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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

LunaCrosby said:
Kelsey blinked and looked at him "I thought you would have forgotten it" she said, her face turning a light shade of pink.
Ken brushed her hair softly. "Why would I forget about the place we first kissed? And... There was something nearby we missed. Do you want to see it?" He asked.
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori kept watching the sleeping Masahi. From the way he was moving he was probably having some kind of dream. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of dream he was having. At one point his fist just balled up super tightly, rolling over on to his back, and it was then that she heard his sleep talking. Upon hearing her name Kaori felt butterflies exploding in her stomach, and it sparked a curiosity in her to wonder what was causing him to say her name. So she leaned forward more, until she was teetering on falling forward on to him. But she kept her cool, just watching, before he spoke again. Hearing Roman's name took her by surprise and caught her attention off guard so she leaned forward a bit too much. She would have fallen on Masahi if she hadn't stuck out her hand and caught herself on the back of the couch, mere inches from his sleeping form. Kaori took this as a moment to breathe, a reminder to focus harder next time☆...
...♝Masahi's dream only progressed to the point in which he had started to try and fight those who took Kaori away, and as it did his bodies breathing became a bit faster up until the point came along that his sharingan had activated for the first time, by then Roman was back in the dream, but when he felt the rush of emotion from his eyes activating for the first time hit him fully his arms reached out and clutched the air behind Kaori as Masahi's face twitched a little before one arm went slack and the other pulled down, unaware of Kaori, and uneffected by her weight as it touched her then pulled her down to him before trying to preposition itself over Masahi's stomach, and though it technically was over his stomach, it was resting on Kaori and whatever part of her was ontop of that part of Masahi's body♝...
TheDragoon said:
Ken brushed her hair softly. "Why would I forget about the place we first kissed? And... There was something nearby we missed. Do you want to see it?" He asked.
Kelsey's face reddened "y-yeah but w-what did we miss?" she asked.
Sixxx said:
Blue looked up an smiled at the boy walking by " hello there" she said with a grin the baby deer lifted its head but stayed put closed feeling safe next to Blue
Colin blinked before turning around and smiling at the girl, giving a small wave "Hey!..Oh, sorry if it seemed like I was staring or anything, you just reminded me of my friend a little" he said with a small laugh as he put his hands in his pockets.
LunaCrosby said:
Kelsey's face reddened "y-yeah but w-what did we miss?" she asked.
Ken guided her a bit deeper into the forest into a clearing with a hill in its center. It had a large tree at the top of the hill too, the blew leaves into the breeze. The canopy gave you a good view of the stars and moon too. "This is what we missed." He chuckled. "This would have been a cool hangout spot huh?" He asked.
Nonalaka said:
Colin blinked before turning around and smiling at the girl, giving a small wave "Hey!..Oh, sorry if it seemed like I was staring or anything, you just reminded me of my friend a little" he said with a small laugh as he put his hands in his pockets.
She grins " thats fine , would you like to pet my little friend here" she turned her gaze to the boy, her emerald eyes shining brightly, being surrounded by nature
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana sat back out of surprise as the pups started to play-attack him. At first she was worried they really were play attacking him, until she heard laughing, and upon closer inspecting the pups were having a grand ol time licking and nipping at his face and arms. Lilliana watched the scene and Lens helplessness before breaking out into a smile, laughing aloud as she looked at the scene. To see someone so seemingly powerful get overtaken by puppies was just really funny. She managed out a few words between laughs at him♧...
"I, uh... dunno what I can even do."
...♖Len kept laughing as the pups licked him without remorse, and truly, it tickled the heck out of him but he couldn't do anything but... As much as Lilliana might not like it, Len used his powers to suggest the pups play with Lilliana as well, and well, they stopped attacking him for the moment before looking over at Lily and letting out a squeaky little barks before quickly going over to do the same to Lily as they did to Len♖...

"Sorry Lily!"

Misafune got up and left the baths, albeit a bit shakily. "Going to go see grandfather, see you at our house." he said as he made his way to the main chamber of the temple and sat Seiza style in front of his grandfather, while he was lost in thought, puffing on his pipe. "Welcome grandson. What brings you to see an old man? Those girls too much to handle?" he chuckled at his own lewd joke. "Has my parents tried contacting me at all? Are they not worried about me?" Misafune asked. "Not a word, but this letter that came a year after they left you here." he said, handing the letter to the boy. "Are you sure that you want to read it?" he warned the boy. "Yes, later. I came to tell you thank you for taking us in again." he bowed properly. "Are you staying forever, or will you continue your journey?" he asked. "No, we plan on staying here until we can recover and it is safe to travel again." Misafune finished. "Then so be it." he said dismissing the boy.

Misafune felt like he had just battled a dragon, as he was first to reach their home for the time being. It was small, just one room, kitchen and bath. Modern as it was, the exterior was still traditional, while the inside even had a computer and t.v. Taking an orange he peeled it and waited for the girls to come see their new home..



