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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
"I see... You must know everything about your powers then. I still go because I control not only one element but two elements of a dragon. One is dragon fire and the other being dragon lightning."
(((( That's nice, it was intented to be sort of a message since he'll be on missions a lot after his recovery :P ))))
Scarlet looked at him, "I know mostly everything about my power's, but there's still many thing's I don't know. While I use a lot of element's, I'm better with lightning." she said and nodded. "So you use fire and lightning.... that must be a fun combo" she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet looked at him, "I know mostly everything about my power's, but there's still many thing's I don't know. While I use a lot of element's, I'm better with lightning." she said and nodded. "So you use fire and lightning.... that must be a fun combo" she said.
Logan chuckled and walked beside Scarlet, "Yeah. I can't simultaneously control them, it'd strain my body. That being said, when I'm pushed past my limit, then I can. Other than that I can only use one and I prefer fire."
Roman said:
Logan chuckled and walked beside Scarlet, "Yeah. I can't simultaneously control them, it'd strain my body. That being said, when I'm pushed past my limit, then I can. Other than that I can only use one and I prefer fire."
Scarlet nodded, "Well fire is pretty cool to use, in my opinion. But when it come's to a fight, I use whatever will help me the most in the situation" she said.
LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet nodded, "Well fire is pretty cool to use, in my opinion. But when it come's to a fight, I use whatever will help me the most in the situation" she said.
"Agreed! My spirit is was keeps my enemies down." Logan said, laughing happily. "I keep getting up until they can't anymore. I will admit it can be painful, but enemies can't beat what won't stay down."
Roman said:
"Nothing super extraordinary. I'm just building a robot for my tech class. It's an extra credit assignment, which of course I don't need, but I think it'd be nice to have a higher grade." Talks told Zenya.
''hmmm...could i watch?''

...♱Zenya said as she lifted her head♱...
Roman said:
"Agreed! My spirit is was keeps my enemies down." Logan said, laughing happily. "I keep getting up until they can't anymore. I will admit it can be painful, but enemies can't beat what won't stay down."
Scarlet laughed lightly, "That just might mean your extremely stubborn and won't accept losing." she said. "But I bet it's painful, though it might be what make's you strong and able to survive" she said.
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka nodded and took another sip of her drink before setting it down. It was clear now as to why Akira had to persuade the Italian chef for his fine pizza. It was still a little confusing, if she was being honest. No one would be able to tell what was made with the pizza just from the taste, would they? It sounded absurd to her, but maybe there was someone who could do that. Though she found it barely hard to believe of that kind of talent. People had good taste buds, sure, but who'd have good enough ones to know what exactly was used and made to make something. It sounded impossible. Though it didn't really matter that Asuka was the slightest bit confused, since got the gist of it and wasn't going to question anything. Picking up the slice that Asuka had started on, she resumed eating it happily. The roof of her mouth was nothing, but a dull ache now. At least it wasn't as much as before and the heat didn't bother her anymore. She spoke before taking another bite of her pizza❦...

"I see. Competition must be hard for making really great pizza's or just food in general. I wonder what its like running a business.. Anyways, I'm glad he relented and let you take the pizza."
...♅Akira laughed lightly and took another drink of his juice. He placed the glass onto the ground and picked up his piece of pizza. He took a bite of his pizza and listened to Asuka talk. The cheese connecting the pizza slice to his mouth as he pulled it away. He picked up his glass and took another sip of his cola before he replied, his amber irises looking out towards the large selection of foods before them, a small smile appearing on his face as he finished talking. He returned his gaze back to Asuka♅...

As am I, it'd be a shame not to have this pizza as part of our gourmet picnic~ Perhaps we could start our own little food business at some point~
HimeragiSeiker said:
''hmmm...could i watch?''
...♱Zenya said as she lifted her head♱...
Talia shrugged, "Sure. I don't mind. I just need some tape for my experiment board and a few extra bolts and screws."
LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet laughed lightly, "That just might mean your extremely stubborn and won't accept losing." she said. "But I bet it's painful, though it might be what make's you strong and able to survive" she said.
Logan put his hands behind his head, "I guess I am. I just don't want the happiness we worked to get to be taken away from us. It's not really that they think they'd get away with that stuff.."
Roman said:
Talia shrugged, "Sure. I don't mind. I just need some tape for my experiment board and a few extra bolts and screws."
''oh okay''

