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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Roman stood up and nodded. He then stretched a little before getting some clothes. "Should we takw the kids? I can leave a clone if not." He said, pointing to their bedroom.
Mal looked at the bedroom "I don't think so, I don't want them using their power's, because it won't be good to tell them the situation" she said.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Atlas is what this area is called. since theres a new ruler, some laws will change to not match the one of a dictator like...'her'. so for our new helper, we'll call him New Atlas. or NA for short..''
"That's pretty neat. The rules of that chick needs to be erased as quick as possible... Hopefully the nasod can live happy lives. As for Apple, will we be putting her in this machine?" Akane asked.
Roman said:
Keiji had text back, I'll probably need a rest when I get back. I'm pretty sure the room looks pretty cool now too. See you later. -K
Dylan curled up in the bed , tired she started to drift off to sleep clutching a pillow to her chest . She looked so sad as she slept , fragile almost

Roman said:
"That's pretty neat. The rules of that chick needs to be erased as quick as possible... Hopefully the nasod can live happy lives. As for Apple, will we be putting her in this machine?" Akane asked.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal looked at the bedroom "I don't think so, I don't want them using their power's, because it won't be good to tell them the situation" she said.
Roman nodded and left his clone to watch the kids. "Yeah you're right... I wish things were just normal, but some had to fuck up." He said, teleporting the two of them to the graveyard. "Seems we aren't the only visitors my dad gets." He said, pointing a the pink haired boy.
Roman said:
Roman nodded and left his clone to watch the kids. "Yeah you're right... I wish things were just normal, but some had to fuck up." He said, teleporting the two of them to the graveyard. "Seems we aren't the only visitors my dad gets." He said, pointing a the pink haired boy.
Mal stared at the pink haired boy "do you know him?" she asked.
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Mayyflower said:
Origami chuckled and nods. "I'm having a really good time aswell" she says smiling
The waiter brought two kind of thin, tall shot glasses. "This is supposed to be a Mediterranean drink. But mostly its for parties and gatherings. As the Greeks say, stin uyeia sou!" He said while making a small toast. He bore no real hatred for the Greeks, just their king. He drank the shot down and lightly slammed it on the table in tradition, but doing so, as not to make a scene.

HimeragiSeiker said:
''alright. but lets just wait here for a little while. maybe until its 8 (AM), we can take a shower. i dont like being an early bird and its cold in the morning~''
...✿She said before she cuddled into Blake✿...
"Alright then he said as he relaxed and layed back more when she cuddled into him as he wrapped his arms around her
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko looked up at river "anything else to do?" she asked.
"Leave... Unless you want to find anything else to take." He said as jace started to pack every thing up while Evan headed for the portal

Roman said:
(((( Can you post first, I'm trying to finish my replies ;P ))))
Thana say there in her room on her bed in some loose and comfy Greek robes a book in her and her legs crisscross as she read a happy smile on her face

Sixxx said:
Amber walked up the steps and opened her dorm immediatly walking to the bedroom kicking off the shoes turning to Atrios looking up at him with a timid smile " will you unzip my dress ? She said turning her back to him blushing
@Daniel reaving
Atrio smiled as he walked up close to her and graved the zipper before gently unzipping her dress then smiling and reaching his head over her shoulder and kissing her cheek
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Leave... Unless you want to find anything else to take." He said as jace started to pack every thing up while Evan headed for the portal
Thana say there in her room on her bed in some loose and comfy Greek robes a book in her and her legs crisscross as she read a happy smile on her face

Atrio smiled as he walked up close to her and graved the zipper before gently unzipping her dress then smiling and reaching his head over her shoulder and kissing her cheek

"well I said i'd take only one thing and I did" Kyoko said and turned around.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Alright then he said as he relaxed and layed back more when she cuddled into him as he wrapped his arms around her

''did anyone told you you have a very nice body?''

...✿Emiko said as she giggled a bit. She only asked that since they were both naked anyway✿...
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Leave... Unless you want to find anything else to take." He said as jace started to pack every thing up while Evan headed for the portal
Thana say there in her room on her bed in some loose and comfy Greek robes a book in her and her legs crisscross as she read a happy smile on her face

Atrio smiled as he walked up close to her and graved the zipper before gently unzipping her dress then smiling and reaching his head over her shoulder and kissing her cheek

