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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]"Its okay, little one." she said as she sipped her drink.
Mikan kept squirming.

Apollyon noted the jackass dipping and dodging like he is some ballerina. "HEY MOUSY, DODGE THIS!" He shouted as he let the gun overcharge. Then he released a burst that covered the area in rainbow lights, and explosions. "WEAK FOOLS DODGE." He laughed out loud.

(your not chopping anyone, everyone weapons nerfed, you do non lethal now.)

A group of warriors taken to super stepping to follow the glow foot girly man. "Hey, bet you cant fly." he shouted as the rules did not allow flying up the towers.

@Jesters Court

@Jesters Court [/b][/color]

shortyshot8 said:
William sat there in his dark room messing with the ring in his hand "Funny...She was so happy when I asked her.....And after that....." He clenched his head "What happened....?"
(oh god the feels)

☩Kagura appeared in the room, looking around at how dark it was woah... She thought before looking at him☩

"what happened?... you died..."
Mayyflower said:
"Just great" Amaya sighed
☮Ally looked back at her☮

"as long as your not afraid of what I am then you'll be fine, besides you helped me when I was scared when we were younger so we'll make it through"
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Natsumi soon closed the door while giggling☫...
''well at least your daughter is hyper than boring dead''
☯Toru laughed lightly

"she's like this without candy, imagine if she did get candy..."
Nonalaka said:
Dakota nodded " W-Well I'm not one for lying" she said as her gaze moved to the side "And I'm not better off than you, What're you on about" she said with a small giggle before hugging him.
Roland rolled his eyes and hugged her back "Yeah, okay, miss perfect long hair and beautiful, well, everything." he said playfully before moving to nuzzle his nose to hers "And me, well, i a grease monkey with messy hair and an irregular eating and sleeping schedule."
LunaCrosby said:
(oh god the feels)
☩Kagura appeared in the room, looking around at how dark it was woah... She thought before looking at him☩

"what happened?... you died..."
(Yeah xD )

William continued looking down at the ring "I get that but......It doesn't make any sense.....It's like....I can't remember any of it."
shortyshot8 said:
(Yeah xD )
William continued looking down at the ring "I get that but......It doesn't make any sense.....It's like....I can't remember any of it."
☩Kagura sighed☩

"How can you not remember dying? it seem's like something that big would be unforgettable"
LunaCrosby said:
☩Kagura sighed☩
"How can you not remember dying? it seem's like something that big would be unforgettable"
"I don't know....None of it really makes sense." He began laughing a little "This ring is the only fragment I hold onto anymore."
Roman said:
Han quickly evaded the impact area of the blast and appeared behind the guy with the gun. "You hide behind a giant gun." He said, chuckling at his own words. "That makes you a coward also." Han then swung his leg into the guy's stomach.
Apollyon caught the blow by tightening his stomach muscles. He tossed the overloading weapon over the side where it exploded. "Coward? To draw fools like you to me? Hardly." He replied by attempting to break the mans leg at the knee joint. "Coming from behind, thats cowardly." he smirked as he drew the first sword from the ground....

TheDragoon said:
((mmk, would have been nice to know the rules xD ))
Order ignored the warriors as he just kept moving faster and faster. He didn't listen to much of anyone. Except Akira, who he always listened to. That didn't mean he couldn't follow rules too. He just chose not to listen to them.

@Jesters Court
(you should have taken the big hint when Akria did not kill anyone in his match. xD )

The warriors herded the guy right to where the gun fell and the explosion rocked the area. "What was that thing?" the leader said out loud.

@Jesters Court

@Fukushima Akira

...♅Akira looked out at the chaos from his gate, noticing Han sprinting through the field, along with a male holding a gun. Upon further scanning, he saw his servant, Order sprinting through the opposite side of the field, cutting down any and all opponents that went near him. Akira spoke as he began walking towards the tower he was closest to, the tiles falling behind him by the time he reached a new one♅...

“ I was correct. This is going to be fun. ”

...♅Suddenly, four men had flanked around Akira as he walked, each one preparing to strike him. It was clear they had been watching Akira's previous match, as they all seemed to disregard the towers and go straight for him. They were prepared to kill with a pre-calculated plan, however, things wouldn't go their way. As they ran along the tiles towards Akira, he opened his eyes, revealing that his Tengan was activated. At that very moment, the four men dropped to the ground and began screaming, one of the men going as far as to cut their own eyes out. The tiles that the men were laid on fell, causing the screams to fall to a quiet hush♅...


...♅Akira continued walking until he exited the tiled area and reached the base of the tower, where solid ground was beneath his feet. Suddenly, one of the males climbing up the tower spun around and began charging towards Akira, their hand's holding their sword. Akira simply stood in his position, awaiting the male to reach him. Just before the male swung his sword, they looked into Akira's eyes. A poor move. Suddenly, the male was frozen in place, simply out of fear. The male slowly dropped to his knees, releasing the sword from his grasp. Akira looked down at him and spoke♅...

