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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I just haven't and was about to before appearing near you." Atrio said to him before she started back to the court yard

Jack put a hand on her shoulder "Hey. What's wrong?"
...?Akira stood within the smoke, it soon blowing past him as he power exploded forth from him. He vanished, soon appearing over the crater where some Humans were gathered. He looked ahead of him, preparing his power for another blast?...

Lumina said:
Vanille just keep squinting before rolling over on her back, removing her hand from Levya's cheek. "Well...you should have some juice juuuuuuust in case. I'll, uh, I'll getcha some.. if I can get up." She giggled a bit, wiggling her feet to try to get them to get up.
*Levya soon sat up scratching the back of her head as she watched Vanille*

''y-your still drunk...''
WeirdPrincess said:
...An unconscious Asuka and an unconscious Celia were carried inside a room covered in vine, medical equipment scattered around on various tables and an odd machine lying in the center. The machine looked large enough to fit a body inside, though neither Celia nor Asuka were put in it. Instead, the female carrying Celia laid her down on a table before taking a surynge and putting the needle through her neck a little before injecting a strange blue substance into her. For a moment, she jerked before lying still as her hair seemed to grow longer and turn into a more pinkish color. Celia remained unconscious as the doctor turned on her heel and ventured towards Asuka...
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...After Celia, the female moved towards Asuka and injected the same blue substance, though her hair turned white and grew only a little longer while her skin turned pale. Suddenly, as if the vines had a life of there own, moved its way towards Asuka before wrapping itself around her arms and part of her torso. The vines carried her until she hung directly beside the machine before the vines grew and began to push its way to try and get through her skin. It wanted connect itself with Asuka for some reason. Possibly to prevent her from ever leaving. The more the vines pushed and probed, her skin started to tear and bleed quite a bit. Asuka winced in pain before her body stilled. The vines eventually gave up trying to connect itself with her and just stuck to her body like glue instead, holding on tightly. The female doctor watched with interest before exiting the room, soon locking the door behind her. Things seemed to be going according to their plan, now all they had to do was wait...

*Zenya teleported to the location after she found out the exact location and found a girl that looked like Celia in front of her soon going wide eyed and taking out her blades now enraged*

''whoever did this...will pay...'' (i couldnt wait anymore)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c53ed726c_ClosersSeulbiLeeReadyPose.gif.3ba65f08f54e55857e417982744e15b7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81524" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c53ed726c_ClosersSeulbiLeeReadyPose.gif.3ba65f08f54e55857e417982744e15b7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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    Closers Seulbi Lee Ready Pose.gif
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Waffles waffles!!" Mika yelled happiky making mitsu laugh


*She said before she went to the fridge getting the ingredients they need to make the waffles*
HimeragiSeiker said:
*Zenya teleported to the location after she found out the exact location and found a girl that looked like Celia in front of her soon going wide eyed and taking out her blades now enraged*
''whoever did this...will pay...'' (i couldnt wait anymore)

View attachment 182209
(( Well the guy who plotted this is already dead and the doctor is somewhere else ))


...Celia remained unconscious on the table while Asuka hung unconscious not to far away from her...
HimeragiSeiker said:
*She said before she went to the fridge getting the ingredients they need to make the waffles*
"Waffles!!!" Mika cheered happilt before she ran over to the table and sat down
shortyshot8 said:
William knocked on the door before Marcus opened it "Hey William what's u-" He stopped as his eyes locked on Sam and his body froze
Jack was gasping for air "Th-That was a bit much!"
Sam gave him a confused smile before looking at William. "Is that Marcus?" She whispered
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji laughed lightly and rubbed the back of his head, replying as he did soΨ...
“ Yeah~ Euphoria is massive, but is still slightly smaller than The Existence~ ”

Lumina nodded, a bit more confused now. Didn't he say that it was like Euphoria was a room and the existence was like a globe in it? Wouldn't that make Euphoria bigger than the existence? But it was smaller? Like she understood the concept was they were separate, but now she was starting to get more confused than before.

"Ah, okay.."

