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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland looked at her toying with her hair for a moment "Oh! i actually remembered to grab some other stuff!" he said before going over to his bag and rummaging through it before he pulled out their body washes and a comb he saw Dakota use a few time.

"Hm?" Dakota looked over with a curious expression as he rummaged through his bag, soon walking over to him as he pulled out the body washes and the comb "Oh, good" she said, soon lifting the comb, she began to fix her hair into place. "Much better~" she said happily.
Sixxx said:
Yeeesss. Thank you i Have Ryder and Blue))
((I have Ariel and Colin, I don't mind who you use~~ :D where are your characters?))
LunaCrosby said:
Kelsey followed, a bit curious "the forest?..." she asked.
This was the spot where their relationship began. The bush, the landing spot, it was all here. Ken turned and smiled warmly at Kelsey. "I remember the spot I confessed to you..." He said softly.
Nonalaka said:
((I have Ariel and Colin, I don't mind who you use~~ :D where are your characters?))
Blue smiled siting at the base of a treeon the edge of campus by the forest , petting a baby deer that trusted her enough to wonder close. It now lay next to her its head resting on her lap
Mayyflower said:
...⚅ Origami nods and walked out with him, she stayed close to him when she saw the people outside, she didn't make eye contact with them, she looked across the street and and smiled a little ⚅...
"Sure lets go"
Once inside, they were seated. The waitress handed them a menu and left them to decide. "Now, we can relax." he said in the booth. It was odd that this place was open at such an hour, but he did not know better. He recognized Baklava, and tea, so thats what he wanted. "It has certainly been exciting." he spoke softly to her.

TheDragoon said:
This was the spot where their relationship began. The bush, the landing spot, it was all here. Ken turned and smiled warmly at Kelsey. "I remember the spot I confessed to you..." He said softly.
Kelsey blinked and looked at him "I thought you would have forgotten it" she said, her face turning a light shade of pink.
Nonalaka said:
"Hm?" Dakota looked over with a curious expression as he rummaged through his bag, soon walking over to him as he pulled out the body washes and the comb "Oh, good" she said, soon lifting the comb, she began to fix her hair into place. "Much better~" she said happily.
Roland smiled up at her before grabbing a change of clothes out from his bag "Well, i think i might shower before we head over to breakfast." he said before walking over to a door close to the door to the hallway and opened it to reveal a bathroom "You can join in if you wish."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi had no sooner fallen asleep when his dreams hit him, the dreams that he'd use for salvation between all the jobs he's done in the past, truly he never had any hobbies since he woke up that unfateful, instead all his free time was spent training then sleeping, with nothing else in-between, after all, when you don't have to eat or drink and you have no need to do so you seem to lose motivation to do anything else than what you find to be what required. But now he was in that ever present dreamscape that tempted him with sounds, images, and sensations from his past, but rarely ever all three all the same time, and more often than not what he saw was akin to a broken kaleidoscope, the image distorted while the sounds got muffled or even sounded like he was trying to listen from under water of some sort, like they were blurry. Even with everything effecting his memories that popped up in his dreams there were still moments of perfect clarity which made it all worth the piles of thousands of unclear memories, and truly, now that he had heard Kaori's voice once more he cloud almost always hear whenever she was in his dreams, her voice always becoming clear. Before long one of his memories did become clear, him and what he assumed to be Roman were training, Kaori behind them, as their teacher sent a barrage of throwing stars at them, till the end where he felt one stick into the back of his hand, causing his hand on his real body to twitch and curl up into a fist, then Kaori said something and came over to him as he hid his hand behind his back, trying not to worry her about one measly cut, it wasn't even that bad, he could definitely toughen it wound. It was at this point she had gotten upset at him and told him to never hide his wounds, this however, even got him to mumble in his sleep before turning to lay flat on his back and make an almost sorry looking face♝...
"K-... Kaori.... sorry..... won-.... hide..... again....."

