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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Order sighed as well as he slipped out of his bed and began his search for Akira. "I must ask for your aid... Master..." He said slowly to himself.
@Fukushima Akira
...♅Akira's form slowly changed to one of his other forms. His white hair turned a dark blonde colour, and his irises remained red. He vanished from his position and reappeared within his bedroom,soon entering a shower. Half an hour later, he exited in a white yukata. He wondered over to the windowsill and sat down, soon picking up what seemed to be a long, plastic toy and staring at it. He spoke quietly to himself♅...

“ I wonder what everyone is doing right now.. ”



Lumina said:
So Akira was right about Kenji's favorite color. Well, that was good to hear, at least. It's not like she knew what is favorite color was, so that was a fortunate coincidence. She smiled at her boyfriend, her wings fluttering happily. It made her heart swell with joy to see him so happy.
"I'm really glad!"

Seeing him like this put her at ease, like there was no way she had been nervous at all.
...ΨKenji smiled and hugged the stuffed animal, soon kissing Lumina's cheek as he spokeΨ...

“ I'm gonna treasure this~ ”
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]"Ah, but that just leads to weakness in both of you, internal and external struggle is what lead to both me and Ayen being strong, turmoil is the only way to power!" he said as it smiled evilly.

"Do I look like a thing that cares?" it asks before running a hand through rins hair. "Y'know I could just end her life right here and right now..." It says softly as it rubs her cheek. "Oh the things I could do to her" he smirks pervertedly before turning its self into an actual person. "Oh the things I can make sweet Rin do" he says grinning
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"I'll just take a soda thank you." Jasper said to the waiter

"Not even food?" the waiter blinked
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira's form slowly changed to one of his other forms. His white hair turned a dark blonde colour, and his irises remained red. He vanished from his position and reappeared within his bedroom,soon entering a shower. Half an hour later, he exited in a white yukata. He wondered over to the windowsill and sat down, soon picking up what seemed to be a long, plastic toy and staring at it. He spoke quietly to himself♅...

“ I wonder what everyone is doing right now.. ”



...ΨKenji smiled and hugged the stuffed animal, soon kissing Lumina's cheek as he spokeΨ...

“ I'm gonna treasure this~ ”

Lumina was simply smiling at him, but her expression changed to a mixture of slight surprise / embarassment when Kenji kissed her cheek. She felt her cheeks burn, but the expression changed back into her happy one almost immediately. No matter how much she probably wouldn't get used to being kissed by him, it made her happy.

"So... since we're out of the house... should we do something? It is a nice day..."

She extended her wings, letting them bask in the sunlight. It always felt good to do that, like it was a recharge of energy.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"No thanks." Jasper said to the waiter before glancing at raben then back at the waiter

"Okay then..." she says before turning away. "It will be out in just a minute" she says

"Not hungry?" raven asks
[QUOTE="Kazu Kun]
"H-huh? Woah?!"
Isaac looked over to Neko. Right then and there, he saw her jump at him. He felt Neko embrace him and Isaac stepped back. He slipped backwards and fell on his back. He was extremely surprised of her reaction. Isaac laughed a bit and smiled.

"N-no problem Neko..."

...☾Neko continued to nuzzle his chest happily before lifting her head up and smiling at Isaac as she spoke. She soon leaned upwards a little and gave his cheek a light kiss before Neko got off of him, picking up the toys she had dropped and her newly won dog☽...

"You're the greatest! Thank you so much for winning the toy for me."
Lumina said:
Lumina was simply smiling at him, but her expression changed to a mixture of slight surprise / embarassment when Kenji kissed her cheek. She felt her cheeks burn, but the expression changed back into her happy one almost immediately. No matter how much she probably wouldn't get used to being kissed by him, it made her happy.
"So... since we're out of the house... should we do something? It is a nice day..."

She extended her wings, letting them bask in the sunlight. It always felt good to do that, like it was a recharge of energy.
...ΨKenji smiled as he looked up at the sky, soon replying as his head lowered and faced LuminaΨ...

“ Yeah, sure~ How about a picnic?~ ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji smiled as he looked up at the sky, soon replying as his head lowered and faced LuminaΨ...
“ Yeah, sure~ How about a picnic?~ ”

Lumina stretched out her wings for another moment before retracting them a bit toward herself. She nodded, her stomach already growling at the thought. Sure she had the donut earlier in the day (her blush threatened to darken again if she thought too much about it) but that wasn't really much food. She had worked up an appetite by now, and she could feel the small spot of hunger already starting to form in her stomach.