...♱She said before getting out of bed. Once she stood up she leaned forward a bit needing to get used to her bigger and heavier chest. She wasnt used to having boobs this big♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''oh okay''
...♱She said before getting out of bed. Once she stood up she leaned forward a bit needing to get used to her bigger and heavier chest. She wasnt used to having boobs this big♱...
Talia laughed lightly as she watched Zenya get out of bed and try coping with her breast size. "You get used to it. Maybe you can make it to my room without needing some help by the way."
HimeragiSeiker said:
''oh okay''
...♱She said before getting out of bed. Once she stood up she leaned forward a bit needing to get used to her bigger and heavier chest. She wasnt used to having boobs this big♱...
Talia laughed lightly as she watched Zenya get out of bed and try coping with her breast size. "You get used to it. Maybe you can make it to my room without needing some help on the way."
Roman said:
Talia laughed lightly as she watched Zenya get out of bed and try coping with her breast size. "You get used to it. Maybe you can make it to my room without needing some help on the way."
''jeez...their not that heavy..''

...♱She said in a pouting way seemingly her emotions changed as well as she went to Talia's room♱...
Roman said:
Logan put his hands behind his head, "I guess I am. I just don't want the happiness we worked to get to be taken away from us. It's not really that they think they'd get away with that stuff.."
Scarlet nodded, "Yeah, If I see anything that is wrong I'll fight for it, even if it's none of my concern. Like how one time this girl was getting sexually harassed, even though it was none of my business, I made sure those people wouldn't touch another girl again" she said.
Roman said:
(((( Honestly, I might just use the appearance for him only when he's on his best of behavior xD ))))
Taylor chuckled when he stopped tickling her. He felt that they both shared a good laugh there since he was laughing himself. Taylor then listened to Celia as he always did when she spoke to him, and he nodded in agreement to her words. Short kisses weren't a bad thing and he usually gave then to her as a way to tease her or when he's rushing. Most of the time he was joking, this was because he didn't usually have anywhere to go but work, unless there was some business he had to take care of. Taylor smiled and spoke softly...


After that one word, he leaned in and kissed Celia, his lips gently pressing against her own. He soon deepened the kiss and took his arms and wrapping them around her. His hold on her slowly tightening as he tried making the kiss as intimate as possible.
...❤︎Celia had removed her hands from the top of her belly before her eyes fluttered shut and she felt the soft contact of his lips. Her arms, which were laid at her sides before, had now wound their way around his neck as the kiss deepened, her grip slightly firm, but loose. She could feel her cheeks warm up and her heart beat excelerate as the kiss seemed to take more of an intimate turn. Her senses almost felt like they were on overdrive, or better yet heightened. She was focused on nothing else, but Taylor. She was painfully aware of his touch and close together they were, the fragrance that he gave off was absolutely divine, but slightly hard to describe. Though Celia couldn't describe the mixture of fragrances that he had, she knew she liked it. Then there was the taste, how it was both bitter, yet unmistakably sweet. Maybe it was the cookies he had eaten from earlier or somehow he had always tasted like this and she never noticed. Which ever it was, it didn't matter. The taste was, in itself, hard to forget. Celia had never really paid any kind of attention to these things until now. Removing one of her arms from around his neck, she began running her fingers through his hair, which looked tousled and a little unruly before Celia nibbled on his lower lip❤︎...
((I so so apologize for my inactivity!!! School term is starting and i don't have time to answer as much.))
Nonalaka said:
((That's fine~))
Shivering a little, Elliot zipped up his jacket a bit more, he had decided to take a short walk after class since he hadn't in a while, as he walked along the smell of cakes and pastries had creeped it's way under his nose. Normally he wasn't one to be overly tempted by food, unless it smelt really good or if he had skipped breakfast, which in this case, was both. Making the decision that maybe he should eat he followed the scent to the bakery, soon entering to see what he could get to eat. Looking around he didnt really notice who was really in the bakery he was to distracted by the baked goods that were surrounding him.

Colin "Yeah, I figured that's what it was, sorry I disturbed you" he then looked to the notepad and shook his head "Not exactly, Its mostly sketches and drawings" he said with a smile.
Fricka smiled slightly, as she slowly approached the guy

"My name is Fricka... and yours?" She asks, extending her hand out.
WeirdPrincess said:
"Oh I see. People can be mean, I understand that." Hinaki said with a nod before using her chopsticks to eat some of the ramen. It was pleasantly delicious and she soon went for more, putting a hand in front of her mouth as she chewed. Hinaki personally called herself an outcast, not here though, since she didn't know anyone here. It was more so at home, but she didn't like to go into the details about that or even think about it. After finished the noodles that were in her mouth, she soon spoke. "So do you like going to the library then? Since it's usually, at least from what I've heard, quiet in there. Or staying in your dorm, that's also an option."

