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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

...☼Chiharu had been scrambling back toward Rini and Miyaka when the shield broke, and her eyes widened as Miyaka disappeared. There was a moment of silence before she screamed, now completely scared out of her mind. What had just happened to Miyaka?? Before she realized it the spider hand her pinned down, and she felt a sticky subtance around her ankle. Chiharu could only whimper as she looked up at the beast above her, feeling helpless as tears came to her eyes, streaming down her face☼...



...⊗Kanon blinked in confusion as Achilles spoke, wondering what he meant by "dirty trick". In her drunken state it really didn't register that kissing people you don't really know isn't a Nirmal thing that people do, so she gave him a questioning look. She started to speak to find out before her speech was cut off at the weird change to his body⊗...

"Dirty trick? What dirty tr- woaaaah."
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana kept her gaze on her lap as Ayen spoke, trying to hold it together at the word orphans. It made it real, and Lilliana really didn't want it to be. As Ayen and Kite spoke she remembered about the guys hunting exceeds, and her grip tightened on her shirt. She had forgotten about that. Would they really be safe here? Her face showed hints of worry mixed in with the sadness and nervousness now, and she didn't look up or say anything even as Kite said they could stay, because really, she wasn't sure how she felt about staying here yet♧...

@Tobi Neafearn @Mayyflower
Lexi took a step forwards. "We will do everything to protect them, and if they do find us here then I have a safe house, but they shouldn't find us here" she says with a nod. @TheDragoon
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
"Well, if you wanted to wash you should have just woken me up. I would've joined you in the tub~" Kili joked, smiling at Elyse. The hand on her arm trailed up to her shoulder, and before resting in her cheek.
"Although. We could always do that now, seeing as I am awake..."

...♒Elyse smiled as she felt his hand trail up her arm, enjoying feeling his touch on her skin. After not being able to touch people or things for so long, the sensation of feeling someone's hand or body on hers was electrifying, and almost addictive. Elyse soon spoke, moving her own hand to wrap around his waist to pull him toward her until their faces were mere inches from each other♒...

"All I did was brush my teeth and wash my face, though I wouldn't be opposed to that bath though~"
Jofune Tsurabisu]Apollyon Nodded his thanks before noticing the battle field from this high. (Sorry shyland. this is a closed rp scene right now. try back later.) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14736-shyland/ said:
Order nodded back, as if to say 'I should be thanking you'. He said before he looked back over the battlefield as well. It looked like they had cleared out their area for the time being.
wiigamechamp said:
WeirdPrincess said: ↑
"I've got regular English and Honors Algebra." Lilith stated as she looked over his schedule to see where the classes were. "You seem pretty smart to be in Honors English." She said as she started walking to his class.

"Your flattering, but I'm pretty sure I'm as smart as any average person. You are most likely smarter than I am with your Honers math." Mako stated.

"Yeah, right. I'll just say we're both equally smart since you're in Honors English and I'm in Honors Algebra." Lilith said with a laugh as she walked towards his last two classes. "I'm just really good at math is all. So I thought I should take Honors."
WeirdPrincess said:
"Yeah, right. I'll just say we're both equally smart since you're in Honors English and I'm in Honors Algebra." Lilith said with a laugh as she walked towards his last two classes. "I'm just really good at math is all. So I thought I should take Honors."
"I only took honors English because I'm good with my words." Mako replied

Mayyflower said:
Lexi took a step forwards. "We will do everything to protect them, and if they do find us here then I have a safe house, but they shouldn't find us here" she says with a nod. @Tobi Neafearn
Roman said:
"Imma kill things over here!" he shouted back. Just then he opened up on enemies near the tower. "HEY YOU GUYS, CHEESE IS YOUR SAVIOR!!1"he shouted at the foes he was blasting back to the stone age.
Han nodded, "Well I can handle things down here for now. We just gotta.... Keep em' away from the towers." He said, before catching a spear that was thrown at him.


He then killed some people heading his way and a few more who tried to sneak up on him from behind. "When should we go to the towers anyway? These guys aren't putting up a good enough fight."

