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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"It's fine to say some thing, I know of the other world so it's not like I'm going to flip out." He said as he scratched the back of his head and chukled a little

"that makes sense, it's kinda embarrassing to be around someone who freak's out over it" she say's.
NeoClassical said:
Ansom shrugged and sat down on a bench. He leaned his head on the wall and closed his eyes. "Just hurry up." He muttered.
"You better open those eyes and tell me what you think." She said as she turned around and held a cute black dress to her chest so it looked like she was wearing it. "Well?" She asked him
LunaCrosby said:
"that makes sense, it's kinda embarrassing to be around someone who freak's out over it" she say's.
"Well it kinda sucks that if I piss off some one at the school im sure to be killed because I can't fight back." He said before laughing
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"You better open those eyes and tell me what you think." She said as she turned around and held a cute black dress to her chest so it looked like she was wearing it. "Well?" She asked him

Ansom slowly opened his eyes and stared at the dress. "It's alright I suppose." He closed his eyes again. "I bet purple would look good on you."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]
Shara didn't let the chibi get away having grabed him just before he could get to he bathroom and hugging him
Katie quickly caught up and grabed the chibi as well as they both fell to there knees and cuddled with it

Lily got there last but managed to also get her hands on the chibi and also cuddled with it

The chibi started choking again, unable to breath. It needed to get away. It poofed away, appearing in Ken's sketchbook.
As Hash made it to the door of the math classroom, he notice the teacher calling his name. He barged in and yelled, "HERE!", He slowly looked down and walked to the open seat in the middle of all the seats.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Fun?" Jasper asked raben aoftly as he watched her

Raven looked over at jasper and nods. "Yes, I really enjoy seeing breath taking views" she says

Nonalaka said:
....Cataclysm magic? wait what subject was this again? Elaena had long since forgotten, she really needed to pay more attention to such things, her gaze eventually trailed off toward the window as she yawned a little.

Kairassi smiled "Youre welcome~" she chimed happily as they headed towards the door to leave.
Luke smiled and opened the door for her. "Like always ladies first" he says
Mayyflower said:
Raven looked over at jasper and nods. "Yes, I really enjoy seeing breath taking views" she says
Luke smiled and opened the door for her. "Like always ladies first" he says
Kairassi giggled lightly before going outside "Thank you~~"
NeoClassical said:
Ansom slowly opened his eyes and stared at the dress. "It's alright I suppose." He closed his eyes again. "I bet purple would look good on you."
Mitsu noddes before she waved a hand on the dress and it turned purple. "Now?" She asked him
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Mitsu noddes before she waved a hand on the dress and it turned purple. "Now?" She asked him

Ansom opened his eyes and smiled slightly. "Perfect. It looks beautiful." He stood up. "Why do you need new clothes anyway. You look good with what you have."
TheDragoon said:
The chibi started choking again, unable to breath. It needed to get away. It poofed away, appearing in Ken's sketchbook.
All three girls whined when the chibi dissapered

"Awww I wanted to play with it."

"Mee took." Kate said with a frown

Anna just frowned quietly
NeoClassical said:
Ansom opened his eyes and smiled slightly. "Perfect. It looks beautiful." He stood up. "Why do you need new clothes anyway. You look good with what you have."
"I've been wearing the same thing forever.... Plus I'm gonna go on a date soon." She said rather quierly as she waited for her fathers reaction
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]All three girls whined when the chibi dissapered
"Awww I wanted to play with it."

"Mee took." Kate said with a frown

Anna just frowned quietly

The chibi hopped out of the sketchbook and ran back into the kitchen, sneaking past the girls and standing on Ken's shoulder. "Hey little me! What's up?" He asked Chibi Ken with a smile. Chibi Ken wave at him as if to signal he was fine before he went to set the table.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well it kinda sucks that if I piss off some one at the school im sure to be killed because I can't fight back." He said before laughing

"hmm... then you run like hell broke loose" she say's.
Mayyflower said:
Raven looked over at jasper and nods. "Yes, I really enjoy seeing breath taking views" she says
Luke smiled and opened the door for her. "Like always ladies first" he says
"That's good." He said to her before laying down next to her and smiling
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I've been wearing the same thing forever.... Plus I'm gonna go on a date soon." She said rather quierly as she waited for her fathers reaction

"A date...." Ansom frowned before shaking his head. "Whatever. You wouldn't listen to me if I tried to stop you anyway." He handed Mitsu some money and began to walk away. "Good luck with your date."
TheDragoon said:
The chibi hopped out of the sketchbook and ran back into the kitchen, sneaking past the girls and standing on Ken's shoulder. "Hey little me! What's up?" He asked Chibi Ken with a smile. Chibi Ken wave at him as if to signal he was fine before he went to set the table.
The girls all started to look around where they where for the chibi
Mayyflower said:
Luke chuckled "you've said thank you about like 10 times today" he says
"10? have you been counting?" she laughed a bit "Im only saying it when I feel like I need to" she said with a smile.
NeoClassical said:
"A date...." Ansom frowned before shaking his head. "Whatever. You wouldn't listen to me if I tried to stop you anyway." He handed Mitsu some money and began to walk away. "Good luck with your date."
"Wow anytime I mention something that makes me happy you go and do this to me." She said coldly before dropping his money they starting for the register with the dress
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]The girls all started to look around where they where for the chibi

Ken finally finished the chicken noodle soup. Chibi Ken hopped into Ken's pocket before he set out 4 bowls for the 4 of them. "Dinners ready!" He hollered in a happy tone, excited he could share his home with friends.
Chiharu looked at Miyaka, her expression not really changing. This woman seemed really upbeat for no reason at all. Not like that was a bad thing. Part of her still was confused where Misafune went and why Miyaka seemed to take his place. She glanced down at her bandaged hand before looking back up at the two girls.

"Well, we can do that. I don't really mind."

Her feet kicked off the side of the bench again, not knowing what else to do.

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"That's good." He said to her before laying down next to her and smiling

Raven laid her head on his shoulder and smiled. "I love you so much jasper" she says softly
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I would but it seemed every one here can teleport so that would be no use." He said with a smile

"well.. not everyone can... I mean it's a common power but not all people have it" she say's.

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