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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Sailor Adams]"Excuse me?" She asked. Juniper just stared, he knew exactly what Celeste would do next...

"you heard me." she said softly to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"you heard me." she said softly to her

"....Ok...." She said before leaving. "Quick! Just apologize and go with her....I'm serious..." He muttered in Aya's ear.
[QUOTE="Sailor Adams]"....Ok...." She said before leaving. "Quick! Just apologize and go with her....I'm serious..." He muttered in Aya's ear.

"why? she doesnt scare me." she said to him as she watched hert walk off
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira maintained his smile to Asuka even when she mentioned the nurse and replied as he slowly used his thumb to gently rub the back of Asuka's hand, an attempt to reassure her of his words. ♅...

No.. I'll be fine, honey. I can't help worrying about you. You're the love of my life.

...❦The look of concern didn't seem to fade even as he said this. What Akira was doing, was comforting, but it didn't put Asuka's worries at ease. Maybe just to be on the safe side, she'd get a nurse later. Not that she didn't trust the fact that he could very well be fine, but it was better to be safe then sorry in her opinion. Asuka soon sighed quietly and spoke❦...

"If you're sure.. I realize, but you should be more concerned about yourself right now, rather than me."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"why? she doesnt scare me." she said to him as she watched hert walk off

" Just do it..." he nudges her over.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''glad you like it. dont worry about me though, i have my own way of heating myself up''

''ah...i see......how is it like to love someone anyway..?''

...✦She asked herself as she stopped for a bit to look up. Soon resuming to wash the dishes✦...
...❆Rini couldn't really help but worry about Seria, considering they were friends. But if she said she shouldn't worry... then she guessed she wouldn't, okay no she still would❆...

"Really? How?"


...❤︎Celia thought for a moment before speaking❤︎...

"I think it's a wonderful feeling. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's a little hard to explain, you'll know when you fine someone."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
Kalin nodded quickly, feeling somewhat embarrassed. " Uhm...y-you're welcome, Lala-chan." He replied, staring down at the dirt under his feet.
As they continued to move forward, he wondered what she might think of him for saying something like that. It wasn't like he didn't think she was cute, but after everything she just told him about...with everything she'd been through, it wasnt appropriate for him to say things like that. Was it?

"Uhm...you said that you'd died at one point?"

Layla's irises twinkled at the mention of her disappearance. She knew she would have to explain it to him eventually. After all, she was practically sharing her life story with him. She wasn't sure how she was going to go about telling him given the circumstances. Though even so, she knew she had to.

Taking a deep breath, Layla rolled her shoulders back in preparation to speak. "I did. I can't recall exactly how it happened, but I did."
...⊗Kanon was walking next to Achilles pulling her jacket just a bit tighter around herself. While she didn't really get cold that easily, she just wasn't expecting the chillier temps. Either way, that really didn't matter, as she too noticed how chaotic the world seemed to be all around them. Of course, a small portion of her mind went to Yumi, like it always did, bug being so far away from her wouldn't do any good here. So she looked up at Achilles before speaking⊗...

"Maybe we do. Wouldn't hurt. Food is also a good plan."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♜Thomas raised an eyebrow at the girl in front of him, she seemed nervous to him, which could tell him one of several things. Maybe she knew about the UN hunting those with powers and saw his squad, or possible she could feel something about the air of him. Either way, Thomas was sure she was the super he had gotten the report about, but the girl in front of him didn't seem like she could, or willingly would hurt a fly, to him it was a shame she wasn't a human, he would have loved picking her mind with questions, decent ones and not so decent ones, but work came first and alas, she had powers, and was hiding wings, so he had to bring her in one way or another. When Lumina said she came out for a breath of air Thomas put on a kind smile and slacked his stance a little, trying to use body language to seem less threatening before chuckling and smiling, he might be physically sixteen, but he had been that for thirteen years. As he spoke Thomas even mentally noted he was probably the same height or an inch shorter than the girl♜...

"Ah, that tis a shame, it's never enjoyable to have someone you know in the hospital, maybe what you need is a hot drink, but i wouldn't count on anything the hospital serves being good... There's a cafe just down the street, you seem to need to un-tense, i'll get you a drink, my treat."

...♤Lumina blinked as this stranger offered her a drink at a cafe. Why was he doing that? He didn't know her, she didn't know him... people just don't do that... do they? Either way, as she heard his offer she couldn't shake this... uneasy feeling she had about him. She had it ever since she saw him walking around the hospital in the first place. Speaking of that, where were all the other guys that were with him before? They just kinda... disappeared. The longer Lumina stood with this guy, who seemed more casual around her, a perfect stranger, than she had seen anybody be in while. She took a subconscious step back away from him, toward the door, feeling an overwhelming urge to get inside and find Kenji. An apologetic and slightly panicked smile came on her face as she spoke, her voice stuttering a bit from the uneasiness♤...

