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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Jofune Tsurabisu]"Hell yeah! I can survive this without you." he said as he fired at the guy about to stab his partner in the back. The blast knocked the guy off the tower and set fire to said tower. "Got to." she continued. "Its natures way of telling us to hook up with the best guy to carry on your species." she finished. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
Han gave him a nod, "My name is Han." He said, before throwing a blade at a guy running at his acquaintance. "If we stick together we'll most likely be one of the 4 people on a tower. So keep your crazy ass in the game, alright?"
Mayyflower said:
Amaya nods. "Yea she says before feeling her neck. "Her father's hand prints were still on her neck. "Shit that hurts.." she says rubbing her neck
☮Ally looked at the marks before offering...☮

"I'll heal it for you.."
Lumina said:
...⊗Kanon nodded, taking another long drink. It sounded like fun! She had never seen an exhibit like that before, so it would be interesting. Plus, it would be entertaining to see Han's reaction to her being gone when he was finished with the fight. He'd be ultra pissed, even more so than earlier... but that's what made it fun. Kanon's gaze moved to the TV screen for a second, watching it until she saw Han still in the heat of battle, before she turned back to the bartender, flashing a smile⊗...
"Shall we go, then?"


...☼Chiharu nodded, her attention going back to Miyaka and Rini and Misafune. It really had been a crazy day, and at this point she wasn't even sure how long they had been in this place for. Days? A week? Who knows? Chiharu's gaze fell on Miyaka, her voice slightly timid as she asked a question☼...

"Um... when do we get to go home?"

He closed the bar after filling a flask with some whiskey. He took the girls arm and lead her through the casino. He showed her everything and told her stories of his wars, and his exploits.

"And so an arrow was what brought me down." he finished as he looked at her. "Here we are. The statues are people spirits. they make great art." he shown her the place.


"sure we will, and we will make Misafune buy us icecream!" she said to get everyones spirits up.

Roman said:
Han gave him a nod, "My name is Han." He said, before throwing a blade at a guy running at his acquaintance. "If we stick together we'll most likely be one of the 4 people on a tower. So keep your crazy ass in the game, alright?"
Pulling out a hunk of cheese, he broke it in half. "Here, keep your strength up. The names Apollyon Du Fromage. Hope to see you survive this." he said as he ate his own half of the good cheese.

WeirdPrincess said:


"Could be a good place to start, I'll check the walls." Ulqui started to feel around the wall, looking for the button to open on of her secret walls that Celia had. Somehow, she had installed multiple besides the one that held all her guns and weapons. On Celia's laptop, there were a few files that were on the home screen. 'Things to do', 'stuff I need to buy', 'weirdest online toys' and 'stuff I want' were the files that were out.


"You can? That's great~" Charlotte said as she twirled the flower in her hands. "Watching something happen naturally, is much more satisfying then having it be done quickly. I always like to think that every time I replant a flower."

Taylor looked over the files before seeing the one labeled, 'Weird Online Toys'. He just stared at it. "Why am I so tempted to ask her about this?" He asked himself. "Hey, Ulqui- I literally don't know how to say your name..." he said, as he continued to look. "I found some files. Come check em' out!"

Emiya nodded, "Indeed. Some people fill the need to rush things... I learned that the hard way. As a young man, I always wanted things done the quick way. Then eventually I settled for a more natural style... Like they say, "with age, come wisdom", right?" He asked, with a smile.
TheDragoon said:
Ken just looked down at the city quietly.
@Tobi Neafearn

Lumina said:
...♧Lilliana just held tightly to Ayen, though after a while she reached back with one of her hands to grab Kens, as a reminder that she still appreciated having him around. It was just that she didn't like heights or the stag and Ayen helped make that fear go away. She hoped they'd make it to their uncles house soon♧...
@Tobi Neafearn
Ayen looks around for a moment longer before zeroing in on a single house "He's there, that's your uncle's house." he said softly as he pointed to the house he was looking at before patting the elks neck and it huffed before bending it's legs and leaping through the air, then softly landing in the front yard of the house. At this point Ayen gently picked both Ken and Lilliana up before moving one of his legs over to the same side as the other and sliding off the elk.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi stretched when Kaori went to her room to change, walking over to the couch he sat down before inspecting his right hand. Making sure it was copying his skin color instead of being white he smiled, there wouldn't be a need to wear gloves today, then he turned his attention to his clothing, still all black, but it wasn't that much of a problem, just a minor inconvenience he thought. As Kaori came back into the room Masahi stood back up and walked over to the door before slipping his own shoes on before smiling at Kaori as he spoke♝...
"Yeah, but hopefully you know the area, or else we'll be slightly lost~"

...☆Kaori smirked as she led him outside, starting to walk in the direction of town. Her? Get lost? No way! She clasped her hands behind her as they walked, enjoying how nice the day was. A lot of the days at this school seemed to be nice, which was a relief. She hated bad weather days. So the sun shining above them was nice, in Kaori's mind. She soon spoke, turning and walking backwards to talk to Masahi☆...

"I've lived here for a little while. I know the area, for the most part. I at least know how to get to town, which is where the food is."
Akai said:
{Can someone explain to me what is going on?
Sorry, I'm a newbie!}
(what is going on is im running a scene about a pit fight in a casino in hell. The rp is set in a highschool.)
Roman said:
Han caught the cheese and took a bite, "Thanks, Apollyon. I'll see you at a tower. I know you'll be at one sooner or later." He said, before eating his cheese and walking away, tossing another blade in the head of someone who tried to blindside him.
Apollyon leapt back into the swarm, anyone on the towers could follow him by the fire and flashes his gun is giving off as he tries to get up to another tower to another giant monster. "Adeline, baby, we need your explosive temper now darlin." he asked as the shotgun shifted form to a quad barrel rocket launcher. "HEY YOU GUYS!" he shouted as he fired off the launcher into the crowd, using the explosion to jump the gap between the tower and monster. "SAY AHH! TIME FOR SOME MEDICINE." he fired the launcher down its throat. It exploded. He noticed big bad ass guy further away, but too close for comfort. He rode the corpse down to the ground to start spamming rockets.

