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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Then come in." Myuki said to her as she pulled on her ankle some more

''i said no!''

...⊹She said before she pulled her leg up and was about to stomp on her but Kikuri glared at her which she noticed and lowered her foot back into the water⊹...

''when i say no, i mean no. i have a short temper. i dont want to hurt you honestly, but if you keep persisting, i will......so dont provoke me''
TheDragoon said:
Drakon grabbed her and began pulling her again. "If we go that way something that we're not gonna like is gonna happen! We have to get to the vents quickly!" He said urgently.
...| Nymph huffed and folded her arms|...

"Why can't we just teleport out of here than?"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i said no!''
...⊹She said before she pulled her leg up and was about to stomp on her but Kikuri glared at her which she noticed and lowered her foot back into the water⊹...

''when i say no, i mean no. i have a short temper. i dont want to hurt you honestly, but if you keep persisting, i will......so dont provoke me''
@Daniel reaving
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i said no!''
...⊹She said before she pulled her leg up and was about to stomp on her but Kikuri glared at her which she noticed and lowered her foot back into the water⊹...

''when i say no, i mean no. i have a short temper. i dont want to hurt you honestly, but if you keep persisting, i will......so dont provoke me''
"You wont hurt me. Your kikuris sister so your nice, plus kikuri wpuldnt let you hurt me and our childeren. But you should come in the waters nice." She said to her before she moved back over to kikuri and hugged one of kikuris arms tightly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"You wont hurt me. Your kikuris sister so your nice, plus kikuri wpuldnt let you hurt me and our childeren. But you should come in the waters nice." She said to her before she moved back over to kikuri and hugged one of kikuris arms tightly

...⊹Soon a slap was heard and a sudden pain came to Myuki's cheek. Ophelia had apparently slapped her when she suddenly just jumped across the pool in one leap. Once she had her feet nearly on the edge of the pool, she was looking at her coldly⊹...

''just because Kikuri is nice, does that mean il be nice also?''


''shut it...look, Myuki. i am a War Intoner. an Intoner who would love the sight of combat. im not nice at all. and Kikuri is only nice because she has someone to love. if she never loved you, she would continue to be the insane sister i used to have, always itching for some blood..''
Roman said:
Satoshi thought about it for a minute as he and Haruo made their way out of the area. He then rubbed his chin and shook his head, he'd just ask his parents to make him something when he got home...
"I think I'll pass. We should get this mission report before they think we've died or something. "
...Haruo sighed and replied as he continued to follow Satoshi, his eyes scanning the area ahead of him for any hostile movement≭...

Yeah, but mission reports are so boring..


...A voice rang out within the man's head, as if calling out in an intercom at a hospital. The words were soft, yet lacking emotion☄...

Body restoration complete. Time to awaken, my prince..

...♆The male slowly opened his eyes, the position of his body forcing the first sight he awakened to as the night sky. The male slowly sat up, noting the creak in his neck. He groaned lightly and cracked his neck, removing the creak. He walked past the numerous posts that littered the area in which he previously lay, and continued to walk down the solid stone path. He came to a stop as he looked at a gate. One the was familiar to him. His pale blue irises focused on the gate as snow fell around him. He breathed heavily, the condensation of his hot breath meeting the cold air causing it to appear visible. He spoke, a faint sense of urgency creeping into his thoughts. The eyes of the male gave away his identity. It was Kuroh, back from the dead♆...

What.. happened to me..?



((( Just thought I'd post this, as I've been meaning to xP )))
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HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Soon a slap was heard and a sudden pain came to Myuki's cheek. Ophelia had apparently slapped her when she suddenly just jumped across the pool in one leap. Once she had her feet nearly on the edge of the pool, she was looking at her coldly⊹...
''just because Kikuri is nice, does that mean il be nice also?''