Nonalaka said:
Dakota glanced Into the room briefly " Hmm, I might just wait until you're done before I shower " she said with a nod "If I don't want my powers to fluctuate as much I have to these breathing exercise things my mom taught me so I suppose I should get that out of the way."
Roland nodded before playfully pouting "Alriiiiiight.... but if you need more time after i'm done in here, then let me know." he said, beginning playfully, but ending in a more serious tone before going into the bathroom, leaving the door cracked, and showering.
TheDragoon said:
Ken guided her a bit deeper into the forest into a clearing with a hill in its center. It had a large tree at the top of the hill too, the blew leaves into the breeze. The canopy gave you a good view of the stars and moon too. "This is what we missed." He chuckled. "This would have been a cool hangout spot huh?" He asked.
Kelsey nodded as she stared at it "yeah, it sure would have" she said
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]--Inside the office.--
He was furious. His daughter was allowed to just walk out unchecked. But pressing matters at hand were the fact that the city approved the purchases of quite a few buildings in town, including a derelict school. "Natalie, please schedule the contractors to begin renovations on our latest purchases. We need those buildings ready for use before spring.

A holographic projector flared to life at the incoming conference call. "Yes senators, and chiefs of staff?" he spoke trying to hide his irritation. "The U.N. wants to know how your research is coming so far. We demand progress!" The senator slammed his fist on the desk. "Progress? you speak of my work as if I am a magician pulling this "progress" out of my hat like a miraculous rabbit. No, you will not bother me for constant sitrep reports. You want to know how it is going, watch the fucking news!" He raged at the image. "Thirty men, senator. Thirty men whom families will be without. You think that its easy? Dig up Hitler and ask him how easy it is to do what you are asking me to do." He turned away from the grumbling images. "Funding..." a Chief of staff spoke out. "Money? you think I need your fucking money? Gentleman, I never had taken one dime more than what was owed for services rendered." A little screen on his desk beeped, as it posted the fact his heart rate was elevated. Calming down, he returned to the men assembled. "Look, for this plan to succeed, I need two things from the world. Patience, and Time. So unless you have shit loads of both you will graciously give me, I suggest you sit back and pretend to care about your citizens and not your bottom line." he said as he cut the projector off. "Beatrice, go find our daughter, before she ends up in trouble." he asked her nicely. "Natalie, I need some coffee please." he asked through the intercom.


Beatrice was well known, being her husbands companies figure head and VP. So she changed her form:

She walked out of the lobby, and hailed a taxi. She could easily pinpoint her daughter. Infact,. the little bitch was heading towards the most dangerous school in the world. She thought she squashed her daughters need to roam around, forgetting that shes an heiress. She will have to taste the switch tonight, and although she was in a sadistic and foul mood, she infact loved her daughter dearly. But if this girl does not learn her place, she feared more switchings were to come.

The taxi reached the park near the school, and after paying for the ride, she fixed her suit and exited the vehicle. Looking around, she let out a small chuckle at the obviously expensive red dress stalking off, and decided to follow her daughter...

...?Seria soon finished her pretzel piece. She soon looked around for the girl?...

''where did she go anyway..?''
Sixxx said:
She grins " thats fine , would you like to pet my little friend here" she turned her gaze to the boy, her emerald eyes shining brightly, being surrounded by nature
Colin looked at blue then down at the deer, chuckling lightly "That depends, I mean I'd like to but will your friend here let me? Your friend seems shy" he said as he knelt down and held his hand out to the baby deer gently.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland nodded before playfully pouting "Alriiiiiight.... but if you need more time after i'm done in here, then let me know." he said, beginning playfully, but ending in a more serious tone before going into the bathroom, leaving the door cracked, and showering.

Dakota nodded "Alright, will do~" she called as he went to the bathroom. Sighing a little, she then began her exercises for the day.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota nodded "Alright, will do~" she called as he went to the bathroom. Sighing a little, she then began her exercises for the day.
Roland spent maybe five minutes max in the shower before getting out and quickly toweling down, leaving his hair damp as he got dressed then walked out of the bathroom, being as quiet about it as possible in a attempt not to disrupt Dakota's exercises.
Mayyflower said:
...☬ Harley looked at the computer and nodded, still not knowing what that was ☬...
"Yea sure... And nice to meet you Analia I'm Harley"


"Nice to meet you to Harley~" Analia bowed a little before going over to the counter and talking to the cashier that stood behind the counter for a while before she smiled at them, soon making her way around the counter to use their computer. "Let's see here..." She muttered quietly, typing away at the computer.

Nonalaka said:
Colin looked at blue then down at the deer, chuckling lightly "That depends, I mean I'd like to but will your friend here let me? Your friend seems shy" he said as he knelt down and held his hand out to the baby deer gently.
She smiled and grabbed his hand and guided it to the baby deer " hes beautiful ... Beautiful things ,they dont ask for attention ,thats why nature , like the trees and animals thats why they are so quiet " she saw the mother near the edge of the woods , she walked over, with no fear because of blue she lay on the other side of blue and rested " Hi , im Blue"
WeirdPrincess said:


"Nice to meet you to Harley~" Analia bowed a little before going over to the counter and talking to the cashier that stood behind the counter for a while before she smiled at them, soon making her way around the counter to use their computer. "Let's see here..." She muttered quietly, typing away at the computer.