Hayate walked into the room and waved to Thana. He grabbed himself a shirt and walked over to the bed, "Hey Thana~ What're you reading?" He aslasked, trying to find title of the book.
LunaCrosby said:
Mal stared at the pink haired boy "do you know how?" she asked.
"I don't know who he is. Maybe we should go meet him...." Roman suggested.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''for the Atlas no. Apple, im not so sure''
"M-Maybe you sshould test it first then. After all, you offered to do so." Akane suggested
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HimeragiSeiker said:
''but...you said i look fine like this..''
"Why not change the look to a moremore natural smile. That way, no one would think you're a psycho with stuck face?"
LunaCrosby said:
Mal nodded "I mean, we are visiting your dad's grave too and he's there so we might as well" she said.
Roman nodded, "I guess." He said, holding MaMal's hand as he walked to his father's grave. "Hi sir." Keiji looked up at Roman and Mal, and set the flowers down on the grave. "Hi there." Roman smiled, "Friend of his?" "Son." Roman looked at Mal. "Hear that? He's my dad's son..." "Whoa.. You're dad?" "No. My great uncle Phillip." "Oh." "That is my dad!" "Well he's mine too.." Roman looked at Mal again, "So... I have a brother now?"
...?Once Asuka was finished washing the dishes and made sure Lumina had whatever she needed, she dried off her soaking hands and exited the kitchen before heading upstairs. She would be fine downstairs on her own, right? Besides, if she did ever need anything, she could just call Asuka. Though as she passed by the living room, the sight on the tv and the reporters words caught her attention. She stood rooted in her spot, staring at the screen with wide eyes and her jaw dropped. There, on the tv, were a confined Akira and Kenji, getting thrown into a police van while the reporter explain that an elementary school had been destroyed in the chaos of two powerful beings fighting and a new law was being passed to regulate specials. Though she was worried about both brothers now, the thought of the children outweighed that worry and turned it into sadness. And those poor children... who never so much as got a chance to live out their lives. Her mouth clamped shut and her hands balled into fists as well as her form changing and tears swelling in her eyes, over come with and sadness with the dead children. How could this have happened? Who let such a thing happen? Asuka's mind immediately went to Akira and Kenji, who she remembered seeing them being hauled into a van. It had to be one of the two... right? Of course, she didn't think this was on purpose. It was absurd to think that either one of the brothers would purposely harm and kill children. Whatever they had gone to Earth to do, which she didn't know, they had to aware of their surrounds right? Asuka couldn't stand the sight of the tv anymore and made her way out of the living room, going up the stairs and into her room. She quickly wiped away her tears, taking a seat on her bed and staring at her floor. Though she was still sad and slightly angry about what had happened to the kids, there wasn't anything she could do about it. Unless... she went along with this new law that was being passed. It wouldn't revive the children, but it would stop anything else that was relatively destructive that involved specials from happening to the humans?...


...?Asuka chewed on her lower lip as she thought about it. She was fine with it really, having a chip implanted in her brain to regulate or restrict her powers. It's not like she used them all that much anyways, but... that also came with the possibility of death of the government saw it fit and possibly losing one of her closest friends and companion. She had to talk to her about to, to see what she thought she should do and probably go try and find Akira, as well as Kenji, after. Even though she didn't know if either of them escaped or not, Asuka had to be hopeful and assume they did. Gah, now she really wanted to go look for them, but it was important that she talk to Yoshino. Akira and Kenji would be fine, they would escape right? I mean, they were Sanctums, handcuffs couldn't really hold them in or anything. Unless they were a special type of handcuffs to detain specials... Asuka groaned, she hated when her mind went to the absolute worst possible case. That's it, she couldn't keep staying here. She had to hurry and talk to Yoshino, then set out to find the two brothers. But first, Asuka had to tell Lumina, she didn't want to leave without telling her. Standing up, she made her way out of her room and down the stair before heading into the living room where she last saw Lumina. Imagine to her surprise when she didn't see her there on the couch, so... where was she then. Maybe the kitchen to get more water, she could have ran out and needed more. Making her way into the kitchen, so didn't so much as see her there either, but what she did see was a paper on the table. Her brows knitted together in confusion before she made her way over to the table, picking up the note that Lumina had left behind before her departure. As her eyes scanned and read the note, her worry now grew a little more than before. When had even left and how did Asuka not notice? She guessed her thoughts had distracted her enough to not even hear Lumina downstairs. Letting out a sigh, she set the note down as she spoke, now adding another person to her list that she had to find. At least now she could leave, hopefully Kioko and Hikari would be okay on their own for a while.. until she could return?...

"Oh Lumina... why couldn't you have just told me in person... At least then I wouldn't be so worried about you..."

...?Asuka quickly flipped the paper over and scribbled down a quick note for the girls, telling them that she had gone to Earth and would be back when she could. Once she finished writing and capped the pen, she set it down beside the note before teleporting herself to Yoshino's location, which happened to be in the park. Asuka had to walk around a little before finding her on a bench, staring up at the sky. Yoshino looked a little... sad and kind of bored. Making her way over to her, she spoke in a quiet tone once she stopped in front of her?...

"Shino... You know what's going on right?"

...??Feeling a familiar presence and hearing it companies by a voice she knew all to well, Yoshino looked down from the sky and towards Asuka with a neutral expression. Of course she knew what was going on, it was sort of hard not to. With the commotion outside and the voice of the reporter that had rang out through the park. The news had shocked her enough to change back into her regular form. Yoshino didn't know what she was going to do about it, not that she had much of a say in the matter. Ultimately, she was waiting for Asuka's partake of the matter and what she was going to do. Yoshino spoke as set her hands in her lap??...