''shut it...look, Myuki. i am a War Intoner. an Intoner who would love the sight of combat. im not nice at all. and Kikuri is only nice because she has someone to love. if she never loved you, she would continue to be the insane sister i used to have, always itching for some blood..''
Myuki sat there frozen as she held her cheek and stared at her as she teared up at her in pain. "Maybe if you wernt so mean tou would have some one to say i love you to." She said as she felt the warm feeling of blood from her cheek then slid out of the poll and inside to bandage her cheek
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Myuki sat there frozen as she held her cheek and stared at her as she teared up at her in pain. "Maybe if you wernt so mean tou would have some one to say i love you to." She said as she felt the warm feeling of blood from her cheek then slid out of the poll and inside to bandage her cheek

''but who needs love anyway?!! its just so sickening?!!!''

...⊹Ophelia shouted as the birds flew away. She accidentally released a large amount of magic with her shout. Maybe something bad happened to her during her last love life⊹...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''but who needs love anyway?!! its just so sickening?!!!''
...⊹Ophelia shouted as the birds flew away. She accidentally released a large amount of magic with her shout. Maybe something bad happened to her during her last love life⊹...
"Dont give up." Myuki said as she slid back out with a bandaid on her cheek. "Even if youve had a bad love life dont givw up or youll be lonely forever." She said to her as she slid back into the pool and headed to kikuris side
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Dont give up." Myuki said as she slid back out with a bandaid on her cheek. "Even if youve had a bad love life dont givw up or youll be lonely forever." She said to her as she slid back into the pool and headed to kikuris side

''oh yeah? what if it just kept happening?! all i gained from that was bruises and cuts!! what good is it for me to do the same thing again?!''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''oh yeah? what if it just kept happening?! all i gained from that was bruises and cuts!! what good is it for me to do the same thing again?!''
"Keep looking and youll find out soon. Its worth the previous pain trust me." Myuki said with dead seriousness
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Keep looking and youll find out soon. Its worth the previous pain trust me." Myuki said with dead seriousness

''...fine...but i dont think i would be doing that soon..scars last for a long time yknow?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''...fine...but i dont think i would be doing that soon..scars last for a long time yknow?''
"The scars fade faster if you continue on." She said to her. "My scars from my life with kikuri are gone now because i didnt stop trying."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"The scars fade faster if you continue on." She said to her. "My scars from my life with kikuri are gone now because i didnt stop trying."

''i dont get it...''

...⊹She said as she sighed before sitting on the edge again dipping her feet in the water⊹...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♞Siegfried casually stepped out of the shadows, his mana may have been removed from Lumina, but it didn't serve him any purposes there anymore, so it wasn't a loss. And well, he didn't need any of his mana to control Thomas, the very design of Thomas's being allowed Siegfried to control and command him around. Truly, Thomas would have only lost focus from the arrival of their new guest, and he seemed to run out of mana at the same time. Ah yes, Siegfried could see it now, Thomas was numbing himself, no wonder he was able to resist, but that was over now, and Thomas was already bleeding, so his commands would just make him use his blood to get more mana and finish the deed. With that in mind Siegfried raised his arms to show his hands as he stood before Akira♞...
"Hmm, perishing doesn't sound all that good today. And it's not everyday one gets to see a being such as yourself"

...♜Thomas's eyes had widened at the light that illuminated the room, thinking it was another of his masters assaults, but no more pain had come, but his own mana had run out at the same time, his body feeling all the phantom pains again and his focus broke. Upon this happening Thomas tensed up, he felt his body go into auto pilot. He felt the blood from his hand start to burn then boil before turning into mana, mana that he was being forced to use. Thomas then felt like a lance had been rammed through his chest, but he knew it wasn't his pain he was feeling. He knew it was Lumina's, he didn't want to move his gaze to confirm it, but then he felt blood running down his hand and arm. It was then he looked up, seeing a crimson lance made from the mana he got from sacrificing his blood, it was atleast four times wider than his blades, and three times as long. At this moment, he felt truly empty. Siegfried had finally forced him to take a life♜...

"I....i truly am weak..... aren't i.....?"

((Let Lumina post first.))

