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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River looked around in awe as he slowly approached her stopping rather close with his head looking up so he didn't notice how close she was to her

Kyoko glanced at him, noticing how close he was getting which made her do her thing quicker. she opened the bottle and measured it, quickly drinking it and setting it down, wiping her mouth and turning around, her back covering the bottle now.
TheDragoon said:
Ken chuckled and let her go. "It's like the hunter becoming the hunted~" He said. "By the way," He said before he poked her. "Your it!" He laughed before he started running again.
Kelsey went wide eye'd before chasing him again "you always do that!" she said and giggled.
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko glanced at him, noticing how close he was getting which made her do her thing quicker. she opened the bottle and measured it, quickly drinking it and setting it down, wiping her mouth and turning around, her back covering the bottle now.
River looked down at her then blished at how close he had gotten before quickly stepping away. "S-sorry.... So what did you need to get?" He asked her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River looked down at her then blished at how close he had gotten before quickly stepping away. "S-sorry.... So what did you need to get?" He asked her

"I already got it while you were looking around" she said and picked up the bottle setting it back on the shelf, though the label had been showing, something about being medicine for people who were sick or got sick easily.
LunaCrosby said:
"I already got it while you were looking around" she said and picked up the bottle setting it back on the shelf, though the label had been showing, something about being medicine for people who were sick or got sick easily.
River noticed the bottole then looked at her. "What's that?" He asked her as he stared at the label
LunaCrosby said:
Kelsey went wide eye'd before chasing him again "you always do that!" she said and giggled.
Ken laughed as he ran around the tree, heading down a hill. "You'll never catch me!" He said Kelsey with a smile.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River noticed the bottole then looked at her. "What's that?" He asked her as he stared at the label

"nothing" she said as she walked past him.
TheDragoon said:
Ken laughed as he ran around the tree, heading down a hill. "You'll never catch me!" He said Kelsey with a smile.
Kelsey stumbled a little "Yes I will! you might be fast but I can run longer!" she said happily.
Nonalaka said:
Elaena looked around at the surrounding area before nodding and smiling a little "Alright then" she said before looking over at him "And yes, you seem interesting, I highly doubt no-one has said that before about you"
Ansom chuckled. "Believe me. I've been called a lot of things. Interesting has not been one of those names." He grabbed Elaena's hand and their surrounding melted away, being replaced by a cafe. "How's this?" He asked.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River quickly grabed her hand gently while he slowly took the bottol with the other and read it while holding onto her

Kyoko stayed silent, looking down as she just stood there. The bottle read: 'This medicine is specially made for people who were born sick, it strengthen's the person's body and fight's off the sickness, as well as strengthening the heart'
LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko stayed silent, looking down as she just stood there. The bottle read: 'This medicine is specially made for people who were born sick, it strengthen's the person's body and fight's off the sickness, as well as strengthening the heart'
River looked over at her after reading it feeling bad for her before pulling her into him and hugging her thinking this was why she was alone. He thought that most left her because she was sick like this.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]River looked over at her after reading it feeling bad for her before pulling her into him and hugging her thinking this was why she was alone. He thought that most left her because she was sick like this.

Kyoko didn't move, just letting him hug her. "I tried to hide it" she said quietly.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira laughed lightly and replied as he walked inside of the house, closing the door behind him♅...

“ Aww, come on, what could they be possibly doing that we can't see them. After all, Kenji wouldn't even think of doing something like
that, he's too innocent~ Besides, I think he'd want to know that I'm okay, plus we'll only be in there for a few minutes~ ”

...♅Akira then walked up the stairs and down the hall, coming to a stop just outside of the room. He shifted Asuka slightly so that he could hold her with one arm, soon opening the door with his free arm to where he felt Kenji and Lumina's presences coming from, almost immediately being greeted by a romantic scenario going on between the two. Akira looked at them in both surprise and confusion, talking as he blinked his eyes multiple times to ensure he was seeing the correct image♅...

“ U-uh.. K-Kenji..? ”



...ΨKenji continued to kiss Lumina as his hands caressed Lumina's body, his irises closing as he opened his mouth slightly and allowed his tongue to explore Lumina's mouth. He suddenly felt as if he was being watched. Upon hearing Akira's voice, he looked around, staring blankly at Akira for a few short moments. His blush darkened as he then shouted at Akira, raising his arms to his chest in embarrassmentΨ...

“ B-big brother?! Wh-what are you doing in here?! C-can't you see that we're busy?! ”


...♤Lumina's body seemed to melt under his hands, especially with all of her focus on Kenji's kiss. She had never been kissed like that before, so it was a rather new experience for her. While it was embarrassing as all hell to think about, Lumina wasn't really thinking about anything except how Kenji was making her body feel at the moment. She was getting so lost in the feelings that she was slightly confused at first when Kenji broke away, staring at Akira♤...

"Kenji? Wh-"

...♤Lumina cut herself short as her eyes fell on Akira and Asuka, who were now in her room. Her face remained blank for a few moments, like Kenji had at first, simply taking in the scene♤...


...♤After those few moments and Lumina could process the situation, her face exploded into crimson and she looked at the two with a expression of horror and embarassment. She grew flustered, bringing her arms around herself, not knowing what to do. In her moment of extreme embarassment her form changed, with her long blonde hair turning brown, shortening everywhere but a segment of her bangs♤...

"A-Akira... A-A-As-suka... U-uh... I-I..."


...♤Only one thing was on Lumina's mind, and that was that she wished she was anywhere but here. Her embarrassment was only growing and she was close to making a scene, and that was the last thing she wanted. If anything, she wanted to crawl under a rock and stay there. In her flustered state Lumina accidentally released a bit of magical energy, and coupled with her current emotions she suddenly poofed out of her room, landing a few yards outside the house in the same position she had been in her bed. Lumina sat there for a moment, blinking, not really understanding what happened. She didn't even know she could do that. Or could she? Part of her really didn't care. Her mind was still reeling from being caught in such a situation and she sat there outside, her placing her hands on her face as she spoke to herself♤...

"I can't believe that happened...!"

LunaCrosby said:
Kyoko didn't move, just letting him hug her. "I tried to hide it" she said quietly.
"Stupid." He whispered to her as he hugged her tighter. "You shouldn't hide things you know." He said to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Stupid." He whispered to her as he hugged her tighter. "You shouldn't hide things you know." He said to her

"If I didn't you might have left" she said, noticing he had hugged her tighter.
LunaCrosby said:
"If I didn't you might have left" she said, noticing he had hugged her tighter.
"I made a promise didnt I." He said to her a little anoyed tha she thought this would make him brake his promise to her
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Jasper gladly followed her under the water after she had splashed him

Raven opened her eyes under water and smiled at him
...☼Chiharu watched as Miyaka magicked up a seat for Rini, blinking. She would have been fie with standing, but now that problem was solved. So she took a seat, struggling a slight bit to actually get up in the seat (it was kinda high and she was now pretty short). She looked over the menu for a moment before the waiter came over☼...

"Just the regular chicken ramen and a water, please."

...☼He glanced at her for a moment longer, before his eyes fell on a part of the menu, before he went to get Rini's order. Chiharu blinked, looking down to see what he was looking at. She frowned when she realized what it was. The children's menu. She sighed, setting the menu on the counter. She did look like a little kid now, and apparently people were going to think she actually was one☼...

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I made a promise didnt I." He said to her a little anoyed tha she thought this would make him brake his promise to her

"other's have broken a promise to me, they were always afraid of getting too close to me only to have me end up in hospital sick again. nobody wanted to deal with it, only my mom" she say's.

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