"Yeah, I know..."


...?Asuka looked down her as she spoke, her tears from earlier coming back, though she was sad entirely different reason. She knew that the choice was hers to make, but if she made the right one... she'd get rid of her best friend that she had for years. If Asuka went with the law that was against specials, her powers would be restricted and she probably wouldn't be use them, like summoning. So would anything she ever summoned cease to exist? Maybe, she didn't know. Asuka guessed that's what would happen if she followed along with the governments orders, but she couldn't do that if that was the outcome?...

"I... I don't know what's right Shino."


...??Yoshino shook her head, not believing what she had said. Asuka new what choice she wanted to make, she just didn't like the possible consequence that would come with it. Of course, she didn't like it either but she couldn't do anything about it. She wasn't going to fight against Asuka and try and persuade her that powers were a good thing to keep. That was how Yoshino felt, but not her. She spoke as she tilted her head down a little, her bangs shielding her gaze. She didn't really want to just... disappear, though. She wanted to continue on with her life with the people she had met and most importantly Kaz and Minako. Just thinking about leaving almost made her want to cry, but Yoshino wasn't much of a cryer??...

"You do know though. I can read you like a book remember? It's fine, you know. I've been around long enough anyways."


...?Asuka stared at her in shock, did she... just hear her right? Was she implying that there was a possibility of her pooling out of existence? That couldn't be true... no way was that true. Though the more she thought about it, the more Asuka realized it probably was true. Yoshino was just a summon of hers and she wasn't her own person, she stemmed off of Asuka's Magic. She was followed along with enforcements, she'd lose her and it broke her just thinking about that. Falling to her knees, her hands rested on Yoshino's knees and her shoulders shook slightly as she sobbed. Asuka couldn't go through it anymore, she couldn't pick the enforcing side. Not if that meant losing Yoshino in the process. They had been through too much together for Asuka to just let her go like that. Raising her head, she looked at her with her tear filled gaze as she spoke?...

"I can't do it then! I don't want to lose you, Yoshino... I've had you forever and I may not visit you as much as I would want, but I'd still miss you if vanished!"


...??So that was the issue then... Yoshino was the reason her vision was so clouded on what to do. She sighed lightly before putting a hand on her head and speaking??...

"You can't let me get in the way of your decision, Asuka. Besides, we don't know if I'll disappear or not."

...?Asuka sniffles a little, nodding her head. She did have a somewhat valid point there, about the disappearing part that is. Right about now, she'd probably pick the side that she knew she'd be able to keep Yoshino. Asuka was more conflicted than ever on what side to take a slumped the rest of the way on the floor. Why did this have to happen anyways? Why'd she have to make this type of decision? She hated it, she just wanted everything to end. She was never good at making decisions anyways, so it would be hard for her to finally pick a side. While on one side, there was the chance of having a more peaceful world without any special and on the other, was the side where she kept Yoshino around and possibly be able to teach humans that not all specials are destructive. Gah, this was probably the hardest decisions she's ever had to make. Now she wished she didn't even come to Earth... but she needed to to talk to Yoshino and... what else? Asuka sat on the floor, sniffling and wiping away her remaining tears before pushing herself off of the ground and standing up. She has gotten so wrapped up in her emotions and her conversation with Yoshino that she forgot where she was headed after this. Asuka stood there for a moment before a light flickered over her head, that's right! She had to find Akira and Lumina now, that's what she had said she would do before leaving Ecrilia. Though she didn't even know where to start looking for either of them... Dusting off her clothes, she spoke as she slowly started walking away, waving towards Yoshino before exiting the park?...

"Ah, I have to go. I don't know what I'm doing yet, but I'll think about what you said, I promise! I-I have to go now!"

...??Yoshino stood up and put her hands on her hips as she watched Asuka go, speaking before quietly following after her. She wasn't about to let her friend go into the depths of possible danger without being armed. Of course, she knew Asuka could just change forms and fight that way, but Yoshino knew how much she hates fighting or rather... killing. No killing was going to be done her side, at least... she hoped it wouldn't??...

"I should probably follow her... just to make sure she doesn't get hurt by police or anyone else..."

Roman said:
Roman nodded, "I guess." He said, holding MaMal's hand as he walked to his father's grave. "Hi sir." Keiji looked up at Roman and Mal, and set the flowers down on the grave. "Hi there." Roman smiled, "Friend of his?" "Son." Roman looked at Mal. "Hear that? He's my dad's son..." "Whoa.. You're dad?" "No. My great uncle Phillip." "Oh." "That is my dad!" "Well he's mine too.." Roman looked at Mal again, "So... I have a brother now?"

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