@Jofune Tsurabisu
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori stayed still in his grasp, not sure how to move, until Masahi moved her himself until she was standing on her feet next to him, her cheeks still showing signs of a light pink hue in them. Right before she did Kaori noticed a conflicted expression if only for a moment, as if he couldn't quite decide if he wanted to do something or not. Honestly, in the position that they were in, it wouldn't have been hard for him to kiss her, but that didn't happen. Kaori wasn't sure what her feelings would have been if he had kissed her. After the events yesterday with Roman, she knew she wasn't ready to think about anyone else in that regard... was she? They had slept together (in a platonic way of course) both nights that he had been at her house, and thinking back on those moments, she didn't mind at all... so... Kaori shook away the thought, not wanting to complicate things any further. Upon standing Kaori smoothed out her dress, not knowing what to do until Masahi spoke about the food. That's why they had come out here in the first place. Kaori cleared her throat as she spoke, trying to smooth out the tension in the air now☆...
"Y-Yeah, right. Food. Um... we're almost there, so it's not that much farther..."
...♝Masahi nodded then turned in the direction they had been walking in and began walking again, trying to get some thoughts out of his mind, like wishing she'd trip again so he could see her reaction to getting kissed... he shook his head again knowing those thoughts would get him no where but in a load of problems that he didn't have time for, at least, not right now, right now he was worried about covering up the fact that he had almost kissed her out of some instinct that he had to suppress. So Masahi continued walking before looking back and speaking to Kaori♝...

"So, any clue where you want to eat, it is my treat."
Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana kept her gaze on her lap as Ayen spoke, trying to hold it together at the word orphans. It made it real, and Lilliana really didn't want it to be. As Ayen and Kite spoke she remembered about the guys hunting exceeds, and her grip tightened on her shirt. She had forgotten about that. Would they really be safe here? Her face showed hints of worry mixed in with the sadness and nervousness now, and she didn't look up or say anything even as Kite said they could stay, because really, she wasn't sure how she felt about staying here yet♧...
@Tobi Neafearn @Mayyflower
Mayyflower said:
Lexi took a step forwards. "We will do everything to protect them, and if they do find us here then I have a safe house, but they shouldn't find us here" she says with a nod. @TheDragoon
TheDragoon said:
Kite smiled and took her hand next to her before looking back at Ayen. "Don't worry, they'll be safe with us." He said to him. "Plus, I'm sure they'll have plenty of fun with Ollie." He chuckled as the silly looking hippo bounced into the living room.

@Tobi Neafearn
Ayen nodded before standing up and looking around "Would you by chance have a map of the city? i could mark down my house and their house on it, so you could go get their things or if you need to contact me." he said before looking over at the hippo "And is there something wrong with that hippo? it doesn't seem normal at all."
Roman said:
"Imma kill things over here!" he shouted back. Just then he opened up on enemies near the tower. "HEY YOU GUYS, CHEESE IS YOUR SAVIOR!!1"he shouted at the foes he was blasting back to the stone age.
Han nodded, "Well I can handle things down here for now. We just gotta.... Keep em' away from the towers." He said, before catching a spear that was thrown at him.


He then killed some people heading his way and a few more who tried to sneak up on him from behind. "When should we go to the towers anyway? These guys aren't putting up a good enough fight."

"If you want to deal with the devil himself, go for it." he pointed his thumb behind him.

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Kioko nodded and relaxed in her seat, her eyes turning back to the movie before she spoke?...
"Do we get stuck if we're still in the building when it vanishes?"
"I do, you wouldn't make it." she said sadly.

Roman said:
Han nodded, "Well I can handle things down here for now. We just gotta.... Keep em' away from the towers." He said, before catching a spear that was thrown at him.

He then killed some people heading his way and a few more who tried to sneak up on him from behind. "When should we go to the towers anyway? These guys aren't putting up a good enough fight."
@Jofune Tsurabisu

He gave the bro a thumbs up as the tower's floor was covered in brass shells from his continuous barrage.


Lumina said:
...☼Chiharu had been scrambling back toward Rini and Miyaka when the shield broke, and her eyes widened as Miyaka disappeared. There was a moment of silence before she screamed, now completely scared out of her mind. What had just happened to Miyaka?? Before she realized it the spider hand her pinned down, and she felt a sticky subtance around her ankle. Chiharu could only whimper as she looked up at the beast above her, feeling helpless as tears came to her eyes, streaming down her face☼...



...⊗Kanon blinked in confusion as Achilles spoke, wondering what he meant by "dirty trick". In her drunken state it really didn't register that kissing people you don't really know isn't a Nirmal thing that people do, so she gave him a questioning look. She started to speak to find out before her speech was cut off at the weird change to his body⊗...

