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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Its fine and we can see him whenever." She said to her

''alright lets go''

...✦She said eating half her pancakes and drank her milk✦...
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Of course." She said to her

...✦Neruka nodded and followed Cova by walking by her side✦...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...✦Neruka smiled back before kissing Cova's cheek✦...
Cova smiled more and looked at her. "Do you have feelings for me neru?" She asked mostly because she hadn't Been able to figure that out
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Cova smiled more and looked at her. "Do you have feelings for me neru?" She asked mostly because she hadn't Been able to figure that out

''yeah. even though you did...well...kidnap me''
TheDragoon said:
Doragon blushed more and he looked like he was gonna explode like a volcano. "Y-You stop that! I'm just there to make sure Hanran doesn't step out of line!" He rawred lightly.
Nona rolled her eyes. "Oh hush it" she says licking her ice cream
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi didn't know what to do besides stare at Kaori with worry filling his mind to it's core, to think one act, or rather the same act many times, could cause so much trouble. Without thinking he had moved his hand to hold hers when she set it on her stomach, trying to think of something to do, anything really, he didn't want to mess up this chance he had gotten, but that seemed almost impossible now with what he had done, heck, he should of at least had the common sense to pull out, but that was a thought that came far to late. Now Masahi shifted underneath Kaori so he was sitting up straight as she spoke, thinking if it were a medicine of sorts it may be easily available to the public, this sorta thing wasn't rare right? So he may know where to get it, and with that thought he calmed down just a bit before talking♝...
"W-well, maybe we should check a pharmacy? M-maybe they would h-have something there..."

...☆Kaori just kept staring at Masahi with wide eyes, her mind racing about what was going on. What if... what if she- her thoughts were halted as she felt his hand on top of hers on her stomach, and her gaze moved downward to it. They had really messed up big time. And this was the first time they had done it, the first time they really had been close since they were kids... did they just screw it up with this? Her eyes moves up to Masahi's as she heard him speak, her thoughts coming back to the possible solution to fix this. Yeah.. a pharmacy sounded about right. Swallowing to a dry throat, Kaori shakily nodded, her hand on her stomach interlacing with his☆...

"R-right... yeah, that sounds like a good plan. We should do that."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♗Ayen narrowed his eyes before making a displeased grunt, Lilliana wasn't gonna get out of his easy, Ayen figured a verbal warning may work for this once, but it wouldn't get the message across in the long run, so he would just have to make sure to drill this lesson in through embarrassment this time to safe future trouble. When Ayen heard Lilliana's whine he just frowned before offering the food on the fork to her mouth once more before speaking semi loudly with slight anger in his voice♗...
"Lilliana, i will not tolerate any back talk, now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, your choice."

...♧Lilliana just looked up at Ayen, still frowning a bit. Her cheeks were starting to redden a bit in embarrassment at the situation. Why was he being so insistence upon this? She learned her lesson, she needed to eat slower. Now that she knew, she'd listen and be good. She didn't need... this. Her hand dropped back down to the side and she slunk back in her chair a bit, her gaze dropping to the side. Geez, he was going a bit overboard with this whole thing. So, Lilliana's voice dropped a bit, her voice showing only hints of pouting now as she spoke to herself♧...

"...I wasn't back-talking, I was just saying I could do it myself..."
Alternated said:
Once Mateus got outside he didn't placed his pet inside the cage he carried it instead "so cute" he said laughing a bit.
Elena nodded "Yeah it is~" she said with a giggle "Do you know what you'll name it?" She asked curiously.
[QUOTE="Aiko Akemi]"Yea but in this case this is where things arn't so amazing...I'm not at all supposed to know this but Aiko is followed by very tall people..demons to be in fact. I am not allowed to tell you why since its a story only she can tell you. But if you really are our friend...Aiko will know Do you got any abilities?" Shion seriously asked. It was like she was a totally new person no more bubbly no more fun but a strict strong warrior.
(Mean while)

"What do you want?" Aiko asked the two men as they surrounded her making sure she didn't leave.

"Your not supposed to talk to people you know our deal." one of the men said back.

