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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Before she could say anything about going inside the room, Akira had already walked in. Asuka just stared at the two and reeled back a bit, her cheeks turning bright red before she turning her head and speaking quietly to herself❦...
"I knew it!
I should have told him to lock the door..."

...♅Akira continued to wrap his brain around what he'd just seen. Upon realizing the scene that lay before him, he looked at the ground and blushed lightly, talking as he did so♅...

“ I-I came here to l-let you know that I was b-back.. ”



Lumina said:
...♤Lumina's body seemed to melt under his hands, especially with all of her focus on Kenji's kiss. She had never been kissed like that before, so it was a rather new experience for her. While it was embarrassing as all hell to think about, Lumina wasn't really thinking about anything except how Kenji was making her body feel at the moment. She was getting so lost in the feelings that she was slightly confused at first when Kenji broke away, staring at Akira♤...
"Kenji? Wh-"

...♤Lumina cut herself short as her eyes fell on Akira and Asuka, who were now in her room. Her face remained blank for a few moments, like Kenji had at first, simply taking in the scene♤...


...♤After those few moments and Lumina could process the situation, her face exploded into crimson and she looked at the two with a expression of horror and embarassment. She grew flustered, bringing her arms around herself, not knowing what to do. In her moment of extreme embarassment her form changed, with her long blonde hair turning brown, shortening everywhere but a segment of her bangs♤...

"A-Akira... A-A-As-suka... U-uh... I-I..."


...♤Only one thing was on Lumina's mind, and that was that she wished she was anywhere but here. Her embarrassment was only growing and she was close to making a scene, and that was the last thing she wanted. If anything, she wanted to crawl under a rock and stay there. In her flustered state Lumina accidentally released a bit of magical energy, and coupled with her current emotions she suddenly poofed out of her room, landing a few yards outside the house in the same position she had been in her bed. Lumina sat there for a moment, blinking, not really understanding what happened. She didn't even know she could do that. Or could she? Part of her really didn't care. Her mind was still reeling from being caught in such a situation and she sat there outside, her placing her hands on her face as she spoke to herself♤...

"I can't believe that happened...!"

...ΨKenji stumbled to his feet and spoke as he shouted at Akira, still visibly flustered by the entire situation that he was inΨ...

“ S-so! Y-you could've at least kn-knocked! ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira continued to wrap his brain around what he'd just seen. Upon realizing the scene that lay before him, he looked at the ground and blushed lightly, talking as he did so♅...

“ I-I came here to l-let you know that I was b-back.. ”



...ΨKenji stumbled to his feet and spoke as he shouted at Akira, still visibly flustered by the entire situation that he was inΨ...

“ S-so! Y-you could've at least kn-knocked! ”

...♤Lumina sat outside in the grass, trying to use the outside air to cool down her heated blush. It wasn't working to reduce the redness in her cheeks, but it did feel good. She picked at the grass in front of her, her mind going over the events of the last hour or so. An embarrassed look crossed her face as she did♤...


...♤It was totally unlike herself to get so caught up in something like that. She never envisioned herself doing those things... well, one day she would, of course, but not now. Maybe it was just because she didn't have any experience with anything like that, that her first reaction was to get flustered and want to run away. But as was proven recently, it's not like she hated that kind of thing at all. It was nice. She could still feel Kenji's hand at the base of her wings, and her blush darkened a slight bit at the thought. Lumina kept playing with the grass, replaying the events over in her head. Part of her wondered what would have happened if Akira hadn't come in the room right then... she shook her head, not wanting to think about it. That was just... too much. She still couldn't believe he just waltzed in there, seeing them like that. Seeing her like that. Lumina had just gotten used to Kenji seeing her act that way, she wasn't sure she could handle anybody else♤...
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira continued to wrap his brain around what he'd just seen. Upon realizing the scene that lay before him, he looked at the ground and blushed lightly, talking as he did so♅...

“ I-I came here to l-let you know that I was b-back.. ”



...ΨKenji stumbled to his feet and spoke as he shouted at Akira, still visibly flustered by the entire situation that he was inΨ...

“ S-so! Y-you could've at least kn-knocked! ”

...❦Asuka looked between the two before manifesting a book in her hands and flipping through the pages. She had noticed that Lumina was long gone by now, outside probably to get away from this embarrassing scene. She'd most likely do the same thing had she been in such a situation. Thankfully, she never has been. Seriously though... who doesn't knock before entering a room? It's common courtesy to do so. Shaking her head, Asuka went back to flipping through the book❦...