@Jesters Court

@Fukushima Akira

Lumina said:
...♒Elyse smiled softly as Kili woke up, bringing her arm up to stroke his cheek as he kissed her, to which she of course kissed back. Still slightly cold she scooted her body over toward his until their full fronts were in contact, and she smiled, responding with a gentle voice♒...
"Morning, love~"
" Did you have a good rest?" He asked, stroking the arm raised to his check. His smile grew larger as he looked Elyse in the eyes, his thoughts drifting into how beautiful she was quickly. He then shivered slightly, before laughing. "Oh my~ I guess someone is feeling a little chilly." He said, wrapping the covers tighter around Elyse, and pulling her as close as possible, smelling the scent of mint on her breath. "I'm surprised you got out of bed, being this cold."
Mayyflower said:
"No ill do it myself." she says only cause she doesnt like getting help
☮Ally sighed and nodded, she wasn't gonna argue with her sister, she knew she didn't like receiving help, that's what she admired about her... Ally always seemed to need help. Ally looked down at her hand again, the blood wasn't there, but when she killed her father it felt so real...☮
LunaCrosby said:
☮Ally sighed and nodded, she wasn't gonna argue with her sister, she knew she didn't like receiving help, that's what she admired about her... Ally always seemed to need help. Ally looked down at her hand again, the blood wasn't there, but when she killed her father it felt so real...☮
Amaya sighed. "Lets go home" she says before warping them home
Jofune Tsurabisu]"Hell yeah! I can survive this without you." he said as he fired at the guy about to stab his partner in the back. The blast knocked the guy off the tower and set fire to said tower. "Got to." she continued. "Its natures way of telling us to hook up with the best guy to carry on your species." she finished. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
...?Kioko's cheeks turned an even brighter red as she spoke, her eyes staring ahead of her?...

"H-Hook up? W-What? I-I don't t-think I w-would be thinking a-about that!"

LunaCrosby said:
☮Ally nodded and made her way to her room☮
"I need to lay down..."
"Me to" she says before going upstairs and into her and Ayen's room and laying on the floor, under the bed, she didnt know why she was under the bed, its just the bed felt so lonely.
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori smirked as she led him outside, starting to walk in the direction of town. Her? Get lost? No way! She clasped her hands behind her as they walked, enjoying how nice the day was. A lot of the days at this school seemed to be nice, which was a relief. She hated bad weather days. So the sun shining above them was nice, in Kaori's mind. She soon spoke, turning and walking backwards to talk to Masahi☆...
"I've lived here for a little while. I know the area, for the most part. I at least know how to get to town, which is where the food is."
...♝Masahi looked around as they walked and noted to himself how nice it was out, such a day is best spent with others, if you have others to spend it with that is. But that was besides the point right now, or atleast, that's what the voice in the back of his head said, what is was saying, and he was mostly agreeing with, was that it saying is that it was important that he was spending the day with Kaori, almost like.... like a date. With that thought his face became slightly pink with a blush, it was then Kaori turned to talk to him and he took in what she had to say before speaking for himself in an almost teasing matter, which he wasn't entirely sure where it came from♝...

"Ah, well, getting to town and getting around town are two different things Kaori~"
Nikkie started pacing a step at a time, new to this town. All of a sudden she heard loud noises-- and it appeared to be something wrong. She shook her head, and started to jog back to her penthouse, with a confused look in her face. "Was moving here a mistake?" She asked herself, walking faster towards her home. "I need to lie down." Her pigtails bounced every time she took a step. She found herself heading over towards the high school, checking out her new school.

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Mayyflower said:
"Me to" she says before going upstairs and into her and Ayen's room and laying on the floor, under the bed, she didnt know why she was under the bed, its just the bed felt so lonely.
☮Ally layed on her bed, everything had gone horribly wrong today and she hated it, she hadn't felt so much hate in one day... especially when she killed someone.. she didn't really... but even if it was fake she still did it.. and nothing would change that☮
Roman said:
Alex swam around, on his back again. He noticed Yuki was saying something, and wasn't sure if she was saying it to him. He seam over to her, circling around her, "Say something?" He asked with a smile.
Yuki was startled by his voice. "Ah! Uh...no not really..." she said. She looked at him for a bit and this time noticed her cheeks start to warm up. "I don't know why but I blush everytime I'm with you...and for some reason I have this urge to want to feel your warmth and...and kiss you and all..." she said quietly hiding her blush by covering her face with her hands.
WeirdPrincess said:
...?Kioko's cheeks turned an even brighter red as she spoke, her eyes staring ahead of her?...
"H-Hook up? W-What? I-I don't t-think I w-would be thinking a-about that!"

"You are what age again?" she asked jokingly. "Girl, its nature, shes bitchy like that." she finished as the movie was showing him about to kiss his girlfriend on the beach without his shirt on. "See that, he is all topless." she pointed out.

LunaCrosby said:
☮Ally layed on her bed, everything had gone horribly wrong today and she hated it, she hadn't felt so much hate in one day... especially when she killed someone.. she didn't really... but even if it was fake she still did it.. and nothing would change that☮
Amaya soon fell asleep under the bed

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