"Yeah, that sounds lovely. Do you know any good picnic spots?"
...♅Akira suddenly looked up, staring at the yard before him. He spoke♅...

“ What's this weird feeling? And why has Asuka's signature weakened..? ”


...♅Akira slowly walked forward as he appeared in the hallway, glaring at the male who was holding the book. He saw some of Asuka's belonging on the ground, but not Asuka herself. With an audible, low growl, Akira spoke as he opened his eyes, revealing blood red irises. The aura he was releasing wasn't his usual aura, nor was it an angry one. Time seemed to slow down around them, revealing a dark, bloodthirsty killer intent♅...

Oi, where'd you put my wife, Human..? I'm only going to ask once.





Lumina said:
Lumina stretched out her wings for another moment before retracting them a bit toward herself. She nodded, her stomach already growling at the thought. Sure she had the donut earlier in the day (her blush threatened to darken again if she thought too much about it) but that wasn't really much food. She had worked up an appetite by now, and she could feel the small spot of hunger already starting to form in her stomach.
"Yeah, that sounds lovely. Do you know any good picnic spots?"
...ΨKenji thought for a moment before replying, his red irises shifting towards a not-so-far parkΨ...

“ I think the park should be fine~ ”
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...ΨKenji thought for a moment before replying, his red irises shifting towards a not-so-far parkΨ...

“ I think the park should be fine~ ”
Lumina looked at Kenji, following his eyes as they shifted in some random direction. Her head turned in that direction, listening to him talk, and as she turned her head back to face him she nodded, taking a step toward him.

"Sounds great!"

Lumina moved her hand, lightly slipping her hand into his. Her cheeks tinted more red from the embrace, but she smiled up at him anyways. She was learning to be a little bit more bold, at least that's what she thought.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Yes yes yes!!!" Mika yelled as she charged in from the living room


*She said before she giggled a bit*
...?Kyosuke turned and began to walk away as Ikumi picked up a now passed out Asuka and walked behind him. Kyo soon spoke as he looked back at his henchman?...

"Make sure she stays like that. We don't want her waking up."

"Y-Yes sir!"

...??A female voice sounded in front of them and she didn't sound very happy. Celia stood at the top of the stairs, her hand on her hips. She was wearing a dress and a sweater that hung loosely on her arms, her hair also done up to look nice and neat. It looked as though she had come back from a party of sorts. Celia took a few steps closer and spoke, though she was still pretty far away from Kyo and Ikumi. She immediately recognized the orange hair and the school uniform, though what really stood out to Celia was her chest that was just.. kind of hanging there. What did you expect from her though? Celia is a Succubus after all??...

"What do you suppose you're doing with my best friend?"

...?Kyosuke looked forward and smiled, soon speaking?...

"Just a little experiment, that's all. After its all over, we'll give her back~"

...??Celia sighed and shook her head before smiling as she spoke, soon getting into her fighting stance. She launched herself at immense speed towards Ikumi, her foot connecting with his stomach and knocking the air out of him before Celia touched the ground and brought her foot up, swinging it down on Ikumi's head and sending him to the ground. It created a medium sized crater, the kick that he got almost threatening to send him through multiple floors??...

"I can't let you do that. I'll be taking her back now, if you don't mind."


...?Ikumi crashed to the floor, blood oozing out of his head from where he was kicked. Asuka laid in the crater with her, her arms and legs a little scratched up. Celia cursed, she should have been careful but all that went through her mind was taking down the stupid henchman. She picked Asuka up and set her against the wall, making sure she was alright for now. Her body wasn't healing itself like it usually did, so something was wrong?...

...?Kyosuke shook his head at Ikumi, feeling slightly ashamed that he had a minion like him. Sure, he could be useful sometimes, but when it came to fighting he was mostly useless?...

"He's more trouble then he's worth. Ah, oh well. Excuse me miss, but might I ask what the problem is?"

...??Celia's form had changed and she was stretching as she spoke, her eyes closed??...

