropriate for swimwear. She had found one that she had liked while in the girls locker room, a ruffled up emerald green swim skirt that matched emerald green top that had small ruffles at the top. Reina found it cute, so she put it on and headed out towards the pool. While she was happy she got to swim, she did have to admit she did miss her cat Carla. Reina didn't know where she was (hopefully at home), but she did hope she was okay. Maybe if she was ever left here, she could find her.. maybe. Shaking her head, she focused on the pool in front of her and plastered a smile on her face before jumping in and swimming around?...

Miyaka was exasperated. "What is this? Girls get to renounce puberty now?" she said, looking at the now swim suited chibi ex bunny maid. Or was she still a maid. She could not follow it anymore, as Misafune was gone. And all she was getting from his connection was a mix of emotions, images, and a lot of anger. So swimming was the easiest way to forget. Except, she was now trying to explain fashion to this princess bitch who's mom had an abduction fascination. "Very cute swim suit." she said with a smile to the now little girl maid.

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Nonalaka said:
Elliot blinked a few times as he examined the food that she was holding, which all looked pretty good in his opinion, but he shook his head "Ah, no, you got that food for yourself! I don't want to be a bother" he said with a smile. " I'll probably just get some cookies or something... " he said as his eyes drifted toward the food again.


Yumi shrugged lightly and put her food back down, "Alright. It wouldn't be a bother, there's plenty of food to go around. Their cookies do look good though, so that would be a good choice." She said with a smile as she directed her attention to the display case. There were all different kinds of cookies, regular chocolate chip, snicker doodles, double chocolate, red velvet, ones filled with golly and various others. So many cookies to choose from, it's like he could have one of each kind to try them all. Yumi opened the container of her macaroon and soon tossed the it away before taking a bite of the rose flavored macroon, still examining the cookies. "What's your favorite kind of cookies?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
(this is fine, sorry my comp is acting weird)

"Good, let us enjoy this place, until we can stand it no longer." she said as she was slightly anxious as having made her first real friend. "Thank you." she said quietly.

Lumina said:
...☆Kaori continued working on him, frowning when she noticed he was trying to move his very injured arm. She sighed but continued working, feeling like he should know better than that. Even if she could completely heal him, she'd recommend he rest for at least a day or two, but she doubted he'd do something like that. But she wasn't even able to heal him all the way, how did he think he'd be find enough to move? The stich ingredients was almost done and Kaori prepared the gauze when he spoke, and the kunoichi paused a moment to let his words sink in. As she continued fixing him up, she gave her response☆...

"Does that mean he's got the same kind of eye as you?"
Roman blinked, and tried thinking back to the pattern of this man's Tengan. He wasn't sure if the male had used a normal Tengan or possibly a different variant, but he could be using the same... Kaori's words made Roman think, but he wasn't even sure about anything anymore. It was hard to think 100% straight after almost blowing his own arm off. He then sighed and looked back at her and spoke...

"...Maybe. I'm not sure, as I don't have enough proof as to if he does. Maybe if we meet a different time, I'll find out."
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Zenya just watched looking over her shoulder♱...
"If you want... You can come help." Talia said, as she tightened some bolts. "I don't want you to be standing there bored with nothing to do, y'know." She said.
JJKab said:
"Yeah, i'm quite new here" Fricka said, smiling, as she started to walk towards the main school building, whistling.
"Arrived yesterday, and i'm lovin' it here, so many nice people"

"Is that so?" He asked "Well I'm glad you like it here so far" he said happily "I've been here quite a while, that's why I was sure I hadn't seen you around" he said with a smile "So, If you don't mind me asking...I'm curious, what kind of abilities do you have?" He asked as he looked her up and down with a curious expression.
Fricka looked at Colin, and a small smile tuggled on her lips

"I, uhm... i have healing powers... once my best friend broke her leg.. she wasn't going to come out for at least 3 months... i touched her leg, and... welp, doctors were amazed" She said, looking at the ground.

"I also... uhm, have what you saw... telekinesis" She pulled out a small yoyo again, and put it on the ground. She then closed her eyes, as it slowly started to lift from the ground.

JJKab said:
Fricka looked at Colin, and a small smile tuggled on her lips
"I, uhm... i have healing powers... once my best friend broke her leg.. she wasn't going to come out for at least 3 months... i touched her leg, and... welp, doctors were amazed" She said, looking at the ground.

"I also... uhm, have what you saw... telekinesis" She pulled out a small yoyo again, and put it on the ground. She then closed her eyes, as it slowly started to lift from the ground.

Colin smiled and nodded lightly as he watched her lift the yoyo into the air "My younger sister has telekinesis like yours, though she has a hard time controlling it most of the time" he explained as he then placed his hand into his pockets as they walked "You seem to have it controlled pretty well"
"Thanks" Fricka smiled, as the yoyo landed in her pocket, so she could just continue on forward

"What kind of powers do you have?" She asks, looking at Colin. They entered the school, and were heading towards the pool.