Slaxt said:
Clover smiles, he was happy he finally got to talk to trix his wonderful girlfriend. "Hey beautiful." He says happily. "How have you been?.... Do you need anything?" He says while laying back down in the bed.
Trix smile at the sound of his voice playing with a piece of her hair, tail flicking side to side. She paced slightly watching her feet. She blinked a couple times before saying "I've been ok..i..i don't know what happened or how i got where i was...it's a long story" she bit her lip slighgtly then continued "Did you wanna hang out?" she thought silently to herself i need you
NeoClassical said:
Ansom chuckled. "Believe me. I've been called a lot of things. Interesting has not been one of those names." He grabbed Elaena's hand and their surrounding melted away, being replaced by a cafe. "How's this?" He asked.
"Well now you have another name to add to the pile" she said with a quiet laugh before her hand was grabbed and her surroundings changed she looked around, nodding in agreement of his choice of location "Yeah, this seems nice~"


WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka looked between the two before manifesting a book in her hands and flipping through the pages. She had noticed that Lumina was long gone by now, outside probably to get away from this embarrassing scene. She'd most likely do the same thing had she been in such a situation. Thankfully, she never has been. Seriously though... who doesn't knock before entering a room? It's common courtesy to do so. Shaking her head, Asuka went back to flipping through the book❦...
...♅Akira looked at his hands and spoke as he looked to the side and raised his hand to his forehead♅...

“ Well anyway, I'm back.. so.. yeah. ”



Lumina said:
...♤Lumina sat outside in the grass, trying to use the outside air to cool down her heated blush. It wasn't working to reduce the redness in her cheeks, but it did feel good. She picked at the grass in front of her, her mind going over the events of the last hour or so. An embarrassed look crossed her face as she did♤...

...♤It was totally unlike herself to get so caught up in something like that. She never envisioned herself doing those things... well, one day she would, of course, but not now. Maybe it was just because she didn't have any experience with anything like that, that her first reaction was to get flustered and want to run away. But as was proven recently, it's not like she hated that kind of thing at all. It was nice. She could still feel Kenji's hand at the base of her wings, and her blush darkened a slight bit at the thought. Lumina kept playing with the grass, replaying the events over in her head. Part of her wondered what would have happened if Akira hadn't come in the room right then... she shook her head, not wanting to think about it. That was just... too much. She still couldn't believe he just waltzed in there, seeing them like that. Seeing her like that. Lumina had just gotten used to Kenji seeing her act that way, she wasn't sure she could handle anybody else♤...
...ΨKenji sighed and spoke as he left the room, going to find LuminaΨ...

“ Well, now I've got to go find Lumi-chan.. ”
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland smiled and hugged her back "Well, double good, because i would of hugged you anyways~" he said happily as he nuzzled against her before pecking her cheek.

((@Nonalaka did you reply to this?))
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
Madoka was walking through the street, a frown on his usually joyful expression. "Where is she..." He asked himself, as he moved to walk on all fours. Madoka had been alone for as long as he could remember but that had never felt as bad as being separated from someone he cared about. He had been past Moriko's dorm plenty, but he never seemed to run into her any more. He was just about ready to write her off as a desperate illusion he created to cure his loneliness. However, he decided to take one last look at her place before he gave up fully. Though he didn't know what might have changed between before and now...

Moriko eventually made the decision to go out for a walk, even just a short one to not feel so bothered by the memories associated with her home, It was just reminding her fonder memories that she missed, sighing a little and moving herself off the couch, she pulled on her jacket and her and headed towards the door, opening it and making her way outside.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]((@Nonalaka did you reply to this?))

((oops i thought I did sorry ;- ;) )

"Is that so?~" she said smiling softly before nuzzling him back "Anyways~, what were you up to today?, I havent nosed around the work shop in a while" she said with a small laugh.
Nonalaka said:
"Well now you have another name to add to the pile" she said with a quiet laugh before her hand was grabbed and her surroundings changed she looked around, nodding in agreement of his choice of location "Yeah, this seems nice~"

Rini watched the seat being made, blinking before she looked at Miyaka and smiled lightly "Oh, uhm, thank you~" she said quietly as she sat down, she simply watched as the scene with chiharu being thought of as a child happening before her, she didnt comment really, mostly because speaking up wasnt her thing and besides, Miyaka had it covered really.


[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira looked at his hands and spoke as he looked to the side and raised his hand to his forehead♅...
“ Well anyway, I'm back.. so.. yeah. ”



...ΨKenji sighed and spoke as he left the room, going to find LuminaΨ...