"Yeah, you trying to steal Asuka. You'll have to pay for that. You're lucky it's me and not her husband, or else things would have gotten pretty messy."


...?Kyosuke knew exactly who she was talking about and simply laughed, finding her comment funny. Did she really think she could do something to him??...

"You believe you can put a scratch on me? How preposterous!"

...??Celia opened one eye and gazed at him as she spoke??...

"Are you saying that because I'm a girl?"


"... Sexist..."

...?Kyosuke shrugged, a smile still evident as he took a step closer?...

"Women are progressively weaker then men, it's a fact."

"Fact my ass..."

...??Suddenly, a double ended staff spun towards Kyosuke, though Celia hadn't made any type of move. It was as if it had a mind of its own. The blade's end grazed Kyo's cheek, cutting it a little and blood coming out. Celia caught it and swung the staff down once it reached her, giving Kyo a blank stare??...


...?Kyo touched his cheek lightly before withdrawing his hand to look at the blood on his finger tips, chuckling light as he spoke. He didn't make any type of move to fight back, as if he didn't want to waste any type of energy?...

"You got me good~ For a girl that is."

...??Celia's face remained neutral as an unknown force began pulling him towards her, though Kyosuke didn't look scared. That same smile was on his face as she spun her staff around, another appearing in her hand so she was spinning two. Once Kyo was close enough, she man a stab at his chest, only to have him vanish from sight and reappear a few feet away??...


...?Kyo laughed and clapped his hands together as he spoke, soon vanishing again and reappearing in the air?...

"Wonderful! Excellent show!"

"You're a real dick, you know that?"

"Tell me something I don't know, dear."

...??Celia growled as she saw him vanish, thinking that he was nothing but a coward if he wasn't going to fight her head on. Or maybe he didn't see her as a real threat, but she was about the change that. Running towards the edge of the building, Celia jumped off the ledge and cut through a barrier he had made around himself before going for Kyo, aiming straight for his throat. Seconds before piercing through his flesh, Celia was suddenly knocked down to the ground and a crater was made where she laid??...

"Stop running like a coward!"


...?Kyo laughed again as Celia groaned, trying to get up only to be pushed to the ground again by a large force. No one was behind her, so it seemed to be Kyo who was controlling the gravity around her?...

"How... troublesome. All that effort and where does it get you? No where!"

"Shut... up..."

"Sorry dear, but I can't. Good night Celia~"

"W-What are-"

...??Just as the force was lifted around her and Celia could stand up, gazing at Kyosuke, she felt a prick in the back of her neck before nothing but darkness could be seen??...


(( This all happened before Akira decided to show up
xD ))


...ΨKenji thought for a moment before replying, his red irises shifting towards a not-so-far parkΨ...

“ I think the park should be fine~ ”
...☄Kyosuke closed the book the was in his palm and looked at Akira for a moment before a sly smirk graced his lips as he turned and walked away, talking as he did. He didn't seem to be affected my time slowly down and moved at his normal pace. Though he hadn't expected this, it did amuse Kyo greatly...

"She's on vacation. She promised to be back later."

WeirdPrincess said:
...?Kyosuke turned and began to walk away as Ikumi picked up a now passed out Asuka and walked behind him. Kyo soon spoke as he looked back at his henchman?...
"Make sure she stays like that. We don't want her waking up."

"Y-Yes sir!"

...??A female voice sounded in front of them and she didn't sound very happy. Celia stood at the top of the stairs, her hand on her hips. She was wearing a dress and a sweater that hung loosely on her arms, her hair also done up to look nice and neat. It looked as though she had come back from a party of sorts. Celia took a few steps closer and spoke, though she was still pretty far away from Kyo and Ikumi. She immediately recognized the orange hair and the school uniform, though what really stood out to Celia was her chest that was just.. kind of hanging there. What did you expect from her though? Celia is a Succubus after all??...

"What do you suppose you're doing with my best friend?"

...?Kyosuke looked forward and smiled, soon speaking?...

"Just a little experiment, that's all. After its all over, we'll give her back~"

...??Celia sighed and shook her head before smiling as she spoke, soon getting into her fighting stance. She launched herself at immense speed towards Ikumi, her foot connecting with his stomach and knocking the air out of him before Celia touched the ground and brought her foot up, swinging it down on Ikumi's head and sending him to the ground. It created a medium sized crater, the kick that he got almost threatening to send him through multiple floors??...

