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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

LunaCrosby said:
"It doesn't change the fact that i'm still shorter than most girl's" she say's.
"Would it really matter. A beauriful girl like your self shouldn't care about how tall you are because a man will come along that will love you no matter how tall you are." He said before he started walking past her heading for the school as he jestured for her to follow
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I've been waiting for this day" he said quierly to her as his heart practiacly launched from his chest as he wntwined his fingers with hers and held her hands lovingly

Raven smiled. "Me to" she whispers
His body kept growing fur, his eyes turning red, he felt like a werewolf. But, no. His furry changing abilities were unstable. The only thing he thought was, "good, my clothes are still on". His normal self overtaken. His rabid furry self was in charge now. He broke through the window falling ten feet down. He hit a bush, which made him unconscious. The fur falling off of him meant, his normal, human self, was coming back.
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
"I am from my own realm which I created. I find it pleasant"
Isaac smiled. The waitress came back with the check and handed it to Isaac. He saw the price and he sighed. All because of his hunger. Isaac paid the check and gave it back to the waitress. He then stood up tiredly and stretched.

...☾Neko awed and put her hands to her cheeks, amazed that he created his own realm. She didn't know anyone who could do that and couldn't really do that herself, so it was amazing to meet someone like that. Neko stood up along with him and leaned closer towards Isaac as she spoke, her eyes gleaming☽...

"Really?! That's so cool. Can I visit it sometime?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Would it really matter. A beauriful girl like your self shouldn't care about how tall you are because a man will come along that will love you no matter how tall you are." He said before he started walking past her heading for the school as he jestured for her to follow

Kyoko followed "my mom told me that most men are jerk's." shem said
LunaCrosby said:
((the cafe)
Amaya turned away from ayen. "Fine don't answer me.." She huffed before using her vampire speed to run to the cafe where she say ally. "Oh dang" she muttered before going over to her and sitting in front of her. "Hey..." She says quietly
WeirdPrincess said:
...?Asuka waited for her to sense their location, even though she could have done it herself. In truth, she was trying to delay reaching Kenji and Akira at any costs. She had a better handle on sensing people then Lumina did, but she made no move to do so. When Lumina opened her eyes and told her where she thought their location was, Asuka gave a firm nod before she began running off in the direction her friend had point out, soon looking back at her as she spoke. Even if she didn't want to reach them just yet, Asuka didn't have much of a choice but to run towards their location. Lumina was probably eager in finding Kenji and she didn't want to just walk to the center as if everything was fine. Because it wasn't and they both knew that?...
"Right! Let's hurry!"

...?Lumina soon followed after, keeping an eye on where she thought she felt Kenji. Glancing at Asuka as they ran, she figured that Asuka probably could already sense where they were, considering her huge arsenal of Sanctums powers. Something seemed to be stopping her, but nonetheless here she was, running with her. Asuka probably really didn't want to see Akira, who most likely was with Kenji. Her feeling of guilt grew, but it was mostly masked by her nervous anticipation of seeing Kenji. She was praying, as they ran, that he'd be okay. But if he really was Lost, then she would be the only one who could calm him down. So she had to do this. Asuka was her only way to do it, as much as she hated to admit it?...

"I'm sorry..."

...?Lumina spoke aloud as they ran, but it was mostly to herself. With their running she wasn't sure if Asuka could hear her, even though the apology was directed at her?...
Mayyflower said:
Amaya turned away from ayen. "Fine don't answer me.." She huffed before using her vampire speed to run to the cafe where she say ally. "Oh dang" she muttered before going over to her and sitting in front of her. "Hey..." She says quietly
Ally looked up "oh hey, been a while." she said and smiled.
...✱Kaori woke up on a cold, metal table, with a very bright light shining down on her. As her mind woke up a bit she tried to sit up, to find her wrists and ankles strapped down, and a strap across her waist and shoulders. Her eyes widened, recognizing the room, and she started to try and wriggle free when a door into the room opened, and a figure walked in toward the table. As he got closer Kaori realized that it was the same man from the school, and her eyes narrowed into a cold glare. He only laughed at her expression, placing his hands into his lab coat pockets✱...

"Come now, don't give me that look. I've only brought you home, is all."

...✱Kaori simply looked at him, her expression unchanged. As much as she disliked him, she couldn't argue with his words. It was the place where she was... brought back, so to speak. She lived here and was taken care of here for a number of years, like it was indeed her home✱...