"Dirty trick? What dirty tr- woaaaah."
A blast shook the spider, who came down with Miyaka. A second, a third, and a fourth. A completely emotionless Misafune did what he could, his arm was armored and in his fist was a smaller gun. All of it vanished with his final words before going to sleep again, "Rini...kill..save..girl...save...chi-chan.."

"I feel it, a heart beat..." he spoke as he kissed her again. and again. His body was coming back, after over three thousand years, he was returning to life. How was strange, but it did not matter...


TheDragoon said:
Kite smiled and took her hand next to her before looking back at Ayen. "Don't worry, they'll be safe with us." He said to him. "Plus, I'm sure they'll have plenty of fun with Ollie." He chuckled as the silly looking hippo bounced into the living room.
@Tobi Neafearn

...♧Lilliana looked up at Ayen as Kite spoke. They sounded like they were good people and that they'd be safe, but she still couldn't help but be worried a bit about being left with them. While they were family, they were her aunt and uncle, they were still strangers to her. She continued to look up at Ayen until the hippo bounced into the room, and Lilliana's eyes widened upon seeing it. It was big, and loud... and terrifying. She yelped before trying to hide behind Ayen, shaking a bit. Lilliana hid her face, wanting it to go away♧...

@Tobi Neafearn
Roman said:
Taylor sighed, "Have you ever seen her when she's sad or like disappointed? I can't bare it... It's like... Looking at a sad kitten or something like that... It's so cute, but sad... And yeah. You threw us off alright."

Emiya shook his head, "I would tell you why, but it's a really long story. He just liked keeping to himself, but I guess Celia made him feel otherwise. She's seemed to have rubbed off on em'."

??Celia?? and ??Ulqui??


"I've seen her sad on multiple occasions, it makes me want to just hit the person or thing who made her sad." Ulqui stated as Celia went over to her to her laptop to log off and shut it down. "Disappointment though... not so much. I've yet to get the look of disappointment~"

Celia turned around to face the two, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. "You guys are mean. You invaded my personal space on my laptop, all you had to do was ask me what I wanted." She sniffled and looked at them in disappointment before turning away.

"Nevermind... Sorry Cel..." Ulqui said quietly and rubbed the back of his head, slightly guilty for looking through her laptop. "In my defense, I asked before... you just didn't hear me over your loud eating..." He muttered under his breath.


"Ah, you wouldn't have to tell me. I'm okay with not knowing." Charlotte said as she waved a hand. "Well, I'm glad she was able to help the two of you talk again. I know I'd be heartbroken if I never got to talk to my kids again over something."

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi nodded then turned in the direction they had been walking in and began walking again, trying to get some thoughts out of his mind, like wishing she'd trip again so he could see her reaction to getting kissed... he shook his head again knowing those thoughts would get him no where but in a load of problems that he didn't have time for, at least, not right now, right now he was worried about covering up the fact that he had almost kissed her out of some instinct that he had to suppress. So Masahi continued walking before looking back and speaking to Kaori♝...
"So, any clue where you want to eat, it is my treat."

...☆Kaori followed behind him silently, trying to get weird thoughts out of her head. She knew he liked her, so she probably guessed that kissing her in that moment wad probably on his mind... and she knew she wasn't really thinking about Masahi in that regard... so why didn't it bother her thinking about him kissing her? Obviously never having been kissed before, the thought was embarassing, of course, but a small part of her was saying that she didn't mind if the person that kissed her was him. Kaori really didn't think of him in a "I have a crush on you" way, so it was really confusing. She was a bit lost in thought about this, so when Masahi looked back at her she almost didn't pay attention to what he was saying. The only snippet of his question that she heard was "food", and she spoke quickly to try and cover up the fact that she hadn't been listening☆...

"A-ah, uhm, anywhere is fine with me... there's a small diner over there on the corner that has good breakfast.. o-or, um, the cafe over there is good too..."
@Jofune Tsurabisu[/URL]
He gave the bro a thumbs up as the tower's floor was covered in brass shells from his continuous barrage.



Han blinked, "You mean, Satan? Akira had destroyed him many years ago... Though I prefer to be at my best for the strongest opponent... Don't want to disappoint." He said, giving Apollyon a nod. "So, what's the plan? Gonna kick some more of these guys out of their misery?"
Roman said:
He gave the bro a thumbs up as the tower's floor was covered in brass shells from his continuous barrage.


Han blinked, "You mean, Satan? Akira had destroyed him many years ago... Though I prefer to be at my best for the strongest opponent... Don't want to disappoint." He said, giving Apollyon a nod. "So, what's the plan? Gonna kick some more of these guys out of their misery?"