"I can't let you do that. I'll be taking her back now, if you don't mind."


...?Ikumi crashed to the floor, blood oozing out of his head from where he was kicked. Asuka laid in the crater with her, her arms and legs a little scratched up. Celia cursed, she should have been careful but all that went through her mind was taking down the stupid henchman. She picked Asuka up and set her against the wall, making sure she was alright for now. Her body wasn't healing itself like it usually did, so something was wrong?...

...?Kyosuke shook his head at Ikumi, feeling slightly ashamed that he had a minion like him. Sure, he could be useful sometimes, but when it came to fighting he was mostly useless?...

"He's more trouble then he's worth. Ah, oh well. Excuse me miss, but might I ask what the problem is?"

...??Celia's form had changed and she was stretching as she spoke, her eyes closed??...

"Yeah, you trying to steal Asuka. You'll have to pay for that. You're lucky it's me and not her husband, or else things would have gotten pretty messy."


...?Kyosuke knew exactly who she was talking about and simply laughed, finding her comment funny. Did she really think she could do something to him??...

"You believe you can put a scratch on me? How preposterous!"

...??Celia opened one eye and gazed at him as she spoke??...

"Are you saying that because I'm a girl?"


"... Sexist..."

...?Kyosuke shrugged, a smile still evident as he took a step closer?...

"Women are progressively weaker then men, it's a fact."

"Fact my ass..."

...??Suddenly, a double ended staff spun towards Kyosuke, though Celia hadn't made any type of move. It was as if it had a mind of its own. The blade's end grazed Kyo's cheek, cutting it a little and blood coming out. Celia caught it and swung the staff down once it reached her, giving Kyo a blank stare??...


...?Kyo touched his cheek lightly before withdrawing his hand to look at the blood on his finger tips, chuckling light as he spoke. He didn't make any type of move to fight back, as if he didn't want to waste any type of energy?...

"You got me good~ For a girl that is."

...??Celia's face remained neutral as an unknown force began pulling him towards her, though Kyosuke didn't look scared. That same smile was on his face as she spun her staff around, another appearing in her hand so she was spinning two. Once Kyo was close enough, she man a stab at his chest, only to have him vanish from sight and reappear a few feet away??...


...?Kyo laughed and clapped his hands together as he spoke, soon vanishing again and reappearing in the air?...

"Wonderful! Excellent show!"

"You're a real dick, you know that?"

"Tell me something I don't know, dear."

...??Celia growled as she saw him vanish, thinking that he was nothing but a coward if he wasn't going to fight her head on. Or maybe he didn't see her as a real threat, but she was about the change that. Running towards the edge of the building, Celia jumped off the ledge and cut through a barrier he had made around himself before going for Kyo, aiming straight for his throat. Seconds before piercing through his flesh, Celia was suddenly knocked down to the ground and a crater was made where she laid??...

"Stop running like a coward!"


...?Kyo laughed again as Celia groaned, trying to get up only to be pushed to the ground again by a large force. No one was behind her, so it seemed to be Kyo who was controlling the gravity around her?...

"How... troublesome. All that effort and where does it get you? No where!"

"Shut... up..."

"Sorry dear, but I can't. Good night Celia~"

"W-What are-"

...??Just as the force was lifted around her and Celia could stand up, gazing at Kyosuke, she felt a prick in the back of her neck before nothing but darkness could be seen??...


(( This all happened before Akira decided to show up
xD ))
*Zenya sensed Celia's sudden status from the DNA tracker she obtained earlier when she first met Celia before she started to search for her at the exact area. She spoke something before she began to fly*


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c53d76716_ClosersSeulbiLeeFlyLand.gif.d70c759e636318744911141cfc7af1df.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c53d76716_ClosersSeulbiLeeFlyLand.gif.d70c759e636318744911141cfc7af1df.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Closers Seulbi Lee Fly Land.gif
    Closers Seulbi Lee Fly Land.gif
    2 MB · Views: 16
WeirdPrincess said:
...☄Kyosuke closed the book the was in his palm and looked at Akira for a moment before a sly smirk graced his lips as he turned and walked away, talking as he did. He didn't seem to be affected my time slowly down and moved at his normal pace. Though he hadn't expected this, it did amuse Kyo greatly...
"She's on vacation. She promised to be back later."