"What do you want?"

"That is indeed the question of the hour, is it not? I suppose I wanted to check on you, make sure things were going as they should be."


"You've had much freedom up until this point. I've allowed that to happen. But... you've met some people from, how do I say, before I came into the picture, that was slightly unforseen."


"From such people come reminders of the past. Of who you used to be. I suppose I just wanted to give you a reminder of my own."

"Then why kidnap me and bring me back here? You could have given me that 'reminder' back at the school."

"Yes, but this is part of the reminder, you see."


...✱The man walked closer, leaning over Kaori to get a closer look at her face. His hand suddenly reached up, grabbing her jaw in his hands, which was met by a small sound of protest from Kaori✱...

"My reminder is that you belong to me, now. I gave you back your life, and it would be just as easy to take it away."

...✱He slammed his hand back, releasing it's grip on Kaori's face. He stepped back a bit, regaining his composure, before smiling calmly again. His eyes trailed down her body from her head to her neck, stopping at her chest, where they lingered on the scar that was peeking out of the clothing. Kaori could do nothing but stare at him with a look of disgust, which he ignored, most likely on purpose. His eyes moved back to Kaori before he spoke✱...

"Maybe we should do some memory recalibration, hm? That could fix our issue, now couldn't it?"

...✱Kaori gasped a bit as he laughed and started walking for the door. She thrashed a bit against her restraints, screaming for him to come back as he exited the door and closed it behind him✱...
Lumina said:
...♤Lumina soon followed after, keeping an eye on where she thought she felt Kenji. Glancing at Asuka as they ran, she figured that Asuka probably could already sense where they were, considering her huge arsenal of Sanctums powers. Something seemed to be stopping her, but nonetheless here she was, running with her. Asuka probably really didn't want to see Akira, who most likely was with Kenji. Her feeling of guilt grew, but it was mostly masked by her nervous anticipation of seeing Kenji. She was praying, as they ran, that he'd be okay. But if he really was Lost, then she would be the only one who could calm him down. So she had to do this. Asuka was her only way to do it, as much as she hated to admit it♤...
"I'm sorry..."

...♤Lumina spoke aloud as they ran, but it was mostly to herself. With their running she wasn't sure if Asuka could hear her, even though the apology was directed at her♤...
...❦Asuka could sense that they were drawing nearer to their location, the queasy feeling she had before, returning. She tried to push that feeling aside, but it didn't work. She was nervous and truthfully dreading the fact that she would see Akira. Asuka wasn't near ready to face him, but what other choice did she have in this situation? She had to help Lumina, she wanted to help her. Through the months that they had been together, she did get to learn a little more about Lumina. She was dear to Asuka's heart and didn't want to see her friend in pain. She would help Lumina any way she could, even if that meant she could possibly be confronted by someone she wasn't ready to see or if it even meant loosing her own life. That was how serious she was about helping Lumina. As they ran, her hand clenched into fists and she kept her head down, now gazing at the ring she had moved to her pinky finger. Asuka wasn't sure as to why she did it, but left it there anyways❦...

"Why are you sorry?"

...❦Her voice came out as a whisper, having heard Lumina as they ran together. She couldn't fathom way the girl was sorry, considering she didn't do anything wrong to be sorry for. At least, that was how Asuka saw it anyways❦...
WeirdPrincess said:
...❦Asuka could sense that they were drawing nearer to their location, the queasy feeling she had before, returning. She tried to push that feeling aside, but it didn't work. She was nervous and truthfully dreading the fact that she would see Akira. Asuka wasn't near ready to face him, but what other choice did she have in this situation? She had to help Lumina, she wanted to help her. Through the months that they had been together, she did get to learn a little more about Lumina. She was dear to Asuka's heart and didn't want to see her friend in pain. She would help Lumina any way she could, even if that meant she could possibly be confronted by someone she wasn't ready to see or if it even meant loosing her own life. That was how serious she was about helping Lumina. As they ran, her hand clenched into fists and she kept her head down, now gazing at the ring she had moved to her pinky finger. Asuka wasn't sure as to why she did it, but left it there anyways❦...
"Why are you sorry?"