What's wrong? Aren't you going to strike me? ”


...♅Upon the male not replying, Akira sighed and placed his hand onto the his head. Suddenly, the male closed his eyes and fell to the ground, unconscious. Akira then looked up at the tower, noticing no one standing on top. He leaped into the air, passed the climbing participants, and landed on the open platform that was situated directly on top of the tower. He spoke as he waited for the participants to reach him♅...

“ Now we wait. ”
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[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]
(you should have taken the big hint when Akira did not kill anyone in his match. xD )

((( Akira doesn't kill anymore anyway xDD )))
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]

Han frowned and jumped up, and sent his other leg at the male's head, to get his leg free. "Don't think of yourself as a high and mighty fighter. It gets you no where." He said as he dusted himself off. "Besides, I can care less about winning. I've already obtained my prizes."
shortyshot8 said:
"I don't know....None of it really makes sense." He began laughing a little "This ring is the only fragment I hold onto anymore."
☩Kagura looked at the ring he was holding☩

"you just... die a lot, this time when you died I thought you were gone, like, really gone this time"
TheDragoon said:
Order dropped his weapons and caught the gun just before it impacted with him. He grunted under its weight, buckling under its pressure. The then winced as he threw it at the group of warriors who kept annoying him.
@Jesters Court

@Jesters Court

LunaCrosby said:
☮Ally looked back at her☮
"as long as your not afraid of what I am then you'll be fine, besides you helped me when I was scared when we were younger so we'll make it through"
"Yea I guess, let's just go" she says with a small sigh
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]The explosion was shrugged off as they got closer, "Pretty boy, were going to make you our bitch!" they shouted as they pursued the glowing foot sissy.
Apollyon just smiled as he caught the foot and threw it away. "Predictable." he said as he vanished. Slashes seemed to be coming from thin air as it was hard to track him...

@Jesters Court


Han tried to track his movements, but was cut a few times. Twice on his back, and the third cut the fabric of his clothing. "You've torn my jacket...." Han looked and watched as he continued to attack, but Han quickly caught on with his movements. Han was now stitching his jacket back up with a smile.


For Han things looked like they were slowed down now. He could see his opponent perfectly. Once he finished his jacket, he caught the blade with his hands. "If you were any good, I would have lost by now." He taunted before snapping the blade in half. "You're too ahead of yourself... I'll show you a good fighter." Han took the piece of blade he had broke and held it between his fingers, "Catch." He said, with a sinister grin before throwing the blade at high speeds. It was almost impossible to see it coming, but he knew his opponent could handle such a simple toss.
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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland rolled his eyes and hugged her back "Yeah, okay, miss perfect long hair and beautiful, well, everything." he said playfully before moving to nuzzle his nose to hers "And me, well, i a grease monkey with messy hair and an irregular eating and sleeping schedule."

Dakota laughed "I wouldn't have have you any other way" she said as she looked up at him Also you forgot to mention that im clumsy "
Mayyflower said:
"Yea I guess, let's just go" she says with a small sigh
☮Ally nodded as she began walking again☮

☩The scenery changed, they were now in... their old home, their parent's were there as well as their... many...many brother's and sister's.

"it won't be peaceful for long~"
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]-Misafune--
He Finaly found the Dream.

He sat down. The group of men and the man made of Darkness invited him for a drink. "Look, boy, you are our last hope. This power is a dual edged sword. It can help, but it has to destroy. But it is not unreasonable.

"Home." the darkness spoke. "Quiet." it said again as it shown everyone a small hole in the outer universe.

"It wants to go home. It is too loud in the inner universe." the man spoke.

Then a picture of a naked Rini was shown, then Chiharu, and finally Miyaka.

"How do you explain seeing three girls naked? It seems you are fond of them." another man spoke, as he sipped sake. "Do you not realize, that you can infact make babies with all three of them, you have the power." He finished.

"Keep the bloodline going." another man spoke.

"Look, I am just a boy. I like them just fine, but even, I cant. That would ruin me being their friend." he bit back.

"NO FRIEND" the darkness said. "HEIRS." He finished.

He got up and ran out of the little tea house. His ancestors were crazy. He dream walked himself over the mountains.

Back in the real world, Misafune smiled as he slept. "Rini..soft." he murmured.


She blushed as she got an image of his dream. "Omg." she said as she walked with Rini-chan.


Rini looked back at misafune as he mumbled in his sleep...she was soft?, she blinked a few times as her cheeks tinted light pink...what was he dreaming about?...Rini then turned to Miyaka when she spoke, noticing her face was red "What is it?"

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