...♅Akira continued to walk forward until he stopped on the small piece of wall, looking down at the Humans walking below. He had allowed the male to talk and walk freely within his time and spacial distortion. He spoke as the Humans below suddenly burst into black flames, a small smirk appearing on his face as he observed them. Men, women and children danced around in fire as they attempted to sedate the flames, however it was no use, of their screams slowly began dying down to mere groans, and then, silence♅...

“ I was hoping you were going to say something, because now.. ”


...♅Akira looked at the male and released a small smile, his irises seeming to glow with pure blood lust. He spoke, his voice shifting from anger to sheer joy♅...

“ It's gonna feel even better when I'm gutting you.. ”

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Lumina said:
Lumina looked at Kenji, following his eyes as they shifted in some random direction. Her head turned in that direction, listening to him talk, and as she turned her head back to face him she nodded, taking a step toward him.
"Sounds great!"

Lumina moved her hand, lightly slipping her hand into his. Her cheeks tinted more red from the embrace, but she smiled up at him anyways. She was learning to be a little bit more bold, at least that's what she thought.
...ΨKenji's hand held Lumina's as he then began walking forward, towards their destination. He spoke to Lumina as he did soΨ...

“ Let's go!~ ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira continued to walk forward until he stopped on the small piece of wall, looking down at the Humans walking below. He had allowed the male to talk and walk freely within his time and spacial distortion. He spoke as the Humans below suddenly burst into black flames, a small smirk appearing on his face as he observed them. Men, women and children danced around in fire as they attempted to sedate the flames, however it was no use, of their screams slowly began dying down to mere groans, and then, silence♅...
“ I was hoping you were going to say something, because now.. ”


...♅Akira looked at the male and released a small smile, his irises seeming to glow with pure blood lust. He spoke, his voice shifting from anger to sheer joy♅...

“ It's gonna feel even better when I'm gutting you.. ”


...☄Kyosuke's eyes widened a bit in surprise from the smell of burning flesh and the shrieks of pain from the mortals below. Killing humans where things he did enjoy from time to time, though not much today because he had somewhere to get back to. Kyosuke now frowned as he turned his head and looked back at Akira, having stopped walking now☄...

"Oh really? How... lovely. You wouldn't mind gutting me later? I do have business to attend to."

HimeragiSeiker said:
*Nanase was at the school as she stretched a little as her job was done. She wondered if she could meet Kioko's parents to know about this...'2 of her' thing*
...✿Kioko still seemed to be there, doing other work that she had in different classes. Though she wondered why she had split into two of herself when she met Camilla, Kioko never bothered to tell either of her parents about the matter, so they didn't know either✿...
WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko still seemed to be there, doing other work that she had in different classes. Though she wondered why she had split into two of herself when she met Camilla, Kioko never bothered to tell either of her parents about the matter, so they didn't know either✿...
*Nanase soon saw a gang that was fighting a girl on campus. She decided to join in and beat up the gang. The girl managed to escape but Nanase was soon ambushed by the rest of their gang*
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji's hand held Lumina's as he then began walking forward, towards their destination. He spoke to Lumina as he did soΨ...
“ Let's go!~ ”

Lumina grinned as she walked next to him, keeping up with his pace. For the most part she simply stayed silent, content with walking with Kenji. Just feeling his hand in hers was enough to make her happy for now. It was a lovely day out as well, and her body was absolutely loving the sunshine. Days like these literally gave her energy, and rainy days made her feel physically sick. With how things were going, it was like nothing could go wrong.

"What kind of food are we gonna have?"
*Levya woke up the next morning with a massive headache. She found Vanille next to her in bed sleeping. Levya couldnt remember anything other than lots of drinks. Though she wondered what happen while she was passed out*

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HimeragiSeiker said:
*Levya woke up the next morning with a massive headache. She found Vanille next to her in bed sleeping. Levya couldnt remember anything other than lots of drinks. Though she wondered what happen while she was passed out*
((nice segway, I like it xD ))

Vanille was still sleeping, as she was a heavy sleeper. She rolled over toward Levya, draping her arm over her abdomen in the process. Her body snuggled up against Levya's, getting comfortable once again. She half smiled before settling down once again.

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