...❦Her voice came out as a whisper, having heard Lumina as they ran together. She couldn't fathom way the girl was sorry, considering she didn't do anything wrong to be sorry for. At least, that was how Asuka saw it anyways❦...
...♤The farther they ran toward the center of the city, the more the feeling of uneasiness grew in the pit of her stomach. A small part of her was surprised at how quickly they were starting to reach the center of the city. Her own endurance was something she hadn't quite gotten used to, so to see the center of the city approaching so quickly was almost shocking. But her awe at herself was shadowed by the thought that she'd see Kenji soon. As this happened a small part of her stomach grew queasy at the thought of actually seeing Kenji again. She had gotten so wrapped up in the thought of helping him that she completely forgot just how quickly he had left without so much as a goodbye, especially considering he had disappeared right in front of her. While there was no doubt in her mind that Lumina wanted to see him, a part of her was almost hesitant to, now that they were growing fairly close. Part of the reason she had disappeared was simply from how badly it had hurt. That hurt had never gone away, and it was starting to come back in full force with every step she took toward Kenji. But her thoughts shifted again when she heard Asuka speak♤...

"For dragging you into this. I know it'll be hard to see Akira again... honestly, it's gonna be hard to see Kenji again... but I couldn't just sit by and do nothing... so sorry for making you do this."

...♤Of course, Lumina knew on some level that Asuka did want to help her regardless of the situation. But despite that, her guilt stayed strong in her heart, and was especially prevalent now that they had almost made it to the brothers. Feeling the hurt of what had happened now more than ever, Lumina could sympathize with her friend about actually seeing their pair♤...
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LunaCrosby said:
"now I can't eat cheesecake without expecting to be randomly hugged" she say's.
"He's a jerk for leaving you for what years?" She asks before her ears jointed up and she looked back towards the bathroom door
"Now that we agree, let us begin the search for pampering and sweets!" She said as she skipped a little with her hands behind her back. "Ask me anything while we quest, so that I know your still with me. There has to be a non ruined place in this hell." she spoke lively, masking the dread this devastated place was causing her. She had to control herself, as too much emotion will bring him back, and he is too dumb to survive in this blasted city.

Lumina said:
...?The farther they ran toward the center of the city, the more the feeling of uneasiness grew in the pit of her stomach. A small part of her was surprised at how quickly they were starting to reach the center of the city. Her own endurance was something she hadn't quite gotten used to, so to see the center of the city approaching so quickly was almost shocking. But her awe at herself was shadowed by the thought that she'd see Kenji soon. As this happened a small part of her stomach grew queasy at the thought of actually seeing Kenji again. She had gotten so wrapped up in the thought of helping him that she completely forgot just how quickly he had left without so much as a goodbye, especially considering he had disappeared right in front of her. While there was no doubt in her mind that Lumina wanted to see him, a part of her was almost hesitant to, now that they were growing fairly close. Part of the reason she had disappeared was simply from how badly it had hurt. That hurt had never gone away, and it wad starting to come back in full force with every step she took toward Kenji. But her thoughts shifted again when she heard Asuka speak?...
"For dragging you into this. I know it'll be hard to see Akira again... honestly, it's gonna be hard to see Kenji again... but I couldn't just sit by and do nothing... so sorry for making you do this."

...?Of course, Lumina knew on some level that Asuka did want to help her regardless of the situation. But despite that, her guilt stayed strong in her heart, and was especially prevalent now that they had almost made it to the brothers. Feeling the hurt of what had happened now more than ever, Lumina could sympathize with her friend about actually seeing their pair?...
...?Asuka thought back to when everything has gone wrong. How she had almost died that day, but didn't. She remembered the green ball of energy that was almost thrown at her, though it had stopped as if Akira was hesitant. One minute he was standing in front of her, the next... gone. Asuka had remained on the roof of the school, having been lost in thought. She remembered how desperate she was at finding him, how heartbroken and hurt Asuka was to see that he had left... without so much as a goodbye. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracts and stared ahead of her, tears now beginning to prick the corners of her eyes as the same hurt feel returned. Asuka sniffled a little before looking down, trying to contain her tears. This wasn't the time for her to cry, they were on a mission to save Kenji. Asuka raised an arm and wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her shirt before she began running again?...


...?As Asuka began running again, her heart now pounding in her chest. They were closer now, she could feel it. It wouldn't be to long before Lumina and Asuka would reach them, maybe in a few minutes. She soon spoke as she gazed at her friend, giving her a tearful gaze, though she was smiling nonetheless?...