"I know but it's not my fault! He's the one who tried talking to me!" Aiko yelled.

One of the men looked at the other and laughed, "If this continues we'll take Shion's soul away and she'll be the ordinary familiar she was supposed to be." he teased.

This surely pissed Aiko off for the aura around her turned red. Her hair was blonde and her eyes were red. She was a demon.

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Colin nodded in understanding "I know that this isn't an amazing thing, its a friend that could be in trouble" he said before looking over at her when she asked about abilities, nodding a second time "Im an Angel/Human hybrid, my powers mostly effect the mind, Oneirokenisis, mind manipulation, creating illusions and stuff, but i have shape shifting, and I have a few weapons can summon" he explained.
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Nonalaka said:
Elena nodded "Yeah it is~" she said with a giggle "Do you know what you'll name it?" She asked curiously.
Mateus tries to think of a name for his rabbit but can't find one, he then looked at Elaena "how about you name him?" he asked her.
Mayyflower said:
Nona rolled her eyes. "Oh hush it" she says licking her ice cream
Doragon smiled and kissed her forehead. "Well, then again, I still got to thank you for being so nice to me, even if I don't want to." He chuckled.
WeirdPrincess said:
Elora Capistrano
Elora wanted to relax a little before doing anything extreme, though there probably wasn't a lot she could do considering she still had some of her stuff to unpack. Also, from what she understood a sleepover consisted of doing things inside... unless she was told wrong. Maybe there were things that she could do outside, like skiing or something along those lines. Skiing sounded like it would be a blast. Maybe that was something they could do after watching a movie... she didn't know yet. Though when Talia said that Elora could pick a movie, horror came to mind. She enjoyed watching horror movies more than anything and that was the majority of the movies she had. There was also action, comedy and ( even though she hated it) romantic and rom-com movies. They weren't hers, but Analia's because she liked to watch that type of stuff. "Then we'll watch a horror movie, those are my favorite." Elora stated as she showed Talia to her room, opening the door once she reached it. Her room was a little big, considering it was the master bedroom. There was a king sized bed up against the back wall of the room and there were a few dressers on the side walls. There were also a couple boxes around, things she hadn't bothered to unpack yet. Lucky, her clothes wasn't one of those things. That was the first thing Elora unpacked, so she was set for after she took a shower. "You can take a shower or bath in my room, there's another one in my office, which is a couple doors down." She said, showing Talia to the bathroom.

Talia put her bag on the floor by the door in Elora's room and looked around. "This is a lot bigger than my room. Cleaner too... Not that I'm a slob or anything." She immediately said after. When Flora offered her a shower, Talia nodded and smiled, "Yeah that'd be great. I can just wash these when I get home. I packed a spare for later." Talia told Elora, picking up her bag again. She then made her way towards the bathroom, "You don't mind if I get in first do you?" She asked quietly.
Lumina said:
...₪Violetta grinned at the joke, understanding what he meant. Well, that definitely had been a fun night, that was for sure. Red wine would always be special to her because of it. So she grinned back at him, mentioning to the hostess that they would be eating for two. Damn it was good to have him back, and she was going to enjoy it, red wine and all₪...
"I see. She sounds absolutely delightful~"
"She absolutely is~" Takashi said, laughing lightly. Once the hostess knew that they were eating for two, he followed behind Violetta. "After this how about we go see a movie or something? It's been quite the while since I've actually seen a good one." He told her, chuckling a little. "Or we could go to the beach. We can pretty much do whatever as long as I'm with you." Takashi said, putting his arm around her.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Ok love:" she said before starting to get ready

Luke came back about it 20 minutes later, fully dressed. "Alright. I'm ready to head out. Rina you ready to go?" He asked her.
Alejandro sighed quietly, seeing they were at their set destination for the lab. He knew what was about to happen and was completely prepared for it. "So what not, maids? Sorry I don't know your names, so that's what I'll call you."

@Sailor Adams
Shortyshot said:
"You don't have a choice in the matter"
(Hurry up and ghave him take her, like knock her out or something xD )

...ღ Riley Narrowed her eyes ღ...

"And why is that?"

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