She laughed a bit sheepishly.
WeirdPrincess said:
(( Well the guy who plotted this is already dead and the doctor is somewhere else ))

...Celia remained unconscious on the table while Asuka hung unconscious not to far away from her...
*Zenya looked around before she sighed knowing she wont get her revenge yet. She soon cut Asuka down and tried to wake up Celia. She soon sighed again before she opened a dimensional gate as it lead to Celia's house in the living room before she took both Asuka and Celia through the portal and rested them on the couches. She soon summoned a small chair so she could watch them. Her job now was to watch Asuka and Celia but she yearned to kill the doctors and everyone there. So she made a clone and sent it to the lab to do her bidding*

*Zenya's clone soon walked around the labs searching for the doctors and every personel in the facility*

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Waffles!!!" Mika cheered happilt before she ran over to the table and sat down

*Neo began to cook the waffles once she had the right ingredients*
...♅Akira slowly lowered towards the ground, until his feet touched the broken gravel. Suddenly glowing chains wrapped around Akira, emitting Euphorian power into his body, at an attempt to calm him down. Unexpectedly, the mask shattered and the markings and hole vanished from his chest. His body seemed to turn back to normal, until his long orange hair turned pure red, as did his irises. A uniform-type of outfit soon appeared on his body as his purple power shot out from him, his screams of both agony and anger sparking his frustration at the world. His power broke the ground before him, and finally, shattered the chains, freeing himself♅...


...♅Akira then saw a mother and child huddled next to some debris, and raised his palm towards her. He spoke as a purple ball formed in his hand, then fired in multiple waves, each one wrapping over the other. It pierced the female's heart and killed her instantly. ♅...

You will be the first.


...♅The boy screamed in horror and began to cry, attempting to grip his mother's hand. The waves of power dragged the female backwards and into Akira's grasp. Akira held the female's corpse up by the neck and held it there, looking at the boy and smiling as he spoke♅...

Do you hate me?


...♅Akira continued to smile, shortly before he replied as the body's mother's body turned to ash and flew into the wind♅...

Then come and kill me.



Lumina said:
Lumina nodded, a bit more confused now. Didn't he say that it was like Euphoria was a room and the existence was like a globe in it? Wouldn't that make Euphoria bigger than the existence? But it was smaller? Like she understood the concept was they were separate, but now she was starting to get more confused than before.
"Ah, okay.."

She laughed a bit sheepishly.
...ΨKenji laughed lightly and spokeΨ...

“ I suck at analogies~
Euphoria is bigger in scale, but is smaller in terms of habited zones. You'll usually find a lot of crops in Euphoria, where other Sanctums don't live. ”
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Daniel looked over at him as he flew a desperate look on his face before he landed at the school and changed not leting euloria get off but catching her then seting her on her feet. "They took her roman, the Angels took her." He said to him as he looked at him his eyes where a full mix of rage and devastation and worry that he'd never see his child again

Roman raised a brow,slightly confused, "Daniel... Calm down I think you're asking for my assistance. You are a pretty strong guy, why ask for my help?"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Mika sat there at the table full of excitment while mitsu walked over to neo and sat on the counter next to her

*Neo smiled at her as she continued to cook*
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Many things." She said before she continued to walk forward to the court yard

Jack began following her "Hey."
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"What?" Atrio asked as she walked not slowing down for him

Jack grabbed her shoulder once more this time turning her around a look of concern in his eyes "Talk to me."
Roman said:
Roman raised a brow,slightly confused, "Daniel... Calm down I think you're asking for my assistance. You are a pretty strong guy, why ask for my help?"
"My child riman. The Angels took my child and I don't know where the hell hey went." He said desperately as he looked at him. "Th-they came barging into our house and took her saying that a being like her shouldn't be allowed to live." He said to him
TheDragoon said:
Mari looked up at her father with big eyes. "Daddy... What was mommy like...?" She asked him. "Was she a very nice person...?"
Han smiled warmly, looking down at Mari as they walked, "Your mother was indeed a nice woman. She was nice, beautiful, caring. No one is perfect, but she was perfect for me... Maybe you'd like to hear a few stories, hm?"
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