"A-ah, thats, uh, that's very kind of you, b-but, um, I should be getting back now... t-the person I'm visiting i-is, uh... i-is probably waiting... t-thanks for the offer, though..."
Lumina said:
...₪Violetta smiled as they were walked to their seats, taking one across from Takashi. It really had been a while since they had gone out together, and she really had missed it. Sure she could go out by herself if she wanted, but it wasn't the same. Not one bit. So Violetta thanked the hostess as she walked away, turning her attention back to her boyfriend. She placed an elbow on the table, resting her chin in her hands, still smiling as she spoke to Takashi₪...
"It really has been a while since we've been on a date, huh?"

Takashi tapped the table in thought, maybe it's been more than just awhile. He smiled and looked at her, speaking in a light tone, "Feels like centuries to me." He said, laughing lightly. "And since I'm back, you can expect a lot more dates~"
[QUOTE="Sailor Adams]
((Sounds good!))

(((( Wanna have them meet up somewhere? ))))
"We'll talk about it later...." He told her before quickly leaning into her ear and muttering. "She's the reason Klef has no real name..." Celeste flashes her blue eyes at the girl, grinning. " See, he's fine with you leaving, come on, I really want to show you around the city."
Lumina said:
...⊗Kanon was walking next to Achilles pulling her jacket just a bit tighter around herself. While she didn't really get cold that easily, she just wasn't expecting the chillier temps. Either way, that really didn't matter, as she too noticed how chaotic the world seemed to be all around them. Of course, a small portion of her mind went to Yumi, like it always did, bug being so far away from her wouldn't do any good here. So she looked up at Achilles before speaking⊗...

"Maybe we do. Wouldn't hurt. Food is also a good plan."
λAchilles smiled. He was enjoying the walk with her, as a transport flying thing flew over head, and began making passes. He pulled her into a hug, sensing she was cold. "Well, what would you and your sister be in the mood for? he asked as he let her go. The flying thing sat down ahead of them a good bit away, and the crowd of people began to thin out oddly.λ

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♗Ayen smiled at Lilliana before placing her plate back in front of her, he then gave the fork back to Lilliana before stepping behind her. Today would be a day of learning, so Ayen figured he may as well show Lilliana how to eat proper, at least what's proper for a nobles court. After a moment Ayen leaned down to look over her shoulder, his hand soon reaching and grabbing Lilliana's then guiding her through the cutting and properly picking up of food, doing it slowly the first few time then at the normal rate before he let go to see if she would retain what he just showed her, watching her in order to make a basis on how to teach her♗...
"Yeah, there are many useful things i can teach you without ever touching upon your powers, it will be better to train your mind and body before your powers."

...♧Lilliana watched as Ayen returned the plate to her. Honestly, being as hungry as she was she wanted to just rip into the food and swallow it whole, but 1) she knew she'd get reprimanded if she did, and really she just wanted to eat, and 2) Ayen came over and started guiding her hands through the motions of correctly using a fork and knife before she could start eating it herself. She watched as he guided her hands into cutting the food into smaller pieces. Well, at least this way it might be easier to eat it, with the smaller pieces being easier to fit in her mouth and chew. Though, when he stepped back, she realized the knife and fork were hard to hold the way he had done it, so she just wrapped her hand around the fork and stuck it in the food, while holding the knife the same way as she cut it into smaller pieces. It was a crude cut, but it worked. When she was done, she set the knife down and took the fork in her hand as best she could before stabbing a piece and bringing it up to her mouth. As he spoke, Lilliana nodded, speaking in response with her mouth full. He hadn't mentioned anything about that♧...

"O-oh, okeh. Thah shounds god."
[QUOTE="Sailor Adams]((Sure, where? How much time should have passed since they were chipped?))

(((( Maybe about a few days after? ))))
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Thank you Roman I'm sorry I'm a pain in the ass)
She smiled and gently slid a hand to his cheek so she would know we're he was and then kisse his other cheek happily

(((( You're not a pain Daniel! ))))

Elliot smiled warmly when Isabella kissed his cheek. "Thank you love." He said softly. "Now, is there anything else you need before I go make your food?"
Sailor Adams] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
@Roman[/URL] ((Where should they meet up and why? Probably the forest or somewhere in the city.))
(((( Maybe the forest. It'd seem like a good meeting spot. ))))

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