Lumina said:
...♤Lumina could really do nothing, considering how there was a blade stuck right through her. It confused her why she wasn't dead yet, considering how she could feel like the blade would normally be killing her. Either way, it didn't really matter much as soon there was some kind of bright light, but she couldn't exactly move to see what it was. She could tell a figure appeared in the room, and suddenly she felt kind of better. In the sense that she couldn't feel Siegfried's mana in her anymore, and it caused her to gasp for air like every other time foreign mana had been taken from her body. It was hard to breathe anyways from the blade in her, but even that seemed to disappear, at least for a moment. Lumina caught her breath after a moment, feeling no stabbing sensation, no pain, nothing. It was then that this stranger spoke her name, and she started to try and move to see who it was♤...
"Wait, who a-"

...♤And that's when she felt it. She felt something actually be stabbed through her chest, except this time whatever it was was actually solidified. Lumina's voice got cut off as the blood Lance pierced through her, and soon she could feel her own blood start to seep from the wound. In shock, Lumina was able to look down at herself to see what had happened, though by that point her vision was starting to drown hazy, with black starting to appear at all the edges, like a vignette. Feeling the blood start coming up her throat now Lumina sputtered, a trickle of blood trailing down the corner of her mouth. This was it, she really was going to die... she had never died before... well, not that she could remember, at least. At least if she was dead, she could maybe see Kenji again.... wait... no... in all the events that had been happening, she forgot one essential thing about the type of being she was - Phoenixes rebirth from their ashes after they die. Meaning... she wouldn't even be able to be with Kenji even if she did die... tears began streaming down Lumina's cheeks as she felt her body grow limp, almost suspended on the lance. Her mind was starting to fade more to black, and despite knowing that she was dying she didn't feel her body grow cold. Instead, deep in her core Lumina could only feel her heat growing. Ah yes, this was how phoenixes alight in flame to become the ash they were reborn in. The only flame that could hurt them, in a way. Lumina looked at Thomas as she heard him speak, before softly shaking her head and managing out a few words herself♤...

"...i-its...o.....k-kay.... i-im s-s.....s-sor....ry..."

...♤With that, Lumina's mind fell completely to black, but not before her final thoughts fell on her pair. How she wished she could have seen him again. But that wasn't her luck, it seemed. Her body slumped on the lance, her wings splayed out behind her in true phoenix fashion. The heat from her core continued to grow until her skin glowed a bright orange for only a moment, and soon her body went up in flames, as phoenixes do when they die. A self-made funeral pyre of sorts. The flames didn't last long, as soon there was nothing left but a pile of ash on the floor where her body was, still slightly smoking with a few residual embers. Lumina was gone♤...
...♅Akira watched the event unfold before him, a faint sense of sadness overcoming him. He then followed the trails of mana coming from Thomas, and ending at Siegfried. Angered, Akira turned to Siegfried and spoke, pointing his finger at him. Suddenly, Siegfried was pushed into the wall that was situated behind him, as if some unknown force was holding him up against it by his neck. The air began to thin, and the edges of the room burst into black flames♅...

You are the one who caused this, and now you're going to be the one who'll pay.



...ΨKenji's body suddenly jerked, prompting him to rapidly sit up, numerous cracks being heard as his bones popped at the sudden movements. He looked around the abandoned field, noting the scorch marks on the ground. He panicked, remembering the last sight he'd seen, which felt like only moments ago, when it had been infact two daysΨ...

What happened..? Akira?!

...ΨUpon no response, Kenji slowly stood up and looked around, panicking at the previous scene of him going supernova. He rapidly scanned for life, soon spotting birds flying overhead. He exhaled loudly, relieved that there was still life on the planet, which meant he never went supernova. He slowly moved his hand to his chest and spoke as a numb feeling had spread around him. The animals around him he'd thought so fondly of before, only looked like animals to him. The appreciation for life was gone. The love he felt for them, also goneΨ...

What's this.. feeling..?

...♅Akira turned from Siegfried and spoke, his hand soon lowering. The flames died down to a halt at this happened♅...

It can't be..

...♅Akira vanished and reappeared beside Kenji. He spoke as he rushed forward towards him♅...


...ΨKenji turned towards the familiar voice of his brother and spoke, somewhat relieved to see himΨ...

Akira! Wh-what happened to me?!

...♅Akira slowly looked to the ground and spoke, the sense of sadness returning♅...

I.. shot you..