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JJKab said:
"Thanks" Fricka smiled, as the yoyo landed in her pocket, so she could just continue on forward
"What kind of powers do you have?" She asks, looking at Colin. They entered the school, and were heading towards the pool.

"You're welcome!" He said as he smiled back at her before she asked her next question "My powers?" He said "Well, I can shape shift into anything I want, I'm also an illusionist along with controlling thoughts and dreams."

LunaCrosby said:
Asako nodded, "It did hurt, but I was lucky it wasn't too bad of one. But when I sleep, I don't wake up for anything, unless you pinch me... then I wake up" she said.
"I love sleep but I'm not that heavy of a sleeper really, so i guess I'd wake up before id get sunburn..." He said before turning his head back to facing the sky, soon closing his eyes "And I'll keep that in mind in case I have to wake you up sometime."
Fricka widened her eyes slightly.

"Wow... hope you won't controll my dreams...." She laughed on the thought of that.

They are slowly approaching the pool's entrance

JJKab said:
Fricka widened her eyes slightly.
"Wow... hope you won't controll my dreams...." She laughed on the thought of that.

They are slowly approaching the pool's entrance

Colin laughed "No, no, I wouldn't do that" he said, shaking his head a little "I only go into dreams and control them if I really need to" he said as he looked to the entrance of the pool "Well, here you are"
"Thanks.." Fricka smiled slightly, as she walked towards the doors, and opened them. She looked back at Colin, and waved lightly, before walking into the pool.

LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet laughed, "we make up for it by protecting them, they want to get rid of us so badly, but they don't realize that without us they're practically screwing themselves over. I mean, we're people too, we have as many right's as they do" She said.
Logan looked at Scarlet, and soon held out his hand, "I'm Logan... And I can totally agree one hundred percent with everything you've said to me so far. It's almost like we're reading one another's mind in a sense." He said, laughing lightly. "Either that, or like I was told before, great minds think alike."
Han was on top of the building that was tallest, but closest to Apollyon, his eyes glowing their sinister demon red again. He needed her to be on the ground. Standing in front of Apollyon for him to take action. "Come on kitty kitty kitty... Get the guy in his... What the actual fuck? I-Is he naked? I think I've died... And hell was remade today. Because seeing this is hell..."
JJKab said:
"Thanks.." Fricka smiled slightly, as she walked towards the doors, and opened them. She looked back at Colin, and waved lightly, before walking into the pool.
Colin waved back at her "See you around" he said with a smile before she walked into the the pool, turning on his heel he began to walk in the other direction.
WeirdPrincess said:


Yumi shrugged lightly and put her food back down, "Alright. It wouldn't be a bother, there's plenty of food to go around. Their cookies do look good though, so that would be a good choice." She said with a smile as she directed her attention to the display case. There were all different kinds of cookies, regular chocolate chip, snicker doodles, double chocolate, red velvet, ones filled with golly and various others. So many cookies to choose from, it's like he could have one of each kind to try them all. Yumi opened the container of her macaroon and soon tossed the it away before taking a bite of the rose flavored macroon, still examining the cookies. "What's your favorite kind of cookies?"
"...Hm... Probably chocolate chip hazelnut cookies" he said as his gaze moved from the cookie display to Yumi as he spoke "Though red velvet is pretty good too" he said with a nod before going to tell the cashier his order for two hazelnut cookies.
((Sorry I didn't see this x-x))

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Sure euloria id love to." He said softly to her as he loooked at her and smiled

"Gladly." She said happily to him

Euloria smiled back at him "Great! Let's get going then~" she said, almost seeming excited, after all, this would be the first time she had left her home in a while...
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WeirdPrincess said:
Though Yuddai's voice had barely been audible, Hinaki still heard him. She looked puzzled by the fact that Yuddai didn't have a dorm. Most students who went here were offered dorms right? At least, that was what she thought because that's how it was offered to her. She wanted to ask why, but then that would be asking about him and she wasn't allowed to do that. It would be prying into his life again and Hinaki didn't want to be disrespectful and ask a personal question again. Pushing that thought aside, she focused on what he was saying now about books. If she was being honest, she never really gave herself the time to read with all the training that her father, as well as her, put herself through. So Hinaki shook her head slowly, eating another spoonful of ramen before she spoke. "I don't have time to read, sadly. Maybe you can recommend a book to me and I'll try to read it."

Yuudai "Yuu" Kimura
"You seem.. puzzled. Is it about the dorm? If so, I'm sorry that I can't release that information either; some things I just want to keep hidden, you know? You seem rather intelligent so I hope you understand." Yuudai nodded. "Hm, let me think.. Well I recommend 'To kill a Mockingbird.' In my opinion it is great, I really enjoy the story and characters and it's a pretty good read for someone who doesn't have the time to read that much." He insisted. "If you ever have the time, you could possibly come to the library with me. It's extremely relaxing in there and teachers never really bother you unless you have to leave for whatever reason."

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