...♝After that Masahi turned the arm with his balled up fist to rest across his stomach before his face returned to looking peaceful, like nothing was wrong until another dream started playing in his head, this time it was the last mission they went on as kids, though this one was a bit more spotty that the last, it was going fine, though they had in countered enemies, until it happened, they grabbed Kaori and he wanted to go safe her, but Roman refused, saying they had to complete the mission with out her, ultimately they split up on rather sour terms, Masahi going to safe Kaori while Roman focused on the mission, it was this point it became a little blurry again and he mumbled once more♝...

"Roman... aban-....doned... Kaori.... as-.... -ole..... i have..... to.... safe her....."

...☆Kaori kept watching the sleeping Masahi. From the way he was moving he was probably having some kind of dream. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of dream he was having. At one point his fist just balled up super tightly, rolling over on to his back, and it was then that she heard his sleep talking. Upon hearing her name Kaori felt butterflies exploding in her stomach, and it sparked a curiosity in her to wonder what was causing him to say her name. So she leaned forward more, until she was teetering on falling forward on to him. But she kept her cool, jusy watching, before he spoke again. Hearing Roman's name took her by surprise and caught her attention off guard so she leaned forward a bit too much. She would have fallen on Masahi if she hadn't stuck out her hand and caught herself on the back of the couch, mere inches from his sleeping form. Kaori took this as a moment to breathe, a reminder to focus harder next time☆...
Sixxx said:
Blue smiled siting at the base of a treeon the edge of campus by the forest , petting a baby deer that trusted her enough to wonder close. It now lay next to her its head resting on her lap
Colin had been walking through the forest albeit aimlessly at this stage, not that he minded, he wanted to clear his head a little, soon enough he began to see the school from where he walked, reaching the edge of the school campus, glancing around he saw a girl with a deer, tilting his head a little he looked at the girl briefly, she reminded him of his friend, who was always doing that kind of stuff, realising that he looked like he was staring he quickened his pace a little as he looked away, he didn't want to creep the girl out or anything.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♖Len smiled at Lilliana before one of the pups used his lap and chest to attempt standing, and once it did it started to lick his face, and that caught his by surprise as he leaned back then fell over to try and get away from the licking, though that only cause the other two pups to gang up on him and start smothering his face as well. Though he ended up laughing he was reaching over to Lilliana to try and get help before one of the pups playfully pinned his hand down at started gnawing on it with while Len laughed more and looked at Lilliana while talking in a playful tone♖...
"Won't ya help me Lily!?"

...♧Lilliana sat back out of surprise as the pups started to play-attack him. At first she was worried they really were play attacking him, until she heard laughing, and upon closer inspecting the pups were having a grand ol time licking and nipping at his face and arms. Lilliana watched the scene and Lens helplessness before breaking out into a smile, laughing aloud as she looked at the scene. To see someone so seemingly powerful get overtaken by puppies was just really funny. She managed out a few words between laughs at him♧...

"I, uh... dunno what I can even do."
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland smiled up at her before grabbing a change of clothes out from his bag "Well, i think i might shower before we head over to breakfast." he said before walking over to a door close to the door to the hallway and opened it to reveal a bathroom "You can join in if you wish."

Dakota glanced Into the room briefly " Hmm, I might just wait until you're done before I shower " she said with a nod "If I don't want my powers to fluctuate as much I have to these breathing exercise things my mom taught me so I suppose I should get that out of the way."
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira analysed the structure of the communications equipment, shortly before replying to Asuka as he began to walk one direction through the desert♅...

“ Give it to the resistance so that they can use it to keep track of the government. ”


...ΨKenji slowly sat back and placed his back against the headboard, responding as he looked towards Lumina, suppressing the pain as best he couldΨ...