...☬ Harley nods and smiled softly before following her to the computer ☬...

"So did you just move here?"
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]...♝Masahi's dream only progressed to the point in which he had started to try and fight those who took Kaori away, and as it did his bodies breathing became a bit faster up until the point came along that his sharingan had activated for the first time, by then Roman was back in the dream, but when he felt the rush of emotion from his eyes activating for the first time hit him fully his arms reached out and clutched the air behind Kaori as Masahi's face twitched a little before one arm went slack and the other pulled down, unaware of Kaori, and uneffected by her weight as it touched her then pulled her down to him before trying to preposition itself over Masahi's stomach, and though it technically was over his stomach, it was resting on Kaori and whatever part of her was ontop of that part of Masahi's body♝...

...☆Kaori was about to recover enough to push herself up from her weird leaning position when she suddenly felt Masahi reach his hands up and suddenly wrap around her. Yelping from surprise she felt herself get pulled against him, her grip on the couch faltering as her leverage was taken away. Now she was within his grasp, feeling her arms around her back and even one resting on her waist from having fallen slack. The blush that had started to go away was coming back in full force now, and her heart started beating a mile a minute at this rate. Kaori glanced up at Masahi, wondering what kind of sick joke fate kept wanting to play on them. There seriously couldn't be any other explanation for how they kept getting in these situations. Well, it seemed she was stuck here, and as she kept looking up at Masahi, the thought came back in her head that he had asked her earlier, and this only made the butterflies in her stomach worse to where she felt like she might throw up. Not really, there was just a lot of butterflies. A small voice in the back of her head quipped "they say that kissing someone is a good indicator of if you want them", which caused Kaori to blink. What the... where the hell did that come from? Now she was thinking back to when Masahi had kissed her a while back, and her heart started beating harder at the thought. There was no way that thought was making her... excited... right? Before she knew what she was doing Kaori had wiggled her way up within his grasp so that her face was mere inches from his, her breath shaky as she looked at him. What was she doing? There wasn't any way that she wanted him, so... she was... just making sure... yeah that was it. Swallowing out of nervousness, Kaori slowly leaned her head forward, as if she was going to kiss him, but stopped right as her lips were above his, barely brushing it. Was this a mistake? Before she could think too much on it her head leaned the rest of the way, bringing her lips into a kiss on his. Obviously her body thought it wasn't☆...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''but...well...i guess so......Zenya's right, you are like a mother figure..''


Celia tilted her head a little before smiling, "I suppose I am." She said before standing up and dusting off her skirt. "With breakfast done and everything... what should we do now? I don't know if it's safe going outside or not, but I don't really think it is."


Rini had since left the baths as well, telling Miyaka and Chiharu where she was going first of course. She took the time to look around as she walked, taking in the scenery of the small village, it seemed cosy enough, apart from the odd looks she was receiving from some villagers, probably because she wasnt local...or because she had antlers, or both, not that it bothered her really, she was use to it. Eventually she reached the house that she was to stay in, it seemed small, but nice, smiling a little she entered the house, looking around to check it out. "Cute" she said quietly as she looked around the room she stepped into.

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♖Len kept laughing as the pups licked him without remorse, and truly, it tickled the heck out of him but he couldn't do anything but... As much as Lilliana might not like it, Len used his powers to suggest the pups play with Lilliana as well, and well, they stopped attacking him for the moment before looking over at Lily and letting out a squeaky little barks before quickly going over to do the same to Lily as they did to Len♖...
"Sorry Lily!"

...♧Lilliana had been so distracted by how funny it was that Len was getting attacked that she didn't really have any reaction time when he sent the pups her way. She was caught so off guard that the first pup actually pushed her over, her back landing on the ground and the rest of the pups took this as a chance to pounce as well. Screaming a bit out of laughing and trying to get the pups off her, the young girl managed to get out a few words between giggles♧...

"Wh- ah! Nooo! Leeeeeeeeen!"
TheDragoon said:
((I thought Anna used to nose bleed to death when Oliver was in his Leo form but I guess she got used to it xD ))
Oliver shook his head. "Hmm? What did it say?" He asked her.

(( Maturity has done her good

xD ))



Anna frowned for a moment before crossing her arms over her chest, "The government just passed a law where all special have to get regulated and chipped. The chip is suppose to contain our powers." She said, her voice full of anger.

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland spent maybe five minutes max in the shower before getting out and quickly toweling down, leaving his hair damp as he got dressed then walked out of the bathroom, being as quiet about it as possible in a attempt not to disrupt Dakota's exercises.

By the time Roland had finished up in the shower and exited the bathroom. Dakota was just finishing up her exercises, once finished she smiled over at him before hopping to her feet "All done?" She asked.

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