Yuudai "Yuu" Kimura
"Dorm? I don't have one.. I don't really have anywhere to stay." He mumbled, barely loud enough for Hinaki to hear. "And yea I occasionally go to the library, books really interest me. I enjoy all different types, but fantasy stories are my favourite; ones with huge battles and drama. Do you read books Hinaki, and if so, what's your favourite?" Yuudai enquired as he raised an eyebrow.

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WeirdPrincess said:


Yumi chuckled, she understood his situation well since she was just in the same one moments ago. She had been in the bakery well before Elliot had gotten here and she had been deciding for a while. Yumi had been in there for a few hours beforehand, working on an assignment she had for class before she even decided to get anything. From her table, she had been eyeing every dessert they had and still didn't know what she wanted to get when she was up there. It had taken her a while before she finally came to a decision with the help of the cashier. "Do you want to share with me? I have three things you could try before deciding on what to get." Yumi held up the macaroon, boxed cupcake, and the Religiuse. Its like a cream puff I guess."
Elliot blinked a few times as he examined the food that she was holding, which all looked pretty good in his opinion, but he shook his head "Ah, no, you got that food for yourself! I don't want to be a bother" he said with a smile. " I'll probably just get some cookies or something... " he said as his eyes drifted toward the food again.
JJKab said:
Fricka smiled slightly, as she slowly approached the guy
"My name is Fricka... and yours?" She asks, extending her hand out.
"Fricka?" He repeated as he looked at her "That's a pretty interesting name, I've never heard it before" he said before he moved out his own hand, giving her a handshake "Mines is Colin, Nice to meet you" he said with a smile.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''jeez...their not that heavy..''
...♱She said in a pouting way seemingly her emotions changed as well as she went to Talia's room♱...
Talia smiled, "You made them seem like they were. That's why I said that... Also there's something else different about you. You seem more lively than before. You used to be... Almost robotic in a sense." She said, as she twisted the doorknob on her and door and opened it. She then went inside and motioned for Zenya to follow her inside.
LunaCrosby said:
Scarlet nodded, "Yeah, If I see anything that is wrong I'll fight for it, even if it's none of my concern. Like how one time this girl was getting sexually harassed, even though it was none of my business, I made sure those people wouldn't touch another girl again" she said.
Logan gave her a thumbs up, "That's amazing. It's just how I feel about people. No one deserves to get hurt. Especially someone who hasn't done anything to you. It's just cruel and humans have no eyes to see that. They're all just blind sometimes."
WeirdPrincess said:
...❤︎Celia had removed her hands from the top of her belly before her eyes fluttered shut and she felt the soft contact of his lips. Her arms, which were laid at her sides before, had now wound their way around his neck as the kiss deepened, her grip slightly firm, but loose. She could feel her cheeks warm up and her heart beat excelerate as the kiss seemed to take more of an intimate turn. Her senses almost felt like they were on overdrive, or better yet heightened. She was focused on nothing else, but Taylor. She was painfully aware of his touch and close together they were, the fragrance that he gave off was absolutely divine, but slightly hard to describe. Though Celia couldn't describe the mixture of fragrances that he had, she knew she liked it. Then there was the taste, how it was both bitter, yet unmistakably sweet. Maybe it was the cookies he had eaten from earlier or somehow he had always tasted like this and she never noticed. Which ever it was, it didn't matter. The taste was, in itself, hard to forget. Celia had never really paid any kind of attention to these things until now. Removing one of her arms from around his neck, she began running her fingers through his hair, which looked tousled and a little unruly before Celia nibbled on his lower lip❤︎...
Taylor's cheek tinted a light pink. He usually didn't blush at moments like this, but they never really kissed like this before. They have indeed had intimate kisses in their marriage, but this one was different... Like ad if they were kissing to like some sort of spiritual level. When she moved her hand up to his hand and played with his hair, he smiled into the kiss a little. Taylor wanted to pull away, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He did agree that longer kisses were better, but this was so much better. Taylor, out of instinct, had eventually moved his hands down Celia's back and down to her waist again.
Roman said:
Talia smiled, "You made them seem like they were. That's why I said that... Also there's something else different about you. You seem more lively than before. You used to be... Almost robotic in a sense." She said, as she twisted the doorknob on her and door and opened it. She then went inside and motioned for Zenya to follow her inside.
...♱Zenya only pouted a little bit before sitting on the edge of her bed♱...
Fricka smiled back, as she let go of Colin's hand.

"Nice to meet you as well, Colin.. I was just.. going to the pool.. to take a swim..." She exclaimed.

Nonalaka said:
"Fricka?" He repeated as he looked at her "That's a pretty interesting name, I've never heard it before" he said before he moved out his own hand, giving her a handshake "Mines is Colin, Nice to meet you" he said with a smile.

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