"It's okay... I understand how you feel... I'm sorry if I'm acting a little strange... I have to admit, I was selfish at first because I didn't want to come here... I guess I still am... I just... don't want to see him. I'll still help you, I promise.."
LunaCrosby said:
"what? did you hear something I didn't?" she ask's.
"Smelled something I'll uh be right back" she says before getting up and going towards the bathroom and later coming back out with Rin, they both say down at the table. "I was being followed" she says looking over at Rin

Rin sighed. "I didn't follow you I tried running away then I ran into well you and her" she says in defeat
Mayyflower said:
"Smelled something I'll uh be right back" she says before getting up and going towards the bathroom and later coming back out with Rin, they both say down at the table. "I was being followed" she says looking over at Rin
Rin sighed. "I didn't follow you I tried running away then I ran into well you and her" she says in defeat
"oh? running away? well whatever's going on running away doesn't solve anything, just causes more problem's" she said and grinned.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]All the girls leanes close to him a curious look on there faces as they studied it

Ken laughed again, smiling sweetly at them. "You guys better eat up, before your soup gets cold~" He said happily. Chibi Ken nodded and saluted them, puffing out his cheeks before he ran off and jumped in Ken's pocket again.
LunaCrosby said:
"oh? running away? well whatever's going on running away doesn't solve anything, just causes more problem's" she said and grinned.
Amaya sighed. "Something is trying to make Rin go dark or hurt her and she's giving in to it" she says

Rin rolled her eyes
WeirdPrincess said:
...?Asuka thought back to when everything has gone wrong. How she had almost died that day, but didn't. She remembered the green ball of energy that was almost thrown at her, though it had stopped as if Akira was hesitant. One minute he was standing in front of her, the next... gone. Asuka had remained on the roof of the school, having been lost in thought. She remembered how desperate she was at finding him, how heartbroken and hurt Asuka was to see that he had left... without so much as a goodbye. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracts and stared ahead of her, tears now beginning to prick the corners of her eyes as the same hurt feel returned. Asuka sniffled a little before looking down, trying to contain her tears. This wasn't the time for her to cry, they were on a mission to save Kenji. Asuka raised an arm and wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her shirt before she began running again?...

...?As Asuka began running again, her heart now pounding in her chest. They were closer now, she could feel it. It wouldn't be to long before Lumina and Asuka would reach them, maybe in a few minutes. She soon spoke as she gazed at her friend, giving her a tearful gaze, though she was smiling nonetheless?...

"It's okay... I understand how you feel... I'm sorry if I'm acting a little strange... I have to admit, I was selfish at first because I didn't want to come here... I guess I still am... I just... don't want to see him. I'll still help you, I promise.."
...?Lumina thought back to the day Kenji disappeared as well. They had been having a great day, honestly. Kenji had mentioned something was going on with Akira, but she didn't know what. But she was with Kenji so it didn't matter. They had been having lunch together, enjoying their time, she had given him the bird... things were seeming to finally be okay for once. Until Akira showed up. And just like that.... Kenji was gone. He disappeared without a trace right in front of her. She didn't know what happened with Asuka's disappearence or why, but to see Kenji just leave her behind with barely an apology and not even a goodbye was devastating. It's like he ripped out her heart right in front of her. That hurt is what caused her to leave. Part of her always wondered if it was 100% her choice to leave, considering how awful the ordeal was. It was like being dejected by the one person she didnt want it from. Like what they had never mattered, especially since he left her gift behind. After finding Asuka in that world they were in she began to think about what could have happened to make him leave. There had to have been some reason for his sudden leave, but she always wished he could have said something, since he disappeared right in front of her own eyes?...

"If I'm being honest... I don't know if I want to, either. Having him just leave, right in front of me... it was too much to bear. That's why I disappeared too, and that's when you found me. But... I can't leave it alone if somethings happening to him. Thank you, by the way."

...?Lumina would have continued, but she felt that pain in her chest again, this time stronger, coming from around the corner ahead of them. They had to be up there. Another moment longer and they'd turn the corner, coming up to where Akira and Kenji were. She felt her heart threaten to beat right out of her chest from how nervous she was about actually seeing Kenji again, to the point where she almost stopped and turned right back around. But.... she knew she couldn't do that, and blinked back tears as she rounded the corner?...

@Fukushima Akira

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