"Not Satan, the guy over there plowing everything in his path. I just plan on winging it till the final 5." he said as he returned to firing his gun at anything that moves below him.

Lumina said:
...☆Kaori followed behind him silently, trying to get weird thoughts out of her head. She knew he liked her, so she probably guessed that kissing her in that moment wad probably on his mind... and she knew she wasn't really thinking about Masahi in that regard... so why didn't it bother her thinking about him kissing her? Obviously never having been kissed before, the thought was embarassing, of course, but a small part of her was saying that she didn't mind if the person that kissed her was him. Kaori really didn't think of him in a "I have a crush on you" way, so it was really confusing. She was a bit lost in thought about this, so when Masahi looked back at her she almost didn't pay attention to what he was saying. The only snippet of his question that she heard was "food", and she spoke quickly to try and cover up the fact that she hadn't been listening☆...
"A-ah, uhm, anywhere is fine with me... there's a small diner over there on the corner that has good breakfast.. o-or, um, the cafe over there is good too..."
...♝Masahi would have been content with Kaori's answer, if it didn't sound like it wasn't the last thing she was thinking about. So without much thinking on his part, Masahi moved so he was in Kaori's path then he leaned forward to be level with her, not even thinking on whether or not she'd actually stop or not. Truly he just wanted to know what was on her mind without any ill intent or ulterior motive, he was just really curious, and his curiosity would be sated one way or another, regardless of his actions, unless they truly bothered her, then he might just grumble about it a little, but that was besides the point. Again, without thinking really on how it could end up, Masahi opened his mouth to speak♝...

"Hey, Kaori, want ya thinkin' about?"
WeirdPrincess said:

??Celia?? and ??Ulqui??


"I've seen her sad on multiple occasions, it makes me want to just hit the person or thing who made her sad." Ulqui stated as Celia went over to her to her laptop to log off and shut it down. "Disappointment though... not so much. I've yet to get the look of disappointment~"

Celia turned around to face the two, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. "You guys are mean. You invaded my personal space on my laptop, all you had to do was ask me what I wanted." She sniffled and looked at them in disappointment before turning away.

"Nevermind... Sorry Cel..." Ulqui said quietly and rubbed the back of his head, slightly guilty for looking through her laptop. "In my defense, I asked before... you just didn't hear me over your loud eating..." He muttered under his breath.


"Ah, you wouldn't have to tell me. I'm okay with not knowing." Charlotte said as she waved a hand. "Well, I'm glad she was able to help the two of you talk again. I know I'd be heartbroken if I never got to talk to my kids again over something."

Taylor was looking at Ulqui before he turned to face Celia.


"We're sorry... In fact, we won't get anything on your lists... It's what come from the heart right?" He asked. Taylor then ran over to Celia and kissed her.


"Gotta go now, see you in a bit." Taylor said, as he ran off, grabbing Ulqui on the way and jumping out the window again. "To the mall we go, brother in law!"

Emiya chuckled, "It didn't feel all the good. I heard Celia tell him about himself and he immediately whipped up into shape... She's got both a happy loving side, but... I also see a very serious person too. Like a mother." He told her. "I'm sure you'd understand better than me."
(( The way our quotes were coming out started to kind of aggravate me, so I'll fix it ))

Han nodded and made his way over to Apolloyon. "The final 5, eh? Who do you think will make it?" He asked curiously.
Roman said:
(( The way our quotes were coming out started to kind of aggravate me, so I'll fix it ))
Han nodded and made his way over to Apolloyon. "The final 5, eh? Who do you think will make it?" He asked curiously.
@Jofune Tsurabisu
Roman said:
Han blinked, "You mean, Satan? Akira had destroyed him many years ago... Though I prefer to be at my best for the strongest opponent... Don't want to disappoint." He said, giving Apollyon a nod. "So, what's the plan? Gonna kick some more of these guys out of their misery?"
Suuy grinned as he saw a bunch of people of peoeople go flying up into the air, and looking over he grabbed on of his clones who became extremely light, and threw him off in that direction. Suuy laughed as he sailed threw the air, and seeing two people at the center of a crowd of enemies he decided to say screw it, and throw himself there, It wouldn't matter if he died either way. Yelling, "INCOMING!!!!!" He created two copies of himself and threw them into the crowd where they blew up before rolling and standing up next to the two where he pulled out a pair of aviators and said calmly, "Sup?"

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