“ Well, now I've got to go find Lumi-chan.. ”

...♤Lumina looked out at the scene, her blush finally starting to go away, albeit slowly. She glanced back at the house for a moment, wondering if she should go back in. But the bundle of flustered nerves in her stomach told her otherwise. Lumina wasn't sure she was mentally ready to face people again. She turned her head, looking back out at the scenery. The view here always helped center herself. She remembered coming out here a lot back when Kenji was still gone, to look out here when she was starting to feel lost or overwhelmed. So it was definitely helping to calm her nerves now. Maybe in a little bit she could go back inside, considering she just kind of disappeared in front of them♤...
Nonalaka said:
((oops i thought I did sorry ;- ;) )
"Is that so?~" she said smiling softly before nuzzling him back "Anyways~, what were you up to today?, I havent nosed around the work shop in a while" she said with a small laugh.
Roland chuckled and nodded "It is so~" he said happily as he rested his chin on her head "And as for what i was up to, well, i worked on a few cars, had to completely fix an engine on one of them, had some orders for a few swords and what not, and well, made that bracelet." he said before moving to peck her nose "Oh, and thought of my beautiful girlfriend."
trix said:
Trix smile at the sound of his voice playing with a piece of her hair, tail flicking side to side. She paced slightly watching her feet. She blinked a couple times before saying "I've been ok..i..i don't know what happened or how i got where i was...it's a long story" she bit her lip slighgtly then continued "Did you wanna hang out?" she thought silently to herself i need you
Clover raises an eyebrow as she says she doesn't know where she is, He thought to himself That's weird... I wonder what happened... He shrugs and smiles when she asks to hang out. "Yeah I would love to hang out with my girlfriend! I'll be there in a bit."
...☼Chiharu blinked as Miyaka yelled at the waitress, laughing nervously. She wasn't expecting her to act in that way, and didn't want to make a scene. She really didn't need any beer or anything, she was happy with just the water and normal sized portioned of ramen. Though she did appreciate the gesture☼...

"I-I'm good, but thank you."

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira looked at his hands and spoke as he looked to the side and raised his hand to his forehead♅...
“ Well anyway, I'm back.. so.. yeah. ”



...ΨKenji sighed and spoke as he left the room, going to find LuminaΨ...

“ Well, now I've got to go find Lumi-chan.. ”

...❦Asuka looked up from the book to see Kenji leave, soon making the book disappear. It was a story that Celia had written a long time ago and wanted her to read it. The content was just really... more for adults. She had to try and read the thing with a straight face, which was pretty hard because most of the time she wanted to just stare at it in bewilderment or just keep herself from blushing. Asuka had succeeded, thankfully, but would never touch that book again. She put it where no one else could find it and somewhere where she would most likely forget it was even there. Her glasses had fogged up a bit, so Asuka took them off and pulled out a glass cleaner from her pocket before cleaning the glasses, speaking quietly as she looked off to the side❦...

"That was awkward. I feel bad that we just walked in on them..."

[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland chuckled and nodded "It is so~" he said happily as he rested his chin on her head "And as for what i was up to, well, i worked on a few cars, had to completely fix an engine on one of them, had some orders for a few swords and what not, and well, made that bracelet." he said before moving to peck her nose "Oh, and thought of my beautiful girlfriend."

She giggled lightly as he pecked her nose "Sounds like a busy day~" she said with a small nod "did you remember to stop and eat? or did you get carried away again?" she asked raising her brow slightly.
"...Beer?" Rini had never had beer before, after all she was only 15 "I-im okay with just water, but thank you" she said quietly, knowing if she did try it and her older brother found out he'd be pretty mad at her for drinking at a young age, mostly because he himself would get in trouble with their parents for not keeping a good enough eye on her...

Nonalaka said:
She giggled lightly as he pecked her nose "Sounds like a busy day~" she said with a small nod "did you remember to stop and eat? or did you get carried away again?" she asked raising her brow slightly.
Roland nodded "Yeah, very busy." he said with a chuckle before nuzzling his nose to hers before stopping and staring at her when she asked the question then looking slightly away "Y-yeah, i d-did." he lied as he turned slightly away and rubbing the back of his head.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland nodded "Yeah, very busy." he said with a chuckle before nuzzling his nose to hers before stopping and staring at her when she asked the question then looking slightly away "Y-yeah, i d-did." he lied as he turned slightly away and rubbing the back of his head.

Dakota stared at him "You did?, Really?" she asked tilting her head a little, she knew he was lying, after all, he never seemed to be any good at it.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River smiled at her before hugginf her tightly and whispering. "I promise." Into her ear again

Kyoko hugged him back, listening to what he said.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]When she turned around Hina launched at her ending right in front of her in a matter of seconds hinas blood red glowing eyes staring into hers as a sort of serated spike came from the palm of hinas hand and she slowly brought it to the girls chest pointing her talons to her chest as well as she slowly put the tip of the spike to her chest and stared at her

Lilliana went wide eye'd and stated at what was in front of her. was she going to kill her? it very well seemed like it.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Len raised his voice and started channeling more power before letting go of the scroll and raising his other hand which glowed with electricity that was arcing towards the jar.

Rin stared at the jar, no expression on her face, her fist clenched

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