“ Wh-where am I? Where's Akira? ”

...♤As much of a relief as it was to see Kenji be awake and talking, seeing him in this shape still was really worrying. She hated seeing him in pain. And really, he didn't have to say or do anything for her to know he wasn't in the best shape and was definitely in pain. She wasn't his pair for nothing. With a very worried expression Lumina took her hand back as he sat back against the back of the bed, speaking in a calm tone to try and get him to calm down. Having him panic and possibly do something stupid was the last thing she (or really, they) needed right now♤...

"We're in my dorm. Akira.. is back in the desert."
Nonalaka said:
Colin had been walking through the forest albeit aimlessly at this stage, not that he minded, he wanted to clear his head a little, soon enough he began to see the school from where he walked, reaching the edge of the school campus, glancing around he saw a girl with a deer, tilting his head a little he looked at the girl briefly, she reminded him of his friend, who was always doing that kind of stuff, realising that he looked like he was staring he quickened his pace a little as he looked away, he didn't want to creep the girl out or anything.
Blue looked up an smiled at the boy walking by " hello there" she said with a grin the baby deer lifted its head but stayed put closed feeling safe next to Blue
--Inside the office.--

He was furious. His daughter was allowed to just walk out unchecked. But pressing matters at hand were the fact that the city approved the purchases of quite a few buildings in town, including a derelict school. "Natalie, please schedule the contractors to begin renovations on our latest purchases. We need those buildings ready for use before spring.

A holographic projector flared to life at the incoming conference call. "Yes senators, and chiefs of staff?" he spoke trying to hide his irritation. "The U.N. wants to know how your research is coming so far. We demand progress!" The senator slammed his fist on the desk. "Progress? you speak of my work as if I am a magician pulling this "progress" out of my hat like a miraculous rabbit. No, you will not bother me for constant sitrep reports. You want to know how it is going, watch the fucking news!" He raged at the image. "Thirty men, senator. Thirty men whom families will be without. You think that its easy? Dig up Hitler and ask him how easy it is to do what you are asking me to do." He turned away from the grumbling images. "Funding..." a Chief of staff spoke out. "Money? you think I need your fucking money? Gentleman, I never had taken one dime more than what was owed for services rendered." A little screen on his desk beeped, as it posted the fact his heart rate was elevated. Calming down, he returned to the men assembled. "Look, for this plan to succeed, I need two things from the world. Patience, and Time. So unless you have shit loads of both you will graciously give me, I suggest you sit back and pretend to care about your citizens and not your bottom line." he said as he cut the projector off. "Beatrice, go find our daughter, before she ends up in trouble." he asked her nicely. "Natalie, I need some coffee please." he asked through the intercom.


Beatrice was well known, being her husbands companies figure head and VP. So she changed her form:

She walked out of the lobby, and hailed a taxi. She could easily pinpoint her daughter. Infact,. the little bitch was heading towards the most dangerous school in the world. She thought she squashed her daughters need to roam around, forgetting that shes an heiress. She will have to taste the switch tonight, and although she was in a sadistic and foul mood, she infact loved her daughter dearly. But if this girl does not learn her place, she feared more switchings were to come.

The taxi reached the park near the school, and after paying for the ride, she fixed her suit and exited the vehicle. Looking around, she let out a small chuckle at the obviously expensive red dress stalking off, and decided to follow her daughter...
Lumina said:
...⊗Kanon wasn't sure when he had grabbed a machete, but she wasn't complaining. She guessed she wouldn't travel too far by herself, so she'd be by the school. Though at this time of day she'd probably be asleep in the dorms. With the way they were heading, they'd pass by the school, so Kanon nodded as she let Achilles take the lead⊗...
"Thank you, Achilles. I appreciate it."
"No need to thank me, I like you. I would follow you into the sea if thats where we were going." he said as he hefted the pack on his back to make it more comfortable. "All this progress and no one has invented a way to carry things better..." he grumbled out loud. It was no heavier than his armor and shield, but still it was not light either. Last nights cuddles left him feeling invigorated as he made the soldiers march to save her sister.


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