...ΨKenji blinked and replied, shortly before he placed his hand onto his head and released a sound of frustration, unable to recall the previous events as clearly as he used to. He then had a burst of memories, which prompted his next set of words to be more urgentΨ...

Really..? Argh.. All I remember was.. Lumina! Where's Lumina?!

...♅Akira avoided Kenji's desperate gaze and looked to the side, as if trying to avoid the question, even though he was obligated to answer♅...

She's.. gone.

...ΨKenji's heart sankΨ...

You're lying..

...♅Akira's armour suddenly vanished in a golden light, revealing his body. His long black hair swayed gently in the afternoon breeze as he replied, his black irises shifting from Kenji to the ground♅...

I saw it with my own two eyes, Kenji.


...ΨKenji just stared at the ground, his hand remaining on his chest as the numbing sensation intensified. He spoke quietlyΨ...

.. Oh..

...♅Akira reached his hand out and took hold of Kenji's shoulder, at a vain attempt of comfort♅...

“ I'm sorry..

...ΨKenji quickly, and angrily, moved his shoulder from Akira's grasp, responding in an angered toneΨ...

Don't! Just.. leave me alone..

...ΨKenji then turned around and ran away, shortly before he vanished into a blaze of red fireΨ...


...ΨKenji reappeared on the other side of the world he was once in, the ground breaking beneath him from the impact of him suddenly manifesting. He quickly dropped to his knees and began breathing heavily. Not out of exhaustion. He was hyper ventilating. The cold rock around him was stationary, yet it closed in on him all the same. With each tense breath, his thoughts accelerated inside his head. He rapidly breathed on the stagnant air. His heart hammered inside his chest like it belonged to a rabbit running for its skin. The ground spun and he collapsed onto his hands, trying to make everything slow to something his brain and body could cope with. He felt so sick. So angry. So sad. He didn't know who to call for, what their power felt like, who to call, he was too far away, he was gone, he went, breathe, gone, what power, too far away... blackness... creeping blackness... He soon found himself sweating. Where was she, what's his name, who to call, what's the power, the area was spinning. She's dead... She's dead... She's... Kenji fell forward, unconsciousΨ...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''i dont get it...''
...⊹She said as she sighed before sitting on the edge again dipping her feet in the water⊹...
"You will find out when you run across some one that you wish to be with forever." He said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"You will find out when you run across some one that you wish to be with forever." He said to her


...⊹Kikuri just watched in amazement. Myuki was actually the first person to...somewhat cool down Ophelia's temper⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...⊹Kikuri just watched in amazement. Myuki was actually the first person to...somewhat cool down Ophelia's temper⊹...
"I can even think of some one you might want to be with. Shes violent like you but she fights for a noble cause." Myuki said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I can even think of some one you might want to be with. Shes violent like you but she fights for a noble cause." Myuki said to her

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I have some one that could become a close friend for you too." She said again.

''well who is she. im only asking this cuz eldest sister, Ciara said i should make some friends..''

...⊹She said as she crossed her arms⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well who is she. im only asking this cuz eldest sister, Ciara said i should make some friends..''
...⊹She said as she crossed her arms⊹...
"Lana. I havent talked to her in a long time but we used to be good friends." Myuki said with a smile
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Lana. I havent talked to her in a long time but we used to be good friends." Myuki said with a smile

''i see....but do you think that a hero would go with a war intoner like me? and would disobey her lord?''

...⊹She said going from what Neo's intel. Neo had told her about Lana and...her background. She wasnt sure if she'd be able to go with⊹...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i see....but do you think that a hero would go with a war intoner like me? and would disobey her lord?''
...⊹She said going from what Neo's intel. Neo had told her about Lana and...her background. She wasnt sure if she'd be able to go with⊹...
"Well lana told me once that her lord cares for his followers. And if she feels strongly for you he will allow it so maybe. Its still worth a shot." Myuki said to her

HimeragiSeiker said:
''i see....but do you think that a hero would go with a war intoner like me? and would disobey her lord?''
...⊹She said going from what Neo's intel. Neo had told her about Lana and...her background. She wasnt sure if she'd be able to go with⊹...

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